Flash Animation Action Script 2.0 - actionscript-2

I am facing issue regarding Flash animation,
I am new to action scripting.
on (rollOver){
Once mouse over,start animation and complete its loop and stop.
and mouse over should be disable while it complete its loop (300 frames),
if then mouse over happen it should be started again from frame 2.
There are one movie clip and movie clip imported into one scene.
I am using action script 2.0

if(_currentframe < 1 && _currentframe > 300){
As long as the current frame is LESS than 1, meaning if it's 0, and at the same time, if the current frame is GREATER than 300, only then should it gotoAndPlay(2);. This is assuming that your last frame of animation is at 301 -- if it's NOT, and is rather on 300, then change _currentframe > 300 to _currentframe > 299


Haxe: Handling horizontal scroll events

I recently started using Haxe, so pardon me if my question has an obvious answer or if my description of the problem is a little sloppy, but I'm going to try my best to explain it.
I'm working on a laptop that has a multitouch-supported track pad, and a normal optical mouse with only a vertical scroll wheel (no horizontal clicking available on there). I'm looking for a way to handle horizontal scroll input / events. OpenFL's mouse events support vertical scrolling well enough. Both the mouse scrolling and the two-finger track pad scrolling work fine for the vertical axis. It looks like the same event is generated when either of those input methods are used, which is understandable. But I can't seem to find an event that would be generated when a horizontal scroll is performed. The track pad allows for horizontal scrolling, since web browsers respond to the command, but I can't find any way to make my program respond to this input. Lime's "onMouseWheel" function doesn't respond to the input either. Do you guys have any suggestions for capturing this kind of input for an app targeted for Windows?
Thanks in advance
UPDATE: What I'm looking for here is not a question of how to scroll the screen horizontally, but how to recognize the horizontal scroll event coming from hardware, for example two fingers on the track pad or a sideways click of the middle mouse wheel. Lime's onMouseWheel has two params, deltaX and deltaY, but no events are triggered that give back a non-zero deltaX value. Vertical scrolling fires an event that returns deltaX = 0 and deltaY = +/- 1, but horizontal scrolling doesn't even trigger an event.
This can be done in several ways. The first is to add an event handler to mouse wheel for the object instance that you want to attach the event handler to, so MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL and use the delta variable to determine the scroll direction. What you may also need to do is handle a key down event which enables horizontal scrolling instead of vertical.
Some example code:
mySprite.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onScroll);
mySprite.addEventHandler(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);
mySprite.addEventHandler(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp);
private var horizontal:Bool;
private function onScroll(e:MouseEvent):Void
if (e.delta > 0 && horizontal)
else if (e.delta < 0 && horizontal)
private function onKeyDown(e:KeyboardEvent):Void
if (e.keyCode == 18)
horizontal = true;
private function onKeyUp(e:KeyboardEvent):Void
if (e.keyCode == 18)
horizontal = false;
You will need to define the scrollRect in your constructor somewhere to specify the scrolling bounds of the sprite.

How to step one frame forward and one frame backward in video playback?

I need to search for some special features/patterns that might be visible in only one (or two) of many frames. The frame rate can be as slow as 25 frames per second and the video may contain over 7500 frames. I often start by scanning the video at high speed looking for a segment where I might find the feature, then rewind. I repeat this procedure while gradually reducing the playback speed, until I find a fairly small time window in which I can expect to find the feature (if it is present). I would then like to step forward and backward by single frames using key hit events (e.g. right arrow and left arrow keys) to find the feature of interest. I have managed to use HTML5 with JavaScript to control the forward speed; but, still do not know how to use the keyboard for single frame stepping forward and backward through a video. How can this be accomplished? Note, my web browser is Firefox 26 running on a Windows 7 platform.
You can seek to any time in the video by setting the currentTime property. Something like this:
var video = document.getElementById('video'),
frameTime = 1 / 25; //assume 25 fps
window.addEventListener('keypress', function (evt) {
if (video.paused) { //or you can force it to pause here
if (evt.keyCode === 37) { //left arrow
//one frame back
video.currentTime = Math.max(0, video.currentTime - frameTime);
} else if (evt.keyCode === 39) { //right arrow
//one frame forward
//Don't go past the end, otherwise you may get an error
video.currentTime = Math.min(video.duration, video.currentTime + frameTime);
Just a couple things you need to be aware of, though they shouldn't cause you too much trouble:
There is no way to detect the frame rate, so you have to either hard-code it or list it in some lookup table or guess.
Seeking may take a few milliseconds or more and does not happen synchronously. The browser needs some time to load the video from the network (if it's not already loaded) and to decode the frame. If you need to know when seeking is done, you can listen for the 'seeked' event.
You can check to see if the video has advanced to the next frame by checking the
targetTime += (1 / 25) // 25 fps
video.currentTime = targetTime // set the video frame
if (video.currentTime >= video.duration) { // if it's the end of the video
if (video.currentTime == targetTime) { // frame has been updated

