vb.net SendKeys.Send does not send () symbol from textbox.text - vb.net

i try to send symbol Through text box when i send (10%)+(20%) to notepad
the result 10+20 !not (10%)+(20%)
this is the code i use

According to the documentation the plus sign, percentage symbol and parentheses have a special meaning in the context of SendKeys. You need to enclose those symbols in curly braces.
You could use the String.Replace method to do the mapping for you, e.g. text.Replace("+", "{+}") etc.

If you read this link you find:
The plus sign (+), caret (^), percent sign (%), tilde (~), and
parentheses () have special meanings to SendKeys. To specify one of
these characters, enclose it within braces ({}).
So you have to change your text to be:


new lines are not getting eliminated

I'm trying to replace newline etc kind of values using regexp_replace. But when I open the result in query result window, I can still see the new lines in the text. Even when I copy the result, I can see new line characters. See output for example, I just copied from the result.
Below is my query
select regexp_replace('abc123
头疼,'||CHR(10)||'allo','[^[:alpha:][:digit:][ \t]]','') from dual;
/ I just kept for testing characters.
How to remove the new lines from the text?
Expected output:
abc123 /nCHAR(10)头疼,allo
There are two mistakes in your code. One of them causes the issue you noticed.
First, in a bracket expression, in Oracle regular expressions (which follow the POSIX standard), there are no escape sequences. You probably meant \t as escape sequence for tab - within the bracket expression. (Note also that in Oracle regular expressions, there are no escape sequences like \t and \n anyway. If you must preserve tabs, it can be done, but not like that.)
Second, regardless of this, you include two character classes, [:alpha:] and [:digit:], and also [ \t] in the (negated) bracket expression. The last one is not a character class, so the [ as well as the space, the backslash and the letter t are interpreted as literal characters - they stand in for themselves. The closing bracket, on the other hand, has special meaning. The first of your two closing brackets is interpreted as the end of the bracket expression; and the second closing bracket is interpreted as being an additional, literal character that must be matched! Since there is no such literal closing bracket anywhere in the string, nothing is replaced.
To fix both mistakes, replace [ \t] with the [:blank:] character class, which consists exactly of space and tab. (And, note that [:alpha:][:digit:] can be written more compactly as [:alnum:].)

Password Validation Regular Expression - how to include special character?

I am using this regular expression for password validation which gives one upper case, one lowercase and a number. But what I want is a special character in it but it should optional but above mentioned must be mandatory.
This will allow these special characters: - (hyphen), * (asterisk) and _ (underscore).
If you want to add your own special characters, add them into this part of the regex [-*_0-9a-zA-Z] (inside the square bracket)

Remove double quote only when inside another double quote (VB.NET)

I'm using the library JSON.NET to bring a JSON string from the web, but the problem is that I get a double quote within a string.
the string that comes from the web is as follows
{"accionObjeto":"post","accionTipo":"comentario","ts":"02:48:55","nick":"seba123neo","userId":"1180918","id":15521634,"accion_name":"Hola","url":"","titulo":"Hola como" estas"}
the string is perfect except the end
here is the problem
"titulo":"Hola como" estas"
I have to remove that double quote, because otherwise the JSON is "invalid"
I've looked everywhere but can not find how to do this, I need only to erase the double quote, but not erase all other quotes in the entire string.
Thanks for your help.
It is not clear from your question whether you are generating the JSON string or if you are downloading it from the web. If you are creating it and the library is not escaping strings correctly, consider escaping them yourself.
This is a list of valid escapes
\b Backspace (ascii code 08)
\f Form feed (ascii code 0C)
\n New line
\r Carriage return
\t Tab
\v Vertical tab
\' Apostrophe or single quote
\" Double quote
\\ Backslash caracter
As you can see you would have to escape a double quote by \". Before you code it yourself, look closer into the library you are using. I would be astonished, if it did not provide such functionality.

Searching for backslash character in vim

How to search word start \word in vim. I can do it using the find menu. Is there any other short cut for this?
in command mode.
You can search for most anything in your document using regular expressions. From normal mode, type '/' and then start typing your regular expression, and then press enter. '\<' would match the beginning of a word, so
would match the string 'foo' but only where it is at the beginning of a word (preceded by whitespace in most cases).
You can search for the backslash character by escaping it with a backslash, so:
Would find the pattern '\foo' at the beginning of a word.
Not directly relevant (/\\word is the the correct solution, and nothing here changes that), but for your information:
:h magic
If you are for a pattern with many characters with special meaning to regexes, you may find "nomagic" and "very nomagic" mode useful.
will search for the literal string ^.$, instead of "lines of exactly one character" (\v "very magic" and the default \m "magic" modes) or "lines of exactly one period" (\M "nomagic" mode).
The reason searching for something including "\" is different is because "\" is a special character and needs to be escaped (prepended with a backslash)
Similarly, to search for "$100", which includes the special character "$":
Press /
Type \$100
Press return
To search for "abc", which doesn't include a special character:
Press /
Type abc
Press return

How can I write special character in VB code

I have a Sql statament using special character (ex: ('), (/), (&)) and I don't know how to write them in my VB.NET code. Please help me. Thanks.
Find out the Unicode code point for the character (from http://www.unicode.org) and then use ChrW to convert from the code point to the character. (To put this in another string, use concatenation. I'm somewhat surprised that VB doesn't have an escape sequence, but there we go.)
For example, for the Euro sign (U+20AC) you'd write:
Dim euro as Char = ChrW(&H20AC)
The advantage of this over putting the character directly into source code is that your source code stays "just pure ASCII" - which means you won't have any strange issues with any other program trying to read it, diff it, etc. The disadvantage is that it's harder to see the symbol in the code, of course.
The most common way seems to be to append a character of the form Chr(34)... 34 represents a double quote character. The character codes can be found from the windows program "charmap"... just windows/Run... and type charmap
If you are passing strings to be processed as SQL statement try doubling the characters for example.
"SELECT * FROM MyRecords WHERE MyRecords.MyKeyField = ""With a "" Quote"" "
The '' double works with the other special characters as well.
The ' character can be doubled up to allow it into a string e.g
lSQLSTatement = "Select * from temp where name = 'fred''s'"
Will search for all records where name = fred's
Three points:
1) The example characters you've given are not special characters. They're directly available on your keyboard. Just press the corresponding key.
2) To type characters that don't have a corresponding key on the keyboard, use this:
Alt + (the ASCII code number of the special character)
For example, to type ¿, press Alt and key in 168, which is the ASCII code for that special character.
You can use this method to type a special character in practically any program not just a VB.Net text editor.
3) What you probably looking for is what is called 'escaping' characters in a string. In your SQL query string, just place a \ before each of those characters. That should do.
Chr() is probably the most popular.
ChrW() can be used if you want to generate unicode characters
The ControlChars class contains some special and 'invisible' characters, plus the quote - for example, ControlChars.Quote