Excel VBA conditional formatting auto-change - vba

Is there anything that would cause the Formula1 parameter of the FormatConditions.Add method to change automatically, or to change from what is hard-coded in an Excel-VBA macro?
If so, where is the documentation for this behavior?
Description of Problem:
When applying the FormatConditions.Add method to a range, the formula does not match what is specified in the code.
My macro code assigns a formula to a variable named ConditionalRangeFormula. After running the macro the actual conditional formatting formula does not match ConditionalRangeFormula, and the row in the formula does not match the row that was specified in the code. See the "Details" section below for more info.
Note 1:
I've noticed that with a range, Excel will automatically "fit" a conditional formatting formula to match the specifics for each cell in a range. For example, in a worksheet with random numbers between 1 and 10 in column A:
I choose column A.
I add a conditional format to column A, with a formula "=IF(A1=2,1)". The cell font is formatted bold red if this formula is true.
Every cell in column A that contains "2" will be bold red, not just cell A1, even though the formula is just for A1.
Is it possible that in the background Excel is doing some changing of my formula in the code above, in an attempt to "guess" what the formula actually should be?
Note 2:
I don't think this is a result of using too many conditional formats for a range. In Microsoft's Excel developer notes for "FormatConditions.Add Method", there is a remark that "You cannot define more than three conditional formats for a range." However, I've successfully added more than three conditional formats with no changes (see details below). Also, I've tested with all other conditional formatting commented out (inactivated), so that only one conditional format is applied, with no changes.
I'm using Excel 2007 on a Win7 machine.
My code is a little more complex than the example given in the hypothesis above.
The conditional format function is designed to check if a cell in column "AP" is blank, then apply a red outline.
If I place a breakpoint at the With conditionalRange.FormatConditions _.add(xlExpression, , ConditionalRangeFormula) line, I can confirm ConditionalRangeFormula is correct ("=ISBLANK($AP1)"). However, after running, the conditional formatting formula for every cell in the specified range is "=ISBLANK($AP2)". This does what my code specifies.
Please note the working range (ConditionalRange is the code below) actually starts with row 2 of column AP, since row 1 is a header row. As an interesting note, if I make ConditionalRangeFormula "=ISBLANK($AP2)", the conditional formatting formula for every cell in the specified range is "=ISBLANK($AP3)". Notice how the row in the formula is +1 from what is hard coded, just as in the first situation described in the previous paragraph. Interesting behavior, but I can't find documentation for this.
Also, please note that there are four With...End With statements that apply conditional formatting to that cell, before the conditional formatting that gives problems is applied. Each of those first four statements use formulas that work as expected, so I've simplified those code blocks to make the overall code easier to follow. See "Note 2" under the Hypothesis section above for more details.
Here is the code outline:
'define string to identify workbook
Dim w2 As String
w2 = "myworksheet.xlsx"
'define ws2 as worksheet to work on
Dim ws2 As Worksheet: Set ws2 = Workbooks(w2).Worksheets(1)
'define working range
Dim ws2r As range
Set ws2r = ws2.range("E2", ws2.range("E2").End(xlDown))
'add conditional formatting to the working range
With ws2
'see below for .colDiff function
Set ConditionalRange = ws2r.Offset(0, colDiff("E", "AP"))
'The following 4 With...End With statements assign other
'conditional formats, none of which have problems.
'I've simplified these statements to outline what's being done.
'See the last (5th) With...End With statement for
'the unexpected behavior.
WithConditionalRange.FormatConditions _
.add(xlExpression, , ADifferentFormula1)
.Font.Color = someRGBValue
End With
WithConditionalRange.FormatConditions _
.add(xlExpression, , ADifferentFormula2)
.Font.Color = someRGBValue
End With
WithConditionalRange.FormatConditions _
.add(xlExpression, , ADifferentFormula3)
.Font.Color = someRGBValue
End With
WithConditionalRange.FormatConditions _
.add(xlExpression, , ADifferentFormula4)
.Font.Color = someRGBValue
End With
'This With...End With block has unexpected behavior.
ConditionalRangeFormula = "=ISBLANK($AP1)"
With ConditionalRange.FormatConditions _
.add(xlExpression, , ConditionalRangeFormula)
.Borders.color = RGB(192, 0, 0)
End With
End With 'with ws2
Here's the "colDiff" function called in the procedure above:
Public Function colDiff(col1 As String, col2 As String) As Long
With ActiveSheet
'return the number of columns between col1 and col2
colDiff = Abs(.range(col1 & "1").Column - .range(col2 & "1").Column)
End With
End Function

I tested this functionality by placing a header "Data" in AP1, placing random data from AP2 to AP16, then deleting AP1,5,7,13 to make BLANKS and the following worked correctly:
Public Sub Test()
With Range("E2:AP16").FormatConditions.Add(xlExpression, , "=ISBLANK($AP2)")
.Borders.Color = RGB(192, 0, 0)
End With
End Sub
Does the above single function work correctly for you? If not, I would suspect that perhaps there are merged cells or some other spreadsheet specific issue going on.


