Check Word 2007 bookmark content and do something if it exists - vba

Is it possible to search the content inside a bookmark and if it exists, do something.
For example, if there is a word document with a bookmark named Bookmark1. The enclosing text for Bookmark1 was created by highlighting the the text "Entered Text Goes Here". I want to create a macro that will check to see if the text inside the bookmark was changed, and if NOT, delete the text, the bookmark, the section break before it.
The code below does this except that it deletes the bookmark even if the text is different because it is looking for the name of the bookmark, not its content.
If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists("Bookmark1") = True Then
With Selection
.EndKey Unit:=wdStory
End With
End If
I really want the If statement to say something like:
If the text inside the Bookmark1 = "Entered Text Goes Here" Then do all the stuff below, else quit.
Ideas anyone?
Word 2007.

The below should work if your document is set up how I think it is, otherwise you will need to have a play around with it:
'TestTxt is the default text in the bookmark (assuming that you are not including the paragraph mark in the bookmark)
Dim TestTxt As String: TestTxt = "Enter text here"
'DMRng is the range of the the bookmark you are looking at
Dim BMRng As Range: Set BMRng = ThisDocument.Bookmarks("Bookmark1").Range
If BMRng.Text = TestTxt Then
'Start is the beginning of the bookmark - 1 (as the character before hand should be your section break?!)
BMRng.SetRange Start:=BMRng.Start - 1, End:=BMRng.End
End If


Copy text and picture into new word document

In the active word document I have a macro which extracts a text string and all images from the document.
I want to copy this text and the picture in a new blank word document.
I tried the following
Dim docNew As Document
Set docNew = Documents.Add
With ThisDocument
docNew.Content.Text = docNew.Content.Text & vbCrLf & sSentence
For Each iShape In .InlineShapes
Next iShape
End With
When I execute this code, first the text is copied correctly to the new blank document. But when the picture is pasted, it overwrites the text and only the picture remains in the document.
How do I have to modify the code so that the text as well as all pictures are included?
As you would have discovered from looking at the help text .Content represents the whole of the main body of the document.
Assuming you want to add the pictures at the end of the document, replace
With docNew.Content
End With

How to replace Fields in Word document with their content using VBA?

Some sites use textarea to publish code in articles. If someone copy/paste the article in Word, it shows empty textarea with scrollbars and below the code in a table with numbered lines.
I want to replace it with just code (or with just the table, which I can successfully convert to text), by removing the textarea.
Did try to do it like this
Sub RemoveTextBoxes()
Dim oFld As Word.FormField
With Application.ActiveDocument
' \\ TextInput Type requires to unprotect the document
If .ProtectionType <> wdNoProtection Then .Unprotect
' \\ Loop all formfields in active document
For Each oFld In .FormFields()
' \\ Only remove Formfield textboxes that have textinput only
If oFld.Type = wdFieldFormTextInput And oFld.TextInput.Type = wdRegularText Then
' \\ Delete
End If
' \\ Reprotect the document
.Protect wdAllowOnlyFormFields, True
End With
End Sub
If I press Alt+F9 (displays field codes) I do see now
{ HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML :TextArea.1 }
above the text box with scrollbars! If I close and open up again, it's still here.
How do I get this TextArea content and remove|replace the element with the content?
Dynamic content in Word is managed using "fields". Not all fields that accept input are "form fields", as you discovered when using Alt+F9 do display the field codes.
Word's Find / Replace functionality is quite powerful: it can also be used to find fields, even specific fields. In this case, since you simply want them removed, the HTMLControl fields can be found and replaced with "nothing". (If you want to be more specific and leave some HTMLControl fields, use as much text as necessary to remove only those fields.)
Many people don't realize it, but you can search field codes without needing to display them. Find can also work with field results displayed. The trick is to set the Range.TextRetrievalMode to include field codes (and, in this case, I think also inlcuding hidden text is a good idea, but if that's a problem, comment out or delete that line).
The ^d in the search text represents the opening field bracket: { - if this were left out only what is inside the brackets would be replaced (deleted), which I don't recommend. With ^d the entire field - including the closing bracket - is affected.
Sub FindAndDeleteHtmlFields()
Dim doc As word.Document
Dim fld As word.Field
Dim rngFind As word.Range
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Set rngFind = doc.content
rngFind.TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes = True
rngFind.TextRetrievalMode.IncludeHiddenText = True
With rngFind.Find
.Text = "^d HTMLControl"
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End Sub
Note that this also ports to C# - I have the impression that's actually where you're working...