UIScrollView contentOffset CoreMotion Bug

I'm having a problem when I try to move the content of a UIScrollView with CoreMotion.
The thing is, I have a background with approximately 5000px, inside a container, which is inside my scrollView (is a landscape app); I already set the self.scrollView.bounces = FALSE;, my value for motion is attitude.pitch * 10.0; and when I move the content inside and it reaches the edge of the pointZero or the self.scrollView.contentSize.width it doesn't respect the bounds and keep moving in a white screen like it has no limit.
So, I set a verification (the code below), but when it reaches the pointZero it was supposed to stop but still give me a little white border. I set a NSLog and I saw that the contentOffset was still going till x =-14, like the bounce was active. The pitch value is controlling that because when the pitch value is zero the content stays at pointZero, when I raise the value of the pitch ir keep going till -14.
I think that is something wrong with my verification, if anyone can help I will be really grateful!!
self.accel = attitude.pitch *10.0;
if (self.gameArea.contentOffset.x <= self.gameArea.frame.origin.x) {
self.gameArea.contentOffset = CGPointZero;
} else {
self.gameArea.contentOffset = CGPointMake(self.gameArea.contentOffset.x + self.accel,0.0);
//"END OF SCREEN"------------------------
if (self.gameArea.contentOffset.x + self.gameArea.frame.size.width >= self.gameArea.contentSize.width) {
self.gameArea.contentOffset = CGPointMake(self.gameArea.contentSize.width - self.gameArea.frame.size.width ,0.0);
} else {
self.gameArea.contentOffset = CGPointMake(self.gameArea.contentOffset.x + self.accel,0.0);

UIScrollView lazy loading of images to reduce memory usage and avoid crash

My app, using scrollview that loads multiple images with NSOperation (Max around 100sh). I tried to test it out on my ipod 2Gen and it crashes due to low memory on device, but works fine on ipod 4th Gen. On 2nd Gen, it crashes when it loads about 15-20 images. How should I handle this problem ?
You could load you images lazily. That means, e.g., just a couple of images at a time in your scroll view, so that you can animate to the next and the previous one; when you move to the right, e.g., you also load one more image; at the same time, you unload images that are not directly accessible anymore (e.g. those that have remained to the left).
You should make the number of preloaded image sufficiently high so that the user can scroll without waiting at any time; this also depends on how big those images are and where they come from (i.e., how long it takes to load them)... a good starting point would be, IMO, 5 images loaded at any time.
Here you will find a nice step by step tutorial.
Since the link above seems to be broken, here is the final code from that post:
-(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)myScrollView {
* calculate the current page that is shown
* you can also use myScrollview.frame.size.height if your image is the exact size of your scrollview
int currentPage = (myScrollView.contentOffset.y / currentImageSize.height);
// display the image and maybe +/-1 for a smoother scrolling
// but be sure to check if the image already exists, you can do this very easily using tags
if ( [myScrollView viewWithTag:(currentPage +1)] ) {
else {
// view is missing, create it and set its tag to currentPage+1
* using your paging numbers as tag, you can also clean the UIScrollView
* from no longer needed views to get your memory back
* remove all image views except -1 and +1 of the currently drawn page
for ( int i = 0; i < currentPages; i++ ) {
if ( (i < (currentPage-1) || i > (currentPage+1)) && [myScrollView viewWithTag:(i+1)] ) {
[[myScrollView viewWithTag:(i+1)] removeFromSuperview];

fast scrolling background

i want a game that scrolls the background in a similar way to a UItableView. I solved it with a timer that moves the background up and brings another copy of the same picture up
if (bg1.center.y <= - self.view.bounds.size.height/2 ) {
bg1.center = CGPointMake(bg1.center.x, 690);
if (bg2.center.y <= - self.view.bounds.size.height/2 ) {
bg2.center = CGPointMake(bg2.center.x, 690);
bg1.center = CGPointMake(bg1.center.x, bg1.center.y - movement);
bg2.center = CGPointMake(bg2.center.x, bg2.center.y - movement);
But the faster i move the pictures the more problems occur: There are appearing gaps between the backgrounds and they are getting biggiger the faster i move them! movement is defined by the speed of swiping over the screen
Any idea to solve that?
You could try using the canvas element