Mod with Doubles - vba

Am I doing something wrong or does the VBA Mod operator actually not work with floating point values like Doubles?
So I've always sort of assumed that the VBA Mod operator would work with Doubles based on the VB documentation, but in trying to figure out why my rounding function doesn't work, I found some unexpected Mod behavior.
Here is my code:
Public Function RoundUp(num As Double, Optional nearest As Double = 1)
RoundUp = ((num \ nearest) - ((num Mod nearest) > 0)) * nearest
End Function
RoundUp(12.34) returns 12 instead of 13 so I dug a little deeper and found that:
12.5 Mod 1 returns 0 with the return type of Long, whereas I had expected 0.5 with a type of Double.
As #ckuhn203 points out in his answer, according to the VBA specification,
The modulus, or remainder, operator divides number1 by number2
(rounding floating-point numbers to integers) and returns only the
remainder as result.
Usually, the data type of result is a Byte, Byte variant, Integer,
Integer variant, Long, or Variant containing a Long, regardless of
whether or not result is a whole number. Any fractional portion is
For my purposes, I need a floating point modulo and so I have decided to use the following:
Public Function FMod(a As Double, b As Double) As Double
FMod = a - Fix(a / b) * b
'Unfortunately, this function can only be accurate when `a / b` is outside [-2.22E-16,+2.22E-16]
'Without this correction, FMod(.66, .06) = 5.55111512312578E-17 when it should be 0
If FMod >= -2 ^ -52 And FMod <= 2 ^ -52 Then '+/- 2.22E-16
FMod = 0
End If
End Function
Here are some examples:
FMod(12.5, 1) = 0.5
FMod(5.3, 2) = 1.3
FMod(18.5, 4.2) = 1.7
Using this in my rounding function solves my particular issue.

According to the VB6/VBA documentation
The modulus, or remainder, operator divides number1 by number2
(rounding floating-point numbers to integers) and returns only the
remainder as result. For example, in the following expression, A
(result) equals 5. A = 19 Mod 6.7 Usually, the data type of result is
a Byte, Byte variant, Integer, Integer variant, Long, or Variant
containing a Long, regardless of whether or not result is a whole
number. Any fractional portion is truncated. However, if any
expression is Null, result is Null. Any expression that is Empty is
treated as 0.
Remember, mod returns the remainder of the division. Any integer mod 1 = 0.
debug.print 12 mod 1
'12/1 = 12 r 0
The real culprit here though is that vba truncates (rounds down) the double to an integer before performing the modulo.
?13 mod 10
?12.5 mod 10
debug.print 12.5 mod 1
'vba truncates 12.5 to 12
debug.print 12 mod 1
'==> 0

I believe that the Mod operator calculates with long type only. The link that you provided is for VB.Net, which is not the same as the VBA you use in MSAccess.
The operator in VBA appears to accept a double type, but simply converts it to a long internally.
This test yielded a result of 1.
9 Mod 4.5
This test yielded a result of 0.
8 Mod 4.5

As a work around your can do some simple math on the values. To get two decimal of precision just multiply the input values by 100 and then divide the result by 100.
result = (123.45*100 Mod 1*100)/100
result = (12345 Mod 100)/100
result = 0.45
I'm late to the party, but just incase this answer is still helpful to someone.

Try This in VBS:
Option Explicit
Call Main()
Sub Main()
WScript.Echo CStr(Is_Rest_Of_Divide_Equal_To_Zero(506.25, 1.5625))
End Sub
Function Is_Rest_Of_Divide_Equal_To_Zero(Divident, Divisor)
Dim Result
Dim DivideResult
If Divident > Divisor Then
DivideResult = Round(Divident/Divisor, 0)
If (DivideResult * Divisor) > Divident Then
Result = False
ElseIf (DivideResult * Divisor) = Divident Then
Result = True
ElseIf (DivideResult * Divisor) < Divident Then
Result = False
End If
ElseIf Divident = Divisor Then
Result = True
ElseIf Divident < Divisor Then
Result = False
End If
Is_Rest_Of_Divide_Equal_To_Zero = Result
End Function

Public Function Modi(d as double) as double
Modi = d - Int(d)
End Function
Dim myDoule as Double
myDoule = 1.99999
Debug.Print Modi(myDoule)