Inventory Macro / Conditional Formatting

I'm taking on a project in which I've built a map of locations in which house inventory. On one sheet is the map and on another sheet would be inventory that hasnt moved in X number of days pulled from a query. What I'm wanting to do is highlight the location on the map with a red color that corresponds to the location containing old inventory.
Examples of each:
I attempted to do this using Conditional formatting but couldnt come up with a formula to accomplish this, I also wrote the following code hoping for the same results with no success (running this causes excel to crash):
Sub Highlight()
Dim Locations As Range
Dim Old_Inv As Range
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim MyRange2 As Range
Set Locations = Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("C4:CD71")
Set Old_Inv = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C2:C20000")
For Each MyRange In Locations
For Each MyRange2 In Old_Inv
If MyRange.Value = MyRange2.Value Then
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark2
End With
End If
Next MyRange2
Next MyRange
End Sub
Please note I have very little experience using VBA, sorry if this is way off the mark. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated
For conditional formatting:
Select cell C4 of your location sheet
Open Conditional Formatting,
Manage Rules, New Rule
Select "Use a formula to determine with cells
to format" (last option)
Type the following formula into the box
"format values where this formula is true" (note that you might have
to change the formula if you have different language settings)
=NOT(ISNA(VLOOKUP(C4, Sheet2!$C$2:$C$2000,1,FALSE)))
Click the format button to select the color you want (on the Fill-tab)
Press Ok 2 times and enter =$C$4:$CD$71 in field "Applies to"
Explanation of the formula:
VLOOKUP will search the value of cell C4 (1st parameter) within the given range of Sheet2 (2nd parameter). It returns this value (the 3rd parameter, 1 in the formula tells this) if the exact value is found (the 4th parameter must be FALSE).
If the value is not found, excel returns #NA which is checked by the surrounding IsNA-function. As this would format the cells where the value is not in the list, surround the whole stuff with the NOT- function which will revert the result.

Embedded "IF" formula breaks occasionally, VBA alternative?

I have a very large embedded IF formula that appears to occasionally break for no reason. Opening and closing the page a few times eventually gets it working again. I am wondering if there is a VBA alternative for it. Here is the IF formula I am running.
Basically it is built so a serial number is scanned and it populates a cell for the users who use this sheet with its results from the search. I am already running one macro in this sheet as well. Here is that...
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Intersect(Range("A2:A500, J2:J500"), Target) ' define range of interest
If Not rng Is Nothing Then ' check it's not "nothing"
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(rng) = rng.Count Then 'check for all of its cells being not empty
On Error GoTo safe_exit 'add error control
Application.EnableEvents = False 'don't do anything until you know something has to be done
rng.Offset(, 1).Value = Date 'write Date next to all relevant changed cells
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Maybe there is a better way to build this search using a formula that isn't using embedded IF statements, but i couldn't think of another way to do it. Thanks in advance.
This may be what you're looking for:
entered as an array formula (CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER).
Here $A$5:$A$42 contains 76210, 76220, ... , 292900 (entered as text, not numbers); and $B$5:$B$42 contains _012_00762_10, _012_00762_20, ... , _012_02929_00.
Hope that helps.
Any time you have to go more than 2 deep on an IF you may want to rethink the usage.
What you can do is build a table from your values. Then reference that table as part of your lookup. Assuming your list of value is in range D8:E45 you could use the formula =VLOOKUP(E125,$D$8:$E$45,2).
The beginning of your table would look like what's seen below. The input result cell is referencing your input value and pulling the match of the second column.
To get your table you can take your source formula and replace (Find and Replace - Ctrl+H) some characters with unique delimiting characters. Then use Text To Columns Alt+D+E and delimit and Copy>Paste special>Transpose to quickly have it close to the format you need.

How to highlight a cell based on another cells value VBA?

