Upload a file to Sharepoint 2010 with powershell 2.0 - sharepoint-2010

I'm struggling since a couple of days to upload files to Sharepoint 2010 with powershell.
I'm on a win7 machine with powershell v2 trying to upload to a SP 2010 site.
I'm having 2 major issues
$Context.web value is always empty even after Executequery() and no
error is shown. My $Context variable gets the server version (14.x.x.x.x) but nothing more
$Context.Load($variable) which always returns the error Cannot find an overload for "Load" and the argument count: "1".
I copied Sharepoint DLLs to my Win7 machine and I import the reference to my script.
The below script is a mix of many parts I took from the net.
I'v already tried unsuccessfully to add an overload on the clientcontext defining Load method without Type parameter suggested in the following post
$site = "https://Root-of-my-site"
$listname = "My-folder"
$context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($site)
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web]$web = $context.Web
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List]$list = $web.Lists.GetByTitle($listName)
$Folder = "C:\temp\Certificates"
$List = $Context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle($listname)
Foreach ($File in (dir $Folder))
$FileCreationInfo = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FileCreationInformation
$FileCreationInfo.Overwrite = $true
$FileCreationInfo.Content = get-content -encoding byte -path $File.Fullname
$FileCreationInfo.URL = $File
$Upload = $List.RootFolder.Files.Add($FileCreationInfo)
The error is
Cannot find an overload for "Load" and the argument count: "1".
At C:\temp\uploadCertToSharepoint.ps1:48 char:14
+ $Context.Load <<<< ($Upload)
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodCountCouldNotFindBest
Can someone please help me sorting this issue?
I'll need to upload around 400 files with ad-hoc fields to a sharepoint site in a couple of weeks and at the moment I'm completely stuck. Running the script server side is unfortunately not possible.

This error occurs since ClientRuntimeContext.Load is a Generics Method:
public void Load<T>(
T clientObject,
params Expression<Func<T, Object>>[] retrievals
where T : ClientObject
and Generics methods are not supported natively in PowerShell (V1, V2) AFAIK.
The workaround is to invoke a generic methods using MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod method as described in article Invoking Generic Methods on Non-Generic Classes in PowerShell
In case of ClientRuntimeContext.Load method, the following PS function could be used:
Function Invoke-LoadMethod() {
$clientObjectInstance = $(throw “Please provide an Client Object instance on which to invoke the generic method”)
$ctx = $clientObjectInstance.Context
$load = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext].GetMethod("Load")
$type = $clientObjectInstance.GetType()
$clientObjectLoad = $load.MakeGenericMethod($type)
Then, in your example the line:
could be replaced with this one:
Invoke-LoadMethod -clientObjectInstance $Upload
Invoking Generic Methods on Non-Generic Classes in PowerShell
Some tips and tricks of using SharePoint Client Object Model in
PowerShell. Part 1

It throws the error because in powershell 2.0 you cannot call generic method directly.
You need to create closed method using MakeGenericMethod. Try to use code below.
$site = "http://server"
$listname = "listName"
$Folder = "C:\PS\Test"
$context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($site)
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web]$web = $context.Web
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List]$list = $web.Lists.GetByTitle($listName)
$method = $Context.GetType().GetMethod("Load")
$closedMethod = $method.MakeGenericMethod([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File])
Foreach ($File in (dir $Folder))
$FileCreationInfo = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FileCreationInformation
$FileCreationInfo.Overwrite = $true
$FileCreationInfo.Content = (get-content -encoding byte -path $File.Fullname)
$FileCreationInfo.URL = $File
$Upload = $List.RootFolder.Files.Add($FileCreationInfo)
$closedMethod.Invoke($Context, #($Upload, $null) )


