Whats a better way to open man pages? - ide

I'm always forgetting to read man pages for unix commands during my work as a developer. I don't like the clunky man page interface and it's hard to get to the parts I need like a useful example of how to use the command.
Is there a better way? My chosen IDE is PHPStorm in case that is relevant to your answer. My daily OS is OSX 10.8.5

You can pipe | the output of a command (Like a man page) to your IDE. I use Sublime, so for me, to read the man page for ls, I would do...
man ls | sublime
If for some reason your IDE can't do that, you can just write the output to a .txt file and read it there using any of the "write" operators. Here's an example of those.


Looking for fast "Find in Files" program

I currently have a directory with 98,000 individual archive transaction files. I need to search those files for user input strings and have the option to open the files as it finds them or at the end of the search. I'm using Notepad++ currently and, while functional, it's quite slow. I thought about writing my own, but I am only familiar with .NET and I'm a beginner. Also, I'm not sure how efficient that would be compared to NP++.
This tool would be used again and again so the dev time would definitely be worth it if it came to that. Is there some other tool out there that's already developed that would accomplish this?
Agent Ransack
I've been using it for years.
I recommend you using Astrogrep, a grep utility for Windows. You can open files as it finds them, and it shows you the line where the match was found, without having to open the file.
Assuming the archive transaction files are plain text, you can download CYGWIN which is an environment providing UNIX tools for Windows.
Once that's done, you can open a new Cygwin Bash Shell, then do cd 'c:\\foo' to get into the directory with your files, then do grep -F -r "my string" * to find your text. (The -F means it searches for that literal string as opposed to a regular expression and -r means recursive.)
Possibly overkill, but you could index the folder using Lucene, keep the index uptodate (as transaction files are added) and then searches will take trivial amounts of time, you can target the file, line and word number of each match for a given search string

files opened by a process on VMS

I have a DCL script on VMS which calls a perl script. Is there a VMS/DCL command I can use that will tell me every file handle opened by the perl script?
Set default to the disk the app runs from (or you might have to try each disk in succession if it's a really large or distributed app). Then the command is
show device/files/nosystem
If you're on a more recent version of VMS and the lists are too long, you can pipe it with a search by doing this:
pipe show device/files/nosystem | search sys$input (name of perl script)
You need to find the documentation for undocumented VMS features :-)
Seriously I think that set watch might do what you want. If you issue
$ set watch file/class=(all,nodump)
$ perl yourperlscript.pl
You will get loads of output that will hopefully include what you want. I havent done it for years, you probably tune the options to fine tune it. See
Jason, I need more clarification for a). Are you saying that you want to run your perl script in a batch file and have the batch file monitor the files being accessed by the perl script? Or something else?
Hmm, not sure about that. Maybe add a linux tag to your post so that some linux people can see this and chime in. I'm not sure why your perl program wouldn't know what files it opened. It's your program, wouldn't it access the files you told it to access? Or if you're computing the filenames somehow (which I've done in cobol, but still know at least which directory to find them in, and what naming scheme they use), you'd still have clues like what I mention. Also, since it's your program, and if you're computing the filenames, coudn't you also make your Perl program output it's own little report of what the files were? Like, just after it computes the filename, have it copy the name string to a separate report file.

Other options for a Rebol editor|IDE?

