Developing a request and response system -

An example:
I am looking to design a request and response system for a project. The request and responses are both classes.
I don't use interfaces because I do use Command by its self.
Example of use:
dim result as Response = ExecuteCommand(of Response)(new Read())
dim result as DiffResponse = ExecuteCommand(of DiffResponse)(new Read())
Example of design:
Class Command
Private buffer as new List(of byte)
Sub New(byval command As byte)
End Sub
Overrideable get_request() As byte()
Return buffer.toarray
End Function
End Class
Class Read
Inherits Command
Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
Class Response
Private buffer As New List(Of Byte)
Sub New(ByVal data() As Byte)
End Class
Now I want to be able to have multiple types of Response so example:
Class DiffResponse
Inherits Response
Sub New(data As Bytes())
' Custom processing
End Sub
End Class
The DiffResponse class might have custom getter functions and variables.
Presently I do something like this:
Public Function ExecuteCommand(Of response)(ByVal command As Command) As response
Return GetType(response).GetConstructor(New Type() {GetType(Byte())}).Invoke(New Object() {Me.WritePacket(command.get_request)})
End Function
Is this the best way of doing it?


Assigning class Instance to Interface

Have two questions regarding the code below:
In the following code, the class Test implement the interface Test_Interafce. I have read in more than one articles that when a class implements an interface, we should assign the class instance to the interface. Going by that in the following code the statement Dim t As New Test() should be replaced by Dim t As Test_Interface = New Test(). However I do not understand the advantage or need for the same. When I instantiate the class Test by simply writing Dim t As New Test(), I am able to access all elements (even the procedures of the interface implemented by the class) through the instance "t" and the code seems to be working fine. So then why to assign a class instance to an interface?
Infact if I write Dim t As Test_Interface = New Test() then through "t" does not allow me to access the subroutine CHECK in the class Test. The error being displayed is: "CHECK is not a member of Test_Interface". So isnt that a disadvantage??!!
What is the use of the statement: Throw New NotImplementedException(). This statement comes automatically when I implement teh interface in a class/structure.
The code is found below:
Module Module1
Interface Test_Interface
Function Length(ByVal s As String) As Integer
Sub Details(ByVal age As Integer, ByVal name As String)
End Interface
Sub Main()
Dim t As New Test() 'Alternate definition: Dim t As Test_Interface = New Test()
t.Details(31, "Mounisha")
Console.WriteLine("Length of the string entered = {0}", t.Length("Hello"))
End Sub
End Module
Class Test
Implements Test_Interface
Public Sub Details(age As Integer, name As String) Implements Test_Interface.Details
Console.WriteLine("Age of person = {0}", age)
Console.WriteLine("Name of person = {0}", name)
'Throw New NotImplementedException() ----> what does this do?
End Sub
Public Function Length(s As String) As Integer Implements Test_Interface.Length
Console.WriteLine("Original String: {0}", s)
Return s.Length()
'Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Function
Sub check()
Console.WriteLine("The sub can be accessed")
End Sub
End Class

how to get the Index of object in collection

I'm trying to make a application, in this application I have a List(of T) collection that holds an object.
When processing the object I need to know it's Index from the list.
Public Class
Public oList as New List(of TestObject)
Private Sub Test()
Dim NewObject As New TestObject
End Sub
Private Sub Index(Byval TestObject As TestObject)
End Sub
End Class
Is something like this possible? Ive seen it available in a reference file I used some time ago, but now I would like to make this available within my own class.
Can someone provide a sample?
PS: I know I can get the index using the List(Of T).IndexOf Method (T) but for future possibilities I would like to make the call from the object itself.
What usually happen is that they have a custom list, they don't directly used List(Of T) and store the list inside the object when they add that item to the list.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim someList As New CustomList
someList.Add(New CustomItem())
someList.Add(New CustomItem())
someList.Add(New CustomItem())
End Sub
End Module
Class CustomItem
' Friend since we don't want anyone else to see/change it.
Friend IncludedInList As CustomList
Public ReadOnly Property Index
If IncludedInList Is Nothing Then
Return -1
End If
Return IncludedInList.IndexOf(Me)
End Get
End Property
End Class
Class CustomList
Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of CustomItem)
Protected Overrides Sub InsertItem(index As Integer, item As CustomItem)
If item.IncludedInList IsNot Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Item already in a list")
End If
item.IncludedInList = Me
MyBase.InsertItem(index, item)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub RemoveItem(index As Integer)
Me(index).IncludedInList = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
It looks like this
Public oList As New List(Of TestObject)
Private Sub Test()
Dim NewObject As New TestObject(oList.Count)
End Sub
Public Class TestObject
Public index As Integer
Public Sub New(IndxOfObj As Integer)
Me.index = IndxOfObj
End Sub
End Class
If you necessarily need to have it as a property on the object I would suggest the following:
Public Class Main
Public oList As New List(Of TestObject)
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
Dim NewObject As New TestObject(Me)
Dim NewObject2 As New TestObject(Me)
End Sub
Public Function Index(ByVal TestObject As TestObject) As Integer
Return oList.IndexOf(TestObject)
End Function
End Class
Public Class TestObject
Private _main As Main
Public ReadOnly Property Index() As Integer
Return _main.Index(Me)
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(RootClass As Main)
_main = RootClass
End Sub
End Class
If you happen to have the Main class as a Singleton you can skip the whole sending 'Me' into the constructor business. Then you can just call Main.Index without storing it as a property on all TestObjects.

