Enabling HTTPS on Domain - ssl

I have a vps running on ubuntu 12.04 with apache2. My question is, if I am going to install ssl cert and etc. to it am i able to use https directly to my domain? I just add A Record at my domain provider with the VPS IP Address.

Essentially, yes.
Remember to make sure that Apache is listening on https (and it's setup as it should be with the certs and mod_ssl) and if you have a firewall active, the port for https (443) is open.
Otherwise, all you would need to do is add your record to the DNS server.


configure two dydns websites of IIS with two different SSL ports and configure port forwarding for both

I have two iis websites. One I have a localhost on port 80 and was setup for dydns with ssl port forwarding external: 443 and internal port:1124 and the website is working perfectly with dydns access.
I wanted to setup another website with the ssl port but was unable to do so. As when I set the port forwarding external Ssl:443 and the internal ssl port:1129. the other dydns entry redirects to the first website. This website does not work without https.
So. How do I setup two websites for ssl port forwarding on the same machine?
Any help is appreciated.
You don't necessary need an entirely different port for each website you host on the same machine. You can use the same http/80 and https/443 to serve multiple website through virtual hosts.
I'm not familiar with IIS, but I do know that it's possible on IIS just like Apache and NGINX does. You can read about setting up virtual hosts on IIS here. Also I answered a similar question here.

Ubuntu Server with Apache domain management

I'm currently trying to set my Apache configuration on ubuntu server. I have one IP(ex: 34.228.1xx.xx) and one domain(ex: mydomain.com).
I succeed to connect "Apache2 Ubuntu Default page" using IP 34.228.1xx.xx
Then I added 34.228.1xx.xx mydomain.com in hosts file(/etc/hosts) and restarted apache using this command sudo service apache2 restart
But I can't see "Apache2 Ubuntu Default page" using domain mydomain.com, but I still can connect it using IP 34.228.1xx.xx
This is my first web hosting I know my question is messed.
Thanks you in advance. is not a port, it's an IP. And it is a special one which shouldn't go to /etc/hosts. Remove it.
To access Apache on the local machine (on the same on which Apache is running), use "" or "localhost" as host name in your browser.
On all other machines, use either the machine's IP or its DNS name.
Of course, you have to ensure that the DNS name is pointing to the right IP. This should be a public IP (not something like 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x etc.) If you haven't done so already, you must register this name with your DNS hosting provider as a DNS "A" record.
Additional points to consider:
Firewall on Apache machine must be open for incoming traffic on ports tcp/80 and/or tcp/443
If your server is behind NAT, there must be a "forwarding" rule on the NAT machine

Want to remove port number from https URL

I want to remove port number from URL. I have installed apache server and tomcat both on ubuntu. And created SSL certificate on a domain name. So it's fully secure connection.
Below is my URL.
The application is running fine with above URL.
I am expecting URL - https://DomainName/AppName
You just need to change the port in your Tomcat server.xml, from 8443 to 443. Unless you're using Apache as a reverse-proxy, in this case you have to configure it with an SSL virtual host.

How to enable HTTPS for Zabbix

How to configure make Zabbix accessible using HTTPS? - Ubuntu Apache!
Currently Zabbix is accessible on Intranet via where I would like to setup to access it like
I managed to arrange SSL on my Zabbix site by having a named vhost (mytest.site.com) with any docroot (/var/www/mytest.site.com/public_html). Zabbix hooks into any /zabbix url, so it doesn't really matter which one. It is important that you have a valid DNS resolving to your vhost. Then use Letsencrypt to create a SSL certificate for that vhost and have it forward traffic to port 80 to port 443 (see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-secure-apache-with-let-s-encrypt-on-ubuntu-16-04 for installation details).

HTTPS block domain

When having multiple domain names point to the same server. But you only have a certificate for one of these domains, is it possible to block the other domains in Apache. But only when HTTPS is used not when HTTP is used.
I tried using a NameVirtualHost setup for 443 port. But when the domain is not found Apache simply defaults to the first virtual host. I would like it to refuse the connection. In this way when connecting directly through HTTPS on one of the not supported domains the connection is refused rather then having the browser display warning screen because of a wrong identity.
Any thoughts?
Not possible.
This is a chicken and egg problem - to verify an https connection the browser connects and tries to validate the certificate/common name and the given URL. The first handshake / connection to port 443 has to be encrypted.
The only way to handle this problem would be to setup dedicated IPs for all domains - or for at least the domain using HTTPS.
It's far from ideal, but another option would be to use a non-standard for your HTTPS site and not have the server listening on port 443.