Windows Store App Heirarchical Navigation Template makepri compile error - xaml

I'm trying to get the HeirarchicalNavTemplate compiling on my machine in VS2013. Simply unzipping the template (available at results in the following compilation errors:
1>------ Build started: Project: HierarchicalNavTemplate, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1> HierarchicalNavTemplate -> C:\Users\rw3\Downloads\Windows Store app hierarchical navigation%2c start to finish2\C#\bin\Debug\HierarchicalNavTemplate.exe
1>MakePri : error 0x80004005: Processing Resources with error: Unspecified error
1>C:\Users\rw3\Downloads\Windows Store app hierarchical navigation%2c start to finish2\C#\Strings\en-US\Resources.resw : error 0xdef00502: MakePRI: root node not found.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
Turning up MSBuild logging level to diagnostic reveals that the offending command in question is
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64\MakePri.exe" New -ProjectRoot "C:\Users\rw3\Downloads\Windows Store app hierarchical navigation%2c start to finish2\C#\\" -ConfigXml obj\Debug\priconfig.xml -OutputFile "C:\Users\rw3\Downloads\Windows Store app hierarchical navigation%2c start to finish2\C#\bin\Debug\resources.pri" -IndexName adf73318-7321-478b-9e3a-899a435c2a85 -Verbose -Overwrite
The relevant priconfig.xml file referenced in the command is pasted here:
The relevant Resources.resw file referenced in the command is pasted here:
Both files seem to be OK and pass XML validation for syntax. Anyone's insight is appreciated.

It doesn't like the HTML escape character %2c in the path
Rename the directory
C:\Users\rw3\Downloads\Windows Store app hierarchical%2c navigation start to finish2
C:\Users\rw3\Downloads\Windows Store app hierarchical navigation start to finish2


XCode: The file “[APP NAME].app” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file

For context, I am encountering this immediately after resolving this issue:
Xcode error: unable to create directory '/[PATH_TO_APP]/[APP_NAME].app' (in target '[TARGET]' from project '[PROJECT]')
Here is the full error details text (with redactions in [] for privacy):
The file “[APP NAME].app” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
Domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain
Code: 260
Failure Reason: The file doesn’t exist.
User Info: {
NSFilePath = "/[APP NAME].app";
The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory
Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain
Code: 2
Failure Reason: No such file or directory
System Information
macOS Version 10.15.5 (Build 19F101)
Xcode 11.5 (16139)
Running ls -l in the project folder shows the [APP NAME].app now present, but navigating to the same location and selecting the file in Finder shows a "crossed out circle" over the app's icon. Removing the file and building again results in the same thing. I've also tried renaming the project and restarting, etc, to no avail.
NSFilePath = "/[APP NAME].app" feels like a missing or misspelled environment variable.
If the build expects custom environment variable like $(MyBuildDir) to be defined, when it's not, then running a command with $(MyBuildDir)/[APP NAME].app would result in "/[APP NAME].app"
The same is true for if the environment variable misspelled. For example, using $(UBILD_DIR)/[APP NAME].app instead of BUILD_DIR would result in "/[APP NAME].app"

Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(171,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code -1073741515

I am trying to build QGIS open source application in Windows. I used this link for it -> link
But I am getting the error "Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(171,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code -1073741515". I think it is about some missing dlls. Also, the error is related(opinion) about crssync.exe because building fails after running that exe file. Additionally, when i tried debug start new instace from Visual studio 2015 it shows me (on console) not loaded 3 dlls but two of them are system one is about OSGeo4W. Then shows a missing dll error on the screen about gdal301.dll and proj_6_3.dll.
I tried to execute crsyync.exe directly. It gave me lots of dll missing error two of them is same with above. I add their locations on the path variable then tried again, problems solved no errors. However when i builded again it gave me same error. When i clicked the error it shows me "Microsoft.CppCommon.targets" file.
Sources ="#(CustomBuild)"
BuildSuffix ="$(_BuildSuffix)"
TrackerLogDirectory ="%(CustomBuild.TrackerLogDirectory)"
MinimalRebuildFromTracking ="%(CustomBuild.MinimalRebuildFromTracking)"
TLogReadFiles ="#(CustomBuildTLogReadFiles)"
TLogWriteFiles ="#(CustomBuildTLogWriteFiles)"
TrackFileAccess ="$(TrackFileAccess)"
ToolArchitecture ="$(CustomBuildToolArchitecture)"
TrackerFrameworkPath ="$(CustomBuildTrackerFrameworkPath)"
TrackerSdkPath ="$(CustomBuildTrackerSdkPath)"
AcceptableNonZeroExitCodes ="%(CustomBuild.AcceptableNonZeroExitCodes)"
The problem is it can not find the gdal301.dll and proj_6_3.dll in the apps folder. Because it looks at the OSGeo4W\bin folder. When i copied and pasted them into that folder it worked and run the qgis.

