Spring secutiry custom authentication manager vs custom provider vs custom UserDetailsService - authentication

I've been knocking my head up against this problem for a few days now and after seeing dozens of examples all over the web I'm no closer to a solution.
I need to to various types of login, eventually. For right now I'd settle for one. I would like to login using fields other than username and password. Let's say I want to use name, last name and birthdate.
I thought the easiest way to go was to just implement my own UserDetailsService and plug it into my provider. But UserDetailsService only has one method, loadByUsername, which doesn't seem to be the most intuitive way to load my user.
So then I thought it would be better to implement my own AuthenticationProvider ... or simply extend DaoAuthenticationProvider, and override the authenticate() method. But that method takes an Authentication as a parameter ... can I used a POJO, with only name, last name and birthdate fields, as an Authentication object?
Ditto for Authentication Manager. In fact, in the api for AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider (where the authenticate() method lives) it says that it "Performs authentication with the same contract as AuthenticationManager.authenticate(Authentication)"
But people seem to implement Providers more than Managers. oddly enough, most examples of "custom" Providers and UserDetailsServices ... all implement authentication with username and password, which is was Spring Security does by default anyway!
Can anyone shed some light on this subject? As I said, there are tons of examples but they are all very similar and none that I can find use an Authentication Object that isn't username/password.
Bonus points if someone could also tell me the best way to go about having more than one Provider/Manager -- for example, one like the one described above, and another that authenticates using name and social security number, for example -- and to use one or the other (not both, and not the second one if the first one fails!) depending on a parameter pass from the url, for example.

I'm not sure if you had already solved this challenge. But, it seems that I have a similar case with you. My login page requires additional field 'organisation' aside from 'username' and 'password'. Here is what I did:
I've used custom AuthenticationManager and custom UsernameAndPasswordAuthenticationFilter.
The custom filter is for retrieving the additional field from HttpServletRequest. I added the field to the session and retrieved it inside custom AuthenticationManager.
Performed authentication with the three fields using another bean/service.


How to use AuthenticationSchemeOptions.Events or AuthenticationSchemeOptionsEventsType?

Ok, so as per usual, MSDN is now an automatically generated blob of useless documents, so maybe the developers lurk around here and can explain this to me.
I created a custom Authentication scheme based off of the AuthenticationHandler<TOptions> base class. I have two questions regarding this:
How do I define the type to use in AuthenticationSchemeOptions.EventsType in order to consume authentication-related events?
If the loggerFactory object a required object? Can't I just pass null to it? I want to control my output. I guess I could test this one myself. If you want to answer, go ahead, otherwise I'll test it at some point.
But what I have no clue whatsoever is for question 1. I see the class JwtBearerEvents as a sample, but I have no idea if I should be creating one exactly like that, or in general, how does this event system works at all???? I am utterly confused.
Thank you.
P. S.: I don't think it is important, but just so you know, the custom authentication handler basically validates a JWT created by a federated API server whose signing keys can be queried to verify signature. So basically it is a handler that makes a web request (then caches the keys) and uses those keys to validate the token and extract the claim data of interest, finally creating a ClaimsPrincipal user out of said claims.

Grails 3 and Spring Security - authenticate user in filter

I'm developing a Grails 3 web-app powered with Spring Security plugin, which already makes large use of #Secured annotations to protect controllers and actions according to the privileges of single logged-in users.
The login is currently managed via the usual username/password pair.
Now a new requirement came up, involving a custom request header, having as value a sort of 'authorization token':
this token identifies a group of users (let's call it team)
if this token is recognized as valid, matching against DB, then the whole application should behave as a predefined user (let's call it John, part of the team) was logged-in. In this sense it should act as a pre-authentication. This user will have his own roles, so the application will respond accordingly, as if John would had logged in with his own username/password.
if the token is not recognized, 401 status must be returned.
if the token is not passed, the application must have its current behavior, to the token management should be considered optional must not impact the current implementation at all.
I considered defining a custom filter (I also took a look at this post, which however has different requirements), but I cannot even determine:
the feasibility of this task
whether or not filters are the best approach (but I guess so as Interceptors are triggered too late, and I need some additional logic to be evaluated before Spring Security comes into play)
possibly, the best filter to extend
So any suggestion is welcome! Thanks in advance
Not an expert on this, but I would implement a custom UserDetailsService and set the authorities based on the token condition. You might also be able to do it in an AuthenticationSuccessListener.

