model data not binding to dropdownlist mvc 4 -

I have a single razor view in which i am trying to implement both Create and Edit options. Here is cshtml code for a drop down field:
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.StateID, (SelectList)ViewBag.StateID, "--Select--", new { #Id = "ddlState" })
However in edit mode although all the other fields are populated as per the model, the dropdown is not showing the saved selected value as per the model. I have used a viewbag to populate the dropdown and that works fine. The states are populated in the dropdown.
ViewBag.StateID = new SelectList(queryStatesInLookup, "LookupID", "LookupCode")
I debugged the razor page and checked. I get the state id from the model (for eg: 8), but this value wont bind to the dropdown. What gives? :/

Apparently the Viewbag cannot have the same name as the property the model ID is bound to. My guess is the CLR is unable to resolve the conflicting names of the dynamic object type Viewbag and the model property name at run time. Thanks :)

When you create your SelectList, you need to pass in the selected value there.
In the example below, replace SelectedValue with your actual selected value.
ViewBag.StateID = new SelectList(queryStatesInLookup, "LookupID", "LookupCode", SelectedValue)


How to get all input having the same class, id name in Controller - Laravel 5?

I have function which appends new answer inputs when 'Add answer' button is clicked. In Controller, i want to get the value of all answer inputs with id or class.
Here is the code I am currently using:
var txt1 = '{!! Form::text('answer1',null,['class' => 'answer']) !!}';
In Controller, I'm using this:
$input['answer_body'] = Input::get('answer1');
I can get one value according to one id in Laravel, but now i need to get all values that have same id and class.
Could anybody help me?
You can't, the ID and class aren't submitted and so aren't available in the PHP. What you can do is get results by the same name by turning them into an array. Change Form::text('answer1', to Form::text('answer1[]' so that you can submit multiple inputs with the same name.
If you then use $input['answer_body'] = Input::get('answer1');, $input['answer_body'] will have an array in it. You can get specific answers by using dot notation to specify which input you want to get, e.g.: Input::get('answer1.0'); will fetch the value in the first input with a name of answer1[].

MVC4: dynamically change route value from dropdown list selection

I have a dropdown list that serves as a record navigation control -- selecting a value from the dropdown is supposed to "jump to" that record. I feel like I've done stuff like this before that worked, but I can't get this one to work. The issue seems to be that I can't get the dropdown list to change the ID route value that the page was initially called with. So let's say my page is called from this URL:
12 is the ID route value here--this is essentially the initial record displayed. This works. However, when I select something from my dropdown, it will redirect to something like this:
Notice how the 12 is still there in the route value ID. ID 7 was selected from the dropdown, but it's appended to the URL as a new parameter instead of the route value. What I want to happen is this:
Here's what the razor looks like for my dropdown:
#using (Html.BeginForm("Services", "PatientProfile", FormMethod.Get))
#Html.Label("ID", "View Profile:")
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.CurrentProfile.ID, ViewBag.ProfileID as SelectList, new { onchange = "this.form.submit();" })
I tried both Html.DropDownList and Html.DropDownListFor, but saw no difference in behavior.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I would use jquery for this. Please confirm the generated id of the dropdownlist for this to work properly
window.location('#Url.Action("Services", "PatientProfile", new { id = "----" })'.replace("----", $('#CurrentProfile_ID :selected').val()));
Hopefully this helps.
PS. This sounds like a perfect situation for using a partial view that you update using an ajax call so you don't have to post back.