Showing progress of ZipFiles Class

I was wondering, how can I get the percentage of this being done, so I can display it on a progress bar?
ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory("C:\temp\folder", "C:\temp\")
and also
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory("C:\temp\", "C:\temp\folder")
This doesnt have any events or callbacks that you can use to report progress. Simply means you cant with the .Net version. If you used the 7-Zip library you can do this easily.
I came across this question while checking for related questions for the identical question, asked for C# code. It is true that the .NET static ZipFile class does not offer progress reporting. However, it is not hard to do using the ZipArchive implementation, available since earlier versions of .NET.
The key is to use a Stream wrapper that will report bytes read and written, and insert that in the data pipeline while creating or extracting the archive.
I wrote a version in C# for an answer to the other question, and since I didn't find any VB.NET examples, figured it would be helpful to include a VB.NET version on this question.
(Arguably, I could include both examples in a single answer and propose closing one of the questions as a duplicate of the other. But since it's doubtful the close vote would result in an actual closure, the connection between the two questions would not be as obvious as it should be. I think for best visibility to future users trying to find the solution appropriate for their needs, leaving this as two different questions is better.)
The foundation of the solution is the Stream wrapper class:
Imports System.IO
Public Class StreamWithProgress
Inherits Stream
' NOTE For illustration purposes. For production code, one would want To
' override *all* of the virtual methods, delegating to the base _stream object,
' to ensure performance optimizations in the base _stream object aren't
' bypassed.
Private ReadOnly _stream As Stream
Private ReadOnly _readProgress As IProgress(Of Integer)
Private ReadOnly _writeProgress As IProgress(Of Integer)
Public Sub New(Stream As Stream, readProgress As IProgress(Of Integer), writeProgress As IProgress(Of Integer))
_stream = Stream
_readProgress = readProgress
_writeProgress = writeProgress
End Sub
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanRead As Boolean
Return _stream.CanRead
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanSeek As Boolean
Return _stream.CanSeek
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanWrite As Boolean
Return _stream.CanWrite
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Length As Long
Return _stream.Length
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Property Position As Long
Return _stream.Position
End Get
Set(value As Long)
_stream.Position = value
End Set
End Property
Public Overrides Sub Flush()
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub SetLength(value As Long)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Seek(offset As Long, origin As SeekOrigin) As Long
Return _stream.Seek(offset, origin)
End Function
Public Overrides Sub Write(buffer() As Byte, offset As Integer, count As Integer)
_stream.Write(buffer, offset, count)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Read(buffer() As Byte, offset As Integer, count As Integer) As Integer
Dim bytesRead As Integer = _stream.Read(buffer, offset, count)
Return bytesRead
End Function
End Class
The wrapper class can be used to implement progress-aware versions of the ZipFile static methods:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.Compression
NotInheritable Class ZipFileWithProgress
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Sub CreateFromDirectory(
sourceDirectoryName As String,
