Selecting multiple files in a dart based chrome app - api

I was playing around with Google Dart and chrome apps. I tried to select a single file: No problem here!
The code looks like this and prints the filename.
Future<ChooseEntryResult> res = chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry(new ChooseEntryOptions());
res.then((ChooseEntryResult entry) {
print("entries: " +;
But selecting multiple files does not work. In a native chrome app I can do:
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({"acceptsMultiple":true}, function(entries) {
Even this code fails (I only added acceptsMultiple: false)
Future<ChooseEntryResult> res = chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry(new ChooseEntryOptions(acceptsMultiple: false));
res.then((ChooseEntryResult entry) {
print("entries: " +;
I would expect this to work:
Future<ChooseEntryResult> res = chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry(new ChooseEntryOptions(acceptsMultiple: true));
res.then((ChooseEntryResult entry) {
print("entries: " + entry.entries);
But whenever I select multiple files the "entry" and "entries" fields of ChooseEntryResult gives me null. Has anyone managed to get this working?


Issue with OnePlus 5 SQLite database using Flutter - database (sometimes) not deleting with app

I have created an app using SQFlite plugin for Flutter. Everything works fine on iOS and most Android phones, yet I have one tester who was experiencing some very bizarre behaviour on his OnePlus device, specifically a OnePlus 5 running OxygenOS 9.0.1). Apparently the database remained after uninstalling the app (would load old data), then it "sometimes saves and sometimes doesn't".
What follows is the code I used to create the database:
_initDatabase() async {
Directory documentsDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
String path = join(documentsDirectory.path, _databaseName);
return await openDatabase(path,
version: _databaseVersion, onCreate: _onCreate);
This is the _onCreate() method:
Future _onCreate(Database db, int version) async {
await db.transaction((txn) async {
await txn.execute('''
CREATE TABLE $tableCharacters (
$columnCharacterId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
$columnCharacterName TEXT NOT NULL
await txn.execute('''
CREATE TABLE $tablePerks (
$columnPerkClass TEXT NOT NULL,
$columnPerkDetails TEXT NOT NULL
)''').then((_) async {
for (Perk perk in perkList) {
for (int i = 0; i < perk.numOfPerks; i++) {
int id = await txn.insert(tablePerks, perk.toMap());
print("ID: " +
id.toString() +
" : " +
perk.perkClassCode +
" : " +
await txn.execute('''
CREATE TABLE $tableCharacterPerks (
$columnAssociatedCharacterId INTEGER,
$columnAssociatedPerkId INTEGER,
$columnCharacterPerkIsSelected BOOLEAN
My question is: is there anything wrong with this method that could solve my issue with OnePlus devices? Is there something I can do to ensure it will install properly on these phones? I have over 6k active users so I definitely want to keep this release airtight.
Thank you.

Crunchbase Data API v3.1 to Google Sheets

I'm trying to pull data from the Crunchbase Open Data Map to a Google Spreadsheet. I'm following Ben Collins's script but it no longer works since the upgrade from v3 to v3.1. Anyone had any luck modifying the script for success?
var USER_KEY = 'insert your API key in here';
// function to retrive organizations data
function getCrunchbaseOrgs() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Organizations');
var query = sheet.getRange(3,2).getValue();
// URL and params for the Crunchbase API
var url = '' + encodeURI(query) + '&user_key=' + USER_KEY;
var json = getCrunchbaseData(url,query);
if (json[0] === "Error:") {
// deal with error with fetch operation
else {
if (json[0] !== 200) {
// deal with error from api
sheet.getRange(6,1,1,2).setValues([["Error, server returned code:",json[0]]]);
else {
// correct data comes back, filter down to match the name of the entity
var data = json[1].data.items.filter(function(item) {
return == query;
// parse into array for Google Sheet
var outputData = [
["Short description",data.short_description],
["City name",data.city_name],
["Blog url",data.blog_url],
["Crunchbase URL","" + data.web_path]
// clear any old data
// insert new data
// add image with formula and format that row
sheet.getRange(5,2).setFormula('=image("' + data.profile_image_url + '",4,50,50)').setHorizontalAlignment("center");
This code no longer pulls data as expected.
I couldn't confirm about the error messages when you ran the script. So I would like to show about the clear difference point. It seems that the endpoint was changed from to So how about this modification?
From :
var url = '' + encodeURI(query) + '&user_key=' + USER_KEY;
To :
var url = '' + encodeURI(query) + '&user_key=' + USER_KEY;
Note :
From your script, I couldn't also find query. So if the script doesn't work even when you modified the endpoint, please confirm about it. You can see the detail of API v3 Compared to API v3.1 is here.
References :
API v3 Compared to API v3.1
Using the API
If this was not useful for you, I'm sorry.

