paypal express checkout =>Error: Security header is not valid - express

Error : Security header is not valid
[TIMESTAMP] => 2014%2d04%2d29T07%3a24%3a29Z
[CORRELATIONID] => 6af6749c848d6
[ACK] => Failure
[VERSION] => 109%2e0
[BUILD] => 10800277
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10002
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Security%20error
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => Security%20header%20is%20not%20valid
I am getting this error again and again and cannot move ahead. I had checked all the api username, password and signature, all are correct, but the main problem is that, all the things are already stored in paypal sandbox account but it cannot give back to the page. I mean to say transection is shown in sandbox account but it cannot send forward to the display page. Am I wrong somewhere?

generally this error means you are not using the correct API credentials. If you are convinced your credentials are correct then take a look at your endpoint. Sandbox credentials will not be valid in the production environment and live credentials will produce this error in the sandbox

I had this issue because my login contained "+"(plus) sign. Finally I manually decoded it to "%2B" as described here and the issue gone.

It doesn't always mean invalid API credential or wrong endpoint
If you're absolutely sure in this info, check the encoding you're making your request with - it should be UTF-8 without Byte-Order Mark (BOM), e.g (in Visual C# .NET)
var requestEncoding = new UTF8Encoding(false); // UTF-8 without BOM
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream(), requestEncoding))
This is not a default value, and it helped me after an hour of checking everything
Of course, make sure all of your parameters are URL encoded, too

apart from them change this too:
(from Sandbox > Live)**

Wrong credentials Make sure that you've put your API Username, API Password and API Signature correctly. Sometimes it happens that during copy and paste there is accidently a space added, this would trigger this error. Doublecheck this settings in the SDK or in the admin panel of your third party shopping cart.
Wrong Endpoint This error would come up if you send the data to the wrong endpoint. Make sure that you sending the live credentials and data to our live endpoint. When you want to test your store make sure that you use our test endpoint and the credentials from your sandbox test account. If you are using a third party shopping cart, make sure that your store is running in test or live mode, regarding which credentials you are using.
For reffrence link


Google Home "Couldn't update the setting. Check your connection.'

So this type of error is being reported on a lot of community boards over the course of the last year with no acceptable answer we could find. We have just started our journey integrating with Google Home and created a Home Automation Action and we are getting a similar error …
insertId: "10wvnj2fyb1thy"
logName: "projects/bitdog-home-f69bd/logs/"
Show matching entries
Hide matching entries
Add field to summary line
receiveTimestamp: "2018-12-06T13:28:13.939975519Z"
resource: {
labels: {
action_id: "SMART_HOME_SYNC"
project_id: "bitdog-home-f69bd"
version_id: ""
type: "assistant_action"
severity: "ERROR"
textPayload: "SYNC: Request ID 742344561631232315 failed with code: OPEN_AUTH_FAILURE"
timestamp: "2018-12-06T13:28:13.931998358Z"
This shows on Google Home app as "Couldn't update the setting, check your connection"
The OAuth service logs show a successful account linking and a successful refresh_token request. Google does not attempt a SYNC call to the Action handler from what we can tell.
We have other systems using the OAuth server and they are working well and we are little lost on how to proceed to debug this issue. We created a support ticket today but I don't feel confident that we will get meaningful help.
We have also tried using the Google Home app on Android and iOS. We have tried changing the default browser from Chrome to Firefox. Nothing has changed the outcome. We also made sure that our access_token was in JWT format to see if google was sensitive to token size or format and nothing worked. We even made sure that the Google Home app user matched the user logged into the browser.
I did get it working. It was already working with an Amazon Echo Skill but it seems that Google's implementation (OpenAuth) is a bit more strict. I changed my access_token from a proprietary encrypted token format to a legit signed JWT token. I also removed expires_in from the response and it started working, not sure if it was the access_token JWT token format or removal of expires_in. I'm happy I can move on. If I get a chance, I will test to see which change made it work and comment here again.
Thank you.
To anyone with this problem–
I had to take multiple steps to resolve this issue, which are not clearly outlined in any documentation.
As per Google support:
Please adjust your account linking implementation from implicit to auth code flow then perform test again.
On the documentation for OAuth account linking, it says there are two methods of authentication: implicit and auth code. Apparently, only the auth code flow works for smart home.
I am using the Actions on Google Node.js library. While poking through the documentation, I found that:
[The SYNC request fulfillment] should return a valid response or a Promise that resolves to valid response.
The problem is that I was doing a database operation (which took time), so I couldn't simply return a value when it was ready; I had to return a Promise insead, then fulfill that promise later.
Hopefully this is helpful to anyone stuck on this reoccurring issue! Basically, check your auth flow and make SYNC is returning a valid JS object on time.
I was facing the same issue from last 2 weeks and was wonder when saw it is a 3 steps problem.
Check your SYNC intent is properly parsed
Incorrect Response Structure (Verify here-Smart Home SYNC Data Validator)
Device Response time-out should be less than 5 sec.
You can check Link
My problem started when I connected by Sonoff Bridge.
So I got it working by removing my 'Sonoff Bridge' and connecting it to Google Home. (All mu light are now working). Added the Bridge again to Sonoff and using IFTTT to connect to my Bridge

