How can I trace a variable which causes an exception with Xcode? - objective-c

My program crashes after indicating the following. I know something bad occured with the NSArrays. How should I trace the array variable which causes the exception?

Tracing the array isn't going to help you here that much (but see below). You've overreleased something, probably the NSArray itself, and you're not finding out about it until the autorelease pool drains. These can be some of the hardest bugs to track down; hopefully it reproduces consistently.
The typical solutions are:
Make sure you're using ARC. This is precisely the kind of bug that ARC does an excellent job of avoiding. (And usually this kind of crash suggests you're not using it; but it is possible to get them under ARC in some cases.)
Work out which NSArray is having trouble. Audit its usage and make sure that (if you're not using ARC), you are following the memory management rules at each point. Regarding "work out which NSArray," this can be tricky in itself, but some common sense often is the best tool here. You probably have some sense of what object it is. A little trial and error can go a long way.
Avoid direct ivar access; always use accessors except in init and dealloc. This is the best way (besides ARC) to avoid these kinds of memory errors.
Instruments can add traces on retains and releases (use the Zombies instrument). And there is NSZombies, which can help as well. But I have found in the vast majority of cases, the best first step is to search for all the times you use the object, and then check your retains and releases by hand. (I'm not saying any of these approaches is easy; just that a quick by-hand audit is often more effective than the tools.)
And of course make sure to use ARC.

The BEST way to do this, which will help you on MANY occasions, is to set up XCode to automatically break when exceptions are thrown where they are thrown. You can do this as follows:
STEP 1: Go to the breakpoints navigator.
STEP 2: Go to the bottom left and hit '+' and add exception breakpoint.
STEP 3: Find the breakpoint you just added above, right-click, and edit.
STEP 4: Change it to break on all Objective-C exceptions, and the vast majority of crashes will break where the crash occurred.
When the exception occurs, you can act as if you're normally debugging - print values to the console, or hover over them to see what their values are.


Detect Zombie at runtime

Is there a way to find a Zombie at runtime in objective-c?
I'm looking for a way to prevent an object to call a method on a zombie, is there any way to detect one without making the app crash?
I do know about weak reference under ARC iOS5 and common sense programming practice.
I was thinking that a way could be asking the object size (I know that maybe "inside" there are just reference) but if the object still exist it should give a value, if it doesn't probably just the single pointer size.
Using malloc_size(pointerToObject)
Could it work?
I do know how to run Instruments for Zombies detection
I don't think Andrea is asking how to run instruments to detect zombies, I think she wants to guard against calling a dealloced instance at runtime. I'm not sure what malloc size will return in this case. I think anything you come up with short of what they've done with NSZombies (which is to never truly free instances) will be gimicky and only work part of the time. I think your best best is the boring old diligent programming and profiling with instruments to guard against making these calls rather than trying to catch the error at runtime.
Try running the application with Instruments, and select the "Zombies" template.
On the scheme menu (upper left, next to run/stop). Select "Edit Scheme...". A sheet will appear. Select the Run/Debug scheme there. Select the "Diagnostics" tab on the center pane. Check Zombies.

Design pattern for catching memory leaks in objective-c?

