Can't create view from Bigquery command line tools - google-bigquery

I tried to create a view using the bq command line tool.
The bq command line tool version is 2.0.18
I followed the instruction in this page:
My command looks like this:
mk --view="select title from [publicdata:samples.wikipedia] where contributor_id = 3894110" views.my_test_view
I received this output:
int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'
What did I do wrong?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

The latest bq version is 2.0.19. Can you run gcloud components update and try again?


BIGQUERY --disable_ssl_validation in Command Tool

Trying to disable ssl_validation in Google Cloud Shell (Command Tool).
By this command:
bq --disable_ssl_validation=[True]
give me
FATAL Flags parsing error: flag --disable_ssl_validation=[True]: ('Non-boolean argument to boolean flag', '[True]')
How to do it correctly?
Use the --disable_ssl_validation global flag.
Look at the BigQuery command line official documentation for how to use it:
bq --global_flag [ARGUMENT] bq_command --command-specific_flag [ARGUMENT]

Hive coalesce parse exception

I want to create a hive script that uses as database one of two given parameters, whichever is not null.
My hive-test.sql is this:
set db_name = coalesce(${hiveconf:dbOne}, ${hiveconf:dbTwo});
use ${hiveconf:db_name};
show tables;
and I run it with:
hive -hiveconf dbOne=my_database -f hive-test.sql
and I am getting:
FAILED: ParseException line 2:12 missing EOF at '(' near 'coalesce'
I should note that if I change the first line in script to:
set db_name = my_database;
it works.
I can't figure out what I did wrong. Your assistance is appreciated.
This feature is not available in Hive.
Do variable assignment in the shell, for example like here: setting-a-shell-variable-in-a-null-coalescing-fashion and pass it to the Hive.

Error in BQ shell Loading Datastore with write_disposition as Write append

1: I tried to load on an existing table [using Datastore file]
2. Bq Shell asked me to add write_disposition to write append to load to existing table
3. If I do the above, throws an error as follows:
load --source_format=DATASTORE_BACKUP --write_disposition=WRITE_append --allow_jagged_rows=None sample_red.t1estchallenge_1 gs://
Error parsing command: flag --allow_jagged_rows=None: ('Non-boolean argument to boolean flag',None)
I tried allow jagged rows = 0 and allow jagged rows = None, nothing works just the same error.
Please advise on this.
UPDATE: As Mosha suggested --allow_jagged_rows=false has worked. It should be before --write_disposition=Write_truncate. But this has led to another issue on encoding. Can anyone say what should be the encoding type for DATASTORE_BACKUP?. I tried both --encoding=UTF-8 and --encoding=ISO-8859.
load --source_format=DATASTORE_BACKUP --allow_jagged_rows=false --write_disposition=WRITE_TRUNCATE sample_red.t1estchallenge_1 gs://
Please advise.
You should use "false" (or "true") with boolean arguments, i.e.

Using sql within shell script

I am currently trying to integrate an sql statement into a shell script, But facing major syntax issue:
My statement in the script:
su - <sid>adm -c 'hdbsql -U SYSTEM export "'SCHEMA'"."'*'" as binary into "'Export Location'" with reconfigure'
I get the following error:
* 257: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "*": line 1 col 16 (at pos 16) SQLSTATE: HY000
Would really appreciate if anyone could help me with this.
Thanks and Regards,
Your command line doesn't make much sense to me. It starts with
su - <sid>adm
which means that you are redirecting the contents of the file "sid" into "su" and then redirecting the result of that operation into the file "adm".
Second problem is that in the command you are giving to adm, the single quotes end right before the "" which means, that the "" will get interpreted by the shell as a file glob:
-c 'hdbsql -U SYSTEM export "'SCHEMA'"."'*'" as binary into "'Export Location'" with reconfigure'
You'll need to escape those single quotes like this: "\'".
But I think your problem solving approach is not good. Try to reduce to problem and only then start adding additional things to it. So first try to execute the SQL statement from the "hdbsql" shell. Does it work?
$ hdbsql
Once that works, try to execute the SQL statement from the unix shell as a user:
$ hdbsql -U SYSTEM export ...
Once that works, try to execute it via su
$ su - ...

bigquery pass property in commandline

I am getting an error following in bigquery :
Error: Response too large to return.
After couple of google search I found workaround is set configuration.query.allowLargeResults=true
But not sure how to pass this property value in bq command line tool.
any help ?
$ bq help query
USAGE: [--global_flags] <command> [--command_flags] [args]
--[no]allow_large_results: Enables larger destination table sizes
--destination_table: Name of destination table for query results.
$ bq query --allow_large_results --destination_table "dataset.table" "SELECT 1"