Invalid Scope for BigCommerce Oauth for my app - store_v2_transactions_read_only

My app is an approved hidden app in BigCommerce that has all of the scopes selected in the MyApp Technical page. Unfortunately, when I try to oAuth into a user, the following scope 'store_v2_transactions_read_only' returns an 'invalid scope' message. If I take that scope out, the other scopes (for read_only orders, customers, etc.) work fine and I can successfully connect an account using Oauth with my app.
The scope 'store_v2_transactions_read_only' is found in the documentation in the list of scopes here: But making the request to connect an account using that scope returns 'invalid_scope' and I can't access user transaction data. Again, all other scopes work, and I have them all selected in the app technical page in the developer portal.
Working in node and using axios to get the token with the oauth code. This list of scopes works:
scope: 'store_v2_customers_read_only store_v2_information_read_only store_v2_orders_read_only store_v2_products_read_only'
The moment I add store_v2_transactions_read_only it returns 'invalid scope', even thought that is the string stated in the docs. It is the same error that shows if I misspell any of the scopes.
Make sure that you're passing in the context in your query string. At the time of writing the API will send back an Invalid scope(s). error seemingly only when you request store_v2_transactions_read_only without this query param. Other scopes seem to work fine, as you've noticed, if this param is not sent.
Can't comment, because I don't have 50 karma, but adding the context to the POST call in postman from the correct answer fixed this issue for me. I had been dealing with it for some time and there isn't a lot of documentation on the BigCommerce side in other forum posts.
I am using the x-www-form-urlencoded params with:
KEY: context
VALUE: stores/abcdefg
The abcdefg is the actual store number/id in the exact format it came in from the callback.

How do I retrieve the API data from the LinkedIn Strategy for Opauth?

I installed the Google Opauth Strategy and it's working brilliantly. The LinkedIn one acts a little differently; in the directions for this strategy it specifies that no OAuth Redirect URL is needed (on the LinkedIn Developer website). I tried leaving this out, and kept getting this error:
'Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key.'
This error is also on the demo for the plugin here:
So I changed it up a bit and placed my redirect URL there just in case, like my Google one has, and it seemed to have worked! It took me to the LinkedIn login screen, I put in my credentials, and it redirected me back to my application. The trouble is, no data was returned this time.
My defaults in LinkedInStrategy.php looks like this:
public $defaults = array(
'redirect_uri' => '',
'response_type' => 'code',
'scope' => 'r_fullprofile r_emailaddress r_contactinfo'
In my controller I have this:
$_SESSION['log'] = $this->data;
And in my view I have this:
This is just to see if the data is setting. When I log in with GoogleStrategy.php settings, this line displays all of the data and I use it to log me in. Perfect. But with the LinkedIn strategy, I just get an empty array. Anybody have any ideas?
According to the LinkedIn API documentation here, my code returned is the correct code returned upon successful authentication (redirect uri, code, and state in the response URL). So I know everything's correct thus far to connect, just obtaining the data must be different than the $this->data return method stated in the regular Opauth documentation.
I solved it! I changed the redirect_uri back to default:
'redirect_uri' => '{complete_url_to_strategy}oauth2callback',
In the LinkedIn Developer API area, I placed this URL in the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs:
So the OAuth Redirect URL DOES need to be set, unlike their instructions here.
2. Create LinkedIn application at
Enter your domain at JavaScript API Domain
There is no need to enter OAuth Redirect URL
Furthermore, it specifically has to be If it is not that URL exactly, it will not work, unless you change some of the config files yourself and the name of functions. My error was that I set a custom page for it to go to, rather than going through its oath2callback function THEN heading to the redirect page.