Use PowerShell To Enable TCP/IP in SQL Server Configuration Manager

My company sells/supports a product that utilizes a SQL database. I've been trying to create a PowerShell script to prep the entire server for a new install. The script needs to install all the required Windows Server Roles/features, then install SQL, then SQL Server Management Studio, and finally, Enable TCP/IP for SQL. I have gotten all but the last step to work, and trying to figure this one out is kicking my butt...
I feel like I'm on the right path here, but I'm currently stuck...
If I run:
$smo = 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.'
$wmi = new-object ($smo + 'Wmi.ManagedComputer')
I actually get results showing:
ConnectionSettings :
ClientProtocols : {np, sm, tcp}
ServerInstances : {SQLSERVER}
ServerAliases : {}
Urn : ManagedComputer[#Name='HOSTNAME']
Properties : {}
UserData :
State : Existing
I'm then using this information and running:
$uri = "ManagedComputer[#Name='']/ ServerInstance[#Name='']/ServerProtocol[#Name='Tcp']"
$Tcp = $wmi.GetSmoObject($uri)
With this, I get the following error:
Exception calling "GetSmoObject" with "1" argument(s): "Attempt to retrieve data for object failed for ManagedComputer 'HOSTNAME'."
At line:9 char:1
+ $Tcp = $wmi.GetSmoObject($uri)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [],
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : FailedOperationException
Anybody have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I feel like, if I can figure this part out, I can figure out how to alter the settings, but I can't even pull up the settings at this point.
You should consider looking at dbatools, a PowerShell module written by SQL Server and PowerShell MVPs with hundreds of really useful functions for managing SQL Server.
I thought they might have a function that does what you need already. It looks like they don't, but in searching I had a look at Set-DbaTcpPort, and finally at the source code for that function on GitHub, where I saw this code snippet:
$wmi = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer $instance
$wmiinstance = $wmi.ServerInstances | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $wmiinstancename }
$tcp = $wmiinstance.ServerProtocols | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq 'TCP/IP' }
$IpAddress = $tcp.IpAddresses | where-object { $_.IpAddress -eq $IpAddress }
$tcpport = $IpAddress.IpAddressProperties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'TcpPort' }
So that led me to conclude that you could do the same with your object; your $wmi object seems to be the same as their $wmiinstance object even if you arrived at them slightly differently.
From there you can query with Where-Object or the .Where method:
$tcp = $wmi.ClientProtocols.Where({$_.DisplayName -eq 'TCP/IP'})

How to get datasource from Connectionstring using PowerShell?

In .Net we can get the datasource from a connectionstring using below mechanism:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString);
string server = builder.DataSource;
I was trying to do that in PowerShell but getting the following exception:
$ConstringObj = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder($conString)
New-Object : Exception calling ".ctor" with "1" argument(s): "Keyword
not supported: 'metadata'." At line:1 char:17
+ $ConstringObj = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder($con ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [New-Object], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ConstructorInvokedThrowException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewObjectCommand
How to do that in PowerShell?
There's some weird behavior when using SqlConnectionStringBuilder in PowerShell - let me explain
Since it's a dotnet class, you'd expect all of the same properties and methods available in C#
For example, this works fine in C#:
var cnnBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
cnnBuilder.DataSource = "server_name";
cnnBuilder.InitialCatalog = "db_name";
So the equivalent code in PS, should work:
$cnnBuilder = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder
$cnnBuilder.DataSource = "server_name"
$cnnBuilder.InitialCatalog = "db_name"
However, SqlConnectionStringBuilder is built ontop of DbConnectionStringBuilder which implements IDictionary so fundamentally we're working with a dictionary object that has some syntactic sugar wrappers
.NET resolves this with an override on the dictionary accessors and setters like this (simplified here):
public override object this[string keyword] {
get {
Keywords index = GetIndex(keyword);
return GetAt(index);
set {
Keywords index = GetIndex(keyword);
switch(index) {
case Keywords.DataSource: DataSource = ConvertToString(value); break;
case Keywords.InitialCatalog: InitialCatalog = ConvertToString(value); break;
// ***
So really, it's taking the DataSource property and mapping it to the "Data Source" key (with space)
Whenever PS assigns or retrieves a value, it has to decide whether to use the underlying dictionary implementation or the property. And when you look for DataSource in the dictionary (without the space), that sql connection keyword doesn't exist.
Opt 1 - Use Dictionary Names
You can use the bracket or dot notation with the actual sql key to access the entry in the hashtable
$cnnBuilder = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder
$cnnBuilder["Data Source"] = "server_name"
$cnnBuilder."Initial Catalog" = "db_name"
Opt 2 - Use PSBase
PSBase returns the "raw view of the object" and will give us the default behavior in dotnet
$cnnBuilder = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder
$cnnBuilder.PSBase.DataSource = "server_name"
$cnnBuilder.PSBase.InitialCatalog = "db_name"
Opt 3 - Use -Property Parameter
During the construction, you can set the -Property parameter on New-Object which "sets property values and invokes methods of the new object."
$cnnBuilder = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder `
-Property #{
DataSource = "server_name"
InitialCatalog = "db_name"
Additional Reading
Using SQLConnection object in PowerShell
Your example should work. However, you could also grab the datasource using a regex:
[regex]::Match($ConstringObj, 'Data Source=([^;]+)').Groups[1].Value