I currently use Programmer's Notepad with the Rebol syntax scheme. It's not bad--does any insightful person have another suggestion?
For my Windows programming work I use the Zeus editor, but I'm not sure if it does Rebol?
Another windows option is TextPad. It is commercial but it is quite a useful editor.
There are 2 Rebol syntax files available from the official site
I also wrote a TextPad syntax file generator uploaded it to rebol.org
It is probably quite easy to modify this script to support other editors.
Especially with the following binding in your _vimrc/.vimrc:
nnoremap <Leader>fr :w<CR>:silent ! %<CR>
In normal mode, Leaderfr saves your current file and executes it: (fr is a memo for 'fast-run')
:wEnter save current file
:silent execute without messages: ! open shell % paste current file name Enter
Leader is usually \ key, I have this mapped to spacebar. In case anyone is interested on how to do that, post a comment.
Programmer’s Notepad better than Crimson Editor with Code Folding and Great Project Management
It's opensource so you can even modify it in C++
For Windows, there is Crimson Editor or E with the REBOL bundle.
For Mac, there is TextMate.
Emacs, I believe has a REBOL syntax too.
Sublime Text is a really nice Windows editor (commercial, but reasonably priced) that supports TextMate configurations (well, at least for syntax and snippets) so if you manage to get a REBOL bundle from somewhere, you can use it with this.
SciTE also has REBOL syntax coloring support because the Scintilla editor component it's based on includes this.
Notepad++ should also support REBOL syntax coloring, being Scintilla based, but as it is currently distributed, the support is not compiled in. If you're so inclined, you could probably compile it yourself and add the support back in. It might be worth it because Notepad++ is quite a good editor too.
I can't include proper links because I don't have enough rep, but this should do:
which is a REBOL plugin for Notepad++
I use JEdit which not only has REBOL syntax highlighting but also auto-indenting. It has most of the features you'd expect from a text editor (e.g. block selection, configurable keyboard shortcuts).
There are versions for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux so if you choose to work cross-platform you won't need to learn a new editor. The web page is Jedit.org1
I use UltraEdit.
with its advanced project, syntax highlighting, macro, command-line control and total keyboard shortcut configuration, per language and project, you can program the editor to do just about all of what you need at a single click of the mouse, or keyboard.
my setup starts rebol on any file, and assigns a launch "default project script " to a shortcut, so wherever I am in the files, I still launch the project's relevant script. change project, it will run that new project's scripts. another key for unit tests, another key for "find in all opened files, etc, etc..
also, the actual text-exiting, when combined with a few macros which create functions, objects, and more using the clipboard and "currently highlighted" text makes it much faster than any Visual IDE including MSVC.
ultra edit itself has thousands of other advanced features, and they all work... really they do.
I've tried other editors and they always fall short when I start to push them.
yeah, you have to buy it... but its cheap (like one or two hours of your life salary ;-)
so considering you might use it for several months or years... its a cheap investment.
also, ultra edit is now released on linux and the mac port is just around the corner.
I use EditPlus for several years, it is not free but not expensive. It has Rebol syntax highlighting file (downloadable from its web site).
It is especially useful & very fast if you work with huge files (over 100 mb) or with lots of files (say 300 files.), find & replace takes a second.
For syntax highlighting and a simple autocomplete, you can use http://komodoide.com/komodo-edit/.
It's free and open source with several nice features, including folder browsing while editing, which I personally find very useful.
There is also a bunch of other languages supported in case you want to take a closer look and give this editor a chance.

Quick uses for scripting languages?

I feel that there are a lot of quick uses for scripting languages that you may only think of if you have the shell open at all times. I leave a terminal tab open with python running and have solved many problems with a few lines of code typed off the top of my head. What are some of your less obvious uses for the scripting language of your choice.
Most recently in my Windows centric world I have used it to rename large numbers of files, search/filter log files for a specific occurrence, perform network diagnostics, and a host of smaller things I can't think of at the moment that some of my colleagues not having a UNIX background would never have thought of.
I just used a Lua script in SciTE to take a selected SVG path and do some operations on it (find min values and translate to 0, scale, round up values to avoid having a ton of decimal digits). It is just handy.
Reformat text is some complicated way;
Prepare some text based on a template logic;
Rename multiple files (e.g. music collection or photos);
Something very similar was discussed in the Wikibooks article Ad Hoc Data Analysis From The Command Line.
This mostly discusses the use of Unix commands rather than scripting languages, but the principle is the same ... have a shell open at all times.
Use BeautifulSoup to clean up some HTML.

How to wget a website and then export all the pages into a single pdf?

IS there any way i can do that?
I did this once. It was almost 10 years ago, however, so I don't remember the details.
I used:
wget to download the pages
html2ps to convert the individual pages to PostScript
ps2ps to splice the individual PostScript files together
ps2ps again, to put 4 pages on 1
Then I sent the PostScript file to the printer. Since you want PDF you could add an additional step of ps2pdf.
Yes, you could write an AppleScript to automate Safari to do the printing (and the fetching, if you'd like, though you can drive wget from AppleScript using do shell script). If you don't fancy using AppleScript, you could use Automator instead; the result would be pretty much the same.
BTW if you aren't using Mac OS X, it wasn't clear from the question you asked :-)