Merge Statement VS Lookup Transformation - sql-server-2012

I am stuck with a problem with different views.
Present Scenario:
I am using SSIS packages to get data from Server A to Server B every 15 minutes.Created 10 packages for 10 different tables and also created 10 staging table for the same. In the DataFlow Task it is selecting data from server A with ID greater last imported ID and dumping them onto a Staging table.(Each table has its own stagin table).After the DataFlow task I am using a MERGE statement to merge records from Staging table to Destination table where ID is NO Matched.
This will take care all new records inserted but if once a record is picked by SSIS job and is update at the source I am not able to pick it up again and not able to grab the updated data.
How will I be able to achieve the Update with impacting the source database server too much.
Do I use MERGE statement and select 10,000 records every single run?(every 15 minutes)
Do I use LookUp transformation to do the updates
Some tables have more than 2 million records and growing, so what is the best approach for them.
I can truncate tables in destination and reinsert complete data for the first run.
The Source has a column 'LAST_UPDATE_DATE' which I can Use in my query.

If I'm understanding your statements correctly it sounds like you're pretty close to your solution. If you currently have a merge statement that includes the insert (where source does not match destination) you should be able to easily include the update statement for the (where source matches destination).
MERGE target_table as destination_table_alias
SELECT <column_name(s)>
FROM source_table
) AS source_alias
[source_table].[table_identifier] = [destination_table_alias].[table_identifier]
SET [destination_table_alias.column_name1] = mySource.column_name1,
[destination_table_alias.column_name2] = mySource.column_name2
So, to your points:
Update can be achieved via the 'WHEN MATCHED' logic within the merge statement
If you have the last ID of the table that you're loading, you can include this as a filter on your select statement so that the dataset is incremental.
No lookup is needed with the 'WHEN MATCHED' is utilized.
utilizing a select filter in the select portion of the merge statement.
Hope this helps


Maintain / Set Column Descriptions for Write Truncate Scheduled Query

Scenario: We have a number of scheduled queries that copy data into a project that we use as our centralized data warehouse. These are scheduled queries are configured to run nightly, and are set to WRITE_TRUNCATE.
Problem: We added descriptions to the columns in several of our destination tables in order to document them. However, when the scheduled queries ran they removed all of the column descriptions. (Table description was maintained.)
Desired Outcome: Is there a way to insert the column descriptions as part of the scheduled queries, or some other way to avoid having these deleted nightly? Or is that simply a limitation of WRITE_TRUNCATE scheduled queries?
I've searched Google & Stack Overflow, and reviewed the documentation, but I can't find any references to table / column descriptions in relation to scheduled queries.
One solution is instead of using WRITE_TRUNCATE with SELECT, you can use:
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE( <column_list_with_description>)
If you don't want to repeat the column description in every schedule query, you may use:
If the atomacy of the update is required, above query could be written into one MERGE statement like:
MERGE full_table
FROM data_updates_table

Reject / Bad Records Table in BigQuery

I am looking for a reject link type of solution in a dedup scenario. For example in the following code:
temp.many_random t
Can I replace THEN DELETE with something like INSERT INTO TABLE (different than the compare tables) so that we can capture these rejects and troubleshoot for pipeline analysis?
If I understand the problem, you want the result of a MERGE query to write to 2 different tables.
Since MERGE can't do that, I'll suggest to write 2 queries:
One that does whatever the primary query is doing.
A second almost identical one, but that writes the wrong records to a different table.

Filter out rows in a SQL Server table based on added-on-date

I have a table in my SQL Server which I update on a monthly basis with new data from the Client. Unfortunately, there is no timestamp which tells me when the rows were added or modified. This becomes a problem when sometimes the same data gets appended twice, and I need to manually check and delete the repeated rows. Is there a way to write a query like below:
WHERE (date_time_when_row_is_added) <= (manually_specified_datetime)