I have read Apple's memory management guide, and think I understand the practices that should be followed to ensure proper memory management in my application.
At present it looks like there are no memory leaks in my code. But as my code grows more complex, I wonder whether there is any particular pattern I should follow to keep track of allocations and deallocations of objects.
Does it make sense to create some kind of global object that is present throughout the execution of the application which contains a count of the number of active objects of a type? Each object could increment the count of their type in their init method, and decrement it in dealloc. The global object could verify at appropriate times if the count of a particular type is zero of not.
EDIT: I am aware of how to use the leaks too, as well as how to analyze the project using Xcode. The reason for this post is to keep track of cases which may not be detected through leaks or analyze easily.
EDIT: Also, it seems to make sense to have something like this so that leaks can be detected in builds early by running unit tests that check the global object. I guess that as an inexperienced objective-c programmer I would benefit from the views of others on this.
Each object could increment the count of their type in their init
method, and decrement it in dealloc.
To do that right, you'll have to do one of the following: 1) override behavior at some common point, such as NSObject's -init or , or 2) add the appropriate code to the designated initializer of every single class. Neither seems simple.
The global object could verify at appropriate times if the count of a
particular type is zero of not.
Sounds good, but can you elaborate a bit on "appropriate times"? How would you know at any given point in the life of your program which classes should have zero instances? You'd have a pretty good idea that there should be no objects at the end of the program, but Instruments could tell you the same thing in that case.
Objective-C has taken several steps to make memory management much simpler. Use properties and synthesized accessors where you can, as they essentially manage your objects for you. A more recent improvement is ARC, which goes even further toward automating most memory management tasks. You basically let the compiler figure out where to put the memory management calls -- it's like garbage collection without the garbage collector. Learn to use those tools well before you try to invent new ones.
Don't go that route... it's a pain in single inheritance. Most importantly, there are excellent tools at your disposal which you should master before thinking you must create some global counter. The global counter exists in a few tools already -- Learn them!
The way you combat it is to learn how to balance and manage everything correctly when it's written. It's really very simple in hindsight.
ARC is another option -- really that just postpones your understanding.
The first "design pattern" I recommend it to use release instead of autorelease where possible (although generally more useful for over-releases).
Next, run the leaks instrument/util regularly and fix all leaks/zombies immediately.
Third, learn the existing tools as you go! These tools can do really crazy stuff, like record the backtrace of every allocation and every reference count. You can pause your program's execution and view what allocations exist, alloc counts, backtraces, and all sorts of other stats.

What’s the rationale behind the Cocoa exception policy - or why use exceptions only for programmer errors?

What’s the rationale behind the Cocoa exception policy - or why use exceptions only for programmer errors?
I understand that exception used to be rather expensive so one would not want to overuse them. But that changed with the modern runtime and it’s zero-cost exceptions. I also understand that the use of exceptions to do general control flow is not a good idea because it could lead to code that is rather hard to understand.
But why should one use exceptions to signal programmer errors? For that case logging a message followed by abort() should be enough. Why should I write a #catch(...) block to handle a programmer error instead of fixing the actual mistake? I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I haven’t found any reasonable use of an exception for a programmer error.
(As a side note/question: I’ve written a recursive descent parser, and I’m planning on using exceptions in there for handling errors. Seems to be much more reasonable to me than adding an out parameter to every single function in there and manually check for an error everywhere. Of course I’ll catch any exceptions I throw in the top level methods that get called from the outside. Anyone think that’s a bad use for exceptions?)
Update: The real question
Thanks for all the answers so far. They all are true, but they don’t actually answer my question. So I guess I wasn’t really clear about it, sorry for that. So here’s the real question:
Why does Cocoa throw exceptions for programmer errors (or assertions) at all? One isn’t supposed to catch them, and actually writing code that handles a programmer error somewhere down the call stack is not a good idea anyways. Seems to me that exceptions there are a wasted effort. Simply logging the error and calling abort() (which exits the program) should be enough. So what’s the advantage there of actually having an exception thrown?
I understand why exceptions are not generally used and discouraged - most parts of Cocoa are just not exception safe. And that’s not the question here. I hope I made this clear now.
Why should I write a #catch(...) block to handle a programmer error instead of fixing the actual mistake?
In most cases, you wouldn't. In Objective-C, you generally don't handle exceptions. If an exception occurs, it causes a crash, and then you fix the bug -- hopefully you catch this during testing.
Of course, in some cases this doesn't work out. Maybe you do except an exception and you can workaround it, so you catch it. Or there's there rare API that'll throw exceptions instead of using error objects.
To be honest, I very, very rarely use try/catch in my Objective-C code.
As for the rationale, I think it's largely due to Objective-C's C heritage. Back in the early 80s when Objective-C was developed, exceptions were kind of "new" (i.e., not in many mainstream languages yet), and Objective-C catered more to the C tradition of using NULL or an out parameter to signal errors.
Your question explicitly assumes that "one isn’t supposed to catch them." This is incorrect. The programmer isn't expected to catch them under normal circumstances, but that isn't to say that they must never be caught for any purpose.
Example: I'm not sure if it does anymore since it's much less buggy these days, but I know it at least used to be the case that Xcode would catch exceptions and put up a dialog saying, "Such-and-such happened. It doesn't appear to be a critical problem, but you should probably save and restart the program to avoid any trouble in the future."
Why does Cocoa throw exceptions for
programmer errors (or assertions) at
all? One isn’t supposed to catch them,
and actually writing code that handles
a programmer error somewhere down the
call stack is not a good idea anyways
Three reasons leap to mind.
One, if you catch an exception more or less at your main run loop you could autosave state to a temporary location, crash, and on restart have a "try to restore from just before the crash, warning: may cause another crash and you should check your data very carefully" dialog/sheet/thingie. Or even just catch the exception and tell the user to do a "Save As", quit and restart.
Two, things like the unit test framework make good use of exceptions to abort the current test (logging a failure), and continuing with the rest of the tests. This lets you see if a change you made has one regression (that happens to index a NSArray out of bounds), or if you have six regressions (one or more of which throw an exception).
Three, maybe when added to ObjC it was intended to handle many kinds of errors with exceptions, and after real world experience the useful scope was determined to be "nearly fatal errors only".
The main reason for avoiding throwing exceptions is that you may accidentally throw them through stack frames that are not exception aware. For instance, if a data source for a table view throws an exception, that is not caught and handled before the delegate method returns control to the table view, it might cause all sorts of trouble as it unwinds the table view's stack frames, side stepping various releases of temporary objects and other resources.
Having said that, I personally like exceptions and use them wherever I think they are the natural thing to do, but with the caveat of never allowing them to propagate to code that is not documented as exception aware.
There are likely a lot of reasons. The "historical reasons" others have covered is sufficient to explain the current state of affairs, but there are other possibilities.
Another possibility is Objective C is not typically a "Resource Acquisition Is Initialization" kind of language (yes this is more a library issue then a language issue, but it is real). So most Objective C code that has an error thrown through it will leave invalid program state (things still locked, over retained objects). All things you could deal with if you were thinking about it, and not all things RAII would magically fix (there is a lot of exception unsafe C++ code out there, and C++ is largely RAII).
As noted above stating that you do handle an exception is free(ish), but actually having one thrown is costly (maybe an order of magnitude or two more costly then an extra parameter and a conditional check). So if your parser (for example) uses them to signal errors in parsing, being given a document with a lot of errors can take a LOT longer to parse then if you had explicit checks for an error parameter.
Personally I like exceptions, and would prefer to throw exceptions from my libraries when things "go wrong", but that isn't the Cocoa way, so I use exceptions to handle programmer errors and an error indication and NSError** for other things. It isn't great, but it makes it so other people can use my libraries without having to learn a new way to write Objective C code.
The modern runtime does not give you zero-cost exceptions, it gives you exceptions that only incur their cost if an exception is thrown.

