SQL query by compound index - sql

Let's say I have a table items with columns id type number room, id is primary key, (type, number) is a unique compound key; And a table inventory with columns id, item_type, item_number, owner, id is primary key, (type, number) is a unique compound key.
| id | type | number | room |
| 1 | laptop | 1 | 12 |
| 2 | laptop | 2 | 13 |
| 3 | desktop | 1 | 13 |
| id | item_type | item_number | owner |
| 1 | laptop | 1 | Joe |
| 2 | laptop | 2 | Joe |
| 3 | desktop | 1 | Susan |
How do I query all items owned by Joe? If I do
FROM items
WHERE (type, number) IN (
SELECT item_type, item_number FROM inventory WHERE owner = 'Joe'
I only get one row in the result, though subquery returns multiple rows. I can't seem to do join on multiple columns either, like
FROM items
JOIN inventory ON inventory.item_type = items.type,
inventory.item_number = items.number`
WHERE inventory.owner = 'Joe'

You ought to combine the join conditions with AND, not with a comma.


how to perform sql actions/query for duplicate rows

I have 2 tables:
1-brokers(this is a company that could have multiple broker individuals)
2-brokerIndividuals (A person/individuals table that has a foreign key of broker company it belongs to and the individuals details)
I'm trying to create a unique index column for brokers table where the fields companyName are unique and isDeleted is NULL. Currently, the table is already populated so I want to write an SQL QUERY to find duplicate rows and whenever there are rows with the same companyName and isDeleted=NULL, I would like to perform 2 actions/queries:
1-keep the first row as it is and changes other duplicates(rows following the first duplicate) rows' isDeleted columns value to true.
2- associate or change the foreign key in brokerIndividuals for the duplicate rows for the first row.
The verbal description of what I am trying to do is: soft delete the duplicate rows and associate their corresponding brokerIndividuals to the first occurrence of duplicates. Table needs to have 1 occurrence of companyName where isDeleted is NULL.
I am using knex.js ORM so if that help's you can also suggest a solution using knex functions but knex doesn't support partial index yet( Knex.js - How to create unique index with 'where' clause? ) so I have to use the raw SQL method. Plus the DB I'm using is mssql(version: 6.0.1).
Here's a full test case (commented), with link to the fiddle:
Working test case, tested with MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 8.0 and MariaDB up to 10.6
Create the tables and insert initial data with duplicate company_name entries:
CREATE TABLE brokers (
id int primary key auto_increment
, company_name VARCHAR(30)
, isDeleted boolean default null
CREATE TABLE brokerIndividuals (
id int primary key auto_increment
, broker_id int references brokers (id)
INSERT INTO brokers (company_name) VALUES
, ('name1')
, ('name1')
, ('name1')
, ('name123')
, ('name123')
, ('name123')
, ('name123')
INSERT INTO brokerIndividuals (broker_id) VALUES
, (7)
SELECT * FROM brokers;
| id | company_name | isDeleted |
| 1 | name1 | null |
| 2 | name1 | null |
| 3 | name1 | null |
| 4 | name1 | null |
| 5 | name123 | null |
| 6 | name123 | null |
| 7 | name123 | null |
| 8 | name123 | null |
SELECT * FROM brokerIndividuals;
| id | broker_id |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 7 |
Adjust brokers to determine isDeleted based on the MIN(id) per company_name:
UPDATE brokers
SELECT company_name, MIN(id) AS id
FROM brokers
GROUP BY company_name
) AS x
ON x.company_name = brokers.company_name
AND isDeleted IS NULL
SET isDeleted = CASE WHEN (x.id <> brokers.id) THEN 1 END
The updated brokers contents:
SELECT * FROM brokers;
| id | company_name | isDeleted |
| 1 | name1 | null |
| 2 | name1 | 1 |
| 3 | name1 | 1 |
| 4 | name1 | 1 |
| 5 | name123 | null |
| 6 | name123 | 1 |
| 7 | name123 | 1 |
| 8 | name123 | 1 |
For brokerIndividuals, find / set the correct broker_id:
UPDATE brokerIndividuals
JOIN brokers AS b1
ON b1.id = brokerIndividuals.broker_id
JOIN brokers AS b2
ON b1.company_name = b2.company_name
AND b2.isDeleted IS NULL
SET brokerIndividuals.broker_id = b2.id
New contents:
SELECT * FROM brokerIndividuals;
| id | broker_id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 5 |

SQL. query: find a warehouse in which this item is not stored

The relationship between them:
ITEM - ITEM_DETAILS one to many
id | name
1 | warehouse_01
2 | warehouse_02
3 | warehouse_03
Table ITEM:
id | name
1 | item_01
2 | item_02
3 | item_03
id | name | id_item | warehouse_id | quantity
1 | item_details_01 | 1 | 1 | 10
2 | item_details_02 | 2 | 2 | 12
3 | item_details_03 | 3 | 1 | 11
3 | item_details_04 | 1 | 3 | 8
How can I write a query correctly to get a list of WAREHOUSE that do not have this ITEM?
For example, there is warehouse_01, warehouse_02, warehouse_03, and there is an ITEM "item_01", which is in warehouse_03 and in warehouse_01, the result of the query should be warehouse_02.
You would use not exists:
select w.*
from warehouse w
where not exists (select 1
from item_details id
where id.warehouse_id = w.id and id.item_id = ?
The ? is a parameter placeholder for the item you care about.