Download SharePoint 2010 Library Items using PowerShell V2 with CSOM

my goal is: Get the items within the folders in a SharePoint 2010 library. I'm struggling trying to get some Items from a SharePoint 2010 Library using CSOM with PowerShell.
I tried three different methods that i found in the internet but still without success. Also the Microsoft's Documentation is really sh*t in this aspect, hope somebody can help me. So here we go:
1.Method A
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FileInformation]$fileInfo = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File]::OpenBinaryDirect($ctx, $file.ServerRelativeUrl);
[System.IO.FileStream]$writeStream = [System.IO.File]::Open("$($libraryTargetPath)\$($file.Name)", [System.IO.FileMode]::Create);
With the A method I get this error:
Method invocation failed because [System.Net.ConnectStream] doesn't contain a method named 'CopyTo'.
+ $fileInfo.Stream.CopyTo <<<< ($writeStream);
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (CopyTo:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound
The [System.Net.ConnectStream] can't find the method CopyTo
I was lookign information about this, in the System.Net namespace and in the "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FileInformation" class but without success :(
2.Method B
$binary = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File]::OpenBinaryDirect($ctx, $file.ServerRelativeUrl)
$Action = [System.IO.FileMode]::Create
$new = "$($libraryTargetPath)\$($file.Name)"
$stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $new, $Action
$writer = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter($stream)
Method B don't give me a error, but in stead of downloading the Items, it makes empty files in the destination folder. So this method isn't downloading the items, just making new files.
3.Method C
$binary = $file.OpenBinary()
$stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream("$($libraryTargetPath)\$($file.Name)"), Create
$writer = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter($stream)
I'm not sure if method C belongs to CSOM or to the SharPoint built-in Server side client, if it's so please let me know. This is the error i'm getting:
Method invocation failed because [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File] doesn't contain a method named 'OpenBinary'.
At C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SharePointOnPremisesBackUp\SharePointOnPremisesBackUp.ps1:77 char:31
+ $binary = $file.OpenBinary <<<< ()
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (OpenBinary:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound
And here PowerShell can't find the OpenBinary() method in Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File and there is nearly not information about this method.
Here is the complete function I'm trying to use:
function GetDocumentLibs ($ctx, $web)
Function IterateFoldersRecursively([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Folder]$folder, [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext]$ctx)
# make sure that the "Web.Context.Url" is the current web url
if ($web.Context.Url.StartsWith($SiteCollectionUrl) -eq $true)
$files = $folder.Files
foreach ($subFolder in $folder.Folders)
IterateFoldersRecursively $subFolder $ctx
# Check if folder Exist and Skip
$libraryTargetPath = "$($TargetPath)\$($folder.ServerRelativeUrl.Replace('/', '\'))"
New-Item -Path $libraryTargetPath -ItemType Directory -Force
foreach ($file in $files)
# Method 1
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FileInformation]$fileInfo = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File]::OpenBinaryDirect($ctx, $file.ServerRelativeUrl);
[System.IO.FileStream]$writeStream = [System.IO.File]::Open("$($libraryTargetPath)\$($file.Name)", [System.IO.FileMode]::Create);
# Method 2
$binary = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File]::OpenBinaryDirect($ctx, $file.ServerRelativeUrl)
$Action = [System.IO.FileMode]::Create
$new = "$($libraryTargetPath)\$($file.Name)"
$stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $new, $Action
$writer = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter($stream)
# Method 3
$binary = $file.OpenBinary()
$stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream("$($libraryTargetPath)\$($file.Name)"), Create
$writer = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter($stream)
# delete folder
$folder = $web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl($web.ServerRelativeUrl)
IterateFoldersRecursively $folder $ctx
the tools I'm using:
Sapien's PowerShell Studio
PowerShell V2 with CSOM
SharePoint 2010 OnPremises
Please if you have any Solution, Reference, Documentation or tutorial that can be useful tell me. Thanks in advance.
After a lot of research i found a solution and decide to use this method:
function GetDocumentLibs ($ctx, $web)
$site = $ctx.Site
$siteUrl = $site.Url
Function IterateFoldersRecursively([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Folder]$folder, [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext]$ctx)
if ($web.Context.Url.StartsWith($SiteCollectionUrl) -eq $true)
$files = $folder.Files
foreach ($subFolder in $folder.Folders)
IterateFoldersRecursively $subFolder $ctx
$targetPath = "$($TargetPath)\$($folder.ServerRelativeUrl.Replace('/', '\'))"
New-Item -Path $targetPath -ItemType Directory -Force
foreach ($file in $files)
$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$client.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
$client.DownloadFile("$($siteUrl)$($file.ServerRelativeUrl)", "$($targetPath)\$($file.Name)")
$folder = $web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl($web.ServerRelativeUrl)
IterateFoldersRecursively $folder $ctx
Remember to implement some exception handling.
I hope this is helpful for somebody with the same problem.

