Bootstrap 3 won't recognize the .col-#-# class - twitter-bootstrap-3

Bootstrap only recognizes the span1-span12 classes but not the col-#-# classes! Meaning, if have 3 divs with the span4 class, my row will be divided into 3 divs. If I use the col-md-4 class, all 3 divs will appear as stacked no matter what. Anyone have an idea why?

Make sure you're referencing Bootstrap 3 if you want to use col-*-*
span* are for Bootstrap 2
col-*-* are for Bootstrap 3
Here is a useful What's New in Bootstrap 3 guide to see all of the differences between 2 and 3

You are using Bootstrap 2:
If you want to use col-#-# classes, you need to use Bootstrap 3:
Bootstrap 3 scaffolding:


How to modify bootstrap 4's primary color?

I am using bootstrap 4 alpha-6,I want to modify bootstrap 4's primary color(#0275d8),is there a variable that can set the value?
You could overwrite the relevant css styles with your own custom styles, otherwise it might be worth it to look into using Less. Less is a CSS Preprocessor that allows you to store variables used in your css such as color values. You can see an example of this below:
#brand-primary: darken(#428bca, 6.5%); // #337ab7
#brand-success: #5cb85c;
#brand-info: #5bc0de;
#brand-warning: #f0ad4e;
#brand-danger: #d9534f;
.masthead {
background-color: #brand-primary;
You can read more on bootstraps use of Less here
Update 2019 Bootstrap 4
It's easily done with SASS. Just set the $brand-primary $primary variable.
$primary: hotpink;
Demo on Codeply
See: How to change the bootstrap primary color?

Custom declarative table in dojo

I have dijit/layout/ContentPane. And I want to place a Table in it. To be exact, I need a table-aligned content with borders.
The table looks like this:
Header 1 | Value 1 | CheckBox 1
Header 2 | Value 2 | CheckBox 2
Header 3 | Value 3 | CheckBox 3
Is it possible to create it declaratively (I think, I've checked all possible containers for that) or I should take a Grid and make a storage etc. etc.?
Important point: I need not a data-table. I need a layout container, that will act like regular HTML table and I'll be able to put it inside dojo ContentPane and apply styles.
Try to use dgrid.
You may follow this link
I have been using it until now. It is quite simple to use, and also, it allows you to easily set the scroll-bar, add events on dgrid-select, and many more. Have you learned about dojo store? Please follow this if you haven't: (you may ignore it if you already have learned about dojo store)...

How to display limited brands in bigcommerce

I am setting up a store in bigcommerce. In my theme there is a list of brands on the bottom of the page. It is displaying 10 brand names and i want to display only 4 or 5 brand names. can anyone help me how i can limit brands?
Hardeep, you'll need to use a javascript that removes the extra list items. Possibly just use jQuery slice
$(".Brands ul li").slice(5).remove();

SUSY nth-omega always starts with first element

I am styling my theme on omega4.
On one page I got gallery with 6 elements in 2 rows.
So it looks like
4 elements
2 elements
Each element has class:
.l-content .node{
#include span-columns(4, 16);
#include nth-omega(4n);
The problem is that susy starts giving nth-omega style from first and each next 4 node.
I also tried 3n+1, 2n+2 but still same effect.

drupal 7 how to add a variable to a node

I would like to be able to add the following to a node
<a id="$variables2" name="$variables2"></a><a id="inline"href="#$variables2">Node title</a>
it is an example . $variables 1 and $variables 2 would be variables from fields added to a specific content type..
It is to integrate fancybox
thank you for your help
You can use hook_load