Errors Creating App Package (UWP, Appx) - fatal error CMF1106: failed to open input PDB file for reading

I'm getting errors when Creating App Packages for a UWP Win 10 application.
On my machine the error is:
C:\Users\Developer\.nuget\packages\nodatime\2.4.0\lib\netstandard2.0\NodaTime.pdb : fatal error CMF1106: failed to open input PDB file for reading (PDB error code = 11)3 input PDB file is not generated by /DEBUG:fastlinkW must read and agree to the Data Collection Policy at MSPDBCMF : fatal error CMF1000: internal error
The pdb file exists in the mentioned directory: C:\Users\Developer\.nuget\packages\nodatime\2.4.0\lib\netstandard2.0
On a hosted VSTS build the error message is even more cryptic:
C:\Users\VssAdministrator\.nuget\packages\nodatime\2.4.0\lib\netstandard2.0\NodaTime.pdb : fatal error CMF1106: failed to open input PDB file for reading (PDB error code = 11)3 input PDB file is not generated by /DEBUG:fastlinkW must read and agree to the Data Collection Policy at ??? before using /errorreport:send1 warning treated as error; the PDB file is intact# specified output filename is too long (exceeding 0 characters)
Note 1: On my machine the package is actaully successfully created but on the VSTS build the step fails as it detects the error in logs and stops.
Note 2: I'm pretty sure this is not NodaTime specific. This is about something else...
My msbuild switches are:
I am now trying with extra /p:DebugSymbols=false /p:DebugType=None, but even if it fails, I would like to understand and eliminate the 'fastlink' errors.
Explicitly setting DebugType to pdbonly worked in my case, but not sure if you need portable debug symbols or not, so this might not be an option for you.

flatbuffers include in VS2017 project

I have generated a small *.fbs file and included the .h file in my C++ project. I have doubled checked that the flatbuffers.h and flatbuffers.lib are on the include and library paths.
However, when I include the .h file, I get a load of compile errors.
I notice that the following symbol in the included .h file is showing as undefined:
I think it is having a problem with this macro:
I am now getting builds that complete. I will soon know if it works. But there are this messages at the end of the link:
1>Finished pass 2
1>Not launching VCTIP: it is flagged as unstable
1>Win32 API 'CreateFile' failed with 2
1>Not launching VCTIP: it is flagged as unstable
1>Telemetry event upload failed: 'Failed to open connection to VCTIP'
1>LinkWareMessageBus.vcxproj -> D:\Source\LinkWareMessageBus\x64\Debug\LinkWareMessageBus.exe
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

arm-none-symbianelf-ld throwing "No Such File or Directory" error looking for file [...].GCCE.UREL.objects.via when building project

Im using Carbide C++ 2.3.0 to build a Flash Stub project with S60)5th_Edition_SDK-v1.0 Phone Release (GCCE) set as build configuration. I have installed Perl and JRE and the CSL toolchain (GCCE), and Ive manually updated the Windows PATH variable to point to GCCE/bin.
When I create my project according to - this article and click build I get only the following error message -
#\S60\devices\S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v1.0\EPOC32\BUILD\Symbian\Carbide\workspace\*[name]\*group\*[NAME]*\GCCE\*[name]*_0xECB9C23A.GCCE.UREL.objects.via: No such file: No such file or directory
The console output is -
arm-none-symbianelf-ld: #\S60\devices\S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v1.0\EPOC32\BUILD\Symbian\Carbide\workspace\name\group\NAME\GCCE\name_0xECB9C23A.GCCE.UREL.objects.via: No such file: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [\S60\devices\S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v1.0\epoc32\release\gcce\urel\name_0xECB9C23A.exe] Error 1
make: *** [TARGETCUEMEMMOB] Error 2
My errors log panel shows that Perlv5.6.1 was not detected (i installed strawberry perl 5.10.1) should this matter?
I have checked that the EPOCROOT is set correctly and navigated in windows explorer to the file that cannot be found and I can see it there.
I cannot find any help with this on the nokia forums.
Yes, it matters.
The recommended perl implementation is ActivePerl 5.6.1, available from