I have a large number of files (around 500). Each file contain two columns. The first column is same for every file. I want to join all the files into a single file using gawk.
For example,
File 1
a 123
b 221
c 904
File 2
a 298
b 230
c 102
and so on. I want a final file like as below:
Final file
a 123 298
b 221 230
c 904 102
I have found scripts that can join two files, but I need to join multiple files.
For given sample files:
$ head f*
==> f1 <==
a 123
b 221
c 904
==> f2 <==
a 298
b 230
c 102
==> f3 <==
a 500
b 600
c 700
Method 1:
$ awk '{a[FNR]=((a[FNR])?a[FNR]FS$2:$0)}END{for(i=1;i<=FNR;i++) print a[i]}' f*
a 123 298 500
b 221 230 600
c 904 102 700
Method 2: (Will probably be faster as your are not loading 500 files in memory)
Using paste and awk together. (Assuming first column is same and present in all files). Doing paste f* will give you the following result:
$ paste f*
a 123 a 298 a 500
b 221 b 230 b 600
c 904 c 102 c 700
Pipe that to awk to remove extra columns.
$ paste f* | awk '{printf "%s ",$1;for(i=2;i<=NF;i+=2) printf "%s%s",$i,(i==NF?RS:FS)}'
a 123 298 500
b 221 230 600
c 904 102 700
You can re-direct the output to another file.
I have encountered this problem very frequently.
I strongly encourage you to check into the getline function in gawk.
getline var < filename
is the command syntax and can be used to solve your problem.
I would suggest utilizing another language that solves this problem much more easily. Typically I invest about 5 lines of code to solve this standard problem.
j=getline x < "filename";
if(j==0) {
... (Commands involving x such as split and print).
You could try something like :
$ ls
f1.txt f2.txt f3.txt
$ awk '($0 !~ /#/){a[$1]=a[$1]" "$2} END {for(i in a){print i""a[i]}}' *.txt
a 123 298 299
b 221 230 231
c 904 102 103
awk 'FNR==NR{arr[$1]=$2; next;}{printf "%s%s%s%s%s",$1,OFS,arr[$1],OFS,$2; print"";}' file1 file2
based on this
The -F option lets you specify the field separator for awk, but using '\n' as the line separator doesn't work, that is, it doesn't make $1 the first line of the input, $2 the second line, and so on.
I suspect that this is because awk looks for the field separator within each line. Is there a way to get around this with awk, or some other Linux command? Basically, I want to separate my input by newline characters and put them into an Excel file.
I'm still warming up to Linux and shell scripts, which is the reason for my lack of creativity with this problem.
Thank you!
You may require to overwrite the input record separator (RS), which default is newline.
See my example below,
$ cat test.txt
$ awk 'BEGIN{ RS = "" ; FS = "\n" }{print $1,$2,$3,$4}' test.txt
a b c d
Note that you can change both the input and output record separator so you can do something like this to achieve a similar result to the accepted answer.
cat test.txt
$ awk -v ORS=" " '{print $1}' test.txt
a b c d
one can simplify it to just the following, with a minor caveat of extra trailing space without trailing newline :
% echo "a\nb\nc\nd"
% echo "a\nb\nc\nd" | mawk 8 ORS=' '
a b c d %
To rectify that, plus handling the edge case of no trailing newline from input, one can modify it to :
% echo -n "a\nb\nc\nd" | mawk 'NF-=_==$NF' FS='\n' RS='^$' | odview
0000000 543301729 174334051
a b c d \n
141 040 142 040 143 040 144 012
a sp b sp c sp d nl
97 32 98 32 99 32 100 10
61 20 62 20 63 20 64 0a
% echo "a\nb\nc\nd" | mawk 'NF -= (_==$NF)' FS='\n' RS='^$' | odview
0000000 543301729 174334051
a b c d \n
141 040 142 040 143 040 144 012
a sp b sp c sp d nl
97 32 98 32 99 32 100 10
61 20 62 20 63 20 64 0a
I want to calculate the difference w/ awk output.
Can anyone help me with this ?
cat x.txt
a 100
b 102
c 110
awk output.
a 100
b 102 2
c 110 8
awk 'NR>1{$0=$0" "$2-v}{v=$2;print $0}' x.txt
a 100
b 102 2
c 110 8
I have the following files
File A
Kmax Event File - Text Format
1 6 1000
1 4143 9256 13645 16426 20490
49 4144 8820 14751 16529 20505
45 4146 8308 12303 16912 22715
75 4139 9049 14408 16447 20480
23 4137 8449 13223 16511 20498
22 4142 8795 14955 16615 20493
File B
Kmax Event File - Text Format
1 6 1000
42 4143 9203 13401 16475 20480
44 4140 8251 12302 16932 21872
849 6283 8455 12301 16415 20673
18 4148 8238 12757 16597 20484
19 4144 8268 12306 17110 21868
50 4134 8331 12663 16501 20606
988 5682 8296 12306 16577 20592
61 4147 8330 12307 16945 22497
0 4138 8333 12310 16871 22749
File C, File D, ... and all those files have exact the same format. In addition the file name of each file is the following : run, run%1, run%2, run%3, run%4 etc. The file number could reach even up to 30, run%30 that is.
