Ember-Simple-Auth 3.1 using Ember-Simple-Auth-Devise.js Callback - authentication

I'm using Ember-Simple-Auth on an Ember-CLI project, and I'm also using the provided ember-simple-auth-devise authenticator that comes with 3.1. I'm able to login and logout successful, but I can't figure out where's the best place to put the callback (or when the promise resolves) upon successfully logging in. I want to be able to use the data returned by my API on my app after logging in. Any suggestions and advice would be highly appreciated! If requested, I can also provide code samples (although I figured it wasn't necessary since what I have implemented thus far is nothing custom).

When the session is authenticated successfully, the sessionAuthenticationSucceeded action is triggered (see http://ember-simple-auth.simplabs.com/ember-simple-auth-api-docs.html#Ember-SimpleAuth-ApplicationRouteMixin-sessionAuthenticationSucceeded, there are also more actions for other events). So that's a good place to react to the session becoming authenticated.
As the authenticator will set all values the server responds with as properties on the session you could also define additional properties that depend on these - see example here (where the account property depends on the accountId property that's read from the server response): https://github.com/simplabs/ember-simple-auth/blob/master/examples/4-authenticated-account.html#L101


Stress-testing with artillery - Getting an auth0 bearer token using login flow

I want to use artillery.io as a stress-testing tool, and want to setup a basic stress-test. But all my url's are behind an auth wall (using Auth0) and I want to try to get a valid token for the testing session so that my backend does not throw me into a 401-spiral. The artillery docs explains that I can hook up to some lifecycle events using processor, but does not explain which lifecycle hooks I have available. I've managed to figure out that there is a beforeRequest hook I can use, but this does not seem optimal as this will probably run before every request. My tokens have at least an hour validity...
So the main question is; how do I construct a processor hook which taps into the auth0 login flow, retreives a token which can then be stored in an environment variable (or some other local mechanism) for use as an Authorization Bearer token in future requests done by artillery?
OR if this is a bad pattern to follow, what is the best practice for urls behind auth-walls? I've already thought about loging in first and then copying the token to an environment variable and use that, but this makes the test a bit harder to use since it requires a manual step.
Any input is greatly appreciated.

vue-resource and JSONP working example

I'm struggling to make JSONP request using vue-resource. Can anybody provide some working examples demonstrating the proper way of defining jsonp callback, handling the call within Vue component and so on.
**EDIT:**For other fellows, let’s clarify the situation a bit. What was the point - I have a non-authenticated user on the site and I wanted to let him do some action that requires authentication (create post e.g.). However, at the very end of creating post I wanted to show him sign-in modal window, let him log in using social oAuth providers and on successful login, let the post being approved and so on. Problem was that this call from the front-end toward different domains (social providers) was blocked (CORS issue) and than I tried to use JSONP to overcome the obstacle. Trying to setup JSONP call had spent a really lot of my time and finally I decided to go with totally different approach:
At the end of the process of creating the post, a cookie is created, caring the info what was the action that was interrupted with all necessary details. After that, a login modal is shown. Whole login process is done from the server side, and at the end, when identity of an user is confirmed, redirect to initial page is made. Further on, cookie is checked and based on the data, interrupted action continues execution successfully since the user is authenticated now.
#bryceadams thanks again for the answer!
How you handle it in your component will depend on your implementation, but typically it's done in a method - like if you had a form and then on submitting the form you called a method that made a JSONP request.
Here's an example call. Note that the important part is the jsonp option where you set the callback. This can vary based on where you're making the request to. Often it will be callback, but in my case I was working with MailChimp where it was c.
var options = {
jsonp: 'c'
this.$http.jsonp('https://website.com', options).then(function(data){
}, function(error) {
// handle errors

Symfony2: log user activity

I'm new to Symfony and PHP (previously worked with C++, Java) and I can't find any solution on how to log user login and logout actions to a database. I want those specific informations:
user who took the action (via userId),
action description (login or logout),
current timestamp.
I'm looking for the simplest possible solution. I managed to successfully log information on user login by modifying function rendering user login form, but I failed miserably when it comes to logout. I know it is a terrible idea after all, but I couldn't come up with any better one. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
If you have a look here, it says you can define a success handler and a failure handler which you use to log stuff to your database. You can also find the handler parameters defined in the reference documentation.
You would first create a service which get's the security.context and entityManager as parameters and uses both to determine which user logged in. This service is then added to the success_handler parameter and therefor called after the user logs in.
This one is more tricky I guess, as I would assume that the security.context has no information about the user anymore and you cannot use it to determine which user is logging out. You may want to look into what the handlers parameter actually is. It might be a handler which is called while processing the logout, so you could use it. Of course you might log some logouts which fail because without the success handler you cannot be sure the logout was successfull. On the other hand, maybe you can get the session id from somewhere (again, security.context maybe) and log this instead.