This question has been asked before but I went about doing it another way. I am trying to highlight a cell if it is greater than the value of another cell.
Here is my code:
Sub Error_Search()
Dim Summary As Worksheet
Dim lr As Long
Set Summary = Worksheets("Summary")
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 20).End(xlUp).Row
With Summary
For i = lr To 3 Step -1
If Range("L" & i).Value > Range("$Q$2:$R$3").Value Then Range("L" & i).Font.Color = -16776961
Next i
End With
End Sub
Range("$Q$2:$R$3") is a merged cell and it is the cell I want to compare the cell I want to highlight to.
I keep getting a mismatch error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As mentioned in the comments, the problem is that a multiple-cells Range doesn't have a single Value, even if the cells are merged: Range.Value yields a 2D variant array whenever more than a single cell is involved. So you can fix the bug by only referring to the top-left cell of the merged range instead.
That said...
You don't need any VBA code to do this; conditional formatting handles it quite neatly.
Note the $ dollar signs: $M$3 would be your merged cell (only the leftmost cell matters), and $C4 is just the first cell you're defining the conditional format into; leaving the row non-absolute (i.e. no $ on the row number) allows you to apply the format to an entire range of cells by specifying the Applies to range:
Note that the format formula is the same regardless of whether we're looking at $M$3 or $M$3:$N$3 merged cells.
Conditional formats will perform much better than any VBA code you can write.

Get the cell reference of the value found by Excel INDEX function

The Problem
Assume that the active cell contains a formula based on the INDEX function:
=INDEX(myrange, x,y)
I would like to build a macro that locates the value found value by INDEX and moves the focus there, that is a macro changing the active cell to:
Doing the job without macros (slow but it works)
Apart from trivially moving the selection to myrange and manually counting x rows y and columns, one can:
Copy and paste the formula in another cell as follows:
=CELL("address", INDEX(myrange, x,y))
(that shows the address of the cell matched by INDEX).
Copy the result of the formula above.
Hit F5, Ctrl-V, Enter (paste the copied address in the GoTo dialog).
You are now located on the very cell found by the INDEX function.
Now the challenge is to automate these steps (or similar ones) with a macro.
Tentative macros (not working)
Tentative 1
WorksheetFunction.CELL("address", ActiveCell.Formula)
It doesn't work since CELL for some reason is not part of the members of WorksheetFunction.
Tentative 2
This method involves parsing the INDEX-formula.
Sub GoToIndex()
Dim form As String, rng As String, row As String, col As String
form = ActiveCell.Formula
form = Split(form, "(")(1)
rng = Split(form, ",")(0)
row = Split(form, ",")(1)
col = Split(Split(form, ",")(2), ")")(0)
Range(rng).Cells(row, CInt(col)).Select
End Sub
This method actually works, but only for a simple case, where the main INDEX-formula has no nested subformulas.
Obviously in a real case myrange, x and ycan be both simple values, such as =INDEX(A1:D10, 1,1), or values returned from complex expressions. Typically x, y are the results of a MATCH function.
It was discovered that some solutions do not work when myrange is located on a sheet different from that hosting =INDEX(myrange ...).
They are common practice in financial reporting, where some sheets have the main statements whose entries are recalled from others via an INDEX+MATCH formula.
Unfortunately it is just when the found value is located on a "far" report out of sight that you need more the jump-to-the-cell function.
The task could be done in one line much simpler than any other method:
Sub GoToIndex()
End Sub
Application.Evaluate(ActiveCell.Formula) returns a range object from which the CELL function gets properties when called from sheets.
For navigating from another sheet you should first activate the target sheet:
Option Explicit
Sub GoToIndex()
Dim r As Range
Set r = Application.Evaluate(ActiveCell.Formula)
End Sub
Add error handling for a general case:
Option Explicit
Sub GoToIndex()
Dim r As Range
On Error Resume Next ' errors off
Set r = Application.Evaluate(ActiveCell.Formula) ' will work only if the result is a range
On Error GoTo 0 ' errors on
If Not (r Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Sub
There are several approaches to select the cell that a formula refers to...
Assume the active cell contains: =INDEX(myrange,x,y).
From the Worksheet, you could try any of these:
Copy the formula from the formula bar and paste into the name box (to the left of the formula bar)
Define the formula as a name, say A. Then type A into the Goto box or (name box)
Insert hyperlink > Existing File or Web page > Address: #INDEX(myrange,x,y)
Adapt the formula to make it a hyperlink: =HYPERLINK("#INDEX(myrange,x,y)")
Or from the VBA editor, either of these should do the trick:
Application.Goto Activecell.FormulaR1C1
Additional Note:
If the cell contains a formula that refers to relative references such as =INDEX(A:A,ROW(),1) the last of these would need some tweaking. (Also see: Excel Evaluate formula error). To allow for this you could try:
Range(Evaluate("cell(""address""," & Mid(ActiveCell.Formula, 2) & ")")).Select
This problem doesn't seem to occur with R1C1 references used in Application.Goto or:
ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink "#" & mid(ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1,2)
You could use the MATCH() worksheet function or the VBA FIND() method.
As you correctly pointed out, INDEX will return a value that may appear many times within the range, but INDEX will always return a value from some fixed spot, say
will always give the value in cell G3 so the address is "builtin" to the formula
If, however, we have something like:
Then we would require a macro to parse the formula and evaluate the arguments.
Both #lori_m and #V.B. gave brilliant solutions in their own way almost in parallel.
Very difficult for me to choose the closing answer, but V.B. even created Dropbox test file, so...
Here I just steal the best from parts from them.
'Move to cell found by Index()
Sub GoToIndex()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Application.Goto ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 ' will work only if the result is a range
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Active cell does not evaluate to a range")
End Sub
I associated this "jump" macro with CTRL-j and it works like a charm.
If you use balance sheet like worksheets (where INDEX-formulas, selecting entries from other sheets, are very common), I really suggest you to try it.

