Embedded ApacheDS 2.0 doesn't have ou=config - ldap

I have succeeded in getting an embedded ApacheDS instance to start with a Java Web App thanks to the example found here, and have added partitions to it. The problem is that the resulting LDAP server instance doesn't show 'ou=config'. Any idea why or what I can do to to get this important element?

In embedded mode you configure the server programmatically, ou=config is for configuring the server running in network mode.


Remote Debug Weblogic Clustered Servers

I have a java application which is currently deployed in weblogic clustered environment with 2 managed servers. Would like to enable remote debugging for me to investigate further the issue on session data replication. I followed the steps provided here. After restarting the 2 managed servers, it seems the configuration has no effect. I used the same debug config below in my 2 managed servers.
-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8457,server=y,suspend=n
I also tried adding the below line on each managed server startup script.
export debugFlag=true
export DEBUG_PORT=8457
I use telnet command and got this error: Could not open connection to the host, on port 8457: Connect failed.
Linux firewall is already disabled.
Has anyone already encountered this issue? In addition, how to use it for me to enable debug in my IDE (e.g. Eclipse/IntelliJ)
Thanks in advance for the help.
This is already resolved. As advised by #devwebcl, I put the additional script below in my startManagedWebLogic.sh
export JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8457,server=y,suspend=n"
I put the same argument (e.g. -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8457,server=y,suspend=n) in the Server Start argument section on each managed server in weblogic admin console.
It will make sure that either you start your managed server via weblogic admin console or via shell startup script of each managed server, the same argument will be picked up.

Solaris DSCC delete offline directory server

I have made a copy of one of our live ldap servers to use in testing environment.
In our live system we have 2 ldap servers in master/master configuration.
My question is on our testing environment as there is only one server how can I delete the offline ldap server from DSCC. I have tried to remove it using the web interface but as its offline it throws an can't communicate error.
I have also tried using the dsccreg remove-server command with no success.
Any ideas?
You probably want to look at MOS note 1920317.1

Mule:Testing HTTP Service on MMC

I have deployed my application running on my local server # http://localhost:8048/myservice?day=xx&month=yy&year=zzzz , it works succesfully on my local machine, in that it downloads a file from the http site. However when I deploy to Mule Management console . I understand that the default port is 8585. When I change the URL to MMC & give the default port with the same path, it does not download the file . Am I missingsomething
The MMC is a utility for managing and monitoring Mule Standalone Runtimes.
One of its functions is to deploy apps to a Runtime. You are not actually deploying to the MMC.
Does this help clarify the situation or do you want any further help on want The MMC is used for and how to do it?
Please check the logs inside MMC.It stores the logfiles date wise.See if your application has been deployed in MMC successfully and if yes then do the following things:
1)If you are using any path to download the file then cross check the path details.You can put a logger to crosscheck that.
2)Put a logger before the business logic and after the business logic and follow what it is logging in the log file.
3)In case your server is Linux then check the path separator pattern
MMC is a Mule Management Console which is used (provides provision) to deploy, undeploy, manage, monitor application and server both. From the statement you mentioned in your query it seems you are trying to deploy the app in the MMC - MMC is not a server its a console where you can register your ESB Runtimes -or- API Gateways (on-Prem) servers so that you can deploy the applications to the server/runtimes (which will go to the runtimes location $MULE_HOME/apps).
Please check if you have registered the server under MMC's Server tab - if not then you have to do this first and then it will allow you to perform application deployment using the MMC's APplication tab where you can upload your deployment archive/artifacts/build to the mmc repo and then you can deploy through the deployment options by selecting your server (which you have registered).
If I am missing something from your statement then please clarify more and will try to help you out here.

How to solve management service not starting up in Worklight 6.2

I have installed Worklight 6.2 on Linux, using Liberty 8.5.5 and DB2 10.5. Created the DB2 databases for WRKLGHT and WLREPORT. Have executed the Server Configuration Tool and successfully created a Worklight Server configuration (did not have any errors in the Console view when running the Ant tasks, tables were created successfully in the database, and configuration shows deployed status in the SCT). Created a runtime environment in the SCT, also seemed to succeed (no errors in Console view, tables created/updated, runtime environment shows deployed in the SCT). Stopped and restarted the Liberty server.
Can hit Worklight admin at (/worklightconsole) and log in successfully using my demo user, however it then indicates there are no runtime environments. When trying to access runtime environment at /worklight/console (which should be the correct URL given how I created the runtime config in SCT using my Worklight project WAR), I get various errors: first "Service unavailable since initialization is not yet complete." then after retrying for about a minute or two I get "javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout while waiting for the management service to start up at com.worklight.core.auth.impl.AuthenticationFilter.isWaitingForInitialization(AuthenticationFilter.java:561)".
Seems the management service is not starting up successfully. Upon reviewing the messages.log I see the following error precede it: "FWLSE0242E: Failed to synchronize application runtime information. The servlet initialization failed and the servlet will deny serve. The most common reason is a failure in JMX communication with the ''worklightadmin'' service. You need to restart the web application after fixing the problem. [project worklight]" and this creates an FFDC log.
I know this is a lot of information but trying to be complete. Anything I should check to fix the JMX communication issue and get the management service starting?
Thank you for the replies back. Turns out there is an issue with Liberty (I was on and the IBM JDK I was using (1.7_64). Swapped out to the Oracle JRE (1.7.0_60-b19), pointed Liberty to use it, and the problem was solved. I am pursuing a fix with the Liberty team through IBM Support for this issue.
I cannot give a unique solution, but I can explain the situation and this may lead to a solution.
The runtime servlet initialization tries to contact the Worklight Admin service. The Worklight Admin service is a web application that must be running when the runtime starts. The runtime was not able to find the Worklight Admin service. It waited a while, in case that the Worklight Admin service is just starting up, but then gave up due to a timeout because within a given time, it could not find the Worklight Admin service.
Possible reasons:
the web server is not at all configured to run the Worklight Admin service. In your case, this seems not the problem, since you can access the Worklight Console. You should also see in the log file whether the Worklight Admin service did start.
the worklightadmin service might never start up ... this could be a configuration problem, e.g. with the WLADMIN data base. This could also be detected from the server logs.
when the runtimes and the Worklight Admin service start up together, it might be that the Worklight Admin service simply takes too long to start. Let's say you have 100 webapps, and the runtime starts first and the Worklight Admin service starts last, it could be that the 98 other webapps take too much time to start. In that case, make your web server lighter ... run only Worklight on that webserver, nothing else.
the Worklight Admin service starts, but the runtime cannot communicate with it. This indicates that the JMX communication is misconfigured. Follow the documentation of the webserver how to configure JMX. For liberty, see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSD28V_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.core.doc/ae/twlp_admin_restconnector.html?cp=SSD28V_8.5.5%2F1-5-2-10-1&lang=en

Is it possible to connect to a Raven IIS instance as embedded?

I have a RavenDB IIS instance that is working just fine via the Silverlight interface. I am trying to connect to as an embedded client by targeting the web folder, but I keep getting an error saying that it cannot find a lucene DLL. Is this even possible?
No, that is not possible. In embedded mode, the EmbeddableDocumentStore actually contains the database instance. Only one can be spun up at a time. You cannot have multiple embedded clients using the same set of files.
If you have an instance running in IIS, then don't connect with embedded mode. Connect using the regular client and point at the URL of your server.