Developing Wcf Callback service using netTcpBinding - wcf

I stuck in a problem regarding wcf Callback service.
I am trying to develop WCF Callback service using netTcpBinding, I successfully created this Callback Service using wsDualHttpBinding but when i try to achive same thing using netTcpBinding, I am always stuck in some problem.
sometimes it is "Contract requires Duplex, but Binding 'BasicHttpBinding' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it."
or "This protocol does not support netTcpBinding"
so anyone can show me how to configure web.config file and how to overcome this types of error..
Thank you.

Without you supplying the code and config that you are currently using it is difficult to tell what is causing this error.
Maybe take a look at Duplex Messaging and TechNet: Creating a Duplex Service.


Nothing happens after adding service to Wcf Test Client

I added the service to the WCF Test Client app and I get Service Added Successfully, but I don't see any of the operations available.
This WCF service is already being consumed by several javascript charts, so I should be able to see something here.
What am I doing wrong?
By default, WCFTestclient doesn’t support call the Restful service by using a client proxy. WCF creates the Restful style service with WebHttpbinding. thereby the client proxy class generates nothing thought the service WSDL is available.
Besides, we are capable of making a successful call to the service by using a client proxy. please refer to the below link.
WCF: There was no endpoint listening at, that could accept the message
the above client proxy class is generated by adding service reference.
Here is a detailed exposition of WCFTestClient from Microsoft document.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Does WCF Add Service Reference require something configured on the service to generate the app config?

We have an existing wcf service, and I created a new project. I want to use it. I hit add service reference, pop in the URL, press OK, and it adds it as a service reference but there is no config generated.
I also tried svcutil.exe /language:cs /out:GeneratedProxy.cs /config:app.config [url] but no config is generated, only the proxy cs.
I'm using VS 2013 / .NET 4.0
My question is, is this a sign that the SVC itself has some missing data that is required to build the contracts, or is the problem with adding the service reference?
For the record I have tried unchecking the reuse types option which some questions on here have reported as fixing the problem.
Bonus question, do you think if I can't get this working that manually adding some generic default bindings and endpoint code to the web config will work?
First, the reason that why the Adding service reference generates nothing is that the WCF service is rest style service. By default, the proxy-based invocation of rest style WCF services is complex.
Calling the WCF rest style service with the client proxy is uncommon. Generally, we construct an Http request by using an HTTP client library to call the service, such as HttpClient, WebClient.
How to fix "ERR_ABORTED 400 (Bad Request)" error with Jquery call to C# WCF service?
Besides, calling the WCF rest style service with the client proxy is feasible. Please refer to my previous link.
WCF: There was no endpoint listening at, that could accept the message
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

How to get events from wcf service loaded by mef to propagate exceptions to host (self-hosted)

I have a self-hosted WCF service which load its ServiceContracts with MEF. All works fine. I am also able to send error messages to the WCF Client, which is regarding the faults caused by the user. However I also want to capture all the exceptions that can be caused by the service itself and send them to the Windows service that hosts the WCF Services. In the Windows Service I would like to be able to use the logging system to write this exceptions to. I have already tried the example by David Anson. Another solution I came up with was by using MessageQueues, although I don't think it is a nice solution. Has anyone an idea how to solve this? Preferably with an example...

Consume a web service using WSE3.0 or WCF?

I have to use a number of functions provided by a government web service. I have no idea what they used to implement this service. Could have been COBOL for all I know.
My problem is that I've been trying to access this service using the security features provided by WSE3.0 but have had no luck. I'm consistently getting errors regarding the certificates.
After some research I've realized that WSE3.0 is essentially defunct and I should be using WCF. But, I'm only writing a client and most literature seems to refer to the services themselves.
Is there even such a thing as using 'WCF' to write a client? Should it matter which I use?
Thanks in advance.
Sure, WCF is a great choice for writing a web service client. Here is how to create the client ("add service reference"). After this you need to create the binding (just like in the service samples).

How to use BasicHttpBinding without using sessions in WCF? Getting error about session support

I have a WinForm app which uses WCF to call a WCF service. I am trying to troubleshoot an issue and need to look at the wcf trace file without any encryption. So I have WCF endpoint set to use BasicHttpBinding and my service contract is set for SessionMode = SessionMode.NotAllowed.
However I keep getting an error "Contract requires Session, but Binding 'BasicHttpBinding' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it".
I don't want to use sessions. Why does it think I want to use sessions?
OR how do I get the messages to go on the wire where I can see objects and their properties in clear text in the trace file?
BasicHttpBinding never uses session. There is something incorrectly configured in your code (or you didn't correctly update service reference). To see messages even if security is enabled use Message logging.