prestashop mail customisation, and module translation - module

i have two question
1 - i installed referral program module , and i would like to customise the referralprogram-invitation.html mail template
so i putted the new template under : prestashop_root/themes/my_theme/modules/referralprogram/mails/referralprogram-invitation.html
but i doesn't work !
2 - i would like to add some extra text to the program page of referral program module
so i copied the file already included with the module under
prestashop_root/themes/my_theme/modules/referralprogram/translations/fr.php and I added the new text translation in this form
$_MODULE['<{referralprogram}prestashop>program_MD5'] = 'new text';
and it does not work?!!

You only forgot the language folder. Your mail templates must not be in :
but in
If you want to add text to the program page, you must:
First, make a copy of the file : prestashop_root/modules/referralprogram/views/templates/front/program.tpl to prestashop_root/themes/my_theme/modules/referralprogram/views/templates/front/program.tpl
Then, you need to modify this file and add the text you want, where you want. To be translatable, your text must be added like this {l s='new text' mod='referralprogram'}.
Finally, you need to translate this text via the Localization > Traductions page of your BO and not directly in the fr.php file.
Do not hesitate if you need more information,


can't find translation in admin or language file in prestashop

I'm working on a prestashop that has been customized before. I'm trying to add a translation for a head title but can't translate it.
This is the line in the .tpl file :
<h4>{l s="saison" m="homefeatured"}</h4>
I tried to add myself this in the languages php files
$_MODULE['<{homefeatured}nop>homefeatured_62d8617d49c4cbd03664e39af6f0fe2f'] = 'SEASONS';
But it doesn't work and I can't find it it the admin > locations > translations > module name. I mean I see all other sentences that were here already but not this new one.
Dummy, I found the solution.
<h4>{l s="saison" m="homefeatured"}</h4>
<h4>{l s='saison' mod='homefeatured'}</h4>

Synchronize modification between SWT table and TextEditor

I'm facing a problem and want to ask for a solution.
I'm working on an eclipse plugin project, in which an editor for a type of resource file is required. The resource file has similar structure like CSV file. My idea is to provide user the option to edit this type of file both in plain text format and also in an SWT table. Plain text is required for examining data and table provides more flexibility to editing such as sorting by column.
I have been able to create a MultiPageEditorPart, with one page of org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor, and another page with a org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table and several other widgets like search bar. The content of the resource file can be shown in the TextEditor, can also be edited and saved. On the other hand, the content can be loaded in the table too, sorting and searching all work good.
The problem is: when I edit a cell in the table, I want the change also reflected in the TextEditor, and vice versa. Since the resource file can be very large, I want the saving action happen only on the TextEditor, i.e. I don't want any modification in the table directly stored to resource file, but to mark the file dirty, but I can't figure out how. How can I for example get the content of EditorInput, check it line by line, and modify it outside TextEditor?
Or, are there more efficient ways to do this? Can anyone give any hints?
The IDocument used by the TextEditor gives you access to the document contents. Get this with something like:
IDocumentProvider provider = editor.getDocumentProvider();
IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
IDocument document = provider.getDocument(input);
IDocument has many methods for accessing lines such as:
int getLineOffset(int line);
int getLineLength(int line);
and methods for modify the text:
void replace(int offset, int length, String text);

PHPExcel write html file into existing xlsx file

I have a template file that I fill using PHPExcel. But I have terms and conditions that are saved in database with html tags and inline css. Now these terms and conditions are subject to change so I cant put it into template. So only solution is t take it from database and put it inside created template but I have no clue how to open xlsx file and insert .html file inside it perhaps as second sheet.
This is my current code:
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($inputFileName);
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');
And of course there is lot of code that specifically deal with writing data to excel file but that is working perfectly.
Could someone please explain how could I go about doing it.
You can't simply insert an HTML file inside an xlsx file
The latest develop branch of PHPExcel does include an HTML to Rich Text wizard that will take a block of HTML markup and convert it to a Rich Text object that can then be stored in a cell, and /Examples/42richText.php demonstrates how it can be used. At present, this only covers basic markup tags (<br />, <font>, <b>, <i>, <em>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <ins>, <del>, etc) and doesn't handle inline style in any way. However, it might provide the basis for what you want with some additional work.

Opencart display one module conents into another module

I'm having custom footer module in my template. Also i'm using testimonial module in the position content bottom. I'm trying to display testimonial inside custom footer.
To do this i simply copied testimonial.tpl and testimonial.php contents and pasted into customfooter.tpl and customfooter.php
After this i'm getting errors stating
undefined variable and class name already assigned error
Did you know how to do this?
See this answer for how to do use a module in a separate modification/controller
opencart - How to manually display a module inside a template file?
You simply need to change from the common/home to your module's controller and view files
please define variable.
how can you define i will show you.
catalog > controller > header.php
for static variable
$data['text_home'] = $this->language->get('text_home');
// Where language file in assign this variable with different language foler
$data['text_home'] = $this->url->link('information/contact');
and you can tpl file in use this varible.
<?php echo $text_home; ?>
make sure 100% erorr has not facing
for dynamic variable

bazaar auto tag

I want to use the automatic_tag_name hook to automatic create tag name without the need of manually typing
I tried to write it like it : automatic_tag_name(branch name,10)= "GIL"
Is it the correct syntax? (i found iittle information on it in the documents)
Is it possible to create tag name from a file? this file will contains only the tag name
See this example pahe here:
SO correct call should be:
def post_push_autotag(push_result):
branch.Branch.hooks.install_named_hook('post_push_autotag', post_push_autotag, 'My autotag')