Passing custom information in an Omniauth request

I'm currently implementing an omniauth solution for an app that will initially be in an invite only mode.  I can restrict the UI so that a person cannot see the registration screen from which omniauth could be activated unless they have a valid invitation code.  That being said, if a user knew the url structure, they could try to initiate the omniauth process directly and I'm trying to figure out how to handle that.  I can't lock down the authentication url because an already registered user would need to go through them and they would not have their invitation code after the initial registration.  Ideally I'd like to pass the invitation code along in the omniauth request so that it would come back to the app upon success, but in looking I found this thread which said that is not possible.
Is this still true or is it now possible to do what I'm looking for? Is setting the value in the session still the preferred way or is there a better way to handle this when using OmniAuth?
Thanks in advance
Instead of passing the custom info along with the omniauth request, you can first store the info to somewhere (like session). And in the oauth callback, you check the invitation code of current session, if it's available, register the user.

GWT: Authentication for some part of application using GWT login page

My application has some features that are accessible to all users, and some other features to which access should be restricted to authenticated users only. All these restricted features exists within some set of GWT Places, thus, all Places available in application can be divided into two groups: "accessible for all", and "restricted". In my opinion, places with restricted access, could implement some interface (let's say it would be RestrictedAccess), and if user proceeds to one of them, and it has not been authenticated yet, it will be redirected to the login screen - it's more OO-approach than applying filters basis on URL.
What I'm trying to achieve is:
Information about if user has been
authenticated or not should be
stored on server (it's not something
that could be stored in a cookie...)
Login page is a standard GWT place+view+activity (!)
User name & password validation is done on the server side.
So far, I've introduced RestrictedAccess interface, which is implemented by some set of places. My FilteredActivityMapper.Filter implementation, which is passed to the FilteredActivityMapper wrapping application activity mapper has the following logic:
Place filter(Place place) {
if (place instanceof RestrictedAccess && !userHasBeenAuthenticated()) {
return new LoginPlace();
// return the original place - user has been already authenticated or
// place is accesible for all users
return place;
private boolean userHasBeenAuthenticated() {
// remote call - how to do ???
The problem is with userHasBeenAuthenticated() method (user should not be redirected to the LoginPlace, if it has been already authenticated). If I want to store this information on the server-side, I have to do GWT RPC/request factory call here, but both are asynchronous, so I cannot work on its result in the filter method.
I know that I can use web.xml filters or some external framework (e.g. spring security), but none of this approach allows me to have login page as a standard GWT - based form, or indicating in the more OO way that access to some place should be restricted.
Thanks in advance for any hints
EDIT: I've started to wondering if places filtering (restricted/not restricted) should take place on the client side at all. If, as it was suggested, there is a possibility to hack code indicating if user has been authenticated or not, there is also possibility to hack places filtering code, so that it will be possible to access restricted places without signing in.
I think there is a security issue with calling userHasBeenAuthenticated() - it would be possible to hack the client side code to return true every time this function is called.
The solution I've implemented is to simply return SC_UNAUTHORIZED if an unauthenticated user attempts to access any remote service. I've overridden the RequestFactory onResponseReceived function which redirects to a login page if the response is SC_UNAUTHORIZED. Idea taken from:
This works for our situation where the Activities and Places are all data-centric - each place change retrieves data from the server. If a user isn't authenticated they simply don't get the data and get redirected to a login page.
I realize your situation is slightly different in that some places are accessible to everyone, in which case you could configure only the restricted services to return SC_UNAUTHORIZED.
I have a similar application with the same requirements. As yet I have not got round to to the implementation but I was thinking along the same lines.
What I was planning on doing is storing the authentication state client side in an AuthenticationManager class. When the app starts I was going to request the login info from the server (I was thinking of running on app engine so I would get the authentication state and also get the open id login/logout URLs) and store this in the AuthenticationManager. Acegi/Spring Security works in a simlar way so this info is available server side if you use those too.
When the user logs in/out they will be redirected by the server and the new state will be retrieved. This should keep the client authentication state in line with the server. Each RPC request on the server has to be checked for authentication too. I was using the gwt-dispacth library and this has some rudimentary authentication checking and cross site script protection in in too (although I think latest GWT has this for generic RPC).
One issue is session timeouts. Again the gwt-dispath library has some code that detects this and returns session expired exceptions to the client which can be intercepted and the auth manager updated.
Hope that makes some sense.