How do I debug weird memory management issues in Xcode/Objective-C?

I'm newish to Objective-C and my memory management skills are not great. However, I haven't had a single problem until now. And now I've got big problems.
I've gone from zero crashes to crashing at random points, giving me either no console output or unrecognized selector errors on random types (-[NSCFSet isSameAsStop:]: unrecognized selector - I don't even use any sets and I surely have not called my custom isSameAsStop on any sets.). Judging by the randomness and errors, it seems like a memory thing to me although I'm not entirely sure.
How do I go about debugging this? The debugger assumes you know where your problem is... and mine is just everywhere. Ideas?
Some clarification on the solution suggestion to "run with zombie detection enabled":
Set the NSZombieEnabled to YES on the Executables' Arguments screen.
Build and then choose Run with Performance Tool > Object Allocations, which will start Instruments.
Click the "i" button on Object Allocations in Instr. and select zombie detection and retain counts.
Rerun and click around in your app, it'll tell you when you hit a zombie!
Thanks for the help!
You have a classic over-release bug on your hands. Somewhere, you are over-releasing an instance of the class that implements isSameAsStop and it just so happens that an NSSet instance is allocated at the same spot after the original instance is deallocated.
The first step is to "build and analyze" your code, fixing any problems that the static analyzer finds.
The next step is to then run with zombie detection enabled.
In Xcode: Build menu >> Build and Analyze
Finds a lot of common memory management issues.