SharePoint 2010 Wiki Template Script Issue

I'm looking for a way to give my SharePoint users a way to create new wiki pages from an existing template. In the process of researching I found a great walkthrough that seems to fit the need (, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. The problem seems to lie in the assignment of a path to PATHTOWIKI-- if I use "/Weekly Update Wiki", the script returns an error of "There is no Web named '/Weekly Update Wiki'." If I use "Weekly Update Wiki" without the forward slash, I instead get an error of "There is no Web named '/sites/[parentSite]/[childSite]/Weekly Update Wiki/Weekly Update Wiki'."
Any ideas about what I'm not understanding here?
function myCreateProject() {
// Configure these for your environment
// include no slashes in paths
var PATHTOWIKI = "Weekly Update Wiki";
var PATHTOPAGES = "Pages";
// file name only for template page, no extension
var TEMPLATEFILENAME = "Template";
var myPathToWiki = encodeURIComponent(PATHTOWIKI);
var myPathToPages = PATHTOPAGES + "%2f";
var myTemplateFileName = encodeURIComponent(TEMPLATEFILENAME) + "%2easpx";
var EnteredProject = document.getElementById("NewProjName");
var myNewName = EnteredProject.value;
if(myNewName == "") {
alert('Please enter a name for the new project page');
} else {
myNewName = encodeURIComponent(myNewName) + "%2easpx"
url: PATHTOWIKI + "/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll",
data: ( "method=move+document%3a14%2e0%2e0%2e4730&service%5fname="
+ myPathToWiki +
"&oldUrl=" + myPathToPages + myTemplateFileName +
"&newUrl=" + myPathToPages + myNewName +
success: function(data) {
var rpcmsg1 = getMessage(data, "message=", "<p>");
$("#myInfo").append("<br />" + rpcmsg1);
if(rpcmsg1.indexOf("successfully") < 0) {
// get error info
var rpcmsg2 = getMessage(data, "msg=", "<li>");
$("#myInfo").append("<br />" + rpcmsg2 + "<br />");
} else {
$("#myInfo").append("<br />Go to new page<br />");
type: "POST",
beforeSend: function(XMLHttpRequest) {
Update: I figured out what needed to happen in my case. Since I couldn't get a grasp on the relative approach, I just went with the absolute path for PATHTOWIKI and slightly modified the append in the ajax call.
var PATHTOWIKI = "https://[domain]/sites/[parentSite]/[childSite]";
$("#myInfo").append("<br />Go to new page<br />");
The change in the latter line of code is subtle; since I used an absolute path in PATHTOWIKI, I just removed the leading forward slash in the anchor tag, so that <a href=\"/" became <a href=\"". This renders the script slightly less portable, but since it's a one-off effort I'll stick with this unless anything comes along to expand the scope.

is there any more standard way to resume function from jQuery ajax call?

