SQL Server get number of days from date range excluding certain days from specific date range - sql

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2.
I have a table in database with records as shown below :
Id | Status | UserId | StatusDate | ProgramStartDate
1 | Active |1 | 2014-04-02 00:00:00.000 | 2014-03-23
2 | Inactive |1 | 2014-04-05 00:00:00.000 | NULL
3 | Pause |1 | 2014-04-07 00:00:00.000 | NULL
4 | Inactive |1 | 2014-04-10 00:00:00.000 | NULL
5 | Active |1 | 2014-04-14 00:00:00.000 | NULL
ProgramStartDate is any date that is inserted by user. While StatusDate is actual date-time whenever user have inserted/updated his Status.
Now, I want to count the number of days from ProgramStartDate (2014-03-23) to Today's date (GETDATE()) excluding the number of days in which user was in Inactive status.
Here, user is Active from ProgramStartDate 2014-03-23 to 2014-04-05 (13 Days), 2014-04-07 to 2014-04-10 (3 days), and 2014-04-14 to GETDATE() (9 days)
So total number of active days = 13 + 3 + 9 = 25 days.
The formula work is like below example :
'2014/03/23' '2014/04/05' 13
'2014/04/05' '2014/04/07' -2
'2014/04/07' '2014/04/10' 3
'2014/04/10' '2014/04/14' -4
'2014/04/14' GetDate() 9
and total = 25 days.
Is there any way to achieve this Total Number of Days by SQL query?

here is the solution for your query. try it now.
Select SUM(TDays) SumDays
From (
Select Id, Status, UserId,
Case When (Status = 'Inactive') Then 0 Else
(DATEDIFF(DAY,StatusDate,(Case When (NextDate IS NULL) Then GetDate() Else NextDate End)))
End TDays
From (
Select Id, Status, UserId, Case When (ProgramStartDate IS NOT NULL) Then ProgramStartDate Else StatusDate End StatusDate,
(Select Min(StatusDate) From StatusMast M Where M.StatusDate > S.StatusDate) NextDate
From StatusMast S
) As Stat
)As TotDay
Your output is :


SQL: Selecting data from multiple tables with multiple records to select and join

I have three tables: VolunteerRelationships, Organizations, and CampaignDates. I'm trying to write a query that will give me the organization id and name, and the org's start and end campaign dates for the current campaign year <#CampaignYear>, based on the selected volunteer <#SelectedInd>.
Dates are stored as separate column values for day, month and year which I'm trying to cast into a more an formatted date value. If I can get this, I'd also like to use a case statement to get the status of the campaign based on whether the date campaign dates are upcoming, currently running, or already closed, but need to get the first part of the query first.
Sorry if I'm leaving a lot of needed info out, this is my first time posting a question to this forumn. Thank you!
id | name | managesId |expiryDate
1 | john | 1 |
2 | jack | 2 |6/30/2020
3 | jerry| 3 |12/31/2021
id | name1
1 | ACME
orgId | dateDay | dateMonth | dateYear | dateType | Campaign Year
1 | 5 | 11 | 2020 | Start | 2020
1 | 15 | 11 | 2020 | End | 2020
orgId | orgName | startDate | endDate | Status
1 | ACME | 2020-01-01| 2020-01-15 | Closed
select * from
(select cast(cast dateyear*1000 + datemonth*100 + dateday as varchar(255)) as date as date1 from <#Schema>.CampaignDates where datetype = 'Start' and campaignyear = <#CampaignYear> and orgaccountnumber = v.MANAGEDACCOUNT) d1,
(select cast(cast dateyear*1000 + datemonth*100 + dateday as varchar(255)) as date as date2 from <#Schema>.CampaignDates where datetype = 'End' and campaignyear = <#CampaignYear> and orgaccountnumber = v.MANAGEDACCOUNT) d2
from <#Schema>.VolunteerRelationships v
inner join <#Schema>.organizations o
on o.accountnumber=v.MANAGEDACCOUNT
where v.VOLUNTEERACCOUNT = <#SelectedInd> and ( v.EXPIRYDATE IS NULL OR v.EXPIRYDATE > <#Today> )

Is there way to add date difference values we get to the date automatically?

