I could not able to setup the environment for appium,
Is there any video or clear docs to setup and run a sample test code in appium. ASAP.
Thanks in advance
Can I test flutter app (for example in apk) using WebdriverIO?
I saw there is a flutter driver for Appium. Is it supported with WebriverIO as well? How is it handled?
Yes you can. You have to use Appium Automation to interact with your Flutter mobile app.
Setup your own WebdriverIO Appium project, or start from a featured boilerplate, as such.
Integrate the appium-flutter-driver into your project and start using it inside your test cases.
LE: Alternatively, you can try SauceLab's Appium-Flutter-Driver implementation using WebdriverIO. See it here.
You can find multiple examples online for configurations. A simple Google search even gives you a full video tutorial on how to setup everything.
I have a more general question about nuxt, universal deployment mode and the code that comes as a result.
I have a nuxt application, deployed through npm run build and npm run start (universal mode) and when the CI/CD pipeline is finished and the code is successfully deployed, I go and see the code that is generated by nuxt.
As a reference, here is my link: view-source:https://staging.gemeentebanen.nl/
Is this how the source code is supposed to look in universal mode? Shouldn't I be able to see the HTML markup and stuff?
Thank you for your help in advance.
Can anyone suggest to startup way with Appium mobile testing. Already have knowledge of Automation testing using Selenium.
start with android automation as you automate basically any app. Use your phone if you have android and if not install genny motion as virtual machine
try this
You can get started with Android automation which is easy to understand and resources & tutorials are easily available.
Refer : http://appium.io/slate/en/tutorial/android.html?java#
Also , if you are starting with Android first , get familiar with few basic Android commands - like ADB , AAPT .
Learn how to obtain package name of any application. UDID of Android device etc.
try this to get package name /udid of android phone - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEUDm1ZxsX6teks8wM71bmQ/videos
Hope these are helpful to get start with basic things.
I am new in Automating the apps for testing Android and i like to advance to this level... I have researched for Appium and Calabash... but knowing the difference pretty complicated.. There are my questions:
1: For Calabash, do we need the source code, i mean can i have APK and give test cases and so on? or do I NEED the source code even if im using the elements from app?
2: I heard i can use the Appium with cucumber, and same question do i need source code for that?
I have researched about it and all i get is for Apple apps... but nothing much for android...
You don't need source code. All you need is apk file, packageName and ActivityName to launch the app.
In Appium framework, all you need is app file (for android it will be simply .apk file).
Source code will be never needed, all elements from UI that you would like to interact with, can be simply get from Appium Inspector.
For both calabash and Appium you don't need to source code. you can automate application using apk file.
Yes you can use Appium with cucumber.
To find object locators of application use calabash console and Android UI Viewer, Appium GUI.
I am using Phonegap build to generate executable files for each platform. Each time I make changes in my code, I have to upload the code on phonegap build and generate new Apk file (for android). I don't want to test on real device, How can I test my code on phonegap emulator??
Getting started guides are very confusing for beginners like me. Please help me out.
You can download the AVD from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html. Click on DOWNLOAD FOR OTHER PLATFORMS and choose installer_r22.2.1-windows.exe if you are a windows user. Once you have installed it go to the install dir and execute SDK Manager.exe and download the virtual device images you need. Then execute AVD Manager.exe, create a virtual device and you are ready to go.
I Know I'm late but you can use this to test, then generate your apk when you're done.
Only for chrome