Parse SQL with REGEX to find Physical Update - sql

I've spent a bit of time trying to bend regex to my will but its beaten me.
Here's the problem, for the following text...
--to be matched
UPDATE dbo.table
--do not match
UPDATE #temp
I'd like to match the first two updates statements and not match the last two update statements. So far I have the regex...
I've been trying to get the regex to ignore the TOP 10 PERCENT part as its just gets in the way. But I haven't been successful.
Thanks in advance.
I'm using .net 3.5

I assume you're trying to parse real SQL syntax (looks like SQL Server) so I've tried something that is more suitable for that (rather than just detecting the presence of #).
You can try regex like:
It checks for UPDATE followed by optional TOP.*?PERCENT and then by something that is not TOP.*?PERCENT and doesn't start with #. It doesn't check just for the presence of # as this may legitimately appear in other position and not mean a temp table.

As I understand it, you want a regex to interact with SQL code, not actually querying a database?
You can use a negative look ahead to check if the line has #temp:
(?!...) will fail the whole match if what's inside it matches, ^ matches the beginning of the line when combined with the m modifier. (?m) is the inline version of this modifier, as I don't know how/where you plan on using the regex.
See demo here.

#Robin's solution is much better but in case you needed regex with some simplier mechanisms employed I give you this:

sqlconsumer, here's a fully functioning C# .NET program. Does it do what you're looking for?
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class Program {
static void Main() {
string s1 = "UPDATE dbo.table";
string s2 = "UPDATE TOP 10 PERCENT dbo.table";
string s3 = "UPDATE #temp";
string s4 = "UPDATE TOP 10 PERCENT #temp";
string pattern = #"UPDATE\s+(?:TOP 10 PERCENT\s+)?dbo\.\w+";
Console.WriteLine(Regex.IsMatch(s1, pattern) );
Console.WriteLine(Regex.IsMatch(s2, pattern));
Console.WriteLine(Regex.IsMatch(s3, pattern));
Console.WriteLine(Regex.IsMatch(s4, pattern));
Console.WriteLine("\nPress Any Key to Exit.");
} // END Main
} // END Program
The Output:


tdbc::tokenize documentation and use

I'm using tdbc::odbc to connect to a Pervasive (btrieve type) database, and am unable to pass variables to the driver. A short test snippet:
set customer "100000"
set st [pvdb prepare {
WHERE CUSTOMER = :customer
$st execute
This returns:
[Pervasive][ODBC Client Interface]Parameter number out of range.
(binding the 'customer' parameter)
Works fine if I replace :customer with "100000", and I have tried using a variable with $, #, wrapping in apostrophes, quotes, braces. I believe that tdbc::tokenize is the answer I'm looking for, but the man page gives no useful information on its use. I've experimented with tokenize with no progress at all. Can anyone comment on this?
The tdbc::tokenize command is a helper for writing TDBC drivers. It's used for working out what bound variables are inside an SQL string so the binding map can be supplied to the low level driver or, in the case of particularly stupid drivers, string substitutions performed (I hope there's no drivers that need to do this; it'd be annoyingly difficult to get right). The parser knows enough to handle weird cases like things that look like bound variables in strings and comments (those aren't bound variables).
If we feed it (it's calling syntax is trivial) the example SQL you've got, we get this result:
WHERE CUSTOMER = } :customer {
That's a list of three items (the last element just has a newline in it) that simplifies processing a lot; each item is either trivially a bound variable or trivially not.
Other examples (bear in mind in the second case that bound variables may also start with $ or #):
% tdbc::tokenize {':abc' = :abc = ":abc" -- :abc}
{':abc' = } :abc { = ":abc" -- :abc}
% tdbc::tokenize {foo + $bar - #grill}
{foo + } {$bar} { - } #grill
% tdbc::tokenize {foo + :bar + [:grill]}
{foo + } :bar { + [:grill]}
Note that the tokenizer does not fully understand SQL! It makes no attempt to parse the other bits; it's just looking for what is a bound variable.
I've no idea what use the tokenizer could be to you if you're not writing a DB driver.
Still could not get the driver to accept the variable, but looking at your first example of the tokenized return, I came up with:
set customer "100000"
set v [tdbc::tokenize "$customer"]
set st [pvdb prepare $query]
$st execute
as a test command, and it did indeed successfully pass the command through the driver

