How to develop/create a GUI for a QuickLook plugin? - objective-c

I saw lots of QuickLook plugins (like BetterZip Quick Look Generator) coming together with their nice and tidy interfaces...I tried to design the GUI of my own one using HTML and JQuery, but I don't think that it's a good solution (plus, on top of that, Xcode 5.1 doesn't allow you anymore to include or open files from other directories with the <src> attribute).
I'll never thank enough Jelle Vandebeeck for opening my mind with his beautiful and helpful post, but unfortunately there's nothing on the internet regarding this topic (I think that there might be something on The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, but it won't be out before October).
So, I was wondering if anybody of you:
OPTION A - Knows the title of a guide that can explain how to develop/create a GUI for my QuickLook plugin in a "didactic" way (like a text book, step-by-step);
OPTION B - Could write down in the answer a couple of code lines to insert a button and a text field with the usual "Hello World!".
I have a sub-question related to the main one: is it possible to keep the semi-transparent white/grey background colour that a QuickLook window (like the one that appears when you select -for example- an audio file) usually has?
Thank you so much in advance!

In terms of a guide, there's the QuickLook Programming Guide over in the documentation. It goes over the architecture of QuickLook and walks you through the various steps of building a QuickLook plugin, including one that returns rich HTML content.
Related to this are a couple of pieces of documentation on how to integrate QuickLook into your own app, but it sounds like you're more interested in the plugin aspect.


How do I modify Docusaurus appearances of the blog from a component library?

Creating Modified Blog Entries
I am new to React, and very much to Docusaurus, however, I've managed to get a decent looking DS site going. I am trying to capture some simple snippets to as "blog entries", just small factual snippets, etc. simple project summaries. I’ve hit the limit of the Docusaurus.config options and not sure how to expand the out of box components.
How do I begin to alter and edit Docusaurus to change the Blog page to be like "Cards" in component-speak? Ive seen some example in Infima, but not sure how to bridge that gap?
How can I easily replicate the Announcement Bar to also be at the bottom, like a Banner?
Thank You!
One possible arena for you to use is Bootstrap — specifically React-Bootstrap. They have a card component you could use where you link individual blog entries to that card. If you're comfortable with JavaScript, there's probably an automation you can build there, but hand-coded text is somewhat part and parcel with static-site generators.
If you want a different solution with the CSS code in your src file outright, CSSCodeLab has a React Card layout entry with an attached source code file. Some hand-coded text required, and not automatically integrated with a separate blog setup, but YMMV.
Otherwise Docusaurus' Showcase page does provide the card formatting. The source code for the page (coded at index.tsx) as well as the components are available.

How can I allow the user to style font in NSTextView using interface buttons in xcode?

In short:
I am trying to find information about text styling inside an NSTextView. Bold, italics, indentation, making a word completely uppercase and setting backdrop colors to certain lines.
Any and all info is welcome. I've been looking around the web for docs on the subject and only managed to find a few things that seem to be part of an iphone framework. I'm sure there must be something out there and that I'm just searching for the wrong words.
A few details:
I am not a developer. I am a motion graphics artist and screenwriter. I do know html, php, javascript, css and several scripting languages (all very similar to javascript) used by different graphics apps.
I am not very proficient in objective-c but I've taken up writing a screenwriting app as a bit of a side project. I've been teaching myself objective-c from a book call Cocoa Programming for Mac OSX and using the code I've created from the examples in the book to create my app using Xcode. Styling text was not covered and I am at a loss as to how to approach it.
Screenplays have very specific formats. Using css I could create this format easily so my first thought was to find out if text inside a NSTextview can have css applied to it. I've not found anything that could answer this. Of course I am probably way off with this approach.
Again, any help or anyone who can point me in the right direction would be extremely appreciated.
You can't do this because it only accept one style.
You have to deal with UIWebView Tutorial for this and use your CSS.
Or you can use some code like EGOTextView. I do not test this but I think it will be the easiest way for you.

How to develop a webapp which allows the user to add markup to text files?

I need to develop a simple webapp that allows the user to highlight a couple of words in the file (text or HTML) that he can load from the screen, and then right-click and have some options show up to choose from.
When she chooses the option , the text of it is added to the file shown on the screen,right after the highlighted text, inside some parenthesis or similar.
Is Ruby on Rails a suitable platform for developing such an app?
Is Grails more suitable ?
(Assuming similar level of knowledge in Groovy and Ruby)
In both cases, I'd appreciate pointers to gems/libraries I should be looking into for these tasks.
I'm not 100% sure I understand your requirements, but have you considered integrating a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor into your web app? Something like CKeditor is open-source, and effective.
You could load the file into the editor and setup a custom context menu like described in part 6 of this tutorial. So when the user right clicks in the editor, the custom context menu item could be configured to facilitate the insertion you are looking to accomplish.
I agree with corroded's advice to choose a language/framework you know and can work better in, as you'll be able to achieve your desired functionality through a variety of languages/frameworks.
Best of Luck!
Find a language/framework you know and can work better in. Also, you're gonna need some javascript magicks so I suggest using jquery. Here's a link on how to do your right click action: How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery
I think the function you describe is more about client user-friendliness than server processing. I think it's can only be done with javascript/jQuery or similar tools.
Same as tmarsden, I think a good way to do that is integrating a WYSIWYG free editor. I have done it before with TinyMCE, by writing a custom plugin for this tool. If you choose using Grails as server technology, you can take a look at TinyMCE plugin for Grails.

Taking picture with QTCaptureView

Is it possible to simply take a picture and save it somewhere using a QTCaptureView and Apple's built-in iSight? I've seen lots of tutorials on recording video but none on simply taking a picture. Any help or guidance is appreciated!
You can do this with QTKit - the QTKit Application Programming Guide has a section for this titled, "Creating a Single-Frame Grabbing Application".
The better approach, however, is ImageKit's PictureTaker. It gives you the standard UI found in ImageBooth and other apps and is dead-simple to use in code.
I found the source of ImageSnap useful for understanding how to use QTKit to do this sort of thing. It is a simple command line application for taking pictures with the iSight camera.

Displaying image on Scroll View

I am developing an iPhone application where i want to display three image in each row on scroll view where i need to click action on each image like Photo album in iPhone. I am not getting any sample code.
Hoping for help
There's plenty of sample code out there, I found this after only basic googling. You want to search for "UIImageView Iphone". It's also worth mentioning that Apple's very own Developer Center is extremely well written, and will teach you everything you need to know about iPhone programming.
Generally it is frowned down upon to say to look more or read documentation, but you really haven't looked at all. Especially because of Apple's own resource that tells you how to do almost anything, especially something like this. It's not something you can pick up and bits and pieces of and expect to be successful with, it really should be learned starting from the beginning and moving forward. This is especially true if you've never programmed before or are unfamiliar with C/Objective-C.
Three20 has a photo browser that is open source and works similarly to the iPhone's photo browser with some nice code examples. The images come from an image source object that can relate them to images in your apps bundle or images on the web. Looks like its Google group is here. I think that to use images in your bundle you use a URL formed like: bundle://image-name.png and not the typical use of the main bundle to get a path to resource.