I am trying to write a big project which involves of a lot of code. That's why I want to separate functionalities from different files.
the first file, dataJS, I make an AJAX call to get data from a JSON file.
the second file, showJS I want to display the data obtained from the dataJS file.
When it comes to implementation, I realise that AJAX call takes longer time and even though I include dataJS and showJS in order, showJS will still get a null data
therefore I made a function called continueFromDataJS() in showJS file
and call continueFromDataJS() at the end of the AJAX success function.
I think it's a rather makedo solution. Is there any standard way to do it?
In addition, all intellisense in my Visual Studio is gone. Despite separate files, is there any way to make visual studio get intellisense from the dataJS?
Thank you
sorry, I don't know how to add a follow up question
this is the code
for simplicity I rename some of the files and only take some part out of it. Hope that helps
code in html
code in dataJS.js
var planets = [];
var jsonData = null;
$(function () {
$.getJSON("Scripts/planetData.js", function (data) {
//planets[0] = new planet("uranus", "career", 45, 700, 400, 0.1, 5, 3);
jsonData = data;
for (var i = 0; i < data.planets.length; i++) {
var curPlanet = data.planets[i];
planets[i] = new planet(curPlanet.graphic, i, curPlanet.field, curPlanet.planetInitialAngle, curPlanet.distanceFromStar, curPlanet.planetRadius, curPlanet.planetRevolvingSpeed, curPlanet.planetRotationSpeed, curPlanet.contents.length);
$("#result").append("<p>" + curPlanet.graphic + " " + curPlanet.field + " " + curPlanet.planetInitialAngle + " " + curPlanet.distanceFromStar + " " + curPlanet.planetRadius + " " + curPlanet.planetRevolvingSpeed + " " + curPlanet.planetRotationSpeed + " " + curPlanet.contents.length + "</p>");
callDisplayScript(); //**continue from showJS.js file is that the way to do this?**
// more functions below in dataJS.js
function callDisplayScript() { **// this is the ugly part. What's the proper way to do it?**
$("#display #close").click(function () {
$article = $("#display article");
var data = jsonData.planets[pID].contents; // **this line won't get jsonData if it's out this curly brace.**
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
don't forget to answer my intellisense question. I want in datajs.js automatically hint planets and jsonData declared in datajs.js
is it possible?

How to automate Photoshop?

I am trying to automate the process of scanning/cropping photos in Photoshop. I need to scan 3 photos at a time, then use Photoshop's Crop and Straighten Photos command, which creates 3 separate images. After that I'd like to save each of the newly created images as a PNG.
I looked at the JSX scripts and they seem to a lot of promise. Is what I described possible to automate in Photoshop using JavaScript or VBScript or whatever?
I just found this script just did the work for me! It automatically crop & straighten the photo and save each result to directory you specified.
Save it to local then run it in the PS=>File=>Command=>Browse
P.S I found in the comment it said the script can be executed directly by double clicking from Mac Finder or Windows Explorer.
Backup gist for the script here
I actually got the answer on the Photoshop forums over at adobe. It turns out that Photoshop CS4 is totally scriptable via JavaScript, VBScript and comes with a really kick-ass Developer IDE, that has everything you'd expect (debugger, watch window, color coding and more). I was totally impressed.
Following is an extract for reference:
you can run the following script that will create a new folder off the existing one and batch split all the files naming them existingFileName#001.png and put them in the new folder (edited)
#target Photoshop
var inFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Please select folder to process");
if(inFolder != null){
var fileList = inFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|tif|psd|)$/i);
var outfolder = new Folder(decodeURI(inFolder) + "/Edited");
if (outfolder.exists == false) outfolder.create();
for(var a = 0 ;a < fileList.length; a++){
if(fileList[a] instanceof File){
var doc= open(fileList[a]);
var docname = fileList[a].name.slice(0,-4);
var count = 1;
var saveFile = new File(decodeURI(outfolder) + "/" + docname +"#"+ zeroPad(count,3) + ".png");
activeDocument.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES) ;
function CropStraighten() {
function cTID(s) { return app.charIDToTypeID(s); };
function sTID(s) { return app.stringIDToTypeID(s); };
executeAction( sTID('CropPhotosAuto0001'), undefined, DialogModes.NO );
function SavePNG(saveFile){
pngSaveOptions = new PNGSaveOptions();
pngSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
pngSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
pngSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
pngSaveOptions.quality = 1;
pngSaveOptions.PNG8 = false; //24 bit PNG
pngSaveOptions.transparency = true;
activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, pngSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
function zeroPad(n, s) {
n = n.toString();
while (n.length < s) n = '0' + n;
return n;
Visit here for complete post.
Have you tried using Photoshop Actions? I don't now about the scanning part, but the rest can all be done by actions quite easily.