npgsql executescalar() allways returns nothing

I'm using npgsql as a nuget package in visual studio 2017 with visual basic.
Various commands do work very well but an ExecuteScalar allways returns 'nothing' although it should give a result.
The command looks like this:
Dim ser As Integer
Dim find = New NpgsqlCommand("SELECT serial from dbo.foreigncode WHERE code = '#code';", conn)
Dim fcode = New NpgsqlParameter("code", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Varchar)
fcode.Value = "XYZ"
ser = find.ExecuteScalar() ==> nothing
When the command string is copied as a value during debugging and pasted into the query tool of PGADMIN it delivers the correct result. The row is definitely there.
Different Commands executed with ExecuteNonQuery() work well, including ones performing UPDATE statements on the row in question.
When I look into the properties of the parameter fcode immediately before the ExecuteScalar it shows 'fcode.DataTypeName' caused an exception 'System.NotImplementedException'.
If I change my prepared statement to "SELECT #code" and set the value of the parameter to an arbitrary value just this value is returned. There is no access to the table taking place because the table name is not part of the SELECT in this case. If I remove the WHERE CLAUSE in the SELECT and just select one column, I would also expect that something has to be returned. But again it is nothing.
Yes there is a column named serial. It is of type bigint and can not contain NULL.
A Query shows that there is no single row that contains NULL in any column.
Latest findings:
I queried a different table where the search column and the result column happen to have the same datatype. It works, so syntax, passing of parameter, prepare etc. seems to work in principal.
The System.NotImplementedException in the DataTypeName property of the parameter occurs as well but it works anyway.
I rebuilt the index of the table in question. No change.
Still: when I copy/paste the CommandText and execute it in PGAdmin it shows the correct result.
Modifying the Command and using plain text there without parameter and without prepare still does yield nothing. The plain text CommandText was copy/pasted from PGAdmin where it was successfully executed before.
Very strange.
Reverting search column and result column also gives nothing as a result.
Please try these two alternatives and post back your results:
' Alternative 1: fetch the entire row, see what's returned
Dim dr = find.ExecuteReader()
While (dr.Read())
Console.Write("{0}\t{1} \n", dr[0], dr[1])
End While
' Alternative 2: Check if "ExecuteScalar()" returns something other than an int
Dim result = find.ExecuteScalar()
... and (I just noticed Honeyboy Wilson's response!) ...
Fix your syntax:
' Try this first: remove the single quotes around "#code"!
Dim find = New NpgsqlCommand("SELECT serial from dbo.foreigncode WHERE code = #code;", conn)
Update 1
Please try this:
Dim find = New NpgsqlCommand("SELECT * from dbo.foreigncode;", conn)
Q: Does this return anything?
Dim dr = find.ExecuteReader()
While (dr.Read())
Console.Write("{0}\t{1} \n", dr[0], dr[1])
End While
Q: Does this?
Dim result = find.ExecuteScalar()
Q: Do you happen to have a column named "serial"? What is it's data type? Is it non-null for the row(s) with 'XYZ'?
Please update your original post with this information.
Update 2
You seem to be doing ":everything right":
You've confirmed that you can connect,
You've confirmed that non-query updates to the same table work (with npgsql),
You've confirmed that the SQL queries themselves are valid (by copying/pasting the same SQL into PGAdmin and getting valid results).
As Shay Rojansky said, "System.NotImplementedException in the DataTypeName property" is a known issue stepping through the debugger. It has nothing to do with your problem:
SUGGESTIONS (I'm grasping at straws)::
Double-check "permissions" on your database and your table.
Consider installing a different version of npgsql.
Be sure your code is detecting any/all error returns and exceptions (it sounds like you're probably already doing this, but it never hurts to ask)
... and ...
Enable verbose logging, both client- and server-side:
... Finally ...
Q: Can you make ANY query, from ANY table, using ANY query method (ExecuteReader(), ExecuteScalar(), ... ANYTHING) from your npgsql/.Net client AT ALL?
I finally found it. It's often the small things that can have a big impact.
When the value was assigned to the parameter a substring index was incorect.
Now it works perfectly.
Thanks to everybody who spent his time on this.


