I am using nodejs with webrtc for a simple 1to1 chat.
It works great when content is server through nodejs:
works fine.
My idea was to use apache so I try to access it thorugh
and I got this error in my chrome logs:
constraintName: ""
message: ""
**name: "PermissionDeniedError"**
__proto__: NavigatorUserMediaError
constructor: function NavigatorUserMediaError() { [native code] }
__proto__: Object
Do you have an idea why I cannot run it within apache and gives me that nasty PermissionDeniedError ?
It seems the browser may be treating the different ports as different origins and throwing a PermissionDenied security error.
Any idea how to avoid that ?
I am trying to set secure access to stand-alone MinIO server using Docker container. I copied private.key and public.crt files to /root/.minio/certs. The ports is mapped like this: 9000:443 and 9001:9001.
When I access image uploaded MinIO through HTTPS, It is work well. But When I tried to login to MinIO web console, I got the simple error message: "EOF". Here is the capture image of console.
It is the returned message from API https://{$my_domain}:9001/api/v1/login, full reponse is as follows.
"code": 500,
"detailedMessage": "EOF",
"message": "invalid Login"
Any idea to solve this error?
I had the same error. The reason was, that I forgot to change the
I hope it helps.
I found cause of the problem myself. I forgot to change SERVER URL in env_file, so it was remained localhost.
I trying to setup RestComm Web SDK demo application on my local system, I just want to create an application for audio/video, chat, IVR, etc(RestComm provide me perfect solution for my needs). Now I have setup RestComm Web SDK on my local system and whenever I an trying to sip call, It throws WebRTCommClient:call(): catched exception:NotSupportedError: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Unsatisfiable constraint IceTransports on browser console.
My webRTC confrigration is as below:
// setup WebRTClient
wrtcConfiguration = {
communicationMode: WebRTCommClient.prototype.SIP,
sip: {
sipUserAgent: 'TelScale RestComm Web Client 1.0.0 BETA4',
sipRegisterMode: register,
sipOutboundProxy: parameters['registrar'],
sipDomain: parameters['domain'],
sipDisplayName: parameters['username'],
sipUserName: parameters['username'],
sipLogin: parameters['username'],
sipPassword: parameters['password'],
RTCPeerConnection: {
iceServers: undefined,
stunServer: 'stun.l.google.com:19302',
turnServer: undefined,
turnLogin: undefined,
turnPassword: undefined,
While I can use olympus without any issue in Chrome Browser. I am stuck with this exception, any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
I think the problem here is that the version of Webrtcomm library inside the demo application you are using is outdated and doesn't include a fix for latest Chrome version. So please replace samples/hello-world/scripts/WebRTComm.js within your repository, with:
That should fix your issue.
Best regards,
Antonis Tsakiridis
I have install pentaho 5.0.1-stable on my server.
and access it via local ip address port 8080 from the client.
Everything works fine accept the marketplace menu.
When i have opened marketplace, there is no item show and the javascript console log show error as following
[info] WD: Response: null
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of null marketplace.js:113
impl.processPluginListResponse marketplace.js:113
fire jquery.js:1047
self.fireWith jquery.js:1165
done jquery.js:7400
callback jquery.js:8181
When i hit refresh button, it still error the same.
biserver in my localhost do work fine...
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
Please help,
Best Regards,
Is the server behind a firewall ?
the marketplace is not able to function in Pentaho 5.0.1 if you're using a firewall.
That has been fixed on 5.2 (or 5.1, can't remember).
I have this code that it used to work, but at some specific time it stopped to work and returned the error "The remote server returned an error: NotFound."
WebClient deliciousWebClient = new WebClient();
deliciousWebClient.Credentials = Credentials;
deliciousWebClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("https://api.del.icio.us/v1/tags/get"));
deliciousWebClient.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, ee) =>
if (ee.Error == null)
Any suggestion on this error?
In this code, the error is pointing to delicious endpoit, but the same error is happening with some other services...
The NotFound error is a classic 404 error, so it's possible that the API endpoint is down or that it changed on you.
I'd start by using Fiddler2 to make the requests manually. That'll help you figure out whether the issue is in your code somewhere or on the API side.
It's hard to get Fiddler working with the WP7 emulator, as you noted below. One trick I've used in the past when I got really desperate was to write a quick console app that used the same code that my Windows Phone app was executing. Then I was able to successfully intercept the traffic. It turned out that my request being properly formatted.
I want to run my testcases with the help of parameters mentioned in the testSuite.xml file and use them in my test cases by mentioning
#Parameters({ "selenium.host", "selenium.port", "selenium.browser", "selenium.url" }) in my code.
Though, I started a standalone server with -trustAllSSLcertificates, the system is giving "403 access forbidden error". However, if I run the test cases individually, by hardcoding the port, URL, Host & browsername, it works fine.
Where am i going wrong?.....
BTW, I run my test cases using build.xml file. Here also i added the -trustAllSSLcertificates when starting the server. But still it does not work.
Please help.
When running Selenium WebDriver using selenium-server-standalone I kept getting this error.
Forbidden for Proxy
Turns out that it was because I needed to use the url http://localhost:4444/wd/hub as the url for the RemoteWebDriver client to connect to.
I'm sure there are a number of things that could cause the HTTP ERROR: 403, but you may want to double-check that it's resolving to the correct base url.