Generate SQL Compact database from Sql Server database - sql

I wish to migrate from my SQL Server database to a SQL Server Compact database. I have tens of tables with tons of columns, it will be a life-time taking process to generate the tables and their fields manually from scratch.
Is there some faster way to generate the tables from SQL Server?


MS SQL linked servers mecanism in postgresql

Is there linked servers mecanism in postgresql like ms sql server?
What is the best way to execute query to "information_schema.columns" on 2 different postgresql servers to compare their table stucture?

How to compare the data between two query results from SQL Server and DB2

As part of a migration project I need to test the data in the source database (in SQL Server) with the target database (in DB2).
Some of the columns from the source are mapped to the target tables. The source database has millions of rows and I need to confirm the data is properly migrated.
How can I compare the data resulting from SQL queries on both the source and target databases?
Please provide some solution.
In MS SQL Server you can link to DB2 using the Linked Server feature, then you can execute some queries against both servers or even joining them in a same query. Be aware of the cost (network, disks, memory...). You will have to perform some performance tests.
See how to link the servers:
Creating a linked server to DB2 using Microsoft OLE DB provider for DB2
As #Caffe said, you can link both databases. From DB2 you can do that by Federation. However, this option is not included in the basic installation, and you should use Information Integration (that is not the last name, it changed recently).

Periodically store data from a PostgreSQL table to SQL Server 2005 table (with the same schema)

I have a PostgreSQL database that stores real-time data from sensors in a specific table (every 30sec).
What I want to do, is to get periodically the data from the remote PostgreSQL database (for instance every 30sec) and store them in SQL Server 2005 to manipulate them locally. I don't care about having the two databases with duplicate tables. Actually this is what I want to achieve!
So far, I have as Linked Server the PostgreSQL to SQL Server and I can query and retrieve the sensor data. However, I prefer to store them in my SQL Server for performance reasons.
Solution so far:
Make select openquery statements with the linked PostgreSQL and insert the results to my table in SQL Server. Repeat this periodically and store fresh data only (e.g. with a larger timestamp).
I assume that my proposed solution is not ideal. I want to know what are the best practices to achieve this synchronization between the two databases.
Thank you in advance!
If you don't want to write your own code(implementations) to do that you can use SymmetricDS to synch the table from postgreSQL to MSSQL .

SQL Server 2008 cross server queries 2000

I need to create reports on SSRS 2008 from data available on SQL Server 2000, now; the database on SQL2000 is preferably not touched so I am avoiding adding stored procedures, views, indexes etc..
What would be the right solution?
What I would be needing is a place where I can put stored procedures, views etc so I can do reports.
create an ssis package / dataflowtask, copy your data from one source (sql 2000 - sql 2008r2)
create a reporting database, move your data to this database and make your reports on this database

How can I transform database from sql server 2005 to 2000

how can I transform database from sql server 2005 to 2000
Use SSIS to export the database directly to SQL Server 2000.
First make sure that you aren't using any native 2005 features like included columns on indexes, XML features, etc. Then you can script the schema out using SSMS, and export the data using BCP or SSIS to SQL 2000. Some vendor tools exist like RedGate SQL Compare and Data Compare that make doing this a whole lot easier if you have primary keys defined on your tables.