Best way to ensure latest F# FAKE? - f#-fake

What is the best way to ensure that all developers and the build server are using the latest version of FAKE?
If a build.cmd like the one from FSharp.Data is used, the developer will not be on the latest until they delete FAKE from the packages folder or just delete the whole packages folder.
If you add FAKE as a dependency in .nuget\packages.config, your build.fsx script must include the version information and be updated each time you change versions. You will not automatically get the latest version.

With NuGet 2.8.1 you can remove the "if not exists" parts - NuGet will check (very slowly) if the latest FAKE is installed.


Best practice to update dependency v-calendar from beta to v2

what is the best practice to upgrade the dependency v-calendar from beta to the latest version v2.3.0?
I know the question is opinion based, but I am new to the field, what are the pros and cons of the way to do the upgrade.
We use "v-calendar": "~1.0.0-beta.14" in production. The latest version is currently v.2.3.0
I can think of two ways:
update to the latest version with yarn add v-calendar#latest?
upgrade incrementally until the latest version is reached with yarn upgrade "v-calendar"?
What should I do to reach the latest version? thank you
ps. we are using vue: ~2.6.10
Unless the package you are using has an upgrade guide (99.99% of them don't), there is absolutely no point in doing an incremental upgrade. If it has an upgrade guide, read and follow its instructions.
The easiest way to upgrade is to change the package version to latest (in most IDE's if you press Ctrl/Cmd and hover the package number shown in package.json a tooltip will show you currently installed version, latest wanted version and latest available version). After you changed it (by typing the latest version in), run yarn install.
In the vast majority of cases, that's all you need to do, because most packages are built with backwards compatibility (existing features remain and new features are being added). If that's not true in your case, you'll have to reimplement it following their documentation. Typically it's no big deal.
Also, note there is no risk in attempting to change to a newer version. If things break, you just go back to package.json, change version back to lower, run yarn install again and everything is back to square one.

NuGet API call to get the latest version number of a package

I have a test harness, in which I would like to verify the version number of a nuget package automatically.
I have been searching for a good while trying to find a way to get the latest version number (not the latest package) for a given package. But no luck.
Is there a way to get the latest version number of a package via an API? (Needs to be automatable).
If it matters, I am using ProGet for my NuGet repository.
This url template will get you the package info (in XML) of the latest version. You will then have to parse out the LatestVersion or AbosluteLatestVersion:
Note that this works with ProGet (that has many different feeds). You could probably omit the FeedName part to use it with

Can an unversioned file be easily upgraded

We want to be able to patch our product in the future by producting an ".msp". A particular exe in the .msi is missing version information.
If we create an .msp in the future, will we have problems upgrading that .exe?
I want to know whether we need to add the version information and rebuild the .msi or whether we can avoid it so we don't have to repeat our release process for the .msi.
This post:
explains that a versioned file will always replace an unversioned one. So, as long as the any updated version of this exe is given version information before it gets put in a .msp, then it should upgrade ok.

Package updating another package from another repository

I've created repository where I store my own packages.
System uses my and some other public repositories.
So now I've a package in my repo which I want to be as an update for some other package from another repository.
The repositories are rpm package based.
Is it generally possible to mark my own package to update another package ?
(I would have made this a comment on the previous answer, but its too long.)
There's a problem with using the same package name and just bumping the version number.
Eventually the original package may increase its version number past what you're using, in which case someone may do a yum update and end up upgrading back to the original package.
To avoid this problem, you can change the package name slightly, and add some Obsoletes and Conflicts dependencies to your spec file. The Obsoletes dependency allows the original package to be upgraded to your package, while the Conflicts keeps the original package from being installed at the same time as your package.
This should keep an upstream version bump from clobbering your changes.
Going to answer to my own question, yes yum treats all repositories equally. So all I need to do was setting package name the same and increased version number.
To test it you just need to create a yum repo and setup yum to use your repository for more info look here

Is there a way to create a patch that is identical to doing a full install of the newer version?

I'm trying to create patches using the method from this tutorial. An issue I'm running into is that I can't install a new patch on top of a previous patch.
I can full install Version A,then patch to Version B. After that I can't patch to Version C.
I can full install Version B, then patch to Version C.
Currently we just do full installs with major updates each time which is working fine, but because of the frequency of our (internal) updates the file size and update time is becoming a burden so we're looking to reduce the update time (both downloading and installing) especially when most of the files don't change.
Edit: Another requirement is that at any given time a full install can be done instead of a patch. The solution I came up with setting a static product code made full installs on top (without manually uninstalling) doesn't work.
If you're not doing a major upgrade, but you are changing versions, you're doing a minor upgrade. To be able to install the next version .msi file over an existing installed previous version, you're going to have to set REINSTALL to a list of modified features somewhere (or to ALL if you're lazy and willing to put up with Windows Installer doing extra work). Often setting REINSTALL handled by the bootstrap, but it is possible to set it in the .msi and reset it to empty ({})when the previous versions are not installed (condition Not Installed).
Looks like the issue was that I was previously making all upgrades major upgrades, but that's not supported with patching. Changing to a static product code rather than auto-generate fixed it.
Looks like it solved the first problem of Install A Patch B Patch C not working, but now trying to do a full install of D on top doesn't work.