Redis setbit multiple bits at a time - redis

I am brand new to redis so I have a number of questions regarding the setbit function.
I have a dataset of the following type:
In each item there are 10's of thousands of bits and there are hundreds of thousands of items. It seems that I can use the following to set the items:
Redis.setbit('item1', 0, 0)
Redis.setbit('item1', 1, 0)
Redis.setbit('item1', 2, 0)
Redis.setbit('item1', 3, 1)
However this seems horribly inefficient. Is there anyway to set all of the bits at once?
Is there someway that I can group these into a set or a hash so I can lookup what items are currently set? They change on a daily basis and I need to know what was previously written so I can analyze and delete it accordingly.
How can I look up the names of the previously written items?

No and yes. SETBIT (as its name suggests) sets a single bit. However, since Redis uses the string data type to store bits, you can construct the relevant item string in your app and then just SET it in one fell stroke. More information about the internal representation of bits in strings is at Can someone explain redis setbit command?.
To keep track items you've written to and look them up, Redis' sets should do the trick nicely. SADD your items to a key (possibly named according to the date) and to fetch use SSCAN.


Cascade deletes in Redis

On my current project I'm implementing autocompletion service on top of Redis, for it I use such approach (this article describes it more widely):
1) for storing dump of the data I have hash in which I put searchable objects as a values, for instance
HSET data 1 "{\"name\":\"Kill Bill\",\"year\":2003}"
HSET data 2 "{\"name\":\"King Kong\",\"year\":2005}"
2) for storing all possible sequences of input characters (that I generate in advance) which could be used in search I use sorted sets, like
ZADD search:index:k 0 1
ZADD search:index:ki 0 1
ZADD search:index:kil 0 1
ZADD search:index:kill 0 1
Where value stored in sorted set (in my example '1') is key for data from hash. So, for searching some data (for example where name started with 'ki') we need to make two steps:
data_keys = REDIS.zrevrange('search:index:ki', 0, -1)
matching_data = REDIS.hmget(data, *data_keys)
The issue I tried to solve - how automatically remove all data from sorted sets related to hash values when I removed it? In relational databases I can use cascade deletion for such cases, but how can I handle it in Redis?
Your design appears awkward to me, I'm unsure what you're actually trying to do with Redis and perhaps that could be the topic of another question.
That said, to address your question, Redis does offer a "cascading delete"-like behavior. Instead, if you're deleting hash "1", iterate the prefix and ZREM it from the relevant sorted sets.
Note: do not use a Lua script for this task, as it will generate key names (i.e. sorted sets by prefix) and that is against the recommendations (will not work on a cluster)

What Redis data type fit the most for following example

I have following scenario:
Fetch array of numbers (from REDIS) conditionally
For each number do some async stuff (fetch something from DB based on number)
For each thing in result set from DB do another async stuff
Periodically repeat 1. 2. 3. because new numbers will be constantly added to REDIS structure.Those numbers represent unix timestamp in milliseconds so out of the box those numbers will always be sorted in time of addition
Conditionally means fetch those unix timestamp from REDIS that are less or equal to current unix timestamp in milliseconds(
Question is what REDIS data type fit the most for this use case having in mind that this code will be scaled up to N instances, so N instances will share access to single REDIS instance. To equally share the load each instance will read for example first(oldest) 5 numbers from REDIS. Numbers are unique (adding same number should fail silently) so REDIS SET seems like a good choice but reading M first elements from REDIS set seems impossible.
To prevent two different instance of the code to read same numbers REDIS read operation should be atomic, it should read the numbers and delete them. If any async operation fail on specific number (steps 2. and 3.), numbers should be added again to REDIS to be handled again. They should be re-added back to the head not to the end to be handled again as soon as possible. As far as i know SADD would push it to the tail.
SMEMBERS key would read everything, it looks like a hammer to me. I would need to include some application logic to get first five than to check what is less or equal to and then to delete those and to wrap somehow everything in single transaction. Besides that set cardinality can be huge.
SSCAN sounds interesting but i don't have any clue how it works in "scaled" environment like described above. Besides that, per REDIS docs: The SCAN family of commands only offer limited guarantees about the returned elements since the collection that we incrementally iterate can change during the iteration process. Like described above collection will be changed frequently
A more appropriate data structure would be the Sorted Set - members have a float score that is very suitable for storing a timestamp and you can perform range searches (i.e. anything less or equal a given value).
The relevant starting points are the ZADD, ZRANGEBYSCORE and ZREMRANGEBYSCORE commands.
To ensure the atomicity when reading and removing members, you can choose between the the following options: Redis transactions, Redis Lua script and in the next version (v4) a Redis module.
Using transactions simply means doing the following code running on your instances:
ZRANGEBYSCORE <keyname> -inf <now-timestamp>
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE <keyname> -inf <now-timestamp>
Where <keyname> is your key's name and <now-timestamp> is the current time.
Lua script
A Lua script can be cached and runs embedded in the server, so in some cases it is a preferable approach. It is definitely the best approach for short snippets of atomic logic if you need flow control (remember that a MULTI transaction returns the values only after execution). Such a script would look as follows:
local r ='ZRANGEBYSCORE', KEYS[1], '-inf', ARGV[1])'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', KEYS[1], '-inf', ARGV[1])
return r
To run this, first cache it using SCRIPT LOAD and then call it with EVALSHA like so:
EVALSHA <script-sha> 1 <key-name> <now-timestamp>
Where <script-sha> is the sha1 of the script returned by SCRIPT LOAD.
Redis modules
In the near future, once v4 is GA you'll be able to write and use modules. Once this becomes a reality, you'll be able to use this module we've made that provides the ZPOP command and could be extended to cover this use case as well.