How to create a dynamic variable in Powershell, sucha as date/time etc

Hi i am not exactly sure if my wording is right but i need a variable which contains current date/time whenever i write data to log ; how can i do that without initializing everytime.Currently everytime i need a update i use these both statements jointly.Is there an other way of doing this?
$DateTime = get-date | select datetime
Add-Content $LogFile -Value "$DateTime.DateTime: XXXXX"
please do let me know if any questions or clarifications regarding my question.
This script make the real Dynamic variable in Powershell ( Thanks to Lee Holmes and his Windows PowerShell Cookbook The Complete Guide to Scripting Microsoft's Command Shell, 3rd Edition)
## New-DynamicVariable
## From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O'Reilly)
## by Lee Holmes (http://www.leeholmes.com/guide)
Creates a variable that supports scripted actions for its getter and setter
PS > .\New-DynamicVariable GLOBAL:WindowTitle `
-Getter { $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle } `
-Setter { $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $args[0] }
PS > $windowTitle
Administrator: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
PS > $windowTitle = "Test"
PS > $windowTitle
## The name for the dynamic variable
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
## The scriptblock to invoke when getting the value of the variable
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ScriptBlock] $Getter,
## The scriptblock to invoke when setting the value of the variable
[ScriptBlock] $Setter
Set-StrictMode -Version 3
Add-Type #"
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Management.Automation;
namespace Lee.Holmes
public class DynamicVariable : PSVariable
public DynamicVariable(
string name,
ScriptBlock scriptGetter,
ScriptBlock scriptSetter)
: base(name, null, ScopedItemOptions.AllScope)
getter = scriptGetter;
setter = scriptSetter;
private ScriptBlock getter;
private ScriptBlock setter;
public override object Value
if(getter != null)
Collection<PSObject> results = getter.Invoke();
if(results.Count == 1)
return results[0];
PSObject[] returnResults =
new PSObject[results.Count];
results.CopyTo(returnResults, 0);
return returnResults;
else { return null; }
if(setter != null) { setter.Invoke(value); }
## If we've already defined the variable, remove it.
if(Test-Path variable:\$name)
Remove-Item variable:\$name -Force
## Set the new variable, along with its getter and setter.
(New-Object Lee.Holmes.DynamicVariable $name,$getter,$setter))
There's a Set-StrictMode -Version 3 but you can set it as -Version 2 if you can load framework 4.0 in your powershell V2.0 session as explained Here
The use for the OP is:
New-DynamicVariable -Name GLOBAL:now -Getter { (get-date).datetime }
Here the Lee Holmes's evaluation (where it is clear what is the real flaw) about the method I used in my other answer:
There are innovative solutions on the Internet that use PowerShell's debugging facilities to create a breakpoint that changes a variable's value whenever you attempt to read from it. While unique, this solution causes PowerShell to think that any scripts that rely on the variable are in debugging mode. This, unfortunately, prevents PowerShell from enabling some important performance optimizations in those scripts.
Why not use:
Add-Content $LogFile -Value "$((Get-Date).DateTime): XXXXX"
This gets the current datetime every time. Notice that it's inside $( ) which makes powershell run the expression(get the datetime) before inserting it into the string.
wrap your two commands in function so you will have just one call ?
function add-log{
(param $txt)
$DateTime = get-date | select -expand datetime
Add-Content $LogFile -Value "$DateTime: $txt"
Besides these other ways (which frankly I would probably use instead - except the breakpoint approach), you can create a custom object with a ScriptProperty that you can provide the implementation for:
$obj = new-object pscustomobject
$obj | Add-Member ScriptProperty Now -Value { Get-Date }
Using PsBreakPoint:
$act= #'
$global:now = (get-date).datetime
$global:sb = [scriptblock]::Create($act)
$now = Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable now -Mode Read -Action $global:sb
calling $now returns current updated datetime value
One liner:
$now = Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable now -Mode Read -Action { $global:now = (get-date).datetime }

