How to get value from YUI3 autocomplete to another input - input

Using YUI3 and try appending the email part of the search value to another input field.
Everything working fine but don't know how to add the email value to the new input field.
Right now I just appending the value to the body.
Thanks full for any help
Here is my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
YUI().use("autocomplete", "autocomplete-highlighters","autocomplete-filters", "node"
function (Y) {
var anInput='#searchUser').plug(Y.Plugin.AutoComplete, {
minQueryLength: 0,
scrollIntoView: true,
circular: false,
activateFirstItem: true,
resultHighlighter: 'phraseMatch',
resultFilters: 'charMatch',
resultListLocator: 'user',
resultTextLocator: function (result_) {
return result_.firstname+ ' ' + result_.lastname+ ' ' +;
source: 'http://localhost:8080/rest/user/jsonp?callback={callback}',
});'select', function (ev) {'#email').append('<div>User Email: ' + + '</div>');
And here is the HTML:
<input id="searchUser" type="text" class="search" name="searchUser" size="40" value="Enter keywords..." onfocus="if(!this._haschanged){this.value=''};this._haschanged=true;" >
<div id="email">
<input id="email" type="text" name="email" size="40" >
Here is the problem, I can't get the email value added to the input field
Thanks for any help!'#email').set('value',;


v-calendar how to get default input value from API

I'm using Vue, v-calendar library and moment library.
I want that when a page is rendered, a input tag should get a value from getAPI(), but it doesn't.
I guess it's because start and end in the range data is ''.
so I tried to assign data into the input value directly and it worked.
but I want to know why I should assign data in to input value directly.
Is there a way that doesn't use ref and using v-calendar properties?
Thanks in advance!
This is my template code below,
<form class="form" #submit.prevent>
<template v-slot="{ inputValue, inputEvents, isDragging }">
<div class="rangeInput">
<div class="eachInputWrapper">
:class="isDragging ? 'text-gray-600' : 'text-gray-900'"
This is my script code
range: {
start: '',
end: '',
return moment(data).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
this.range.start = this.dateFormat(data.fromDate);
this.range.end = this.dateFormat(data.expireDate);
This is what I tried, and the input tag gets the value when the page is renderd.
this.range.start = this.dateFormat(data.fromDate);
this.range.end = this.dateFormat(data.expireDate);
this.$refs.startInput.value = this.dateFormat(this.botInfo.fromDt);
this.$refs.endInput.value = this.dateFormat(this.botInfo.expireDt);

Changing one Vuejs v-model value is changing all other values

I have a Nuxtjs/Vuejs application within which I am creating multiple Nodes. These Nodes have the Radio button for which I have assigned v-model. However, when I change the value of one Vuejs v-model is affecting all other Node Values. Following is the code sample that I have created for the Node. The ID value is unique for each Node.
<div ref="el">
<div class="header">
Node: {{ ID }}
<label for="identifierTypeURN">URN</label>
<label for="identifierTypeWebURI">WebURI</label>
I am aware that this is happening because I am using the same v-model name for all the Nodes so I changed to something like this. But still the issue persists:
<div ref="el">
<div class="header">
Node: {{ ID }}
<div v-for="node in allNodeInfo" :key="node.identifiersId">
<div v-if="node.identifiersId === ID">
<label for="identifierTypeURN">URN</label>
<label for="identifierTypeWebURI">WebURI</label>
export default {
data () {
return {
ID: '',
nodeId: '',
eventCount: '',
bizStep: '',
allNodeInfo: [],
instanceIdentifierSyntax: ''
mounted () {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const id = this.$
const data = this.$df.getNodeFromId(id.slice(5))
this.ID =
this.nodeId =
this.allNodeInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.$store.state.modules.ConfigureIdentifiersInfoStore.identifiersArray, null, 4))
const identifiersNode = this.allNodeInfo.find(node => node.identifiersId === this.nodeId)
this.instanceIdentifierSyntax = identifiersNode.identifierSyntax
console.log(JSON.stringify(this.allNodeInfo, null, 4))
methods: {
// On change of the IdentifierSyntax change, change the value in the respective node info
instanceIdentifiersSyntaxChange (syntaxValue) {
// Change the value of the respective syntax within the Node information in IdentifiersNode array
console.log(this.ID + " --- " + syntaxValue)
I know I am making some small mistake where I need to differentiate each Nodes V-model but nothing is clicking me. Can someone please help me.
You have to pass your node and your v-model also to your methods within this event.. like this, because for every loop in your v-for there will be a "new created node" which includes your v-model and than you can refer to this:
#change="instanceIdentifiersSyntaxChange('URN', node, identifierSyntax)"
In your methods you just do everything based on your node.identifierSyntax = HERE WHAT YOU WANT..
Hopefully I understood the question correct and helped you out!
EDIT: (Standard procedure)
Normally it looks like this when you add a single "input" to your v-for.
<div v-for="node in inputs" :key="">
<input v-model="node.someDefinition" :value="node.someDefinition"/>
<div #change="another_Function(node, someDefinition)></div>
<button #click="add_new_Input>ADD</button>
data() {
return {
id: 0,
inputs: [{ //this is representing the first input when side will be loaded
//your stuff in here as well
methods: {
add_new_Input() {
id: += 1
This should be enough.. So in your template you have a v-for where your are looping over an array (or something else but in my case it's an array) with all inputs - be aware every input of me gets an unique ID when it will be created or added.
Also you have - in my case here - an input-tag where you can get the v-model or set the :value. It's binded to my unique node which I have created in my methods.
If you pass your #change you also have to pass the current node and the v-model / value that the correct one will be changed.
Hopefully it now helps you out!