Twitter API - Reasons for "invalid or expired token"

What are the possible reasons that can cause token to become expired (besides having the user un-authorising the app)?
My problem is that I have an app with several thousands of users, all API communication works perfectly but for some users I am getting the invalid or expired token error, my initial though was that they are users who canceled the authentication to the app but I've contacted some of them and they haven't revoked the access.
Any ideas what other issues can cause that error?
Check the integrity of an access token at any time by calling the GET account/verify_credentials while using that access token.
Its mentioned and by research I came to know that:
Your access token will be invalid if a user explicitly rejects your
application from their settings or if a Twitter admin suspends your
application. If your application is suspended there will be a note on
your application page saying that it has been suspended.
Why is my twitter oauth access token invalid / expired ?
Check this post: invalid / expired access tokens.
There is one post in google groups that says:
You don't get a second chance, and this is by design. OAuth requests
have a unique signature; once a particular request is submitted, it
can't be submitted again.
If they enter the pin correctly, all is well, you get an access token.
If they enter the pin wrong, you get 401 Unauthorized - which is
But if they then try again to enter the pin, even the correct pin
shows as unauthorized.
Check this link for the above reference.
Some suggestions by twitter employee for the same problem:
I guess there are two things I would suggest at this point: 1.) Go to
your application settings and use the "Reset keys" tab to reset your
consumer key and secret, then update those values in the app and
verify that you still see the same behavior. 2.) Try passing
oauth_callback in your request_token call. Honestly I don't think this
will make a difference, but I want to try and be as rigorous as I can
Also check this discussion saying:
You need to use the oauth_token and oauth_token_secret returned from
the oauth/access_token call instead of the one in your app's settings
I was getting same error then I changed (access_token) to (access_token_key) and it worked for me.
I hope it will help someone.
In addition to the comments everyone else has made, sometimes the twitter api will return a "invalid token" error when the token isn't the problem. I've noticed it the most when I've built a request string that doesn't parse correctly. For example, once I was getting that error when I was passing in screen_name's that had symbols that weren't URI-encodable. I also have gotten it when I passed in empty values like this (where the cursor is empty):
Could you give us the specifics of the calls that are returning this error?
Have you confirmed that the tokens worked at one time? In an OAuth system I worked on, there was an error in how tokens were securely stored and retrieved that caused a small percentage of them to become corrupted. If you can confirm that the tokens worked in the past, that's a good first step.
When you retrieve the tokens from storage, are they unchanged? Is it possible for them to get corrupted with the way you're managing them?
Put some logging in place to keep track of when tokens work and fail. Does a token ever start working again after it has failed once? If you fail to use a token for 30 days, does it expire? With a detailed log, you can start identifying the expired tokens and look for patterns in use to point to what might cause them to expire.