I am having a clob field rq_dev_comments which should replace the username with "anonymous"
Update <TABLE>.req
Set rq_dev_comments = regexp_REPLACE(rq_dev_comments,
'\<[bB]\>.*gt;,', '<b>anonymous ')
where length(rq_dev_comments) > ...
Now my question is, if there is a way to check before wheather "anonymous" is already set or not and how to reduce the datasets?
rq_dev_comments = "<html><b>HendrikHeim</b>: I found an error....</html>"
Desired: "<html><b>Anonymous</b>: I found an error....</html>"
The following solution will not catch cases where "username" may appear more than once, and some but not all occurrences have already been replaced with "anonymous". So think twice before you use it. (The same would apply to ANY solutions along the lines of what you asked!)
Add the following to your WHERE clause:
... where length(...) ....
and dbms_lob.instr(rq_dev_comments, '<b>Anonymous') = 0
"= 0" means the search pattern wasn't found in the input string.
Another thing: In the example you show "anonymous" capitalized (with upper case A), but in your code you have it all lower case. Decide one way or another and be consistent. Good luck!

Use of LIKE clause in sql prepared statement, spring, SimpleJDBCTemplate

I have the following sql prepared statement:
SELECT * FROM video WHERE video_name LIKE ?
Im using spring and jdbc.
i have a method, where term is a searchterm, sjt is a SimpleJdbcTemplate, VideoMapper is a RowMapper and searchForTermQuery is the string from above
return sjt.query(searchForTermQuery, new VideoMapper(), term);
My table has 2 videos that match the term.
However when I run the query none is found. I get an empty List.
I tried playing with % around the question mark, but it only gave badGrammarExceptions.
You need to put the % around the value itself, not around the placeholder (the question mark).
return sjt.query(searchForTermQuery, new VideoMapper(), "%" + term + "%");

RegEx help - finding / returning a code

I must admit it's been a few years since my RegEx class and since then, I have done little with them. So I turn to the brain power of SO. . .
I have an Excel spreadsheet (2007) with some data. I want to search one of the columns for a pattern (here's the RegEx part). When I find a match I want to copy a portion of the found match to another column in the same row.
A sample of the source data is included below. Each line represents a cell in the source.
I'm looking for a regex that matches "abms feature = XXX" where XXX is a varibale length word - no spaces in it and I think all alpha characters. Once I find a match, I want to toss out the "abms feature = " portion of the match and place the code (the XXX part) into another column.
I can handle the excel coding part. I just need help with the regex.
If you can provide a solution to do this entirely within Excel - no coding required, just using native excel formula and commands - I would like to hear that, too.
abms feature = rl
abms feature = sta
abms feature = pc, pcc, pi, poc, pot, psc, pst, pt, radp
font = 5 abms feature = equl, equr
abms feature = bl
abms feature = tl
abms feature = prl
font = 5
I am still learning about regex myself, but I have found this place useful for getting ideas or comparing what I came up with, might help in the future?
Try this regular expression:
abms feature = (\w+)
Here is an example of how to extract the value from the capture group:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class Program
static void Main()
Regex regex = new Regex(#"abms feature = (\w+)",
RegexOptions.Compiled |
RegexOptions.CultureInvariant |
Match match = regex.Match("abms feature = XXX");
if (match.Success)
(?<=^abms feature = )[a-zA-Z]*
assuming you're not doing anything with the words after the commas