Testing WebOdf Collaborative editor on localServer - odf

I am trying to add document editor support in my website. I found Opensource WebODF and tried to test it on my local server. The git repository ReadMe gives instructions on how to add Odf viewer support.
I was able to test the localeditor. Can some one explain how to setup the collaborative editor on local server.

The brief steps are as follows :
Download the Wodo-TextEditor library from here.(It has the webodf library included as dependency).Put the library in your server or root directry of application,so you can access it from html page.
Then include the editor scripts in your html as done in sample html below.
Make sure you have a odt document on your server or you can use welcome.odt sample document included in Wodo-TextEditor library.
And load the editor as in sample or you can just pick the whole html as it is ,just make sure all your include paths are valid.
And that should be it !
You can refer this answer by me to setup a local webodf editor for your web application.
For simply using webodf editor you can use this html page sample .Make sure you have a odt document on your server directory which can be loaded in the editor.


how to use vue.js offline?

Hi I received a web project with all already implemented CSS js HTML code, directories, project structure etc.
I have to make changes in view.js but I don’t always have internet access on the move so is there a way to continue this project locally without changing my project structure?
I already have an existing web project whose file contains
-an HTML page
-a CSS file
-a js file
Place in their folders respectively
I want to use view.js on this project
The problem I don’t always have internet access when I’m on the move.
So how do I use seen?
Knowing that:
CDN is a script placed in HTML requiring a connection to run view
-Vue CLI is a package that allows to generate a new project view "certainly out of competition"
But I should start over
Because the directory structure and already predefined what doesn’t suit me.
How does it work?
How to just add view and continue the project without zero spread?
I already installed node.js (npm) on my pc if its can help .
If you still don’t understand
Imagine being entrusted with a web project all made HTML CSS JS already configure etc...
And you must use VUE to make changes
knowing that on the move you don’t always have the connection
How do you do that?
Assuming (I can't tell 100% from your description) that it is an un-compiled implementation that uses the CDN, you can easily handle this by copying the vue library locally and update the html to use the local version instead of the CDN.
if you need to keep the html, you could use a browser plugin like requestly but there are many others. There you can select the url that goes to the cdn and replace it with the local one.
Another option for chromium-based browsers is to use local overrides. Picture upload is not working currently, so can't include a picture, but the option is available through the sources tab in the developer tools. You need to enable overrides, select a folder, then you can select the resource that you want to serve from local override.

How to proper integrate PrismJS into a Eleventy project?

I'm building a site using eleventy and want to include code examples with code-highlighting. Prism looks like a great choice for this. How would I add it proper to the build process (not as CDN)?
Use the download option. This gives you the JS/CSS you need. Copy it to your site and ensure you are using the "Passthrough File Copy" (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/copy/) option to copy CSS and JS files over.

how to get ctakes gui running while the ctakes-gui does not have any jsp file?

I Have been following this instructions of ctakes GUI link here
I could not find any website that has ctakesgui.war
I thought it must be the same project in ctakes open source which is ctakes-gui
but this project ctakes-gui does not have any .jsp or .html files.
How can I get ctakes-gui work as this

How to Export Swagger documentation in PDF and XML files

I have generated swagger document for web api using below link:
Need to export document in PDF or XML file to send across handy.
How to export swagger documentation ?
Here's what I did today, since many of these other projects require laborious workarounds or extra libraries or some completely separate language.
Go to https://editor.swagger.io/ (Make sure it's the HTTPS version)
At the top, click File => Import File.
Select your Swagger JSON file.
At the top, click Generate Client => HTML2 and download the ZIP file.
This yields a static HTML page that you can then print (via the browser) to PDF using the built-in Microsoft Print to PDF printer, or Adobe Acrobat, or whatever else you might want to use.
You can use Swagger2Markup and AsciiDoc docker images:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/opt swagger2markup/swagger2markup convert -i "https://api.example.org/api/doc/swagger.json" -f /opt/swagger-doc
Creates asciidoc file named 'swagger-doc.adoc' in current folder.
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/documents/ asciidoctor/docker-asciidoctor asciidoctor-pdf swagger-doc.adoc
Creates a PDF file named 'swagger-doc.pdf' in current folder.
The Swagger2Markup project is on GitHub and some more information you'll find by using Google too.
Swagger2Markup converts a Swagger JSON or YAML file into several AsciiDoc or GitHub Flavored Markdown documents which can be combined with hand-written documentation.
AsciiDoc is preferable to Markdown as it has more features. AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages and blogs. AsciiDoc files can be converted to HTML, PDF and EPUB. AsciiDoc is much better suited for describing public APIs than JavaDoc or Annotations.
You can generate your HTML5, PDF and EPUB documentation via asciidoctorj or even better via the asciidoctor-gradle-plugin or asciidoctor-maven-plugin.
The project requires at least JDK 8.
See also RESTful API Documentation with Swagger and AsciiDoc
Their is no such tool or functionality to export swagger documentation into PDF or any other doc. You need to convert your swagger.json file to yaml file then u can get swagger as html doc form http://editor.swagger.io/.

File Upload.Go Ahead Webserver

Right now, i am working on a go ahead embedded web server. i have an old 2.1 version of this server, which was open source. i want to upload .json file which i create from the firmware, to the web server and then want the page to process that file using flot tool,and display a graph.but that version does not support file uploading capability. on internet i have found that the new version of this web server support the file upload capabilities, but i have not found a proper example which explains the syntax that i would use to upload the file. can any one tell me which functions of this new version i would have to use to get things working.
can any one give a proper full example.
You ask how to upload using goahead.
When you build the source, it should build a test executable called goahead-test. This uses test/test.c as a main program. Test.c defines an upload action handler that is invoked when you do a file upload to the url /action/uploadTest. This handler will echo back to the browser the various file upload details. You can cut/paste from test.c into your own main program.