Limit Rows in ETL Without Date Column for Cue

We have two large tables (Clients and Contacts) which undergo an ETL process every night, being inserted into a single "People" table in the data warehouse. This table is used in many places and cannot be significantly altered without a lot of work.
The source tables are populated by third party software; we used to assume that we could identify the rows that had been updated since last night by using the "UpdateDate" column in each, but more recently identified some rows that were not touched by the ETL, as the "UpdateDate" column was not behaving as we had thought; the software company do not see this as a bug, so we have to live with this fact.
As a result, we now take all source rows, transformed into a temp staging table and then Merge that into the data warehouse, using the Merge to identify any changed values. We have noticed that this process is taking too long on some days and would like to limit the number of rows that the ETL process looks at, as we believe that the reason for the hold-up is the principally the sheer volume of data that is examined and stored on the temp database. We can see no way to look purely at the source data and identify when each row last changed.
Here is a simplified pseudocode of the ETL stored procedure, although what the procedure actually does is not really relevant to the question (included just in case you disagree with me!)
CREATE #TempTable (ClientOrContact BIT NOT NULL, Id INT NOT NULL, [Some_Other_Columns])
INSERT #TempTable
SELECT 1 AS ClientOrContact, C.Id, [SomeColumns] FROM
(SELECT [SomeColumns]
FROM Source_ClientsTable C
JOIN FieldsTable F JOIN [SomeOtherTables])
PIVOT (MAX(F.FieldValue) FOR F.FieldName IN ([SomeFieldNames]));
INSERT #TempTable
SELECT 0 AS ClientOrContact, C.Id, [SomeColumns] FROM
(SELECT [SomeColumns]
FROM Source_ContactsTable C
JOIN FieldsTable F JOIN [SomeOtherTables])
PIVOT (MAX(F.FieldValue) FOR F.FieldName IN ([SomeFieldNames]));
ALTER #TempTable ADD PRIMARY KEY (ClientOrContact, Id);
MERGE Target_PeopleTable AS Tgt
USING (SELECT [SomeColumns] FROM #TempTable JOIN [SomeOtherTables]) AS Src
ON Tgt.ClientOrContact = Src.ClientOrContact AND Tgt.Id = Src.Id
THEN UPDATE SET ([All_NonKeyTargetColumns] = [All_NonKeySourceColumns])
WHEN NOT MATCHED BY Target THEN INSERT [All_TargetColumns] VALUES [All_SourceColumns]
OUTPUT $Action INTO #Changes;
The source tables have about 1.5M rows each, but each day only a relatively small number of rows are inserted or updated (never deleted). There are about 50 columns in each table, of those, about 40 columns can have changed values each night. Most columns are VARCHAR and each table contains an independent incremental primary key column. We can add indexes to the source tables, but not alter them in any other way (They have already been indexed by a predecessor) The source tables and target table are on the same server, but different databases. Edit: The Target Table has a composite primary key on the ClientOrContact and Id columns, matching that shown on the temp table in the script above.
So, my question is this - please could you suggest any general possible strategies that might be useful to limit the number of rows we look at or copy across each night? If we only touched the rows that we needed to each night, we would be touching less than 1% of the data we do at the moment...
Before you try the following suggestion, just one thing to check is that the Target_PeopleTable has an index or primary key on the id column. It probably does but without schema information to verify I am making no assumptions and this might speed up the merge stage.
As you've identified if you could somehow limit the records in TempTable to just the changed rows then this could offer a performance win for the actual MERGE statement (depending on how expensive determining just the changed rows is).
As a general strategy I would consider some kind of checksum to try and identify the changed records only. The T-SQL Checksum function could be used to calculate a check sum across the required columns by specifying the columns as a comma separated list to that function or there are actual column types available for this such as Binary_Checksum.
Since you cannot change the source schema you would have to maintain a list of record ids and associated checksums in your target database so that you can readily compare the source checksums to the target checksums from the last run in order to identify a difference.
You can then only insert into the Temp table where there is a checksum difference between the target and source or the id does not exist in the target db.
This might just be moving the performance problem to the temp insert part but I think it's worth a try.
Have you considered triggers? I avoid them like the plague, but they really are the solution to some problems.
Put an INSERT/UPDATE [/DELETE?] trigger on your two source tables. Program it such that when rows are added or updated, the trigger will log the IDs of these rows in a (you'll have to create this) audit table, where that table would contain the ID, the type of change (update or insert – and delete, if you have to worry about those) and when the change was made. When you run ETL, join this list of “to be merged” items with the source tables. When you’re done, delete the table and it’s reset for the next run. (Use the “added on” datetime column to make sure you don’t delete rows that may have been added while you were running ETL.)
There’s lots of details behind proper use and implementation, but overall this idea should do what you need.

SQL Server 2005: stored procedure to move rows from one table to another

I have 2 tables of identical schemea. I need to move rows older than 90 days (based on a dataTime column present in the table) from table A to table B. Here is the pseudo code for what I want to do
SET #Criteria = getdate()-90
Select * from table A
Where column X<#Criteria
Into table B
--now clean up the records we just moved to table B, in Table A
delete from table A Where column X<#Criteria
My questions are:
What is the most efficient way to do this (will select-in perform well under high volumes)? Table A will have ~180,000,000 rows in it, and will need to move ~4,000,000 rows at a time to table B.
How do I encapsulate this under one transaction so that I will not delete rows from Table A if there was an error inserting them to Table B. I just want to make sure that I don't accidentally delete a row from table A unless I have successfully written it to table B.
Are there any good SQL Server 2005 books that you recommend?
I think that SSIS is probably the best solution for your needs.
I think you can just use the SSIS tasks like Data Flow task to achieve your needs. There doesnt seem to be any need to create a procedure separately for the logic.
Transactions can be set for any Data Flow task using TransactionOption property. Check out this article as to how to use Transactions in SSIS
Some basic tutorials on SSIS packages and how to create them can be referred to here and here
How do I encapsulate this under one transaction so that I will not delete rows from Table A if there was an error inserting them to Table B.
you can delete all rows from A that are in B using a join. Then, if the copy to B failed, nothing will be deleted from A.