Sencha Touch 2: Insert into TreeStore/NestedList

I'm using a NestedList with a underlying TreeStore. Now I want to add items to the NestedList as leafs.
How can I do this?
Currently my code (Controller, onAddButtonTapped) looks like this:
var store = Ext.getStore('menuStore');
var customerAreaNode = store.getRoot().getChildAt(1);
customerAreaNode.appendChild({name: "text", leaf:true});
This code results in two new empty listentries on leaf level (behind the correct node) and one new listentry on node level.
Every new entry has no names shown in the NestedList but every item contains "text" in their name field. Curiously one of the new entries at leaf level is not typed to the underlying Model. So the model-corresponding methods could't be found:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getSelectedName' of undefined
Does anybody know a easy tutorial how to add data into NestedList/TreeStore? I could not find one good example in the sencha touch docs.
The default display field for leaf items is "text". You can get the information from here. If you want to use "text" as display field, then you need to change this line to
customerAreaNode.appendChild({text: "text", leaf:true});
Or you can change your nested list's display field, so your model do not need to change for this time.
Hope this helps.
In my case i used to update root and child nodes like the following way

EXTJS extract fields values from form.Panel

I created a form with nested container, fieldset and there a few checkbox on the form too.
as far as the form.getValues() can do it extract all values except the checkboxes so I want to extract the fields value manually. However the code sample I found so far
var values = {};
form.items.each( function(f) {
values[f.getName()] = f.getValue();
not work because the loop can get only the container, fieldset etc but not the actual field (textfield, combo etc). Could someone show me how to proper recursively extract all the field value?
It's because checkboxes dont hava a getSubmitData() which getValues() uses.
Try yourForm.getFieldValues() instead.
In ExtJs 4.0 you can use:
var fieldValues = Ext.getCmp('yourForm').form.getFieldValues();

Flex 3.5.0; Update ComboBox display list upon dataprovider change

I have two related ComboBoxes ( continents, and countries ). When the continents ComboBox changes I request a XML from a certain URL. When I receive that XML i change the DataProvider for the countries ComboBox, like this:
public function displayCountryArray( items:XMLList ):void
this.resellersCountryLoader.alpha = 0;
this.resellersCountry.dataProvider = items;
this.resellersCountry.dispatchEvent( new ListEvent( ListEvent.CHANGE ) );
I dispatch the ListEvent.CHANGE because I use it to change another ComboBox so please ignore that (and the 1st line ).
So, my problem is this: I select "ASIA" from the first continents, then the combobox DATA get's updated ( I can see that because the first ITEM is an item with the label '23 countries' ). I click the combo then I can see the countries.
NOW, I select "Africa", the first item is displayed, with the ComboBox being closed, then when I click it, the countries are still the ones from Asia. Anyway, if I click an Item in the list, then the list updates correctly, and also, it has the correct info ( as I said it affects other ComboBoxes ). SO the only problem is that the display list does not get updated.
In this function I tried these approaches
Converting XMLList to XMLCollection and even ArrayCollection
Adding this.resellersCountry.invalidateDisplayList();
Triggering events like DATA_CHANGE and UPDATE_COMPLETE
I know they don't make much sense, but I got a little desperate.
Please note that when I used 3.0.0 SDK this did not happen.
Sorry if I'm stupid, but the flex events are killing me.
Setting the dataprovider of the comboBox' dropdown seems to fix this problem.
this.resellersCountry.dataProvider = items;
this.resellersCountry.dropdown.dataProvider = items;
this.resellersCountry.dropdown.dataProvider = items;
works (Flex SDK 3.5)
Hope this bug fixed in 4.0
In addition to Christophe´s answer:
When you are using data binding in your ComboBox you need to use the BindingUtils to set the dropdown´s dataprovider:
<mx:ComboBox id="cb_fontFamily"
dataProvider="{ model.fontFamilies }" />
private function init():void
BindingUtils.bindSetter(updateFontFamilies, model, "fontFamilies");
private function updateFontFamilies(fontFamilies:ArrayCollection):void
if (cb_fontFamily != null) cb_fontFamily.dropdown.dataProvider = fontFamilies;
Thanks to Christophe for pointing in the right direction.
Another workaround, outlined in an Adobe Community forum post, is to avoid re-assigning a different ArrayCollection object to the ComboBox, and instead re-using (and re-populating) the original one instead:
for each (var item:* in newItems)