Powershell Pull Current OU

I need to be able to pull the current machine OU. I found some VB code that could do this,but I would like to just be able to do in the script with out having to call VB. Any ideas, the VB code is below.
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
DN = objSysInfo.ComputerName
WScript.Echo DN
You can get the ADSystemInfo with this function.
function Get-LocalLogonInformation
$ADSystemInfo = New-Object -ComObject ADSystemInfo
$type = $ADSystemInfo.GetType()
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
UserDistinguishedName = $type.InvokeMember('UserName','GetProperty',$null,$ADSystemInfo,$null)
ComputerDistinguishedName = $type.InvokeMember('ComputerName','GetProperty',$null,$ADSystemInfo,$null)
SiteName = $type.InvokeMember('SiteName','GetProperty',$null,$ADSystemInfo,$null)
DomainShortName = $type.InvokeMember('DomainShortName','GetProperty',$null,$ADSystemInfo,$null)
DomainDNSName = $type.InvokeMember('DomainDNSName','GetProperty',$null,$ADSystemInfo,$null)
ForestDNSName = $type.InvokeMember('ForestDNSName','GetProperty',$null,$ADSystemInfo,$null)
PDCRoleOwnerDistinguishedName = $type.InvokeMember('PDCRoleOwner','GetProperty',$null,$ADSystemInfo,$null)
SchemaRoleOwnerDistinguishedName = $type.InvokeMember('SchemaRoleOwner','GetProperty',$null,$ADSystemInfo,$null)
IsNativeModeDomain = $type.InvokeMember('IsNativeMode','GetProperty',$null,$ADSystemInfo,$null)
You can't use ADSystemInfo directly in Powershell (or at least it's not easy) according to this page
Well, OK, that’s not entirely true; it is possible to use ADSystemInfo from within PowerShell; however, the process is far from easy and even farther from being intuitive. That’s because ADSystemInfo is lacking a “wrapper” that makes it easy to access the object from a .NET language like Windows PowerShell. That results in a lot of gyrations involving .NET Reflection classes, the InvokeMember method, and, as near as we can tell, a lot of prayer.
But the page does provide examples for performing AD queries using the System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher .NET object. Here's an example from the page slightly modified to match your VB script:
$strName = $env:computername
$strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(Name=$strName))"
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$objSearcher.Filter = $strFilter
$objPath = $objSearcher.FindOne()