how to update a column in explorer - api

SELECT Name, ProfileId, Id, Username FROM User this is the select query to retrive data in explorer
Now I wan't to update a column how can I do this? update key word it self not working here please give the solution for this.
thanks in advance

In Salesforce you not write to update query same as in SQL.
Please use update method to update column of an object.
More information and sample please read following documents.

I found Solution it's working fine now, If any one haveing doubts ask me for Create,Update,Get functionalities
private void UpdateProfileId(string Id)
SforceService sfs = new SforceService();
var login = sfs.login(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["username"],ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"]);
sfs.Url = login.serverUrl;
sfs.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader();
sfs.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = login.sessionId;
var userinfo = login.userInfo;
QueryResult qr = null;
sfs.QueryOptionsValue = new salesforce.QueryOptions();
User[] UpdateUser = new User[1];
User objuser = new User();
objuser.Id = Id;
objuser.ProfileId = "00e90000001CcTnAAK";
UpdateUser[0] = objuser;
SaveResult[] saveResults = sfs.update(UpdateUser);
foreach (SaveResult saveResult in saveResults)
if (saveResult.success)
Console.WriteLine("Successfully updated Account ID: ";


How to call SQL Queries in ASP .NET Core Web API

I'm trying to create login page using react front-end and ASP .NET core Back-end.
SO while a user login to the system I have to use the query like
Select * from UserLogin where email=""
so that my API URL should be
So that, I tried this code in my UserLoginController.cs
// GET: api/UserLogins?email=""
public async Task<IActionResult> GetUserLogin([FromRoute] string email)
if (email == null)
return NotFound();
string query = "SELECT * FROM UserLogin WHERE email = #email";
var UserLogin = await _context.UserLogin
.FromSql(query, email)
.Include(d => d.Username)
if (UserLogin == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(UserLogin);
but, It won't print any out put as I expect. Could you please give me any hint to solve my issue.
Firstly , The Include method specifies the related objects to include in the query results. It can be used to retrieve some information from the database and also want to include related entities , not specify the fields to return. For more details , you could refer to here.
Secondly , there are some errors in your data query section , try the following modification:
string query = $"SELECT Username FROM UserLogin WHERE email = #email";
var p1 = new SqlParameter("#email", email);
var UserLogin = await _context.UserLogin
.FromSql(query, p1)
You could take a look at Executing Raw SQL Queries for the usage of FromSql.
I refer write sql query for entityframework
So my working code is
var UserLogin = _context.UserLogin.Where(c => c.Email == email);

How to manually hash a password using Asp.Net Core 2.2 / IdentityServer4 / SP.NET Core Identity

I am migrating tens of thousands of users from an old website that didn't have a password in the database to this new web application, however, when I try to import the users using the async method, it ends up taking several days to the point where I just ended up cancelling it after a few days.
Now I have resorted to just creating new users directly from _context.Users.Add and assigning their roles, which i can do without a problem.. However, I can't seem to figure out how to create a generic password (all the same password) as these users will just be given a password to view a livestream (doesn't need to be super secure), but I still need the security part for the admin accounts that handle other stuff through the client/admin side UI. If a user signs in, I will have it automatically enter the default password for them.
For some reason though, I cannot get the password hasher to work correctly, as when I sign in, it says that the password is wrong...
This is what I'm using to generate the password and create the users...
var appUser = new ApplicationUser() {
Id = GenerateId(),
AccessFailedCount = 0,
Email = user[1],
PasswordHash = "",
FullName = "Standard User",
UserName = user[1],
PhoneNumber = user[8],
FirstName = user[2],
LastName = user[3],
JoinMailingList = user[4],
Country = user[5],
City = user[6],
StateRegion = user[7]
var options = new PasswordHasherOptions();
options.CompatibilityMode = PasswordHasherCompatibilityMode.IdentityV2;
var hasher = new PasswordHasher < ApplicationUser > ();
appUser.PasswordHash = hasher.HashPassword(appUser, "Default8!");
var role = _context.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == "user");
if (role != null) {
var userRole = new IdentityUserRole < string > ();
userRole.RoleId = role.Id;
userRole.UserId = appUser.Id;
Can anyone help me out with how I'm supposed to Hash a password to store into the database?
If a user signs in, I will have it automatically enter the default password for them.
If you are using .net core Identity, you can use UserManager.CreateAsync to create the specified user in the backing store with given password:
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityResult> CreateAsync (TUser user, string password);
Code below is for your reference:
var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = "", Email = "" };
var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, "YourPassWord");
if (result.Succeeded)
The Identity system will help create the password hash and store in the database . If you still need to manually hash the password , see IPasswordHasher interface .
If you want to directly insert/update via database context, you should set correct NormalizedUserName and SecurityStamp to make the system work:
ApplicationUser applicationUser = new ApplicationUser();
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
applicationUser.Id = guid.ToString();
applicationUser.UserName = "";
applicationUser.Email = "";
applicationUser.NormalizedUserName = "";
var hasedPassword = _passwordHasher.HashPassword(applicationUser, "YourPassword");
applicationUser.SecurityStamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
applicationUser.PasswordHash = hasedPassword;
As an addition, if you just want to Update the Password field of an given User:
var oldUser = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);
var result = await _userManager.ChangePasswordAsync(oldUser,
And an example to the Question "How I'm supposed to Hash a password?". You could Hash a registered Users Password with the UserManager-Referenced PasswordHasher like this:
ApplicationUser user = _userManager.Users...;
user.PasswordHash = _userManager.PasswordHasher.HashPassword(user, newPassword);
I write my class PasswordHasher based on .net6 PasswordHasher docs latest version (V3) in this stackoverflow answer :