VBA: Replace text based on formatting

I have a table in a Word file A which contains a bunch of different Contents. Which I just copy using VBA into another Word or PowerPoint file B. So far that is not a problem.
However, since file A is a working sheet, people sometimes cross stuff out, which means: it should be removed, but for the record it stays in there first. In the final version it shouldnt be displayed, so in the process of copying everything in a different file, the crossed out text should be removed.
To break it down to the technical stuff:
I want to select text in a Word document, and then remove all text that has a certain formatting.
Maybe there is a special selection possibility or a way to iterate through all characters and test for formatting.
The best way to do this without suffering severe performance iterating characters or paragraphs in vba is to use find and replace.
You can do this in vba as follows, note I have wrapped all the actions in a custom undo record, then you can call your current vba routine with CopyDocumentToPowerPoint and the word document will be restored to the state it was before the macro ran (crossed out text remains in word, but is not pasted to powerpoint).
'wrap everything you do in an undo record
Application.UndoRecord.StartCustomRecord "Move to powerpoint"
With ActiveDocument.Range.Find
.Font.StrikeThrough = True
.Text = ""
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
'copy to powerpoint and whatever else you want
'and put the document back to where you started
It is possible to go character-by-character and remove those which have the strikethrough font enabled on them (the ones which are crossed out) in MS Word. However, as far as I know, there is no such possibility to detect a strike-through font in MS PowerPoint.
If you just need to delete the text which has the strikethrough font on it in the selected text only, you can use this Word macro:
Sub RemoveStrikethroughFromSelection()
Dim char As Range
For Each char In Selection.Characters
If char.Font.StrikeThrough = -1 Then
End If
End Sub
If more integrated to copying a Word table to another Word document and PowerPoint presentation, the following code might be useful. It first pastes the table to a new Word file, then removes unnecessary characters, and after that pastes this new table to PowerPoint.
Sub CopyWithoutCrossedOutText()
Dim DocApp As Object: Set DocApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Dim PptApp As Object: Set PptApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
Dim Doc As Object: Set Doc = DocApp.Documents.Add
Dim Ppt As Object: Set Ppt = PptApp.Presentations.Add
Dim c As Cell
Dim char As Range
DocApp.Visible = True
PptApp.Visible = True
'Copying Word table to the 2nd Word document
'In the 2nd Word document - removing characters having strikethrough font enabled on them
For Each c In Doc.Tables(Doc.Tables.Count).Range.Cells
For Each char In c.Range.Characters
If char.Font.StrikeThrough = -1 Then
End If
'Copying the table from the 2nd Word document to the PowerPoint presentation
Ppt.Slides.Add(1, 32).Shapes.Paste
End Sub

Insert highlighted sentence at bookmark in MS Word?

So I have a userform that I use to populate a template with text at certain bookmarks. To make it easy to see what text has been inserted, I would like it to be highlighted with yellow. Is there a convenient way to do this for every text that is inserted without typing it, selecting it and then highlighting it? As an example, this is what part of my code looks like atm:
With ActiveDocument
Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
'[highlight=yellow].Bookmarks("Modtager").Range.Text = TxtModtager.Value[/highlight]
.Bookmarks("Modtager").Range.Text = TxtModtager.Value
.Bookmarks("KSnr1").Range.Text = txtKSnr.Value
.Bookmarks("KSnr2").Range.Text = txtKSnr.Value
The first line doesn't seem to do anything - even without the option turned on new text is still not highlighted.
The second line is something I found at another site but had to be commented as it's not working.
The last three lines insert the actual text and I guess you could choose to select the bookmark first and then Selection.TypeText Text:="Whatever value I need", followed by selecting the new phrase again (how?) and choose .HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow.
There should be a better way though, any suggestions? :)
This works for me:
SetBkmkText "Modtager", TxtModtager.Value
SetBkmkText "KSnr1", txtKSnr.Value
SetBkmkText "KSnr2", txtKSnr.Value
Sub SetBkmkText(bkmk as String, NewText as String)
With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(bkmk).Range
.Text = NewText
.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
End With
End Sub

How can i make link with selected range in word?

I am using word2003 document for processing in my document i have to made link with two string variables (Not in the sense Footnotes and Endnotes)
{Page 1} Best quote from David Brinkley[1]
{Page 6}[1] A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him
I suppose to use Footnote/Endnote for the value [1] to link but it cause some changes while editing the the Footnote/Endnote. Is there any other way to make link between the selected string?
There are probably many ways to do this, but you could bookmark the text on page 6, then add a hyperlink on page 1 that points to the bookmark. This can be done without VBA code:
Select the text for the bookmark on page 6.
Name the bookmark and add it
Select the text for the bookmark on page 1.
Click the Bookmark button and select the bookmark in the list
The equivalent in VBA:
Option Explicit
Sub AddHyperlinkToBookmark()
Dim oBookmark As Bookmark
Dim oHyperlink As Hyperlink
'***** Add code to select text for bookmark
Set oBookmark = ThisDocument.Bookmarks.Add("BookmarkName", Selection.Range)
'***** Add code to select text for link
Set oHyperlink = ThisDocument.Hyperlinks.Add(Selection.Range, "", "BookmarkName")
Set oBookmark = Nothing
Set oHyperlink = Nothing
End Sub