Why is my conditional format offset when added by VBA?

I was trying to add conditional formats like this:
If expression =($G5<>"") then make set interior green, use this for $A$5:$H$25.
Tried this, worked fine, as expected, then tried to adapt this as VBA-Code with following code, which is working, but not as expected:
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Offset(1)
'set used row range to green interior color, if "Erledigt Datum" is not empty
With .FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, _
Formula1:="=($" & cstrDefaultProgressColumn & _
.row & "<>"""")")
.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End With
End With
The Problem is, .row is providing the right row while in debug, however my added conditional-formula seems to be one or more rows off - depending on my solution for setting the row. So I am ending up with a conditional formatting, which has an offset to the row, which should have been formatted.
In the dialog it is then =($G6<>"") or G3 or G100310 or something like this. But not my desired G5.
Setting the row has to be dynamicall, because this is used to setup conditional formats on different worksheets, which can have their data starting at different rows.
I was suspecting my With arrangement, but it did not fix this problem.
edit: To be more specific, this is NOT a UsedRange problem, having the same trouble with this:
Dim rngData As Range
Set rngData = ActiveSheet.Range("A:H") 'ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Offset(1)
With rngData.FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, _
Formula1:="=($" & cstrDefaultProgressColumn & _
1 & "<>"""")")
.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End With
My Data looks like this:
1 -> empty cells
2 -> empty cells
3 -> empty cells
4 -> TitleCols -> A;B;C;...;H
5 -> Data to TitleCols
. .
. .
. .
When I execute this edited code on Excel 2007 and lookup the formula in the conditional dialog it is =($G1048571<>"") - it should be =($G1<>""), then everything works fine.
Whats even more strange - this is an edited version of a fine working code, which used to add conditional formats for each row. But then I realized, that it's possible to write an expression, which formats a whole row or parts of it - thought this would be adapted in a minute, and now this ^^
edit: Additional task informations
I use conditional formatting here, because this functions shall setup a table to react on user input. So, if properly setup and a user edits some cell in my conditionalized column of this tabel, the corresponding row will turn green for the used range of rows.
Now, because there might be rows before the main header-row and there might be a various number of data-columns, and also the targeted column may change, I do of course use some specific informations.
To keep them minimal, I do use NamedRanges to determine the correct offset and to determine the correct DefaultProgessColumn.
GetTitleRow is used to determine the header-row by NamedRange or header-contents.
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Offset(GetTitleRow(ActiveSheet.UsedRange) - _
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows(1).row + 1)
Corrected my Formula1, because I found the construct before not well formed.
Formula1:="=(" & Cells(.row, _
Range(strMatchCol1).Column).Address(RowAbsolute:=False) & _
strMatchCol1 - is the name of a range.
Got it, lol. Set the ActiveCell before doing the grunt work...
Excel is pulling its automagic range adjusting which is throwing off the formula when the FromatCondition is added.
The reason that Conditional Formatting and Data Validation exhibit this strange behavior is because the formulas they use are outside the normal calculation chain. They have to be so that you can refer to the active cell in the formula. If you're in G1, you can't type =G1="" because you'll create a circular reference. But in CF or DV, you can type that formula. Those formulas are disassociated with the current cell unlike real formulas.
When you enter a CF formula, it's always relative to the active cell. If, in CF, you make a formula
and you're in A5, Excel converts it to
and when that gets put into the CF, it ends up being relative to the cell it's applied to. So in row 2, the formula comes out to
(for Excel 2003). It offsets -3 rows and that wraps to the bottom of the spreadsheet.
You can use Application.ConvertFormula to make the formula relative to some other cell. If I'm in row 5 and the start of my range is in row 2, I make the formula relative to row 8. That way the R[-3] will put the formula in A5 as $G5 (three rows up from A8).
Sub test()
Dim cstrDefaultProgressColumn As String
