Can we mark a slave as unpromotable by redis-sentinel? - redis

We have a redis cluster with a master and a slave managed by three sentinel processes, and an additional remote slave, hosted in a different datacenter, for transparent failover and data preservation in the case that something bad happens to the master and slave machines.
It may happen that a transient error takes down the master redis process only, and in this situation we would like to see the slave process promoted to master, and the remote slave reslaved to it. However, it seems that sentinel could just as easily promote the remote slave to master, and we have not found any way to prevent this.
Is there any way to mark a particular slave machine as unpromotable, so that sentinel will not try to make it the master in the event of a failover?

Yes. In the slave's config file set the slave-priority setting to zero (the number not the word).


Supporting Slave of Slave Replication with Redis Sentinel?

We have two datacenters, each with two redis instances. Generally they are replicated as chain.
NY1 (Master) --> NY2 (Slave) --> CO1 (Slave) --> CO2 (Slave)
NY is New York and CO is Colorado, our backup datacenter. In order to save bandwidth over the WAN, we don't want CO1 and CO2 connected to NY1. Rather we want a chain configuration, where there is only one slave directly to the master, and the others are all "slaves of slaves".
Can this sort of replication layout be maintained using Sentinel? Or do all slaves have to be a slave of the master, and not a slave of a slave?
Currently this type of setup isn't possible with Sentinel because Sentinel rewrites the configurations of all monitored Redis systems.
For example, if you set up a system as you described and have sentinel monitoring all of the hosts, if the master goes down and forces a failover, each of the Redis hosts will be re-configured. One of the replicas (any of them) will become the new master, and the others will become replicas of the new master. When the old master comes back online, it will be re-configured to be a replica of the new master.
However, in general you can get Redis to work the way you want. You can have as many replicas of a replica as you need by setting the replicaof config value to a replica.
Personally, I would still use Sentinel to monitor the master and the "prime" replicas (those that replicate from the master itself). This could result in one of the prime replicas becoming a new master, so I would enable the notification option. This tells sentinel to call a script whenever a failover happens. In that script you can send an email, hit a Slack webhook, or whatever else you want to do with it. When I get it, I'd manually reconfigure the hosts back into the format I want, but with the new master. It'd be a pain to do it this way but I'd still get automatic failover of the master and prime replicas so my apps will continue working.

Redis connect single instance slave (slave of) to cluster or sentinel

When running a single instance redis, I can use "slave of" to create a (or as many I like) readonly replica of this one redis node.
When using redis cluster, I split my Data into Partitons (Masters) and can create a slave for each partition.
Is it possible to treat this cluster as a single instance and connect a "slave of" Slave to this cluster which will hold a replica of all Data in the cluster and not just the partition of the connected node?
If not possible with redis cluster, is this might a working solution when using sentinel?
Our current Problem:
We are using the "slave of" feature together with keepalived to failover our redis instance on an outage of the master.
But we have lots of "slave of" slaves connected to the virtual IP of the failover setup, to deliver cached data.
Now everytime the system fails over (for maintenance reasons e.g.) all connected slaves have a timout for up to 30 seconds, when they have to resync their data with the new master.
We allready played with all possible redis config parameters but can't get this syncing time to be shorter (e.g. by relying on the replication-backlog, which isn't available on the new master after the failover).
Anyone any ideas?
a very good doc here : and here (slide #9) or better
If you want "slave" in Redis cluster mode, you need use replication of all nodes.
Well, I just read this article:
The author used a single master with Redis Cluster, with 2 slaves per master, instead of one, and he let Redis Sentinel take care of the election of a slave to a master when the master is down.
You could play with this setup to see if the election of Master occurs quickly. While it's happening, clients would be served by a slave and should experience no downtime.

Redis Sentinel with 2 master after multi az netsplit

Hello stack community,
I have a question about Redis sentinel for a specific problem case. I use AWS with Multi AZ to create a sensu cluster.
On eu-central-1a I have a sensu+redis(M), a RBMQ+Sentinel and 2 others Sentinels. Same on eu-central-1b but the redis is my slave on this AZ.
What happen if there is a problem and eu-central-1a can not communicate with eu-central-1b ? What I think is that Sentinel on eu-central-1b should promote my redis slave to master, because he can not contact my redis master. So I should have 2 redis masters running together on 2 different AZ.
But when the link is retrieved between AZ, I will still have 2 masters, with 2 different datas. What will happen in this case ? One master will become a slave and data will be replicated without loss ? Do we need to restart a master and he will be a slave ?
Sentinel detects changes to the master for example
If the master goes down and is unreachable a new slave is elected. This is based on the quorum where multiple sentinels agree that the master has gone down. The failover then occurs.
Once the sentinel detects the master come back online it is then a slave I believe thus the new master continues I believe. You will loose data in the switchover from master to new master that in inevitable.
If you loose connection then yes sentinel wont work correctly as it relies on multiple sentinels to agree the master redis is down. You shouldn't use sentinel in a 2 sentinel system.
Basic solution would be for you to put a extra sentinel on another server maybe the client/application server that isn't running redis/sentinel this way you can make use of the quorum and sentinels agreeing the master is down.

Unslave a redis slave

I have a setup of 3 instances in a failover cluster, one master and two slaves. All monitored by sentinels. At one point I decide I don't need one slave, and I want to reuse that redis instance for something else, what commands to I issue?
I tried running slaveof no one on that slave, but it's enslaved again in a few seconds.
Sentinels remember forever the slaves they have seen, in order to reconnect them when they return after a crash or a network partition.
For the sentinels to forget the slave to remove, Redis' doc says "you need to send a SENTINEL RESET mastername command to all the Sentinels: they'll refresh the list of slaves within the next 10 seconds, only adding the ones listed as correctly replicating from the current master INFO output."

redis sentinel out of sync with servers in a cluster

We have a setup with a number of redis (2.8) servers (lets say 4) and as many redis sentinels. On startup of each machine, we set a pre-select machine as master through the command line and all the rest as slaves of that. and the sentinels all monitor these machines. The clients first connect to the local sentinel and retrieve the master's IP address and then connect there.
This setup is trouble free most of the time but sometimes the sentinels go out of sync with servers. if I name the machines A,B,C and D - sentinels will think B is master while redis servers are all connected to A as the master. bringing down redis server on B doesnt help either. I had to bring it down and manually "Sentinel failover" on A to fix the issue. Question is
1. What causes this to happen and whats the easiest and quickest way to fix this ?
2. What is best configuration - is there something better than this ?
The only time you should set a master is the first time. Once sentinel has taken over management of replication you should let it do it. This includes on restarts. Don't use the command line to set replication. Let sentinel and redis manage it. This is why you're getting issues - you've told sentinel it is authoritative, but you are telling the Redis servers to ignore sentinel.
Sentinel stores the status in its Config file, so when it restarts it can resume the last configuration. So even on restart, let sentinel do it's job.
Also, if you have 4 servers (be specific, not "let's say") you should be running a quorum of three on your monitor statement in sentinel. With a quorum of two you can wind up with two masters