Rally User Story Parent feature - rally

I am trying to get those user stories that have parent of type feature. Here's my code:
QueryRequest request = new QueryRequest("HierarchicalRequirement");
request.setFetch(new Fetch("Name,FormattedID, Parent, Feature"));
request.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("Feature.FormattedID","=","F1119").and(new QueryFilter("Parent._type","=","PortfolioItem/Feature")));
QueryResponse response = this.rest.query(request);
The response returned is valid when I remove the Parent Type filter. I get those stories that have Feature F119 . For some reason, when I explore the top level story in Rally, I can see that it has a parent Feature, but the Parent returned via query is null.
No stories are returned when I add Parent Type Query filter .

Per WS API object model a HierarchiclaRequirement object has Parent attribute that points to another HierarchiclaRequirement (a Parent story), a Feature attribute that references PI/Feature object that could be either its direct PI/Feature parent or the parent of it's parent user story, and a PortfolioItem attribute that points to its immediate PI/Feature parent
Given this scenario and hierarchiclarequirement queries below:
US1 parent story and US2 child story, and the PI/Feature "parent" of US1 is F1:
(PortfolioItem.FormattedID = F1)
returns US1 that has a parent Feature. It does not return US2.
(Feature.FormattedID = F1)
returns both the epic and it's child, US1 and US2.


Multiple `find_with_related()` in sea_orm

Let's say I have a parent::Entity with zero or many good_child::Entity, neutral_child::Entity, and chaotic_child::Entity. (Just an example. The actual child_* tables have nothing in common with one another).
Each child has a field with its parent's id. Now I can select all good_children for some parent with
let (parent, good_children) = model::parent::Entity::find_by_id(42)
But how can I get the neutral and chaotic children in the same query? Simply adding another find_with_related() call does not work:
no method named find_with_related found for struct SelectTwoMany in the current scope
method not found in SelectTwoMany<…::parent::Entity, projektdb_model::good_child::Entity>

Any way in Grails 3 for hasOne to do a lazy fetch?

Grails 3.2.5. Is see from my sql dump that the hasOne relationship does an eager fetch. This used to be the case back in prior versions of Grails, and the behavior could not be overridden. Is this still the case? What is the recommended model for a 1:1 relationship where we want a lazy fetch on the dependent object?
A little background. My "Comment" object has a one-to-one relationship with a "CommentText" object, where the text object holds Oracle clob text - some of it large. I only wanted to get the text when explicitly required to do so. The fk was in the dependent database text object, hence the "hasOne". Fortunately I was able to move the fk to the owner side of the association via an embedded domain object and update the db schema.
Throughout, I was unable to get lazy loading of the hasOne dependent object. Tried fetch: 'lazy'; fetchMode: 'lazy, and other variations of things. I needed a full domain class association because of "find" actions that needed to traverse the association.
I would still prefer the hasOne approach, if loading were indeed lazy.
Old question, but I just encountered the same problem so I'll answer for later reference.
Basically, it is impossible to lazy-fetch a hasOne property in Grails 3 (tested with 3.3.11, assuming Hibernate). But there are some workarounds.
The immediate lazy-fetch N+1 problem
As soon as you put hasOne: [child: Child] on the parent class, GORM will force you to make the relationship into a bidirectional one-to-one, and it will put the foreign key on the child table.
When you then fetch entities of the parent, it will immediately fetch all of the child entities as well, but it will do a query for every child (N+1 problem).
So a statement like this
Parent.list(max: 10)
will issue one query to get the 10 parents, and then do a query where parent_id = ? for each of the 10 children.
Even if you put fetch: 'lazy' and batchSize: 10 on the mapping of the child in Parent.groovy, the behavior is the same.
Workaround 1: One-directional with FK on the parent table
This is the solution you mention in your post. If you don't need to access the parent from the child side, you can make the relationship one-directional, which will put the FK on the parent table.
Now when fetching the Parent entity it will fetch the child_id from the parent table automatically, but keep the child property as a Hibernate proxy.
The child entity behind the proxy will correctly only be fetched once you access it. The batchSize mapping seems to be ignored here though, so when you actually start accessing the .child entities it will again issue one query per Parent.
Workaround 2: One-to-many and just access the first element
If you really want to keep the FK on the child table and also have lazy loading, you can use this hackaround.
On the Parent.groovy you could specify it like this
static hasMany = [children: Child]
static transients = ['child']
Child getChild() {
children ? children.first() : null
static mapping = {
children batchSize: 100
Now when you fetch the Parent entities it will correctly ignore the child property, and if you e.g. loop through a list of Parent and access the .child on each, it will only issue one single query for batchSize Parents.
So code like this:
def parents = Parent.list(max: 10)
parents.each {
log.info it.child.subProperty
will do the first query to get the 10 parents, and then one single query to lazily batch-fetch the children for up to batchSize parents. With Sql logging enabled it should look something like this:
select child0_.parent_id, child0_.id, ... from child child0_ where child0_.parent_id in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Workaround 3: The eager-fetch non-workaround
If your application code almost always uses the child property, then one option is to give up on lazy fetching and just specify child fetch: 'join' in Parent.groovy.
This will eliminate the N+1 lazy fetching problem, but as a downside Hibernate will now LEFT JOIN the child table and select all it's properties every time you request the Parent entity, even if you never touch the child property.
Workaround 4: Replace hasOne with mapping column: 'id'
class Face {
Nose nose // due to mapping, column 'nose_id' is not required
static mapping = {
nose column: 'id', insertable: false, updateable: false
class Nose {
static belongsTo = [face: Face] // due to mapping, column 'face_id' is not required
static mapping = {
// use the parent object's ID as this ID
// optional, but clean
id generator: 'foreign', params: [property: 'face']
// reference to the parent object so we don't need an extra column
face column: 'id', insertable: false, updateable: false