Vue input event not capturing entire field

I have a vue component that adds a search bar and search bar functionality. It contains this line:
<input class="input" type="text" placeholder="Address" v-model="searchQuery" v-on:input="(event) => this.$emit('queryChange', event)">
This captures the text in the search bar and emits it.
In my vue, this triggers my updateSearchQuery function:
this.searchQuery = which merely saves the users input in the searchQuery property in my vue. Everything works fine when I do this, until, I make a search and then, make another call using the same this.searchQuery data.
For example, I'm trying to filter results with the search query '956'. I enter it and this call is made: GET /users?cp=1&pp=20&se=956, just like it should. Then after the page loads, if I go to page 2 of the results, this is the call that is made to the server: GET /users?cp=2&pp=20&se=6. Instead of saving 956 as the queryStr in the the view, it only saves the most recent character entered, instead of the entire content of the serch text.
This happens every time I type in multiple characters as a search query, and then make another call to the server using the unchanged this.searchQuery variable. If my initial search query is only a single character, it works just fine.
What am I doing wrong here? How can I emit the entirety of the text in the search bar, after any change, so that I can always save the whole search query, instead of the just the most recent change?
EDIT: I've add some more code below so the data flow is easier to follow:
Here is the template and script for the search component:
<div class="level-item">
<div class="field has-addons">
<div class="control">
<input class="input" type="text" placeholder="Address" v-model.lazy="searchQuery" v-on:input="(event) => this.$emit('queryChange', event)">
<div class="control">
<div class="button is-light" #click="clearInput">
<span class="icon is-small">
<i class="fa fa-times" style="color:#ffaaaa"></i>
<div class="control">
<button class="button is-info" #click="onSearch(searchQuery)">Search</button>
export default {
name: 'Search',
props: {onSearch: Function},
data () {
return {
searchQuery: ''
watch: {},
methods: {
clearInput () {
this.searchQuery = ''
the emitted queryChange event is caught and listened to in the vue page:
<Search :onSearch="onSearch" v-on:queryChange="updateSearchQuery"> and this triggers the updateSearchQuery function:
updateSearchQuery (event) {
this.searchQuery =
console.log( + ' ||')
console.log(this.searchQuery + ' || this.searchQuery')
Theoretically, the searchQuery data in my vue should be a copy of the searchQuery data in my component, which is itself merely a copy of whatever the user has input in the search bar.
Then when I make a call to the server I'm using the value in this.searchQuery in my vue:
onSearch (search) {
this.makeServerQuery(1, search)
onPaginate (page) {
this.makeServerQuery(page, this.searchQuery)
makeServerQuery (page = null, search = null) {
let queryStr = ''
if (page !== null) {
queryStr += '?cp=' + page + '&pp=' + this.perPage
if (this.searchQuery !== '') {
queryStr += '&se=' + this.searchQuery
} .....
The on onSearch(search) function is called whenever the search button is pressed. That seems to work fine, because when the button is pressed the entire searchQuery is passed, not just the last change.
An input event's data value appears to be the last typed character, and not the current value of the input. A simple fix is:
#input="$emit('queryChange', searchQuery)"
This works because the model will always be updated before the input event handler runs.
Here's a complete working component example:
export default {
data() {
return { searchQuery: '' };
methods: {
onInput() {
this.$emit('queryChange', this.searchQuery);