destinationArchiveFileName As String,
progress As IProgress(Of Double))
sourceDirectoryName = Path.GetFullPath(sourceDirectoryName)
Dim sourceFiles As FileInfo() = New DirectoryInfo(sourceDirectoryName).GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim totalBytes As Double = sourceFiles.Sum(Function(f) f.Length)
Dim currentBytes As Long = 0
Using archive As ZipArchive = ZipFile.Open(destinationArchiveFileName, ZipArchiveMode.Create)
For Each fileInfo As FileInfo In sourceFiles
' NOTE: naive method To Get Sub-path from file name, relative to
' input directory. Production code should be more robust than this.
' Either use Path class Or similar to parse directory separators And
' reconstruct output file name, Or change this entire method to be
' recursive so that it can follow the sub-directories And include them
' in the entry name as they are processed.
Dim entryName As String = fileInfo.FullName.Substring(sourceDirectoryName.Length + 1)
Dim entry As ZipArchiveEntry = archive.CreateEntry(entryName)
entry.LastWriteTime = fileInfo.LastWriteTime
Using inputStream As Stream = File.OpenRead(fileInfo.FullName)
Using outputStream As Stream = entry.Open()
Dim progressStream As Stream = New StreamWithProgress(inputStream,
New BasicProgress(Of Integer)(
currentBytes += i
progress.Report(currentBytes / totalBytes)
End Sub), Nothing)
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ExtractToDirectory(
sourceArchiveFileName As String,
destinationDirectoryName As String,
progress As IProgress(Of Double))
Using archive As ZipArchive = ZipFile.OpenRead(sourceArchiveFileName)
Dim totalBytes As Double = archive.Entries.Sum(Function(e) e.Length)
Dim currentBytes As Long = 0
For Each entry As ZipArchiveEntry In archive.Entries
Dim fileName As String = Path.Combine(destinationDirectoryName, entry.FullName)
Using inputStream As Stream = entry.Open()
Using outputStream As Stream = File.OpenWrite(fileName)
Dim progressStream As Stream = New StreamWithProgress(outputStream, Nothing,
New BasicProgress(Of Integer)(
currentBytes += i
progress.Report(currentBytes / totalBytes)
End Sub))
End Using
End Using
File.SetLastWriteTime(fileName, entry.LastWriteTime.LocalDateTime)
End Using
End Sub
End Class
The .NET built-in implementation of IProgress(Of T) is intended for use in contexts where there is a UI thread where progress reporting events should be raised. As such, when used in a console program, like which I used to test this code, it will default to using the thread pool to raise the events, allowing for the possibility of out-of-order reports. To address this, the above uses a simpler implementation of IProgress(Of T), one that simply invokes the handler directly and synchronously.
Class BasicProgress(Of T)
Implements IProgress(Of T)
Private ReadOnly _handler As Action(Of T)
Public Sub New(handler As Action(Of T))
_handler = handler
End Sub
Private Sub Report(value As T) Implements IProgress(Of T).Report
End Sub
End Class
And naturally, it's useful to have an example with which to test and demonstrate the code.
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim sourceDirectory As String = args(0),
archive As String = args(1),
archiveDirectory As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(archive)),
unpackDirectoryName As String = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
ZipFileWithProgress.CreateFromDirectory(sourceDirectory, archive,
New BasicProgress(Of Double)(
Console.WriteLine($"{p:P2} archiving complete")
End Sub))
ZipFileWithProgress.ExtractToDirectory(archive, unpackDirectoryName,
New BasicProgress(Of Double)(
Console.WriteLine($"{p:P0} extracting complete")
End Sub))
End Sub
End Module
Additional notes regarding this implementation can be found in my answer to the related question.