In Rally UI how to find all user stories that do *not* have a parent?

How do I find all user stories that do not have a parent? I want to ensure that my team is associating user stories with a feature so that the % feature complete is accurate.
The user story "query" UI doesn't allow this.
So far I tried adding the following queries to my dashboard widget with “Type = User Story”.
User stories without parent user stories
(Parent = null)
User stories that don't have parents, but they are not portfolio items
((PortfolioItem = null) AND (Parent = null))
User stories that do not have parents…
((PortfolioItem = null) OR (Parent = null))
Use stories without a parent
(Parent.FormattedID = null)
All of the above still return user stories with parents.
If you want just loose stories (no feature parent, no story parent) then your middle query should be right...
((PortfolioItem = null) AND (Parent = null))
I tried adding that in the query setting section in a custom list and added the Parent and Feature columns in the column picker and I didn't get any data back that had either of those fields populated. Is that what you're doing? Or what data are you getting back that seems wrong?

find nodes with a specific child association

I am looking for a query (lucene, fts-alfresco or ...) to return all the document which have a specific child association (that is not null).
Some context:
Documents of type abc:document have a child-association abc:linkedDocument.
Not all document have an other document linked to them, some have none some have one or multiple.
I need a fast and easy way to get an overview of all the documents that do have at least one document linked to them.
Currently I have a webscript that does what I need, but prefer not to have tons of webscripts which are not business related.
SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
String query = "TYPE:\"abc:document\"";
ResultSet rs = services.getSearchService().query(sp);
List<NodeRef> nodeRefs = rs.getNodeRefs();
for (NodeRef ref : nodeRefs) {
List<ChildAssociationRef> refs = services.getNodeService().getChildAssocs(ref);
for(ChildAssociationRef chref : refs){
logger.debug("Document with linked doc: {}", ref);
Associations aren't query-able so you'll have to do what you are doing, which is essentially checking every node in a result set for the presence of a desired association.
The only improvement I can suggest is that you can ask for the child associations of a specific type which would prevent you from having to check the type of every child association, see How to get all Child associations with a specific Association Type Alfresco (Java)

NHibernate: How to save a new entity without overwriting the parent:

I'm wondering what the best design would be for persisteing a new child entity with NHibernate without accidentally overwriting the parent in the database.
The problem I have is that the child entity will look something like this:
class Child
Parent Parent;
// other fields
My problem is that the child has been supplied from the UI layer along with the ID of the parent, and that means that the Parent ref is basically uninitialized: It will have the ID populated but everything else null - because the only way to populate its fields would be an extra round trip to the database to read them.
Now if I call Session.SaveOrUpdate(child) on NHibernate, what's going to happen with the parent. I don't want NHibernate to cascade save the uninitialized parent since that would just destroy the data in the database. How would people approach this problem? Any best practices?
You must use the session.Load(parentid) to get the aggregate root. In contrast to the session.Get() method, this does not actually fetch any data from the database, it just instantiates a Parent proxy object used to add Child objects to the correct Parent in the DB (eg. get the foreign key correctly).
Your code would probably look something like:
// Set the Parent to a nhibernate proxy of the Parent using the ParentId supplied from the UI
childFromUI.Parent = Session.Load<Parent>(childFromUI.Parent.Id);
This article explains Get/Load and the nhibernate caches really well
You should probably be working with the aggregate root (probably the Parent) when doing Saves (or SaveOrUpdates etc).
Why not just:
Fetch the parent object using the parent id you have in the child from the UI layer
Add the child to the parents 'children' collection
I think you have to overview your mapping configuration for nhibernate. If you have defined on the reference by the child to the parent that hi has to Cascade all, it will update it!
So if you say Cascade.None he will do nothing. All other are bad ideas. Because you allready has the information of this parent. So why read from db agane?!
If your models looks like this
class Parent
class Child
Parent myParent;
and you are trying to set the parent and save the child without having a full parent object, just the ID.
You could try this:
session.Lock(child.myParent, LockMode.None);
before saving, this should tell nhibernate that there are no changes to the parent object to persist and it should only look at the object for the Id to persist the association between Parent and Child