Disable second input when first is filled in Vue

I have a form, with two input fields.
How do I disable the alternate field when one is filled? For example, both fields start as being enabled. But, when I enter something in field 1, field 2 should be disabled, and vice versa -- so the user can only use one of the fields, not both at the same time.
In jQuery, I used the keyup event, and checked the length (> 0) of the field that generated the event, and disabled the other field. Similarly, for the other field. In Vue, I don't know how to reference another field, to disable it with :disable="true".
Something like this should work:
<input type="text" v-model="firstField" :disabled="!!secondField" />
<input type="text" v-model="secondField" :disabled="!!firstField" />
This assumes that you have a data attribute for both firstField and secondField.
Take a look
<div id="app">
<input type="text" v-model="text1" :disabled="shouldDisable1" #keyup="disable('second')">
<input type="text" v-model="text2" :disabled="shouldDisable2" #keyup="disable('first')">
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
text1: '',
text2: '',
shouldDisable1: false,
shouldDisable2: false
methods: {
disable(input) {
if(input == 'first') {
this.shouldDisable1 = true
if (this.text2 == '') this.shouldDisable1 = false
}else {
this.shouldDisable2 = true
if (this.text1 == '') this.shouldDisable2 = false
See it in action in jsfiddle

Watch date input value and use it with v-model

I tried for 4 days to get a stupid date from the input, that the user selected. Looks probably simple but believe me that I ask here because I run out of solutions.
I have a page/component AddNewEvent and inside this input where the user adds the date and time. I have to get it in my v-model so I can send it back to database.
I use bootstrap 4 input type="datetime-local" to get the date and time. I tried to use some vue plugins for date but all are based on bootstrap 3 and in the project is bootstrap 4.
Inside template:
<div class="form-group">
<label class="eda-form-label" for="event-name">Event Name <span>(Max characters number is 60)</span></label>
<input type="text" class="eda-form-input" v-model="newEvent.eventName">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="eda-form-label" for="exampleTextarea">Event Description <span>(Max characters number is 2000)</span></label>
<textarea class="eda-form-input" rows="3" v-model="newEvent.description"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 ">
<label class="eda-form-label" for="start-time">START TIME</label>
<input class="form-control" type="datetime-local" v-model="dateNow">
<div class="col-6">
<label class="eda-form-label" for="end-time">END TIME</label>
<input class="form-control" type="datetime-local" v-model="dateEnd">
In the script:
data() {
return {
dateNow: '',
value: '',
oldValue: ''
watch: {
dateNow(val, oldVal) {
this.value = val;
this.oldValue = oldVal;
methods: {
createEvent(){"/event", this.newEvent,
{'headers':{'X-AUTH-TOKEN': localStorage.token}},
{'headers':{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}})
.then((response) => {
alertify.success("Success! You added a new the user");
.catch((response) => {
If I use in the input, how is right now, v-model="dateNow" works. I can see when I select date, time am/pm shows me the seleted date. But I have to use it like this
so I can add it to newEvent and send the whole obj back to database.
createdDate is a function that transforms the date in a real date. It's only for testing, because I have to send the date in ms back to database.
Someone please show me what I do wrong, because I'm not so very advance in vuejs.
First you need to initialize dateNow varable in datetime-locale:
data() {
return {
dateNow: new Date().toLocaleString(),
value: '',
oldValue: ''
It support this format: "2017-09-18T08:30".
I think this will solve your problem.
And also you need to check Browser compatibility, as it is not supported in IE, Firefox and Safari
or you can try:
<input type="datetime-local" :value="dateValue" #input="updateValue($" >
in script:
data() {
return {
dateValue: new Date().toLocaleString()
methods: {
updateValue: function(value) {
this.dateValue= value;
this.$emit('input', value);
Try this