Avoiding, finding and removing memory leaks in Cocoa

Memory (and resource) leaks happen. How do you make sure they don't?
What tips & techniques would you suggest to help avoid creating memory leaks in first place?
Once you have an application that is leaking how do you track down the source of leaks?
(Oh and please avoid the "just use GC" answer. Until the iPhone supports GC this isn't a valid answer, and even then - it is possible to leak resources and memory on GC)
In XCode 4.5, use the built in Static Analyzer.
In versions of XCode prior to 3.3, you might have to download the static analyzer. These links show you how:
Use the LLVM/Clang Static Analyzer
To avoid creating memory leaks in the first place, use the Clang Static Analyzer to -- unsurprisingly -- analyse your C and Objective-C code (no C++ yet) on Mac OS X 10.5. It's trivial to install and use:
Download the latest version from this page.
From the command-line, cd to your project directory.
Execute scan-build -k -V xcodebuild.
(There are some additional constraints etc., in particular you should analyze a project in its "Debug" configuration -- see for details -- the but that's more-or-less what it boils down to.)
The analyser then produces a set of web pages for you that shows likely memory management and other basic problems that the compiler is unable to detect.
If your project does not target Mac OS X desktop, there are a couple of other details:
Set the Base SDK for All Configurations to an SDK that uses the Mac OS X desktop frameworks...
Set the Command Line Build to use the Debug configuration.
(This is largely the same answer as to this question.)
Don't overthink memory management
For some reason, many developers (especially early on) make memory management more difficult for themselves than it ever need be, frequently by overthinking the problem or imagining it to be more complicated than it is.
The fundamental rules are very simple. You should concentrate just on following those. Don't worry about what other objects might do, or what the retain count is of your object. Trust that everyone else is abiding by the same contract and it will all Just Work.
In particular, I'll reiterate the point about not worrying about the retain count of your objects. The retain count itself may be misleading for various reasons. If you find yourself logging the retain count of an object, you're almost certainly heading down the wrong path. Step back and ask yourself, are you following the fundamental rules?
Always use accessor methods; declare accessors using properties
You make life much simpler for yourself if you always use accessor methods to assign values to instance variables (except in init* and dealloc methods). Apart from ensuring that any side-effects (such as KVO change notifications) are properly triggered, it makes it much less likely that you'll suffer a copy-and-paste or some other logic error than if you sprinkle your code with retains and releases.
When declaring accessors, you should always use the Objective-C 2 properties feature. The property declarations make the memory management semantics of the accessors explicit. They also provide an easy way for you to cross-check with your dealloc method to make sure that you have released all the properties you declared as retain or copy.
The Instruments Leaks tool is pretty good at finding a certain class of memory leak. Just use "Start with Performance Tool" / "Leaks" menu item to automatically run your application through this tool. Works for Mac OS X and iPhone (simulator or device).
The Leaks tool helps you find sources of leaks, but doesn't help so much tracking down the where the leaked memory is being retained.
Follow the rules for retaining and releasing (or use Garbage Collection). They're summarized here.
Use Instruments to track down leaks. You can run an application under Instruments by using Build > Start With Performance Tool in Xcode.
I remember using a tool by Omni a while back when I was trying to track down some memory leaks that would show all retain/release/autorelease calls on an object. I think it showed stack traces for the allocation as well as all retains and releases on the object.
First of all, it's vitally important that your use of [ ] and { } brackets and braces match the universal standard. OK, just kiddin'.
When looking at leaks, you can assume that the leak is due to a problem in your code but that's not 100% of the fault. In some cases, there may be something happening in Apple's (gasp!) code that is at fault. And it may be something that's hard to find, because it doesn't show up as cocoa objects being allocated. I've reported leak bugs to Apple in the past.
Leaks are sometimes hard to find because the clues you find (e.g. hundreds of strings leaked) may happen not because those objects directly responsible for the strings are leaking, but because something is leaking that object. Often you have to dig through the leaves and branches of a leaking 'tree' in order to find the 'root' of the problem.
Prevention: One of my main rules is to really, really, really avoid ever allocating an object without just autoreleasing it right there on the spot. Anywhere that you alloc/init an object and then release it later on down in the block of code is an opportunity for you to make a mistake. Either you forget to release it, or you throw an exception so that the release never gets called, or you put a 'return' statement for early exit somewhere in the method (something I try to avoid also).
You can build the beta port of Valgrind from here:
It's far more useful than any static analysis, but doesn't have any special Cocoa support yet that I know of.
Obviously you need to understand the basic memory management concepts to begin with. But in terms of chasing down leaks, I highly recommend reading this tutorial on using the Leaks mode in Instruments.