Asp.Net Entity Framework textbox to database

New to this.
I have a database, one table "Logins":
FirstName, LastName, Birthdate, Email
I am using VS2015 and I am using Entity Framework 6 and have my database loaded in through there. I have text boxes and I want the data entered in them to insert into the table "Logins" when submit is clicked.
I've been looking online and watching videos an I just seem to be getting more confused. How do I do this?
This is what I have on the back end code (the front just has the textboxes and submit button):
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (LoginData2Entities lg = new LoginData2Entities())
DateTime birthdate = DateTime.Parse(tbBirth.Text);
Logins l = new Logins();
l.FirstName = tbFirstName.Text;
l.LastName = tbLastName.Text;
l.Birthdate = birthdate;
l.Email= tbEmail.Text;
Nothing is saving to the database. How do I fix this?
You are not adding the Login object l with your LoginData2Entities object so there is nothing to save into the database.. add this in your code.
it will look like this..
using (LoginData2Entities lg = new LoginData2Entities())
DateTime birthdate = DateTime.Parse(tbBirth.Text);
Logins l = new Logins();
l.FirstName = tbFirstName.Text;
l.LastName = tbLastName.Text;
l.Birthdate = birthdate;
l.Email= tbEmail.Text;
you are not adding the object to database before performing savechanges..
using (LoginData2Entities lg = new LoginData2Entities())
DateTime birthdate = DateTime.Parse(tbBirth.Text);
Logins l = new Logins();
l.FirstName = tbFirstName.Text;
l.LastName = tbLastName.Text;
l.Birthdate = birthdate;
l.Email= tbEmail.Text;
lg.Logins.Add(l); //add the object

Writing a test class for Salesforce/APEX trigger

I have written down trigger in Salesforce APEX . It is working properly.
Code For Trigger is:
trigger SDRDemoUpdate_test on Event (before update) {
Map<ID,Event> records = New Map<ID,Event>([SELECT CreatedBy.Name FROM Event WHERE ID IN:]);
for (Event obj{
obj.SDR_Original_Demo__c = records.get(;
Now I am trying to write code for its test class. It is giving error on line saying object can not be parsed to String.
Code For Test Class is:
public class originalDemo {
static testMethod void test_original_demo() {
Event obj = new Event();
obj.CreatedBy = 'Tom';
obj.Owner = 'Jack';
obj.What = 'Opportunity';
Looking forward to find out the solution. Any help would be appreciated.
Your issue in these lines
obj.CreatedBy = 'Tom';
obj.Owner = 'Jack';
obj.What = 'Opportunity';
You tried to pass String to fields which required Id.
User user = [SELECT Id FROM User LIMIT 1];
obj.CreatedById = UserInfo.getUserId();
obj.OwnerId = user.Id;
obj.WhatId = opportunity.Id;

How do I run a Dynamic SQL Query in Webmatrix?

I'm working on something in WebMatrix that runs an SQL Query. I can do that, however, it Selects * From UserProfile WHERE Email = #WebSecurity.CurrentUserName. I have no idea how to get it to read only a column where Email = #WebSecurity.CurrentUserName. I listed my code below.
var db=Database.Open("AeroSC");
var sqlQ = "SELECT * FROM UserProfile";
var data = db.Query(sqlQ);
How do I go about doing this?
var db = Database.Open("AeroSC");
var sqlQ = "SELECT Id FROM UserProfile WHERE Email = #0";
var id = db.QueryValue(sqlQ, WebSecurity.CurrentUserName);