VB.NET: How can I have events return a value like I can in C#?

In C#, I can do this:
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Class1 c1 = new Class1();
c1.OnNeedInt += new Class1.NeedInt(c1_OnNeedInt);
int i = c1.GetInt();
int c1_OnNeedInt()
return 1;
public class Class1
public delegate int NeedInt();
public event NeedInt OnNeedInt;
public int GetInt()
return OnNeedInt == null ? 0 : OnNeedInt();
Notice the line int i = c1.GetInt();. I can't seem to get VB.NET 4.0 to do something similiar. Any help?
I thinks its even easier than most people think...
Class MyClass
Public Event MyEvent(ByRef MyVariable as String)
Private Sub DoSomething()
Dim SomethingINeed as String = String.Empty
RaiseEvent MyEvent(SomethingINeed)
'SomethingINeed will now contain "Goodbye Cruel World"
End sub
End Class
Then in the class that monitors the event...
Class MyOtherClass
Private Sub New()
AddHandler MyClass.MyEvent, Addressof MyEventHandler
End Sub
Private Sub MyEventHandler(ByRef StringToPassBack as String)
StringToPassBack = "Goodbye Cruel World"
End Sub
End Class
It's all about the ByRef keywords in both the event declaration and the eventhandler sub.
That's not possible in, events must be raised with the RaiseEvent statement. It doesn't return a value. It is a pretty questionable practice anyway, an event can have zero or multiple subscribers. No telling what the return value might be. Just use a delegate instead:
Class Page
Public Sub New()
Dim obj As New Class1
Dim dlg As New Func(Of Integer)(AddressOf obj.GetInt)
Dim i As Integer = dlg()
End Sub
End Class
Class Class1
Public Function GetInt() As Integer
Return 42
End Function
End Class
In VB, you don't need to check to see if anyone is attached to your event handler. You can just call RaiseEvent and if anyone is listening to it, it will work. However, the event isn't intended to return a value. You could try sticking it into an event arg and pass that around, but that gets messy.
#HansPassant's solution is close, but not quite what you were asking for. Altering his solution a bit:
Delegate Function FetchIt() As Integer
Class Page
Public Sub New()
Dim obj As New Class1
Dim i As Integer = obj.GetInt(AddressOf c1_OnNeedInt)
End Sub
Function c1_OnNeedInt() As Integer
Return 42
End Function
End Class
Class Class1
Public Function GetInt(fetcher As FetchIt) As Integer
Return fetcher()
End Function
End Class
Alternatively, you could do this without the custom delegate using Lambda's:
Class Page
Public Sub New()
Dim obj As New Class1
Dim dlg As New Func(Of Integer)(AddressOf c1_OnNeedInt)
Dim i As Integer = obj.GetInt(dlg)
End Sub
Function c1_OnNeedInt() As Integer
Return 42
End Function
End Class
Class Class1
Public Function GetInt(fetcher As Func(Of Integer)) As Integer
Return fetcher()
End Function
End Class
I found an answer to my issue. In the base class that my ASP.NET user controls inherit, I have this:
Dim _Connection As MyConnection
Public Property Connection As MyConnection
If _Connection Is Nothing Then
RaiseEvent OnNeedConnection(_Connection)
End If
Return _Connection
End Get
Set(value As MyConnection)
_Connection = value
End Set
End Property
Public Delegate Sub NeedConnection(ByRef Connection As MyConnection)
Public Event OnNeedConnection As NeedConnection
In my web form codebehind, I wire it up manually to this:
Sub ServeConnection(ByRef Connection As MyConnection)
Connection = oConn
End Sub
The actual connection is hosted on the webform's codebehind, but I have several user controls that need to use this connection. Any time any of the user controls need the connection, their base class requests it and the host page serves it. This is made possible by the ByRef keyword.
This is the closest C# equivalent I could put together.

Calling Subroutines from lambda in

I find myself calling functions from lambdas frequently as the provided delegate does not match or does not have sufficient parameters. It is irritating that I cannot do lambda on subroutines. Each time I want to do this I have to wrap my subroutine in a function which returns nothing. Not pretty, but it works.
Is there another way of doing this that makes this smoother/prettier?
I have read that this whole lambda inadequacy will probably be fixed in VS2010/VB10 so my question is more out of curiosity.
A simple Example:
Public Class ProcessingClass
Public Delegate Sub ProcessData(ByVal index As Integer)
Public Function ProcessList(ByVal processData As ProcessData)
' for each in some list processData(index) or whatever'
End Function
End Class
Public Class Main
Private Sub ProcessingSub(ByVal index As Integer, _
ByRef result As Integer)
' (...) My custom processing '
End Sub
Private Function ProcessingFunction(ByVal index As Integer, _
ByRef result As Integer) As Object
ProcessingSub(index, result)
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Sub Main()
Dim processingClass As New ProcessingClass
Dim result As Integer
' The following throws a compiler error as '
' ProcessingSub does not produce a value'
processingClass.ProcessList( _
Function(index As Integer) ProcessingSub(index, result))
' The following is the workaround that'
' I find myself using too frequently.'
processingClass.ProcessList( _
Function(index As Integer) ProcessingFunction(index, result))
End Sub
End Class
If you find that you are doing it too often and generally with the same type of data, you can wrap the delegate in a class.
Create a base class that converts to the delegate:
Public MustInherit Class ProcessDataBase
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(operand As ProcessDataBase) as ProcessingClass.ProcessData
Return AddressOf operand.Process
End Sub
Protected MustOverride Sub Process(index As Integer)
End Class
Inherit from the class:
Public Class ProcessResult
Inherits ProcessDataBase
Public Result As Integer
Protected Overrides Sub Process(index as Integer)
' Your processing, result is modified.
End SUb
End Class
Use it:
Public Class Main()
Public Sub Main()
Dim processingClass As New ProcessingClass
Dim processor As New ProcessResult
Dim result as integer=processor.Result
End Sub
End Class
It IS fixed in VB10, the VS10 Beta is available, if it's an option for you to use it. In VB10 you have lambdas without a return value, and inline subs/functions.
For now, maybe you could just forget lambdas and work with delegates instead? Something like:
processingClass.ProcessList(AddressOf ProcessingSub)