Dim sFormula As String
cstrDefaultProgressColumn = "$G"
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Offset(1)
'set used row range to green interior color, if "Erledigt Datum" is not empty
'Build formula
sFormula = "=ISBLANK(" & cstrDefaultProgressColumn & .Row & ")"
'convert to r1c1
sFormula = Application.ConvertFormula(sFormula, xlA1, xlR1C1)
'convert to a1 and make relative
sFormula = Application.ConvertFormula(sFormula, xlR1C1, xlA1, , ActiveCell.Offset(ActiveCell.Row - .Cells(1).Row))
With .FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, _
.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End With
End With
End Sub
I only offset .Cells(1) row-wise because the column is absolute in this example. If both row and column are relative in your CF formula, you need more offsetting. Also, this only works if the active cell is below the first cell in your range. To make it more general purpose, you would have to determine where the activecell is relative to the range and offset appropriately. If the offset put you above row 1, you would need to code it so that it referred to a cell nearer the bottom of the total number of rows for your version of Excel.
If you thought selecting was a bit of a kludge, I'm sure you'll agree that this is worse. Even though I abhor unnecessary Selecting and Activating, Conditional Formatting and Data Validation are two places where it's a necessary evil.
A brief example:
Sub Format_Range()
Dim oRange As Range
Dim iRange_Rows As Integer
Dim iCnt As Integer
'First, create a named range manually in Excel (eg. "FORMAT_RANGE")
'In your case that would be range "$A$5:$H$25".
'You only need to do this once,
'through VBA you can afterwards dynamically adapt size + location at any time.
'If you don't feel comfortable with that, you can create headers
'and look for the headers dynamically in the sheet to retrieve
'their position dynamically too.
'Setting this range makes it independent
'from which sheet in the workbook is active
'No unnecessary .Activate is needed and certainly no hard coded "A1" cell.
'(which makes it more potentially subject to bugs later on)
Set oRange = ThisWorkbook.Names("FORMAT_RANGE").RefersToRange
iRange_Rows = oRange.Rows.Count
For iCnt = 1 To iRange_Rows
If oRange(iCnt, 1) <> oRange(iCnt, 2) Then
oRange(iCnt, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End If
Next iCnt
End Sub
Regarding my comments given on the other reply:
If you have to do this for many rows, it is definitely faster to load the the entire range into memory (an array) and check the conditions within the array, after which you do the writing on those cells that need to be written (formatted).
I could agree that this technique is not "necessary" in this case - however it is good practise because it is flexible for many (any type of) customizations afterwards and easier to debug (using the immediate / locals / watches window).
I'm not a fan of Offset although I don't state it doesn't work as it should and in some limited scenarios I could say that the chance for problems "could" be small: I experienced that some business users tend to use it constantly (here offset +3, there offset -3, then again -2, etc...); although it is easy to write, I can tell you it is hell to revise. It is also very often subject to bugs when changes are made by end users.
I am very much "for" the use of headers (although I'm also a fan of reducing database capabilities for Excel, because for many it results in avoiding Access), because it will allow you very much flexibility. Even when I used columns 1 and 2; better is it to retrieve the column nr dynamically based on the location of the named range of the header. If then another column is inserted, no bugs will appear.
Last but not least, it may sound exaggerated, but the last time, I used a class module with properties and functions to perform all retrievals of potential data within each sheet dynamically, perform checks on all bugs I could think of and some additional functions to execute specific tasks.
So if you need many types of data from a specific sheet, you can instantiate that class and have all the data at your disposal, accessible through defined functions. I haven't noticed anyone doing it so far, but it gives you few trouble despite a little bit more work (you can use the same principles again over and over).
Now I don't think that this is what you need; but there may come a day that you need to make large tools for end users who don't know how it works but will complain a lot about things because of something they might have done themselves (even when it's not your "fault"); it's good to keep this in mind.