Ignore or not API endpoint parameters based on access level

I am working on an API endpoint that returns a list of products:
The endpoint accepts the following parameters:
Each product has a boolean property named IsApproved.
In the web application used by common users I always want to return only the Approved products ... On the web ADMIN application used by administrators I want to return all products, Approved or Not ...
My idea would be to add a new parameter (enumeration) named:
And the values would be Approved, NotApproved and All.
On each API call I would check the user permissions ... If is admin I will consider the value on this parameter. If not then I will always return only approved products.
Another solution would be to have different endpoints ...
Any advice on which approach to take or is there other options?
The approval status is part of the product, therefore, in a perfect REST world, you don't want a different endpoint at all since you're accessing the same resource.
Then, for filtering a resource based on a property value, I think the convention is that if you specify that property as a query parameter it will only return those matching the value, and if not, it will return all of them, so I don't see the need to define a special ApprovedStatus parameter with some special values. Just query by isApproved!
Finally, about how to handle authorization. This, I think, should be handled at a completely separate layer**. If authorization is involved, you should have an explicit authorization layer that decides, for a specific resource and user, wether access is granted or not. This means the query would be triggered and if one of the resources generated by the query fails to be authorized for the user that triggered the query, it's taken out of the results. This accomplishes the behaviour you want without having any code that is checking specific users against specific query parameters, which is good because if tomorrow you have another endpoint that exposes this objects you won't have to implement the same authorization policy twice. Pundit is a perfect example on how to do this with Ruby elegantly.
**Of course, this approach retrieves data from the database unnecessarily which could matter to you, and also opens your endpoint up to timing attacks. Even then, I would consider tackling these problems premature optimizations and should be ignored unless you have a very good reason.
You're right about your ideas:
You can create a new endpoint just for admins, that will return all products
You can use a kind of authorization (e.g. Authorization Header) in order to check if the API is being called through admin or normal user. Then you can route internally to get all products or just IsApproved products.
You can add a proxy in front of your API to route to the right action, but it can also be achieved directly in the API but I think the second solution is easier.
Adding one more property is a bad idea.
In my opinion, adding another end point is very good. Because it will increase the protection in the admin end point.
Otherwise, since it is a web application, Simply set a cookie and a session to identify and separate the admin and user.
Going with the principle of least astonishment, I'd be in favour of adding a second endpoint for admin users. Such that you'll have:
GET /api/products (for regular users)
GET /api/admin/products (for admins)
This allows your code and API documentation to be nicely separated, and all of the admin-specific authentication details can live under the "admin" namespace.
The intention behind each API call is also clearer this way, which helps developers; and means that you can differentiate between admin vs regular usage in any usage stats that you track.
With ApprovedStatus, I think the specifics here don't matter much, but - considering what a developer using the API might reasonably expect / assume - it would be good to:
Ensure the ApprovalStatus parameter name matches the property name for "approval" that you return with each product object
Defaults to "approved" if it is not specified
Alert the user when an invalid value is specified, or one that they don't have access to
Bottom line: to answer your headline question - I think it's bad practice to ignore user input... sometimes. Design your API such that distinctions around when input can be passed in is very clear; and always alert the user if you receive input values that are technically acceptable, but not in the way that the user has requested, or for their access level. Ignoring values that are plain wrong (e.g. an argument that doesn't exist) is another story, and can be useful for future proofing or backwards compatibility.

How to access the SignalR Hub arguments from [Authorize()]?

I'm making a signalr hub for a chat app (it's not really, but lets pretend it is).
I have my authorization set up so that user can be invited to a room by the creator of the room. So there's a table that stores who owns what, and who has been granted access.
This is good. Next steps were to add claims so that I didn't have to check who had access to what on every request. I check once when a user tries to join the chat room, add their claims, and send them to the page that starts the signalr connection.
Now I want to use the [authorize] decorator on my hubs, instead of throwing boilerplate
user.Claims.Any(x=> x.ClaimType == $"CanJoinRoom_{RoomId}");
I've read up on how to make custom policy based authorization here:
I have every piece I need except one: the actual arguments that specifies the room id. I have been able to hack something from
but this seems a bit ugly, and to make it work I have to serialize this json
Which seems really hacky. I'd much prefer to pass the RoomId as a parameter.
It is just one line down but seems a world away. Is there an elegant way to do this?
If you want to authorize invoking a given method you can put the AuthorizeAttribute on the hub method. You may also find this post on hub authorization and authentication helpful.
This is impossible because attributes are computed at compile time and therefore cannot have variables. Thanks to Pawel for pointing that out.

Danamic Claims in IdentityServer

I'm looking at the AspNetIdentity_2fa sample and trying to modify it to include some dynamic claims for users. Let's name it calculated_value claim which is created dynamically when a user is authenticated, and then is included in the user's claims list and passed with the the authentication token. I know I could create a separate Web API to get this value but since it is small data and that it is needed as soon as a user is authenticated, I thought I'd just pass it as claim. In the samples I see that claims always coming from static or hard-coded data. How can I create dynamic/late-bound claims?
Some time ago I spent some time on trying to integrate Identity Server v3 with Active Directory. I wanted to authenticate users via AD and to read "claims" from AD. To do so I provided a custom implementation of IUserService. It was more or less based on in memory implementation of these interface i.e. InMemoryUserService.
When your custom implementation is ready you have to register it. However, AspNetIdentity_2fa sample project already registers a custom implementation of IUserService i.e. UserService (just search a project for this class). It is derived from AspNetIdentityUserService which implements IUserService.
So, instead of providing completely new implementation try to modify it. I think that you should look at AuthenticateLocalAsync, AuthenticateExternalAsync and GetProfileDataAsync methods (see InMemoryUserService for reference) and override them. First 2 are used to authenticate users and the last one to read requested claims for users.