Update statement to update two columns of a table using the next value of a column in same table

I have a table in which I want to update two columns. below is example:
Actual table:
A | 1 | ONE |
A | 2 | TWO |
A | 3 | THREE|
B | 1 | FOUR |
B | 2 | FIVE |
B | 3 | SIX |
Expected result:
A | 1 | ONE |
A | 2 | TWO |
A | 3 | THREE|
A | 4 | FOUR |
A | 5 | FIVE |
A | 6 | SIX |
unique constraint is enable on columns 'Team' and 'PLAYERNUM'. Now I want to update all the rows with Team as 'B' to 'A'. I'm getting a unique constraint violation error because the 'PLAYERNUM' are unique. Any clue on how to update Team B and PLAYERNUM to 4 5 6.
You can use common-table-expression to with row_number() window analytic function to perform update operation :
update tab t
set playernum = (
with cte as (
select t.*, row_number() over (order by Team,playernum) as rn
from tab t
select rn
from cte
where cte.team = t.team and cte.playernum = t.playernum
), team = 'A';
if only the column team is updated as team = 'A', you'd get primary key constraint violation error(try in the demo), but the above style yields no error.

Doing a market basket analysis on the order details

I have a table that looks (abbreviated) like:
| order_id | item_id | amount | qty | date |
|---------- |--------- |-------- |----- |------------ |
| 1 | 1 | 10 | 1 | 10-10-2014 |
| 1 | 2 | 20 | 2 | 10-10-2014 |
| 2 | 1 | 10 | 1 | 10-12-2014 |
| 2 | 2 | 20 | 1 | 10-12-2014 |
| 2 | 3 | 45 | 1 | 10-12-2014 |
| 3 | 1 | 10 | 1 | 9-9-2014 |
| 3 | 3 | 45 | 1 | 9-9-2014 |
| 4 | 2 | 20 | 1 | 11-11-2014 |
I would like to run a query that would calculate the list of items
that most frequently occur together.
In this case the result would be:
|1,2, |2 |
|1,3 |1 |
|2,3 |1 |
|2 |1 |
Ideally, first presenting orders with more than one items, then presenting
the most frequently ordered single items.
Could anyone please provide an example for how to structure this SQL?
This query generate all of the requested output, in the cases where 2 items occur together. It doesn't include the last item of the requested output since a single value (2) technically doesn't occur together with anything... although you could easily add a UNION query to include values that happen alone.
This is written for PostgreSQL 9.3
create table orders(
order_id int,
item_id int,
amount int,
qty int,
date timestamp
INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(1,1,10,1,'10-10-2014');
INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(1,2,20,1,'10-10-2014');
INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(2,1,10,1,'10-12-2014');
INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(2,2,20,1,'10-12-2014');
INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(2,3,45,1,'10-12-2014');
INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(3,1,10,1,'9-9-2014');
INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(3,3,45,1,'9-9-2014');
INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES(4,2,10,1,'11-11-2014');
with order_pairs as (
select (pg1.item_id, pg2.item_id) as items, pg1.date
(select distinct item_id, date
from orders) as pg1
(select distinct item_id, date
from orders) as pg2
pg1.date = pg2.date AND
pg1.item_id != pg2.item_id AND
pg1.item_id < pg2.item_id
SELECT items, count(*) as frequency
FROM order_pairs
GROUP by items
ORDER by items;
items | frequency
(1,2) | 2
(1,3) | 2
(2,3) | 1
(3 rows)
Market Basket Analysis with Join.
Join on order_id and compare if item_id < self.item_id. So for every item_id you get its associated items sold. And then group by items and count the number of rows for each combinations.
select items,count(*) as 'Freq' from
(select concat(x.item_id,',',y.item_id) as items from orders x
JOIN orders y ON x.order_id = y.order_id and
x.item_id != y.item_id and x.item_id < y.item_id) A
group by A.items order by A.items;

Remove dulicate rows using SQL

I want to know if there is a way to remove duplicate values from a table. The key 'distinct' will fetch us the unique rows however if one value differs in a column, it wont. so just wanted to know if this can be achieved by any means. Hope the below example will help.
For example : In the below table there are two entries for Emp_ID 1234 with two different priorities. my output should consider the higher priority row alone. Is it possible?
My table
| Employee_ID| priority | gender |
| 1234 | 1 | F |
| 1234 | 10 | F |
| 5678 | 2 | M |
| 5678 | 25 | M |
| 9101 | 45 | F |
| Employee_ID| priority | gender |
| 1234 | 1 | F |
| 5678 | 2 | M |
| 9101 | 45 | F |
FROM Table t
WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT Employee_ID FROM Table WHERE Employee_ID = t.Employee_ID AND priority < t.Priority)
That is if you really want to remove them from the table. The Exists part can also be used in a select query to leave the values in the Original table.
FROM Table t
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT Employee_ID FROM Table WHERE Employee_ID = t.Employee_ID AND priority > t.Priority)
select Employee_ID,max(priority) as priority,gender
from table
group by Employee_ID,gender