MS Access: How to bound text box of form with query? - sql

I created a form in MS Access 2010 and added a textbox here. Then I created a simple query (for example SELECT 10 AS studval;) and tried to set in Properties (of textbox) -> Data -> Control Source this query, but I got error #Name?.
How do I fix this error?
All names of query, textbox, query return values are correct. Or maybe are there any other ways to bound textbox and custom SQL query?

There is no easy way to do it, but it is possible using the form's On Activate event. First set up a query (Query1) with a single value called "studval" then open the form properties and add an Event Procedure for On Activate. It should look like this:
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Dim myString As String
myString = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("Query1").OpenRecordset.Fields("studval")
[Text0].Text = myString
End Sub

You need to set the Control Source of the form to the query rather than the control source of the text box. A text box control source can only refer back to it's form's control source.
If you want just one text box bound to a query you have to create a subform linked to the parent form with that text box in it.


MS Access: Combobox Truncating Leading Zeros when using DLookup

I am attempting to set the value of a combobox via a DLookup call, that is inside of a related textbox's Change sub.
The issue I am having is that during the DLookup call, the leading zero that is present on many of my strings (document ids) that I am searching for is being removed from the combobox, prior to calling its own Change sub.
My code looks like this:
Private Sub txtImport_Change()
Dim id As String
id = Me.txtImport.Text
Me.cboId.Text = DLookup(id,"DocumentTable")
End Sub
For background,
I am doing this to auto-populate a new form based on a value selected on a previous form. Form #2 is going to be an in-depth informational form about a specific document that is selected on Form #1.
The driving control on the new form (which can be done manually, if the user chooses to skip Form #1), is via the combobox: cboId's selection. I would like to keep this functionality for the below use-case.
So, in the use-case where a user is utilizing Form #1, I am trying to set cboId's value on Form #2 via a DLookup on a string that is being passed between the two forms (the docId selected in Form #1 is sent to txtImport on Form #2 when that form loads after a button press).

Setting ComboBox RowSource property to query in "GotFocus()" method leaves blank values in ComboBox Access VBA

I want to populate my ComboBox in an Access form using VBA based on data from another table. Previously to do this I did the following:
In the Property Sheet -> Data tab I filled out Row Source and Row Source Type fields with this information:
Now whenever I clicked on the dropdown for my combobox, it would populate the dropdown list with all of the names from t_people table.
This limited me however to when data changed in the t_people's name column. In order to get an updated list, I must close the form and re-open it so that the query runs again. I have limited the access to this Access file so that the user is only presented with x number of forms, and cannot close/open them or others.
My solution is to remove the query on the form load, and instead run the query every time the combobox gains focus, has a click event or something of the same sorts. I did this with the following event in VBA:
'Run when the "name" combobox gains focus
Private Sub nameCb_GotFocus()
[nameCb].RowSource = "SELECT name FROM t_people"
End Sub
I have set breakpoints and this code does run. However, the the combobox is not populated after it does. How can I get the combobox to populate with the values from a query for each time the combobox gains focus?
Set the RowSource in design and add a .Requery when entering the control.
Private Sub nameCb_Enter()
End Sub

Fill in a text box when selecting a combo box option on Access

Im not very advanced in Access and I am struggling with defining the VBA code/expression build/ or Control Source for an instruction that can make the following isntruction:
If i make a selection on a Combo box (with my key field "TypeService" on my table TblMain)
Then; my text box is able to return the TypeConfig rows related to the TypeService selected before (my table TblConfig contains TypeServiceFK and TypeConfig fields)
So, my objective is to get a dynamic textbox that depends of a multi option combobox.-
Thanks for the help!!
Put a listbox on your form, let's say it's called List2, and cancel the wizard if it pops up.
In the Row Source property of the listbox, put this SQL statement
SELECT tblConfig.TypeConfig FROM tblConfig WHERE (((tblConfig.TypeService)=[Forms]![frmMain]![Combo0]));
This assumes your form is called frmMain and your combobox is called Combo0, so change those as necessary.
Right click on Combo0 and choose Build Event, then Code Builder. Replace the Sub...End Sub stub with
Private Sub Combo0_Change()
End Sub
Now every time Combo0 changes, the SQL statement behind List2 will run and return the TypeConfigs associated with that TypeService.

Microsoft Access 07 VBA: Using Text Box or Combo Box as a Control to hide Columns

I currently have a form. The form contains a subform that displays a Query. The Form also has 2 Text Boxes and buttons for both Boxes. The first box acts as a filter for the query to filter specific record. The second box is intended to be used to hide columns in the query. My issue is that my code will not recognize the text box, or any outside source from my form as a Field Name to be found. Here is my current code:
Private Sub Command137_Click()
Forms![Vermont]![Query1 subform].Form.[Query1 Field Name].ColumnHidden = True
End Sub
Currently if I replace "Query1 Field Name" with any field name that exists in the query the column will hide. However if replaced with anything else I recieve the following error:
"Runtime Error '2465'
Microsoft Access Can't Find the Field '|' reffered to in your expression"
I am pretty sure that I am not referencing the Form Control correctly. I have tried replacing [Query1 Field Name] with the following:
I am very new to VBA but I definitely feel as if this is an easy fix; if possible.
Thank you in advance for any help!
Subform references are always a bit weird. This should work, though:
Forms![Vermont]![Query1 subform]![Text142].ColumnHidden = True

Access Subform Source object

What I am trying to achieve is for a combo box (Combo_sf) selection to dictate the form in the subform control (sf_record) I have about 10 forms, their names are in the combo box data. I am new to VBA and am not sure if my approach is right:
Private Sub Combo_sf_AfterUpdate()
Dim strLoadTable As String
strLoadTable = "Form." & Me.Combo_sf.Value
MsgBox strLoadTable
Forms![frm_Mnu_Manage Configuration Settings]!sf_record.Form.SourceObject = strLoadTable
End Sub
I have placed this in the combobox's after update event but when I make my selection nothing happens in the form. Am I approaching this right or would another way work better?
Your approach should work. I put a combo box named cbxSubform on my main form and added one line of code to its AfterUpdate() event handler...
Private Sub cbxSubform_AfterUpdate()
Me.mySubform.SourceObject = Me.cbxSubform.Value
End Sub
...and changing the selection in the combo box switches the subforms immediately. Are you sure that the AfterUpdate() code for your combo box is actually firing? (You could add a MsgBox or a Debug.Print to check.)
It could be this line which is tripping you up:
strLoadTable = "Form." & Me.Combo_sf.Value
What is your form object called? If your form is called Form.myTableName it could be the . that is throwing it out, try setting it to a form without a dot in its name.
In this line, it seems the code attempts to change the SourceObject property of a Form object.
Forms![frm_Mnu_Manage Configuration Settings]!sf_record.Form.SourceObject = strLoadTable
However, SourceObject is a property of a subform control, not the form contained in that control. So if the subform control is named sf_record, do it this way.
Forms![frm_Mnu_Manage Configuration Settings]!sf_record.SourceObject = strLoadTable
Also, if the after update procedure runs from [frm_Mnu_Manage Configuration Settings], you can use Me to refer to the form.
Me!sf_record.SourceObject = strLoadTable
Finally, if Me.Combo_sf.Value is the name of a form, you don't need to prefix its name with "Form.". It worked either way in my test, but I would just leave off "Form.".
strLoadTable = Me.Combo_sf.Value