What I'd like to do is to merge the files in the following way
Kmax Event File - Text Format
1 6 1000
1 4143 9256 13645 16426 20490
49 4144 8820 14751 16529 20505
45 4146 8308 12303 16912 22715
75 4139 9049 14408 16447 20480
23 4137 8449 13223 16511 20498
22 4142 8795 14955 16615 2049
42 4143 9203 13401 16475 20480
44 4140 8251 12302 16932 21872
849 6283 8455 12301 16415 20673
18 4148 8238 12757 16597 20484
19 4144 8268 12306 17110 21868
50 4134 8331 12663 16501 20606
988 5682 8296 12306 16577 20592
61 4147 8330 12307 16945 22497
0 4138 8333 12310 16871 22749
I believe I can do it using
awk '{i=$1;sub(i,x);A[i]=A[i]$0} FILENAME==ARGV[ARGC-1]{print i A[i]}'
but in this way the two first lines of the second file will be present. In addition I don't know if the above line will work. The problem is that I will need to merge many files at the same time. Any idea to merge those almost identical files?
Using grouping braces in the shell
{ cat run; sed '1,2d' run%*; } > c
You can use cat and tail:
cat A > C && tail -n +3 B >> C
This will merge file A and B in a new file named C.
Using awk:
awk 'FNR==NR{print; next} FNR>2' A B > C
If you have more than one file to merge into one, you can list them next to A B in the awk version, e.g A B D. C in awk version is the output file containing merged data.
In cat and tail version you can repeat tail part of the code for other files, e.g
cat A > C && tail -n +3 B >> C && tail -n +3 D >> C
or create some kind of loop to iterate over files.
Print all lines from the first file (NR==FNR) and only line 3 and on from the rest of the files (FNR>2):
awk 'NR==FNR||FNR>2' run*
my question
i have one file
344 0
465 1
729 2
777 3
676 4
862 5
766 0
937 1
980 2
837 3
936 5
i need to compare each two pair (zero with zero, one with one and so on) if the value exist(any value of column two should exist two times) subtract 766-344 , 937-465 and so on if not exist like the forth value do nothing (4 exist one time so do nothing) the output
also i need to add index
1 422
2 472
3 251
4 060
5 074
finally i need to add this code as part of tcl script, or function of tcl porgram
I have a tcl script contain awk functions like this
set awkCBR0 {
if ($1 == "r" && $6 == 280) {
print $2, i >> "cbr0.q";
i +=1 ;
exec rm -f cbr0.q
exec touch cbr0.q
exec awk $awkCBR0 cbr.trq
Try this:
awk 'a[$2]{printf "%d %03d\n",++x,$1-a[$2];next}{a[$2]=$1}' file
$ awk 'a[$2]{printf "%d %03d\n",++x,$1-a[$2];next}{a[$2]=$1}' file
1 422
2 472
3 251
4 060
5 074
I will leave it for you to add it to tcl function.
I have file1 as a result of a first operation, it has the following structure
201 12 0.298231 8.8942
206 13 -0.079795 0.6367
101 34 0.86348 0.7456
301 15 0.215355 4.6378
303 16 0.244734 5.9895
and file2 as a result of a different operation and has the same type of structure.
File 2 sample
204 60 -0.246038 6.0535
304 83 -0.246209 6.0619
101 34 -0.456629 6.0826
211 36 -0.247003 6.1011
305 83 -0.247134 6.1075
206 46 -0.247485 6.1249
210 39 -0.248066 6.1537
107 41 -0.248201 6.1603
102 20 -0.248542 6.1773
I would like to select fields 1 and 2 that have a field 3 value higher than a threshold in file1 (0.8) , then for these selected values of field 1 and 2, select the values that have a field 3 value higher than another threshold in file 2 (abs(x)=0.4).
Note that although files 1 and 2 have the same structure fields 1 and 2 values are not the same (not the same number of lines etc..)
Can you do this with awk?
desired output
101 34
If you combine awk with unix commands you can do the following
sort file1.txt > sorted1.txt
sort file2.txt > sorted2.txt
Sorting will allow you to use JOIN on the first line (which I assume is unique). Now field 3 of file1 is $3 and file2 is $6. Using awk you can write the following.:
join sorted1.txt sorted2.txt | awk 'function abs(value){return (value<0?-value:value);}{print $1"\t"$2} $3 >=0.8 && abs($6) >=0.4'
In essence, in the awk you first write a function to deal with absolute values, then you simply ask it to print line 1 and 2 selecting for the criteria you detailed at $3 and $6 (formely field 3 of file1 and file2 respectively)
Hope this helps...