What I was trying to do is I have two dates and using DateDiff to get a difference between dates. For example, I Have planned Start Date and actual start Date and I got the difference between this date is 5, now I want to add this day to the Finish date.
If my Finish date is not what I assumed, but behind, then that difference we got I want to add and want to find next finish date because we are behind so next upcoming dates.
Sum (DATEDIFF(day, sa.PlannedStartDate, sa.ActualStartDate)) OVER
By ts.Id)as TotalVariance,
Case when (Sum (DATEDIFF(day, sa.PlannedStartDate, sa.ActualStartDate))
(Partition By ts.Id) >30) then 'Positive' end as Violation,
DATEADD (day, DATEDIFF(day, sa.PlannedStartDate, sa.ActualStartDate))as
Summar violations,
If the activity 1 - planned Start date is 8/21/2019 but the actual start date is 9/21/2019, in this case we are behind 30 days.
Now the next activity will be delayed, so I want to add this difference to the next activity.
If the second activity planned Start date was 08/25/2019, but because of the delay of activity 1 the start date will change for second activity, in this case I want to find that new date.
Activity PlannedStartdate ActualStartDate Variance NewPlannedstartdate
Activity 1 8/21/2019 9/21/2019 30
Acivity 2 8/26/2019 null 9/26/2019
Here's an example you can run in SSMS:
DECLARE #Activity TABLE ( ActivityId INT, PlannedStart DATE, ActualStart DATE );
INSERT INTO #Activity (
ActivityId, PlannedStart, ActualStart
( 1, '08/21/2019', '08/27/2019' ), ( 1, '08/26/2019', NULL ), ( 1, '09/14/2019', NULL );
Query #Activity to see what's in it:
SELECT * FROM #Activity ORDER BY ActivityId, PlannedStart;
#Activity content:
| ActivityId | PlannedStart | ActualStart |
| 1 | 2019-08-21 | 2019-08-27 |
| 1 | 2019-08-26 | NULL |
| 1 | 2019-09-14 | NULL |
Query #Activity to factor the new starting dates:
;WITH Activity_CTE AS (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY PlannedStart ) AS Id,
ActivityId, PlannedStart, ActualStart, DATEDIFF( dd, PlannedStart, ActualStart ) Delayed
FROM #Activity
ActivityId = #ActivityId
DATEADD( dd, Delays.DaysDelayed, PlannedStart ) AS NewStart
FROM Activity_CTE AS Activity
WHEN ( Delayed IS NOT NULL ) THEN Delayed
ELSE ISNULL( ( SELECT TOP 1 Delayed FROM Activity_CTE WHERE Id < Activity.Id AND Delayed IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Id DESC ), 0 )
END AS DaysDelayed
) AS Delays
| ActivityId | PlannedStart | ActualStart | NewStart |
| 1 | 2019-08-21 | 2019-08-27 | 2019-08-27 |
| 1 | 2019-08-26 | NULL | 2019-09-01 |
| 1 | 2019-09-14 | NULL | 2019-09-20 |
The real "magic" here is this line:
ELSE ISNULL( ( SELECT TOP 1 Delayed FROM Activity_CTE WHERE Id < Activity.Id AND Delayed IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Id DESC ), 0 )
It's checking for any prior records to itself that has a delay. If none are found, it returns 0. This value is then used to add days to the PlannedStart date to determine the NewStart date. The ORDER BY is of particular note too. Sorting in a DESC order ensures we get the "closest" delay prior to the current row.
Using a CTE in this way also takes into account the idea that the delay may not happen on the very first record (e.g., say the 08/26 planned was delayed instead of 08/21). It conveniently gives us a subtable to query against in our OUTER APPLY.
This is what you would see if you included all columns on the CTE's SELECT:
| Id | ActivityId | PlannedStart | ActualStart | Delayed | DaysDelayed |
| 1 | 1 | 2019-08-21 | 2019-08-27 | 6 | 6 |
| 2 | 1 | 2019-08-26 | NULL | NULL | 6 |
| 3 | 1 | 2019-09-14 | NULL | NULL | 6 |
Because the very first record is the only record with a delay, its delay of 6 days persists through each of the following records.

How to write a SQL statement to sum data using group by the same day of every two neighboring months