Be sure to explore other possibilities as well. How do users revoke tokens in Twitter? Is it easy to accidentally do that? For users with failed tokens, do they have other authorized apps that have stopped working as well?
First of all nice question Ran.
I want to ask you that have you gone through Twitter developers??
Sometimes it becomes ambiguous that which token to use since Twitter provides two pairs of tokens and the library.One of them is a secret key.
You need to select those token which starts with your Twitter ID followed by a hyphen.
Now your question is this error happens with some of yours users. So here is the answer that an app itself finds ambiguous to choose the token.
Though I might not be completely right, but I recommend you to try this solution at least once.
It might be possible these users have not revoked access. But in my experience an access token can also get expired after the user (in test cases: me) changed his/her password.
When the user does that, you can no longer use the REST API of stream API on that user's scope. Please adapt your application to handle with that situation. Revoke the user's session, so when he comes back to your application, he/she can be redirected to Twitter again to start a new OAuth access token process. Or send him/her an e-mail to kindly ask to reconnect. Vimeo/Windows/... are some of the people handling expired tokens with e-mails.
Have fun!
My God's answer is correct but I will share my answer from another question explaining how it could be your computer's clock:
If your OAuth flow was working one day and failing the next, check your computer's clock. I was running a Vagrant box that somehow had its time set to the day before, which caused the Twitter API to return {"code":89,"message":"Invalid or expired token."}. This may also appear as 401 timestamp out of bounds. You can use this command to update your clock in Ubuntu:
sudo ntpdate
Alternative method if ntpdate isn't available on your system:
sudo date -s "$(wget -qSO- --max-redirect=0 2>&1 | grep Date: | cut -d' ' -f5-8)Z"
if your Access Token=738629462149844993-FcWHjfcucCLGEosyGGQ38qI******iC then don't forget to mention hyphen (-) followed by your USERID.
May be this will be helpful for you.I faced the same problem.
Please find the below piece of code snippet
$code = $tmhOAuth->user_request(array(
'method' => 'POST',
'url' => $tmhOAuth->url('oauth/access_token', ''),
'params' => array(
'oauth_verifier' => trim($params['oauth_verifier']),
if ($code == 200) {
$oauth_creds = $tmhOAuth->extract_params($tmhOAuth->response['response']);
// echo '<pre>';print_r($oauth_creds);exit;
$tmhOAuth->reconfigure(array_merge($tmhOAuth->config, array(
'token' => $oauth_creds['oauth_token'],
'secret' => $oauth_creds['oauth_token_secret'],
$code = $tmhOAuth->user_request(array(
'url' => $tmhOAuth->url('1.1/account/verify_credentials')
The error invalid or expired token can be linked with the fact that one is not paying.
Without paying one will only be able to create the dev environment (sandbox).
As I have answered here:
Counts is only available to paid premium accounts, and one needs to pay for premium access.
Use this link to Apply for access.
Try to regenerate the keys again and save them properly.
For me, it happened because after regenerating one of the keys I did not update other keys. Therefore removed and regenerated all 4 keys again (CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET). And tried to execute it again and it worked this time.

