Remove UITabBar horizontal separator in iOS7 - ios7

I want to remove the horizontal separator line between a UITabBar and the rest of the screen. I'm asking the same question as this guy but updated for iOS7.
Setting the background image of my UITabBar doesn't alleviate the problem, nor does setting the background image of the [UITabBar appearance] object.
Is this still possible in iOS7? If so, how?

You could also hide shadow line using this code:
[self.tabBar setValue:#(YES) forKeyPath:#"_hidesShadow"];
self.tabBar.setValue(true, forKey: "_hidesShadow")

The answer to this is pretty much the same as removing the separator of a navigation bar or a toolbar.
Officially, this is only possible by setting the shadowImage to an empty image. However, a closer look at the documentation, we see that:
For a custom shadow image to be shown, a custom background image must
also be set using the backgroundImage property. If the default
background image is used, then the default shadow image will be used
regardless of the value of this property.
By using a custom background image, you would lose the blurred background translucency.
The separator is a UIImageView that is a subview of the tab bar. You can find it in the tab bar's hierarchy and set it to hidden.

This solution uses a transparent image, so it is more preferable.
tabBar.shadowImage = UIImage()
tabBar.shadowImage =;


Status Bar turning completely black when using clipsToBounds = YES in iOS8. How do I change this?

I'm setting my NavigationBar's translucent property to NO via the UINavigationBar appearance proxy in my AppDelegate.
Then, to get rid of the 1 pixel-height separator between UINavigationBar and my view's below it, in my ViewController, I'm setting self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar.clipsToBounds = YES;.
This is to remove the separator and achieve an effect similar to this...
There's an additional view with Dates underneath the UINavigationBar.
However, when I begin to use clipsToBounds = YES, my status bar goes completely black. I don't want this. I want it to be 'blue', just like it is in the photo for this CBS Sports app.
How can I change the color of the status bar, or why is my color from the navigation bar no longer extending up to the status bar? [Also, I'm using an embedded NavigationController, not one that I dragged out onto the view]
Do not set the clipsToBounds property to YES. The way extended bars work is the layer is drawn beyond its bounds until under the status bar.
You have two options here. One is to remove the separator using runtime trickery, which I have explained how to do in this answer.
Since your case does not involve translucent navigation bar, it will be much simpler. What you want to set is shadowImage to be empty like so:
self.navigationController.navigationBar.shadowImage = [UIImage new];
But you'll notice this does not work right away. Documentation mentions that this will not work until a background image is not set using one of the setBackgroundImage: methods. Since your bar is not translucent and has a single color, you can create a 1x1px wide image with the color, and set it as the background image.
A problem here is that when you set clipsToBounds to true, you lose the top of the status bar. What I do, therefore, is just the opposite of what you're doing - I make the navigation bar absolutely transparent:
self.navbar.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
self.navbar.translucent = true
self.navbar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), forBarMetrics:.Default)
self.navbar.clipsToBounds = true
Now we are just seeing right through the navigation bar to whatever is behind it. So you can have whole top area of your view controller's view be blue, and you just see it.

iOS 7 view background

I have settings View which is a View Object under self.view.
I added the background image as: self.settingsView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"settings_bg__650x740.png"]];
The problem is, it is having extra images at the bottom. This only happens in iOS 7.
Here's the screenshot:
Please, help me to solve.
The image is being tiled. Why are you creating a tiled image and using it as a background color? Just put the image in a UIImageView and add the image view to the view.
try resize your image before adding to background.
You can find answer in here
Stretching a image in iOS using colorWithPatternImage
the settings view's bound size is higher than the background color referred image. so, the image will tile to fill the settings view.

How to set an image to a NSButton to be resized along with the button?

I have an image (3width x 15height, the first and last pixels are rounded on the corners), and I want to create a button (the height of the button is always the same, 15px, but the width changes) that uses this image no matter what size it is, kinda like UIEdgeInsets on iOS.
I've tried to use [[button cell] setImageScaling:NSImageScaleAxesIndependently]; but the image gets distorted and loses quality.
How can I do this on OSX? Thanks!
You could probably create a custom subclass of NSButtonCell and use the Application Kit's NSDrawThreePartImage() function in the cell's drawInteriorWithFrame:inView: method.
For more info on how to use NSDrawThreePartImage(), see Cocoa Drawing Guide: Drawing Resizable Textures Using Images.
If it's possible to set this in graphical interface > Attribute Inspection > Button section Background

How to put background for UITableViewController

I wanna do something like THIS in my ipad application, what is the best way to do the followings:
The shadow under the upper bar.
The padding for the papers (top, left, right & bottom)
The background (as a notepad) : please think about the cells: they must still scrolled inside the paper and cropped before reaching to the paper bottom edge.
I'm looking for the optimal solution that avoids overriding as much as possible.
I tried to use UIViewController (with UITableVIew and has the delegate methods) inside UISplitViewController, And I tried adding UIImageView at the top of the table but this view will scroll with the cells and it'll hide when I scroll down. I tried to use viewForHeaderInSection function also for upper shadow (under the bar) but what about the papers bottom edge (what if I put one image including the shadow and the papers bottom edge and has the padding as a background for the UITableView or UITableViewController, and change this image when rotate to the portrait orientation? is this a good and possible solution?)
My guess:
Create the background in an image editing app
Cut 4 images, for header, footer, left and right sides
Create a UIViewController with 4 UIVIews and add the correct images as background
In the middle of all 4 add a UITableView
This way the images won't move and if you position the UIViews with the background properly, your TableView will scroll inside the notebook (assuming you are trying to create a notebook)
If you app is iOS 6.0 only, autolayout will be a great help. Check apple developer video on it to learn how to use this feature: WWDC 2012 Session 232 - Auto Layout by Example
One easy way to do this is from the xib:
1. In xib create image .On image view you can put background whatever you want as a image.
2. create table view above the image view and set table view background color as a clear color.
This will do it.

UISegmentedControl custom background image

I have UINavigationBar setup as image - some wood texture. I want to insert UISegmentedControl with 4 buttons on that bar. Buttons should have same texture with slightly changed tint.
One solution would be to change tint alpha of buttons background color, so that texture in background can get trough, but as I set alpha for tint in IB it doesn't save value, it always gets back to value 1.
I cant get UISegmentedControl to show background image, so finally gave up and decide to search for help...
Effect that is desired is one in iBooks app, with buttons in Navigation Bar.
Any link or small help would be appreciated..
This post describes the steps involved and has sample code:
a custom SegmentView that can specify two images(normal, clicked)
Do not bother with one of those custom segmented control packages if you're on iOS 5 or later.
Per Dylan's suggestion, use the Appearance functionality in iOS 5+.
See the top answer here:
Customizing Left & Right UISegmentedControl Buttons