How to combine muli-fields values and sorted time-ranges using Redis

I am trying to insert time based records with multiple fields on the values (with TTL enabled).
For the multiple fields the best way to do it via Redis is using HSET:
HSET user:32 name "johns" timecreated "3333311232" address "somewhere"
I also try to read those values via time range:
for example return all history records (for example user 32) which was inserted in the last day:
so the best for that would be storing via ZADD using scores(this time I am losing the hash-map structure for easy retrieval):
ZADD user:32 3333311232 "name=johns,timecreated=3333311232,address=somewhere"
On the top of the things I want to add TTL for each record
Any idea how I could optimize my design?
I could split into two but that will requires two queries when reading:
ZADD user:32 3333311232 "user:32:3333311232"
HMSET user:32:3333311232 name “johns” timecreated “3333311232” address="somewhere"
than to retrieve ill need:
//some range
ZRANGEBYSCORE user:32 3333311232 333331123
result: 1389772850
now to get all information: HGETALL user:32:1389772850
What do you think?
Thank you,
The two methods you describe are the two common approaches. If you store the entire object in the ZSET, you would typically store it as a JSON string. If you don't need "random" access to the object, that's a valid approach.
I usually go for the other approach; a ZSET combined with hashes. the two queries are not a big deal. You could even abstract it away with a Lua script; see EVAL.
Regarding the TTL, while you cannot expire individual ZSET values, you could expire the hash, and use keyspace notifications to listen for the expired event, and remove the corresponding value from the ZSET.
Let me know if you need some more specifics.

Redis Bit Select All Keys With Offset Value of 1

If I have a series of keys representing bitmaps in Redis, how can I get a list of all keys whose n bit value is equal to 1. For example, I have the following bitmaps:
keyname:20140418:item1: 000111...0010
keyname:20140418:item2: 000101...1010
keyname:20140418:item3: 100011...0010
I want to get the list of all items whose first value is 0 which would result in:
In Redis, always prepare your data in such a way that retrieval is easy and most of all scalable.
When storing the data, accompany the SET with a ZADD zerostartingbitmaps [unixtimestamp] [linkedkey]
To fix all your data and fill the Sorted Set, use SCAN and bitwise operations.
Hope this helps, TW

Redis move item from middle of list to top

I was wondering if something like this is possible. I am working with a redis list, and was wondering if I could move a item from the middle of a list to the top of a list like this:
LPUSH mylist "This"
LPUSH mylist "is"
LPUSH mylist "a"
LPUSH mylist "Test"
Somehow Move "a" to top
LRANGE mylist
1. "a"
2. "This"
3. "Is"
Thanks for the help!
Redis Lists are implemented using Linked lists, and Linked Lists are not suitable for such use (ie. random access and efficient indexing).
You would have to store all the elements until "a" (inclusive) somewhere, then remove them from the list using LTRIM and then push them again in the order you want (ie. after RPOPing the last element and LPUSHing it). You could do this using an embedded Lua script since Redis supports this out of the box.
However, if you want each word to appear only once in your list, you could do this efficiently using a Sorted Set. You would have to just update the score of the specific element to something greater than all the others (ZADD). Then you'd do a ZRANGEBYSCORE to retrieve the re-ordered set.
However, using a sorted set has its trade-offs, mostly that insertion/deletion of elements is slower (ie. happens in logarithmic time) than pushing/poping values from a list (ie. happens in constant time). It all depends in your problem, you should weigh the different approaches (Redis documentation provides the time complexity of each operation) and pick the one that fits your problem.
I wrote a lua script that will move an item forwards or backwards in a list:
As the readme indicates, a sorted set may be a better option, and I have not used this in production, so use with care.