How can I use Google's OpenID and/or OAuth services to login and allow access to APIs with only ever one prompt to the user?

I am attempting to create a login system for my website that permits both authentication via Google's API and access to any of the OAuth-supported Google Data APIs while ideally only showing the user one prompt ever, no matter if he's creating an account or logging into his existing one. I want to minimize the number of times he's asked for approval.
I am aware that Google provides Hybrid OpenID/OAuth for this purpose, but the issue is that every time I add OAuth extensions to my OpenID request, it never remembers the user's approval for that request. Is there any way for the approval to be remembered when I am doing Hybrid OpenID/OAuth? If I just do OpenID without OAuth extensions, everything is remembered just fine and it doesn't keep bugging the user with the prompt.
Here are the pertinent extensions I'm sending in addition to my OpenID request, which result in me getting an OAuth request token (good) but cause the approval to never get remembered (bad).
PHP syntax:
$args["openid.ns.ext2"] = '';
$args["openid.ext2.consumer"] = '';
$args["openid.ext2.scope"] = '';
$args["openid.mode"] = 'checkid_setup';
$args["openid.realm"] = '';
Is it normal for Hybrid OpenID/OAuth to act this way (not remembering the last OAuth authorization)? What is the best way to get around this? I have thought of storing cookies on the user's computer to link to somewhere in my database so I could use the last access token again, etc... (the issue here being I don't know whose token to look up unless I know who the user is...a circular problem). And doing an OpenID-only request to get his user ID to see if he has an account in order to look up his access token, followed by an OpenID+OAuth request (if an access token for him isn't stored) would result in two prompts, which really wouldn't help.
It also seems like Hybrid only supports OAuth 1.0, which I think is fine until 2015, so it's not an issue right now for me. I am assuming they will support OAuth 2.0 in the future.
Is checkid_immediate relevant to this in any way? I'm just not sure how to use this to accomplish what I want.
I would suggest using OAuth 2.0. This supports getting both identity and access to APIs -- so accomplishes the same end goal, but is much easier than OAuth 1 Hybrid.
Take a look here:
The scopes you're trying to access are included in the URL (see "Forming the URL"). The referenced doc lists the scopes required for getting identity/profile information. You can simply add additional scopes to the string, comma-delimited in order to request access to other APIs. The resulting access token will access both the APIs and identity information (via the UserInfo API endpoint mentioned).
That said, what you're trying to do with OpenID 2.0/OAuth 1 hybrid should work-- and the user should see a checkbox for "remembering" the authorization. If you really want to debug this further, it'd be helpful to have a webpage you can point to which kicks off this authentication+authorization flow so we can see what's happening.
I figured out that checkid_immediate (and x-has-session, not sure if that's needed or even working) is allowing me to determine whether or not a user is logged in without prompting him, and if he is, it is giving me a claimed_id by which I can identify the user. That's exactly what I needed. The original question is solved, but I do want to figure out how to use identify with OAuth 2.0 because I have already implemented that.
Furthermore, I've noticed that when using OpenID/OAuth that the user still gets asked to authorize OAuth even after he's authorized OpenID. I can't see the advantage to the hybrid approach from the user's perspective.
If the user is logged out of Google, that's a total of three prompts just to sign up for my website and grab his name and profile image.
If anyone wondered, here are the steps necessary to get Hybrid OpenID/OAuth completely working (an overview). I was confused thoroughly throughout this process, so I hope this helps someone.
Do normal OpenID handshake and add on AX extensions for OAuth 1.0.
Use 'checkid_immediate' to permit probing for an active Google session without prompting the user. Use *claimed_id* as a unique identifier to link the user to your database.
If 'setup_needed' is returned, use 'checkid_setup' so the user is prompted and verified before continuing.
This leaves you with two possibilities. *checkid_immediate* returning immediately giving you a claimed_id, or a claimed_id coming through after *checkid_setup* (basically sign-up) succeeds.
Hybrid OpenID/OAuth 1.0 will give you an authorized request token.
Use the authorized request token to get an access token (you only need to call OAuthGetAccessToken)
Use that OAuth 1.0 access token to do whatever you want.
I was successful in using OAuthGetAccessToken to get an access token from the authorized request token my Hybrid OAuth dance, omitting the 'oauth_verifier' parameter (irrelevant to Hybrid).
I was successful in using OAuthGetAccessToken to get an access token after my Hybrid OAuth dance, omitting the 'oauth_verifier' parameter (irrelevant to Hybrid).
In a PHP/Zend environment:
$config = array(
'accessTokenUrl' => '',
'consumerKey' => $consumer_key,
'consumerSecret' => $consumer_secret
$consumer = new Zend_Oauth_Consumer($config);
$zendRToken = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Request(); // create class from request token we already have
$accessToken = $consumer->getAccessToken(array(
'oauth_token' => $requestToken,
// 'oauth_verifier' => '', // unneeded for Hybrid
'oauth_timestamp' => time(),
'oauth_nonce' => md5(microtime() . mt_rand()),
'oauth_version' => '1.0'
), $zendRToken);
} catch (Zend_Oauth_Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
echo "OAuth Token: {$accessToken->getToken()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "OAuth Secret: {$accessToken->getTokenSecret()}" . PHP_EOL;