How to open an NSWindowController from another NSWindowController in Cocoa - objective-c

I'm developing an app in cocoa for MacOSX in Xcode5 and I want to open another window from my current window by pressing a button, this is my code:
- (IBAction)openWindow:(id)sender {
WindowController *controllerWindow = [[WindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"WindowController"];
[controllerWindow showWindow:nil];
[[controllerWindow window] makeMainWindow];
so far I can see the window appearing by one second and then this just dissappear, how to do this correctly???

Neither the window nor the window controller have a strong reference anywhere outside the scope of this method.
So after that, they're getting released.
Normally, you would add your window controller to some container like an array in your app delegate.
The array will retain the window controller.
The window controller can hang on to the window.
It also makes sense for the action method to be in the app delegate. You button should just send a selector up the responder chain.

use this..
Create a new .h & .m files which yo need to open, as NewWindowController (for eg.) along with its .xib
And on any button click, to open the newly defined window, just allocate, instantiate and present..
NewWindowController *controllerWindow = [[NewWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"NewWindowController"];
[controllerWindow showWindow:self];


Is it possible to have a custom NSWindowController on launch?

In this answer is said it is possible to have a custom NSWindowController by removing the window from MainMenu.xib and instantiating the window controller 'manually' from applicationDidFinishLaunching:. But it also says:
To stop the default window from showing I just delete it. There's probably a better way but I don't know that.
Is there a better way? What is that better way, should it exist? Is it considered 'normal' practice to get your own window controller?
To do this, you would usually subclass NSWindowController and change the File's Owner class to your WindowController subclass in the nib.
If you aren't doing a document-based app, and just want an NSWindowController of your own to do on-demand loading of Nibs (completely reasonable), then you'd delete the window from your nib and instantiate an NSWindowController subclass programmatically, using it explicitly to do your window loading...
#implementation MyApplicationDelegate {
MyWindowControllerSubclass *windowController;
-(void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification {
windowController = [[MyWindowControllerSubclass alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"MyWindowNib"];
[windowController showWindow:nil];
[windowController.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
I was running into the same issue and I want to show you my own solution.
Create a normal Cocoa Application (not Document Based)
Go to MainMenu.xib an delete the Window
Go ahead and create a new file, User Interface -> Window
After that create a subclass of NSWindowController
Open the just created xib file and set the Custom Class in the Identity inspector to the just created subclass of NSWindowController
Right click on File's Owner and connect the window property to the actual window
Now go to the AppDelegate an create an instance variable that holds you CustomWindowController
Last thing you have to do is instantiate your CustomWindowController self.customWindowController = [[AccountWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"CustomWindow"]; and show the Window [self.customWindowController showWindow:nil] in - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
Here is an example project
I actually found another way: NSWindowController has the method -initWithWindow:. Because the App Delegate has a property window which is linked to the window from MainMenu.xib on startup, it was easy to link it to my WindowController:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
MyWindowController *wincon = [[MyWindowController alloc] initWithWindow:window];
I have yet to research this, but I don't get any errors.

NSWindowController showWindow: flashes the window

So I'm trying to open a new NSWindow like so:
NSWindowController *winCon = [[NSWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"NewWindow"];
[winCon showWindow:self];
When I do this, the new window flashes on the screen, as in it appears and then quickly disappears. I know that I have my window correctly referenced in IB and everything. It's like it wants to show the window, but then it gets deallocated or something weird almost immediately. Any help will be appreciated.
First, the name of the initializer isn't -initWithNibName:, but -initWithWindowNibName:.
Second, and this is true if you're using ARC, your window goes foom because you don't have a strong reference for your instance of NSWindowController. When the method ends, so does your reference.
If, say, you were to do this instead in your application delegate interface:
#property(strong) NSWindowController *winCon;
And synthesized it in your implementation file:
#synthesize winCon;
Then you could set up like this:
self.winCon = [[NSWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"NewWindow"];
[self.winCon showWindow:self];
Now your window won't disappear. The window controller will be released when the application closes.

Improper setup of window displayed through menu item?

I am working on my first native mac app after playing with iOS for a while.
I am attempting to launch a window from a menu item, but I suspect I am doing it wrong. Any IBAction I connect to buttons on this new window returns an error.
Here is what I am doing. From a menu item I launch this:
NSLog(#"Input selected.");
inputSAViewController = [[NSWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"InputViewController"];
[inputSAViewController showWindow:self];
This launches the InputViewController nib that is owned by the InputViewController class. I set the InputViewController class to inherit from NSWindowController.
On InputViewController.m I have tested IBActions such as:
NSLog(#"Data recalled?");
I connect this IBAction to a button through the Interface Builder. All looks okay.
When I build and open the InputViewController window I receive this error in the console before clicking anything:
Could not connect the action testButton: to target of class NSWindowController
I have searched extensively but my ignorance prevents me from connecting the dots. This thread based on a similar error with NSApplication looks promising, but I don't quite understand what I'd need to make the connections happen related to the NSWindowController error.
This should be simple. What am I missing?
Your code:
NSLog(#"Input selected.");
inputSAViewController = [[NSWindowController alloc]
[inputSAViewController showWindow:self];
Notice you are alloc/initing a generic instance of NSWindowController, not your custom subclass where you've implemented the testButton: method. I assume you'd likely want that changed to:
NSLog(#"Input selected.");
inputSAViewController = [[InputViewController alloc]
[inputSAViewController showWindow:self];
Just load the NSWindow before hand and make it invisible and when the IBAction is called, just do the following:
[myWindow setIsVisible:YES];
[myWindow setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];

NSWindowController showWindow only works once

I have a subclass of NSWindowController that has its own nib and another class that has an IBAction to show the window and loads it like so.
if (!propertiesController){
propertiesController = [[PropertiesController alloc] init];
[propertiesController showWindow:self];
It the first time but after I close the window and call this method again the window is not displayed. I am sure the window is not getting released. Do I possibly have to override showWindow to order the window to the front? Or do I have to specify what window the controller uses in the nib?
have you tried
[propertiesController.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];

Creating a Modal Dialog or Window in Cocoa Objective-C?

I need to create an modal dialog, which is to loaded from a nib file and should be displayed on a button click in the main window.
I can create a custom window in a nib file and load the custom dialog on button click, but it's not a modal dialog. I can switch back to the main window.
MyWindowController is the NSWindowController subclass.
I used the code below to display my window in response to the button event:
MyWindowController *pController = [[MyWindowController alloc]
[MyWindowController showWindow:self];
There are several ways to do this — and in fact two different kinds of modal dialog in OS X: application-modal and window-modal. Using the wrong one will annoy people. One is a sheet, which is attached to the window that it affects (save dialogs are an example of this). The other is application-modal, which blocks the whole application (open dialogs work this way, since they don't apply to any window that exists yet). Apple's sheet documentation should help get you oriented.
Thank you...
Create a nib with name "About"
if(pAbtCtrl == nil)
pAbtCtrl = [[AboutWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"About"];
pAbtWindow = [pAbtCtrl window];
[NSApp runModalForWindow: pAbtWindow];
[NSApp endSheet: pAbtWindow];
[pAbtWindow orderOut: self];