How to use windows phone toolkit in windows phone 8.1 universal app - xaml

I have added windows phone toolkit using nuget package in windows 8.1 universal app project. it is added successfully, but I can't see reference assemblies in the project and neither i can add reference in page xaml to use toolkit controls. How can use windows toolkit in universal windows phone 8.1 app?

The Windows Phone Toolkit is currently (26th of April, 2014) only supporting Silverlight 8.0 / 8.1 applications.
If you wish to re-use components, you would need to download the source from CodePlex and port the individual components to a Windows Runtime library project. However, this might require a (very) large portion of work.


Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 xaml designer not showing for UWP

Where disappeared XAML designer for Universal Windows app in Visual Studio 2015 Update1?
It is working for wpf and window 8.1 apps and XAML designer is enabled in Tools->Option->XAML Designer
Change the Target Version to (10.0; Bulid 10240)
See the notification asking to update Windows -
I was having the same problem. Updated windows from windows update as instructed by the VS2015 notification and now it is fixed.
I assume that you are using VS2015 on an operating system prior to Windows 10. According to a post on Microsoft Connect, this behaviour is by design. When you're using VS2015 on Windows 8.1, there is no support for design view, you have to upgrade to Windows 10 instead:
"If you are developing Windows 10 applications, this is by design since the designer requires Windows 10 in-order to show the design surface for UWP applications since we run application code. In Windows 8.1 and Windows 7, you will only get intelliSense. If you want full support for the design tools, you need to develop the application on Windows 10."

Develop Windows 8.0/8.1 app from already existing IBM Worklight Project

I need to create a Windows Phone 8.0 as well as Windows Phone 8.1 app from already developed IBM Worklight(6.1) Project. Is there any document that elucidates end to end solution to do that? Also could you please elucidate tools/plugins required?
To your existing MFP/Worklight project, you can add the Windows Phone environment. This will generate the Visual Studio project for Windows Phone. The same app can be run on Windows Phone 8.0 and 8.1.
The following getting started modules give you an overview of whats needed to develop a Windows Phone app.

App for Windows 8 pro

I need to create an application that runs on windows 8 pro.
When building my application with phonegap I get a resulting .xap file for Windows8 phone.
This can't be executed so I assume I need a .exe.
I also read about .appx files.
Can anyone clearify the difference between all the extensions and what my options are for a windows 8 PRO - application. Is it possible to use phonegap or is this only for windows phone?
Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 are different platforms with some common roots. XAP is the deployment vehicle for phone, and .appx is for Windows 8.
Since PhoneGap is just a JavaScript library, it can be used with Windows 8 applications, but you'll need to incorporate it into a Windows 8 HTML5/JavaScript application. Here's a blog post that should get you on your way:

Will the application built by visual studio 2012 be Metro style by default?

I am planning to build up an application which can run on both windows 7 & 8. And also I want it to be Metro (Modern UI) style. My question, if I build an application using visual studio 2012, will it be Metro style by default.
Metro style is for windows 8 only. If you want to create an app to run on both win8 and win7, you have to create a normal windows desktop application. Also bear in mind that such an app will not work on the cheaper (WinRT versions) of the surface tablets
Windows 8 APP can be more specifically called as the apps that can be installed and used from windows app store only. The are metrois by nature. But if you dive into the project for such kind of app you will observe the Metro style is just a theme applied as CSS or Theme.xaml in WPF and Silverlight.
You can create a libraries that can be used to target multiple platform. Also there are few Metro style themes available for .NET 4.0 and 4.5 application which are intended to run on Windows 7 to keep the UI layout consistent.

developer platform for Windows RT

Can you make me clear which delevoper platform I can use for delevop Apps for Windows RT (not full Windows 8!). Are some projects templates in Visual Studio which are allowed me to use only WinRt without .NEt during my development on c# and xaml.
The Visual C#/VB/C++/JS|Windows Store app templates (Blank App, Grid App, Split App) are for apps that will run on Windows RT and any other Windows 8. You can use .NET on Windows RT, but if you don't want to - you can also use C++ or JavaScript. Note that Windows RT is the SKU of Windows that runs on ARM tablets, while WinRT or Windows Runtime is the new generation development platform for Windows. Also note, that while most parts of Windows Runtime can be used only by Windows Store apps, some can be used by both Windows Store and Desktop apps, some can only be used by desktop apps and I think some parts of the old WinAPI/Win32 might be accessible to Windows Store apps too. MSDN documentation states which APIs apply to which types of applications.
You can use Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows 8.0.
More info on msdn.
The project templates are available under Windows Store category under Visual C# in New Project in Visual Studio.