iOS7 Text chat application with background MultiTasking and without APNS - ios7

I wish to make chat application that will use background service that will persistently query certain server of clients choice.
This app is chat application.
I am developer of iOS application but I do not own/control these servers.
I can't share my APNS certificate with 3rd parties that control these servers.
So the only way I see to implement it on iOS is to use MultiTasking API and NSURLSession class.
Is it permitted create chat applications that will not use APNS but will use MultiTasking API?

take a look at Just declare your app as a voip.


Subscribing Tags in Google Cloud messaging

I'm working with Windows Azure Notification Hub and Android, testing the notifications push service through GCM. I'm using tags, pushing notifications from a Web application (back-end) integrated with Windows Azure.
The issue is: I don't know how to subscribe from an Android App to listen to those tags.
Create a Custom API with Azure Mobile Apps Server SDK. This should take the device registration Id and then do the registration with Notification Hubs. Azure Mobile Apps Server SDK wraps the Notification Hubs SDK for this purpose.
In your client, you can follow the appropriate Client SDK tutorial on push (Android is here), but use InvokeApi to invoke your custom API to do the registration instead of calling client.getPush().register().
Another good reference is the Android Client HOWTO Docs.

How to monitor all lync users instant message via C# console application?

I have created UCMA trusted application using C# console application.
I want to monitor all Lync Users instant messaging calls (in one place) as well as store their conversations in the database via this console application.
Is it possible?.
If possible, please give an idea or any url.
UCMA trusted applications will only respond to traffic to the endpoints associated with that application so if you want to monitor all instant message traffic it would be the wrong API.
I would suggest using SIP Application API to create a server application. This will also require the use of MSPL documented here
As Dai has asked - is the console application a requirement or will a windows service be ok?
Try our this sample application SipSnoop it basically shows all the metadata passing throught the lync server, you can tweak around it according to your requirement.

webrtc in goinstant on ios

Trying to use the webrtc widget on an ipad and it is saying that the browser does not support webrtc.
Is there a work around that people are using for this? A number that people can call into on their phone.
What are the approaches taken to get people on a mobile device into the conference.
Currently there's no support for WebRTC on most mobile platforms, the notable exception at the moment is the latest version of Android running the Chrome browser.
Additionally, WebRTC does not have any native support for phone dial-in, however providers such as Twilio have begun development of WebRTC - phone interfaces ( Also, development of a dial-in feature would require the addition of a server to handle the authentication credentials associated with a service such as Twilio.
Video chat on the iPad/iPhone will likely be supported as soon as Apple's Safari browser adopts the WebRTC specification. However, telephone dial-in is not currently something on our immediate roadmap for the video chat widget.

XMPP Push Notification for iOS chat app

I'm creating Google talk client for iOS. I have BOSH server (used node-xmpp-bosh) and iOS client (used xmppframework). The iOS client connect through this BOSH server.
Now, how can I made a push notification to client (possibly from Bosh server) whenever there is incoming chat message or friend request?
node-xmpp-bosh actually provides for exactly this sort of use-case. The BOSH server is an instance of an eventpipe that lets you pipe events to/from the BOSH server to your custom modules/plugins. This is where you can code up the logic for the push notification service.
The advantage of doing this on the BOSH server is that you can support every XMPP service and not just the one that you control the XMPP server for. i.e. You can provide this functionality for google talk, facebook,, etc...
Disclosure: I'm one of the authors of node-xmpp-bosh.
To support Push notification you need a special change on the server. We have developed that module for ejabberd (this is something you can see in TextOne and OneTeam).
The details to implement push notification yourself is available on:

Would using UiWebView (for payment) in an iPhone app be rejected? App is a web service

For in-app purchases that affects the iPhone app itself, it'll definitely be rejected as Apple would force you to use their in-app purchase API.
But what if the app complements a web service that I'm building that isn't only made for iOS.
It would seem weird that subscribers would have to go through two separate gateways for payment.
In other words, how does a web service passes app store approval for an iPhone version of the web app?
Noone currently knows for sure. Steve Jobs has said that the subscription rules were meant "for publishing apps only, not SaaS apps": But the guidelines are kind of vague.