I have a data table like this:
datetime data
2017/8/24 6.0
2017/8/25 5.0
2017/9/24 6.0
2017/9/25 6.2
2017/10/24 8.1
2017/10/25 8.2
I want to write a SQL statement to sum the data using group by the 24th of every two neighboring months in certain range of time such as : from 2017/7/20 to 2017/10/25 as above.
How to write this SQL statement? I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2.
The expected results table is like this:
datetime_range data_sum
2017/8/24~2017/9/24 100.9
2017/9/24~2017/10/24 120.2
One conceptual way to proceed here is to redefine a "month" as ending on the 24th of each normal month. Using the SQL Server month function, we will assign any date occurring after the 24th as belonging to the next month. Then we can aggregate by the year along with this shifted month to obtain the sum of data.
WITH cte AS (
YEAR(datetime) AS year,
CASE WHEN DAY(datetime) > 24
THEN MONTH(datetime) + 1 ELSE MONTH(datetime) END AS month
FROM yourTable
CONVERT(varchar(4), year) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(2), month) +
'/25~' +
CONVERT(varchar(4), year) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(2), (month + 1)) +
'/24' AS datetime_range,
SUM(data) AS data_sum
FROM cte
year, month;
Note that your suggested ranges seem to include the 24th on both ends, which does not make sense from an accounting point of view. I assume that the month includes and ends on the 24th (i.e. the 25th is the first day of the next accounting period.
I would suggest dynamically building some date range rows so that you can then join you data to those for aggregation, like this example:
| | period_start_dt | period_end_dt | your_data_here |
| 1 | 24.04.2017 00:00:00 | 24.05.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 2 | 24.05.2017 00:00:00 | 24.06.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 3 | 24.06.2017 00:00:00 | 24.07.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 4 | 24.07.2017 00:00:00 | 24.08.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 5 | 24.08.2017 00:00:00 | 24.09.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 6 | 24.09.2017 00:00:00 | 24.10.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 7 | 24.10.2017 00:00:00 | 24.11.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 8 | 24.11.2017 00:00:00 | 24.12.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 9 | 24.12.2017 00:00:00 | 24.01.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 10 | 24.01.2018 00:00:00 | 24.02.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 11 | 24.02.2018 00:00:00 | 24.03.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 12 | 24.03.2018 00:00:00 | 24.04.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
declare #start_dt date;
set #start_dt = '20170424';
period_start_dt, period_end_dt, sum(1) as your_data_here
from (
dateadd(month,m.n,start_dt) period_start_dt
, dateadd(month,m.n+1,start_dt) period_end_dt
from (
select #start_dt start_dt ) seed
cross join (
select 0 n union all
select 1 union all
select 2 union all
select 3 union all
select 4 union all
select 5 union all
select 6 union all
select 7 union all
select 8 union all
select 9 union all
select 10 union all
select 11
) m
) r
-- ON yourdata.date >= r.period_start_dt and data.date < r.period_end_dt
group by
period_start_dt, period_end_dt
Please don't be tempted to use "between" when it comes to joining to your data. Follow the note above and use yourdata.date >= r.period_start_dt and data.date < r.period_end_dt otherwise you could double count information as between is inclusive of both lower and upper boundaries.
I think the simplest way is to subtract 25 days and aggregate by the month:
select year(dateadd(day, -25, datetime)) as yr,
month(dateadd(day, -25, datetime)) as mon,
from t
group by dateadd(day, -25, datetime);
You can format yr and mon to get the dates for the specific ranges, but this does the aggregation (and the yr/mon columns might be sufficient).
Step 0: Build a calendar table. Every database needs a calendar table eventually to simplify this sort of calculation.
In this table you may have columns such as:
Date (primary key)
Half-year (e.g. 1 or 2)
Day of year (1 to 366)
Day of week (numeric or text)
Is weekend (seems redundant now, but is a huge time saver later on)
Fiscal quarter/year (if your company's fiscal year doesn't start on Jan. 1)
Is Holiday
If your company starts its month on the 24th, then you can add a "Fiscal Month" column that represents that.
Step 1: Join on the calendar table
Step 2: Group by the columns in the calendar table.
Calendar tables sound weird at first, but once you realize that they are in fact tiny even if they span a couple hundred years they quickly become a major asset.
Don't try to cheap out on disk space by using computed columns. You want real columns because they are much faster and can be indexed if necessary. (Though honestly, usually just the PK index is enough for even wide calendar tables.)

SQL get the time of different rows

I want to do a select that gives me the time of an employee resolving a ticket.
The problem is that the ticket is divided in actions, so its not only getting the time of a row, it can be from n rows.
This is an abbreviation of what I have:
TicketID | Days | Hours | Minutes
12 | 0 | 2 | 32
12 | 1 | 0 | 12
12 | 4 | 6 | 0
13 | 2 | 5 | 12
13 | 0 | 2 | 33
And this is what I want to get:
TicketID | Time (in minutes)
12 | 2994
13 | 1425
(Or just one row with the condition where specifying TicketID)
This is the select that im doing right now:
select distinct ((Days*8)*60) + (Hours*60) + Minutes from Tickets where ticketid = 12
But is not working as I want.
select ticketid, sum((Days*8)*60), sum((Hours*60)), sum (Minutes)
from tickets
group by ticketid
select TicketID, sum((Days*8)*60) + sum(Hours*60) + sum(Minutes) as Time_in_minutes
from Tickets
group by TicketID
Distinct, as you were trying before, takes each row in the source table (Tickets) and filters out all of the duplicate rows. Instead, you are trying to sum up the days, minutes, and hours for each ticket. So sum them up, and group by the ticket number.
Try this:
SELECT TicketID, (Sum(Minutes)+(Sum(Hours)*60)+(sum(Days)*24*60) ) time
FROM Tickets Group by TicketID

Return day difference between current row timestamp and the 1st returned row

For each row returned, I want to compare it's timestamp column to the very 1st row in the SELECT, and get the date difference in days. How may I do this?
FROM table
Desired output
id | date | day difference
0 | 2015-05-02 00:00:00 | day 1
1 | 2015-05-05 00:00:00 | day 3
2 | 2015-05-22 00:00:00 | day 20
Courtesy of #postgresql on freenode:
% dropdb testdb; createdb testdb; psql -X testdb
psql (9.4.4)
Type "help" for help.
testdb=# create table t as select 0 id, '2015-05-02'::timestamp date;
testdb=# insert into t select 1, '2015-05-05';
testdb=# insert into t select 2, '2015-05-22';
testdb=# select id, date, date - min(date) over () from t;
id | date | ?column?
0 | 2015-05-02 00:00:00 | 00:00:00
1 | 2015-05-05 00:00:00 | 3 days
2 | 2015-05-22 00:00:00 | 20 days
(3 rows)
This may be a bit late, but you could use the first_value window function. See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/functions-window.html
select id, date, date - first_value(date) over ()
from Table1;