Embed code in pre/code tags in HAML - haml

I am trying to get some code syntax highlighting for some docs i'm writing, I'm using HAML and Highlight.js which will work for a single line of Ruby code like this (although the highlighting is not great):
\=link_to('link name on page', 'link destiation', :class => 'class-name', :icon => 'clock-o', :icon_last => true)
But if I try and write some CSS in the pre and code tags, like this:
ul {
li {
Background: red;
I get the "Illegal nesting: nesting within plain text is illegal." error, due to the brackets on the end of the CSS stuff.
Does anyone know of a plugin / method of being able to write code example (SASS, Ruby, HAML, Coffeescript mainly) on the webpage using HAML? Short of just writing all the css on one line. I'm aiming for this kind of result - CSS-Tricks

You can use the :preserve filter:
ul {
li {
Background: red;
This prevents the indented code being parsed as Haml, and also converts newlines into entities so that the code appears as you expect with no extra whitespace.
If you use the :ugly option exclusively you could use the :plain filter instead. This doesn’t convert newlines into entities but prevents parsing as Haml.


WinHTTP getElementsByTagName() only shows opening tag for "section"

Using AhtuHotkey 2.0 Beta1 (i assume VBA script as well) getElementsByTagName() only shows opening tag for HTML5 tags section and nav however works with all other HTML4 tags.
AutoHotkey Code
HTMLObj := ComObject("HTMLfile")
DOMObj := HTMLFileObj.getElementsByTagName("section")
msgbox DOMObj[0].outerHTML
following will return just opening tag <section class=mysection> i think it simply does not know how to handle HTML5 tags. Is there solution, i am on Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1
Old versions of IE('s HTML parser) treat unknown elements as inline elements by default. That means the parser auto-closes them as soon the next known block element is encountered.
Try this (a bare-bones version of the much more comprehensive https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv):
html5shim =
HTMLObj := ComObject("HTMLfile")
DOMObj := HTMLFileObj.getElementsByTagName("section")
msgbox DOMObj[0].outerHTML
An alternative way would be to add CSS that declares these elements as block elements:
<style type="text/css">
header, section, main, article, aside, nav, footer { display: block; }

How to make IntelliJ reformat code inside style tag for React

I want IntelliJ to reformat code inside of a <style> tag in a React JavaScript(jsx) file. When I reformat code now it just reformats JavaScript parts.
I simply want the code to change from this:
to this automatically:
is it possible?
Works fine for me using CSS injection with comment (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-18307#u=1490109456558):
// language=CSS
return (
* {
color: red

Putting a block level <span> element inside a <p> element

I know that <p> is to be used specifically with inline elements. But what if you change an inline element like <span> into a block-level element using { display:block } and contain it within a <p>?
p {
background: red;
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
p span {
display: block;
background: blue;
height: 50px;
width: 50px;
<span>I am a pizza</span>
Is that just wrong in every sense of the word? I know it is not common (ie. most would question why I didn't just use a div) but it's a hypothetical situation. It passes validation tests, but is it sloppy as all heck/bad practice? Would you scoff if you read that code?
A span element is always a text/inline/phrase element in HTML, and the HTML syntax rules that restrict p element content to such elements relate to HTML only. So they are not affected by CSS settings that may make a span a block element in the CSS (rendering) sense.
In CSS, you can assign any defined value to the display property, no matter what the element is like. CSS is ignorant of the meanings of elements as defined in HTML or other markup language specifications.
Thus, there is no formal objection.
Whether it is good style, or otherwise acceptable, is more complicated. There does not seem to be any statement on this in specifications, but it is reasonable to say that you should not change basic rendering features elements in vain. For example, in normal conditions, you should not use span and then say display: block in CSS, when there is the more logical approach of using div. One reason to this principle is that it keeps your document in a better shape in non-CSS rendering situations or when all or some of your style sheet is not applied.
On the other hand, you would not change display in vain if you have a text paragraph and you wish to render part of its content as a block, e.g. as a centered or indented line, possibly with a background color that stretches through the available width. You cannot use div inside p, so the more natural markup is not available.
Since the example is not a real one, it is impossible to say whether it is OK to deploy this approach in your case.
It's HTML5 valid and it's not that bad in certain situations e.g.
This is some text <span class="highlight">I am a pizza</span> and this is some more text...
.highlight {
background: yellow;

Rails -- line breaks appearing between form fields with errors

I am having trouble trying to get rid of the extra line breaks Rails seems to insert between fields with errors.
I created a new rails app, created a scaffolding called "users" with a name and an age, and then said validates :name, :presence => true and validates :age, :presence => true. Then I booted up the users/new page and just clicked "submit" without entering anything in the fields to generate the error page. What happened was that between the "name" label and the field for entering the name, an extra line break was inserted. Same with the "age" label and its field. How do I stop this extra line break from happening?
Ach, just got bitten by this one too.
When you have form fields with errors rails changes the output of form helper methods like #label and #text_field.
The result is your nice little "label" and "input" tags are still being emitted - just "stealth" wrapped with a surrounding div. For example:
f.label :name
goes from:
<label for="name">Name</label>
<div class="field_with_errors"><label for="name">Name</label></div>
The default behavior of a div is "block" - which is causing your line breaks.
You can fix this by changing the css. As an example:
div.field_with_errors {
display: inline;
.field_with_errors:nth-child(odd) {
padding: 2px;
display: table;
.field_with_errors:nth-child(even) {
padding: 2px;
display: inline;
That's what I ended up changing mine to, since the extra line breaks were sort of nice on the labels but I didn't want the line breaks on the actual form fields.

Rails how to translate captions on form inputs file_field ( i18n )

I'm building translation for my application, but I cannot figure out how to translate the default captions for form fields.
Specifically the file_form tag. The default is to produce a button with the caption 'Choose file' and a note to the side stating 'No file chosen'
Where in the yml do these translations exist?
Unfortunately, <input type="file"> and how it appears to the user is up to the browser, and it's not possible to chance all too much of it.
You can find several articles about styling them to look a bit different, but the text on the button itself and the note depends on the language of the browser the user are running, and you cannot change it (at least nothing I can find)
you better use bootstrap file upload. The code below is for my application and its multilanguage
= transloadit :image_resize
-6.times do |index|
.fileupload.fileupload-new.pull-left{style: "padding-right: 5px;", "data-provides" => "fileupload" }
.fileupload-new.thumbnail{:style => "width: 130px; height: 130px;"}
-if #provider.provider_images.present?
- if #provider.provider_images["provider_image#{index+1}"].present?
%img{:id=>"providerimage1", :src => #provider.provider_images["provider_image#{index+1}"][0]}/
.fileupload-preview.fileupload-exists.thumbnail{:style => "width: 130px; height: 130px;"}
%span.fileupload-new{:id => "selectbutton"}
-if index == 0
-if index == 0
=file_field_tag "provider_image#{index+1}"