With the last release of Quickblox SDK there is a new LOCATION field type, meaning we can save gps coordinates.
My question is: are or will be there specific functions/methods to query on this kind of field?
For instance, can I get all records in a CUSTOM OBJECT class that are located with 10 kms of my current location? - (based on a location field in the class)
Can I order the result by distance from my location?
These kind of queries are available in the LOCATION module.
Until now we were queering LOCATION to get something like "all users within 10 kms of my location" and then using those users ID's to query CUSTOM OBJECT and get specific information about those users.
With the new LOCATION field can we do this using only CUSTOM OBJECTS?
Try something like this:
NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary new];
params[#"field_name[near]"] = #"34.0013123, 15.014915; 40000";
To avoid name conflicts, try to give a plural name to location field.
I have an Active Record Model called Owner. It is associated with both a House and a CoOwner. An Owner also has a column called debt_amount. In my case, every Owner will always be attached to both a House and a CoOwner
A house has a location field
I am looking to run a query to find all Owners attached to a specific co-owner, with nil for debt_amount. This is working fine.
Where I am running into trouble is when I attempt to sort this the associated Houses.location.
Below is what I am currently using.
Owner.includes(:house).where(co_owner_id: 10)
.where.not(debt_amount: nil)
Any ideas on how to make this work, or pointers to resources I can use to do some reading?
.where(co_owner_id: 10)
.where.not(debt_amount: nil)
.order("houses.location ASC")
Here are more examples, https://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/QueryMethods/order
I am using the Geocoder gem in my RoR app to search a database of objects that may or may not have a address. When a user searches for these objects using a location, I want to show them both objects with an address near the location as well as objects that do not have an address. Currently I have something like this:
#objects = Object.near(location, 50)
This only returns objects within a 50 mile radius of location. Is there a way to include objects with address == nil in a single query?
I have created an user group in SP 2010 and i have added one custom column to it, from the list settings.
How to get the custom column value in web part?
My custom column is District. I want to return that column value in visual web part application.
To return group users i use this code
List<SPUser> users = SPContext.Current.Web.SiteGroups["PDO Owners"].Users.ToList();
I assume you mean you created a custom property for the user profile as in my opinion you cannot add extra columns to user groups. You can get the values through the ProfileManager object doing something like this:
SPServiceContext sc = SPServiceContext.GetContext(site);
UserProfileManager userProfileManager = new UserProfileManager(sc);
UserProfile profile = userProfileManager.GetUserProfile("i:0#.f|fbamembershipprovider|myfbauser");
string propertyvalue = profile["propertyinternalname"].Value.ToString();
Depending on the type of field, you will have to use something else than ToString (eg for a managed metadata field i think you should use TaxonomyFieldValue, etc...)
I'd like to model a one-to-many relationship between users and checkIns on Parse.com. Additionally, I'd like a user to have a convenience pointer to it's lastCheckin, to avoid having to query checkIns to get a user's most recent checkIn. Using the following code, the user's lastCheckin column is always empty in the Data Browser:
PFUser *currentUser = [PFUser currentUser];
PFObject *checkIn = [PFObject objectWithClassName:#"CheckIn"];
checkIn[#"forUser"] = currentUser;
checkIn[#"foursquareID"] = selectedVenue[#"id"];
checkIn[#"name"] = selectedVenue[#"name"];
checkIn[#"location"] = [PFGeoPoint geoPointWithLatitude:[selectedVenue[#"location"][#"lat"] doubleValue]
longitude:[selectedVenue[#"location"][#"lng"] doubleValue]];
[checkIn saveInBackgroundWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError *error) {
currentUser[#"lastCheckin"] = checkIn;
[currentUser saveInBackground];
Removing the following line causes the User.lastCheckin to correctly point to the desired CheckIn in the Data Browser, but obviously this breaks the one-to-many linkage:
checkIn[#"forUser"] = currentUser;
Is there some way for me to get both the one-to-may relationship between Users and CheckIns, and a User.lastCheckIn pointer?
If you are setting the lastCheckin on the User each time you create a new CheckIn you can access that checkin easily by fetching the current user and including lastCheckin with includeKey.
To get all checkins for a user you can simply query the CheckIn class where the current user is equal to forUser. That is your 1 to many relationship. You do not need to maintain a relation of checkins on the User class since you have a pointer from each CheckIn instance back to the user as a pointer. When you set lastCheckin on the user instance you are not changing the property on older checkins.
Perhaps you are thinking this is like SQL with primary and foreign keys. I get confused by NoSQL since I have a SQL background. I am always learning to think like Parse and NoSQL. What I see above is all you need to query all checkins for a user and the last checkin for a user. You can also simply query all checkins for a user, limit result to 1 and sort it so the newest checkin is the first result. It should be quite fast on Parse.
You may also want to look into using Cloud Code. You could call a Cloud Code function and simply pass the parameters you need to create a new checkin and have all of this work done in Cloud Code. An After Save function could be used to update lastCheckin on the user.
If you user on Cloud Code you can update how the data is managed without updating the iOS app.
I found the following difference between the old VBScript API and the .Net API:
In the old VBScript API it's possible to invoke "TDSE.getObject" to retrieve a Tridion object passing by the webdav path, an integer to select how to open it (read only, read and write, etc) and the ID of the publication where there is the exact element of the blueprint we want.
In the new .Net API all I found was "Engine.GetObject" but it only receives the TCM ID or the webdav path of an element.
Our scenario is the following; in the old VBScript code, this overload of the getObject method was used to avoid some permission issues detected while using TCM IDs instead of the webdav paths and because it's much more handful when you need to copy the code between different environments (see DEV, PREPROD and PROD for example), avoiding changing TCM IDs.
So my questions are:
Is there and overload like the old one in the new .Net API?
If not, is there a way of retrieving items by webdav keeping in mind that some of them could be localized and changed from their parent? (the old way works with this, if you send the root webdav path it will retrieve local objects even if their names aren't exactly the same as the parents)
Thank you!
Do you want to be able to use the webdav url of the top-level item, and specify the publication id from which to get the item?
I would create an extension method on Engine that does this for you:
public static T GetObject<T>(this Engine engine, string webDavUrl, int publicationId)
where T : IdentifiableObject
[logic to retreive the item and then if needed
get the correct tcm uri and get the intended item]
return item as T;
However, this is quite an expensive operation since you get two objects instead of one. So I dont know if I would use this method very often.
Here some samples
IdentifiableObject item = engine.GetObject(new TcmUri("tcm:5-677"));
//will give you the latest approved version in the publication 5.
IdentifiableObject item = engine.GetObject(new TcmUri("tcm:5-677-v0"));
//will give you the WF or Editable version.
TcmUri uri = new TcmUri("tcm:5-677");
uri.PublicationId = 6;
IdentifiableObject item = engine.GetObject(uri);
//will give you the latest approved version in the publication 6.
Engine.GetObject has 4 overloaded method.
GetObject(Session, string)
You can check the Tom.Net Api for more details.
Actually, using Engine.GetObject Method (String) should work.
public virtual IdentifiableObject GetObject(
string itemUriOrWebDavUrl
You can do something in this way:-
Get the Object based on WebDav URL
Get the TCM ID from this object
Based on your publication, modified your TCM ID accordingly and do your stuff
Try something this way too:-
Repository testRepository = (Repository)session.GetObject("tcm:0-2-1");
Component testComponent = (Component)testRepository.GetObject(webdavURL); //Assuming actual TCM ID is "tcm:1-3"
Console.WriteLine(testComponent.Id); // should show "tcm:2-3"
// Do Your Other Stuff