Convert 32-bit signed integer to 64-bit integer while preserving the exact bits

I have a 32-bit value that is stored in the VB.Net type Integer (i.e. Int32.) I am only interested in the bits - not the numerical value. Sometimes the 32nd bit is a one which is interpreted as a negative number. My goal is to reverse the actual bits. My original data is encoded into bits right-to-left (LSB right-most) and is read back in left-to-right (MSB left-most.) I am adapting someone else's code and design. One thought I had was maybe to convert to a long temporarily but I don't know how to do that and preserve the 32nd bit correctly.
Public Shared Function ReverseBits32(ByVal n As Integer) As Integer
Dim result As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To 32 - 1
result = result * 2 + n Mod 2
n = n >> 1 'n Or 2
Return result
End Function
If you had a method to reverse the bits of a byte you could apply it four times to the bytes of an integer. A little research finds Bit Twiddling Hacks.
Module Module1
Sub ShowBits(a As Integer)
Dim aa = BitConverter.GetBytes(a)
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", aa.Select(Function(b) Convert.ToString(b, 2).PadLeft(8, "0"c))))
End Sub
Function ReverseBits(b As Byte) As Byte
' From
Dim c = CULng(b)
Return CByte((((c * &H802UL And &H22110UL) Or (c * &H8020UL And &H88440UL)) * &H10101UL >> 16) And &HFFUL)
End Function
Function ReverseBits(a As Integer) As Integer
Dim bb = BitConverter.GetBytes(a)
Dim cc(3) As Byte
For i = 0 To 3
cc(3 - i) = ReverseBits(bb(i))
Return BitConverter.ToInt32(cc, 0)
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim y = -762334566
y = ReverseBits(y)
End Sub
End Module
Output from test value:
10011010 10110010 10001111 11010010
01001011 11110001 01001101 01011001
I used the "no 64-bit" method because it is written for a language where arithmetic overflow is ignored - the methods using 64-bit operations rely on that but it is not the default for VB.NET.

signed result of Val function in VBA

I use vba in ms access,and found that ,if my parameter greater than 0x8000
less than 0x10000, the result is minus number
eg. Val("&H8000") = -32768 Val("&HFFFF")= -1
how can i get the unsigned number?
There's a problem right here:
The Integer type is 16-bit, and 65,535 overflows it. This is probably overkill, but it was fun to write:
Function ConvertHex(ByVal value As String) As Double
If Left(value, 2) = "&H" Then
value = Right(value, Len(value) - 2)
End If
Dim result As Double
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = Len(value) To 1 Step -1
Dim digit As String
digit = Mid$(value, i, 1)
result = result + (16 ^ j) * Val("&H" & digit)
j = j + 1
ConvertHex = result
End Function
This function iterates each digit starting from the right, computing its value and adding it to the result as it moves to the leftmost digit.
As I suspected, there's a much better way to do this. Credits to #Jonbot for this one:
Function ConvertHex(ByVal value As String) As Currency
Dim result As Currency
result = CCur(value)
If result < 0 Then
'Add two times Int32.MaxValue and another 2 for the overflow
'Because the hex value is apparently parsed as a signed Int64/Int32
result = result + &H7FFFFFFF + &H7FFFFFFF + 2
End If
ConvertHex = result
End Function
Append an ampersand to the hex literal to force conversion to a 32bit integer:
Val("&HFFFF" & "&") == 65535
Val("&H8000&") == +32768
Don't use Val. Use one of the built-in conversion functions instead:
Prefer Currency over Double in this case, to avoid floating-point issues.

Checking if a number has an integer cubic root

I am trying to check whether a given number is cuberoot or not in VBA.
The following code works only for 2 and 3 as answers, it does not work after that.
I am trying to figure out what is wrong in the code.
Sub cuberoot()
Dim n As Long, p As Long, x As Long, y As Long
x = InputBox("x= ")
If Iscube(x) Then
MsgBox ("Is cube")
MsgBox ("No cube")
End If
End Sub
Private Function Iscube(a As Long) As Boolean
b = a ^ (1 / 3)
If b = Int(b) Then
Iscube = True
Iscube = False
End If
End Function
Since you are passing in a Long I'll assume that you won't have a number bigger than roughly 2*10^9 so this should always work. It's a slight variation where you truncate the double and then compare to the two nearest integers to make sure you catch any rounding errors.
Edit: In VBA the truncating would always round so it's only neccessary to check the 3rd root value:
Public Function Iscube(a As Long) As Boolean
Dim b As Integer
b = CInt(a ^ (1# / 3#))
If (b ^ 3 = a) Then
Iscube = True
Iscube = False
End If
End Function
If you need a number larger than a Long you'll need to change your input type and you might want to consider an iterative method like a binary search or a Newton-Raphson solver instead.
Existing Code
Your code will work if you add a
dim b as long
If you debug your code you will see that feeding in 125 gives you
b = 5
Int(b) = 4
Updated Code
You can shorten your boolean test to this
Function Iscube(lngIn As Long) As Boolean
Iscube = (Val(lngIn ^ (1 / 3)) = Int(Val(lngIn ^ (1 / 3))))
End Function
Note that if you call it with a double, it will opearte on the long portion only (so it would see IsCube(64.01)as IsCube(64))

Round up to the nearest multiple of a number

This question has already been asked for the C++ language but I need a function for VBA. I tried converting the C++ function to VBA, but it doesn't return the right values.
I need a function that does the following:
RoundUp(23.90, 5)
'return 25
RoundUp(23.90, 10)
'return 30
RoundUp(23.90, 20)
'return 40
RoundUp(23.90, 50)
'return 50
RoundUp(102.50, 5)
'return 105
RoundUp(102.50, 20)
'return 120
Here's what I have so far. It works most of the time, but returns incorrect values for numbers that are less than .5 less than the multiple. So the problem seems to be a rounding problem with how I'm calculating the remainder value.
Public Function RoundUp(dblNumToRound As Double, lMultiple As Long) As Double
Dim rmndr As Long
rmndr = dblNumToRound Mod lMultiple
If rmndr = 0 Then
RoundUp = dblNumToRound
RoundUp = Round(dblNumToRound) + lMultiple - rmndr
End If
End Function
For Example:
RoundUp(49.50, 50)
'Returns 49.50 because rmndr = 0
I'd simply divide by the lMultiple, round up and multiply again.
Assuming you indeed always want to round up (also for negative numbers):
Public Function RoundUp(dblNumToRound As Double, lMultiple As Long) As Double
Dim asDec as Variant
Dim rounded as Variant
asDec = CDec(dblNumToRound)/lMultiple
rounded = Int(asDec)
If rounded <> asDec Then
rounded = rounded + 1
End If
RoundUp = rounded * lMultiple
End Function
I'm not actually a VBA programmer, so this might need a tweaked comma or two. However the important thing is:
Use Decimal (variant subtype) for precision
Let VB do the math for you
Worth trying WorksheetFunction.Ceiling method (Excel)
Above example will return 30. Here is Link:
A far simpler solution is to add .5 to the number before rounding:
1.1 -> Round(1.1+.5, 0) -> 2

Split a 'Decimal' in VB.NET

I am sure this is a very simple problem, but I am new to VB.NET, so I am having an issue with it.
I have a Decimal variable, and I need to split it into two separate variables, one containing the integer part, and one containing the fractional part.
For example, for x = 12.34 you would end up with a y = 12 and a z = 0.34.
Is there a nice built-in functions to do this or do I have to try and work it out manually?
You can use Math.Truncate(decimal) and then subtract that from the original. Be aware that that will give you a negative value for both parts if the input is decimal (e.g. -1.5 => -1, -.5)
EDIT: Here's a version of Eduardo's code which uses decimal throughout:
Sub SplitDecimal(ByVal number As Decimal, ByRef wholePart As Decimal, _
ByRef fractionalPart As Decimal)
wholePart = Math.Truncate(number)
fractionalPart = number - wholePart
End Sub
(As Jon Skeet says), beware that the integer part of a decimal can be greater than an integer, but this function will get you the idea.
Sub SlipDecimal(ByVal Number As Decimal, ByRef IntegerPart As Integer, _
ByRef DecimalPart As Decimal)
IntegerPart = Int(Number)
DecimalPart = Number - IntegerPart
End Sub
Use the Jon version if you are using big numbers.
DecimalNumber - Int(DecimalNumber)
Fractional and decimal part of a number have different significance when a number is above zero or below zero. Therefore, you have to consider both cases.
I suggest using the below code:
Dim dbl as double = 13.067
Dim int1 As Integer = 0
Dim fraction As Double = 0
If dbl >= 0 Then
int1 = Math.Floor(dbl)
ElseIf dbl < 0 Then
int1 = Math.Ceiling(dbl)
End If
fraction = dbl - int1
fraction holdes 0.067, and int1 holds 13 .
Floor and Ceiling, round any fractional number to the lowest, and highest consecutive integer, respectively.