uploading ssl certificate to heroku - ssl

I've set everything up to secure my domain with ssl, I've received a certificate from my provider and I added the endpoint addon to heroku, however I'm having difficulties with uploading the certificates to heroku..
I have the following files:
and some generated server.key and server.pass.key files.
I've tried to upload these to heroku with the certs:add command but so far it does not seem to be working.
What steps should be taken and which files exactly should be uploaded to heroku?

I haven't used Heroku before but I imagine a problem could be that you haven't combined the CA Bundle and your domain's certificate together into a single file before trying to upload them.
According to the Heroku docs here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ssl-endpoint there are only two arguments to the certs:add command.
You can combine the two .crt files with the following:
cat www.domainname.crt CompleteCABundle.crt > total-crt-chain.crt
Then try certs:add again (with this new bundle and your private key) and maybe see if this works.


AWS Linux 2 - Lets Encrypt Multi Domain

I have already successfully installed certbot and have a working digital certificate. I was wondering how do I go about adding domain names to the certificate or do I need to recreate the certificate again?
I don't want to mess up the existing certificate. I haven't tried running this code yet I want to verify the process before I continue. I tried searching this and Google and my results were kind of confusing.
sudo certbot –apache -d mydomain.xyz -d mydomain2.xyz -d www.mydomain.xyz
SSL certificates cannot be modified once issued. They can be replaced with new certificates.
If you run the identical or modified certbot command, your existing certificate will not be modified or deleted. The certbot command will create a new certificate and store the certificate under a different name. Certbot stores certificates and additional files under the directory tree /etc/letsencrypt. You can archive/backup those files. Look at the archive and live folders.
Typically, your webserver will use symbolic links to point to the Let's Encrypt folder instead of copying the certificate to an Apache/Nginx folder.

Error loading rsa private key - MUP to Deploy Meteor App at Digital Ocean w/SSL

I have a Meteor app I am deploying to a Digital Ocean Ubuntu server via MUP. It works great without SSL, but I can't figure out the SSL part.
I Purchased a Comodo SSL Cert. They sent me 4 .crt files. I can the following command:
cat cert1.crt cert2.crt cert3.crt mydomain.crt > ssl.pem
I then put that ssl.pem file in the root directory locally. Added "ssl": {"pem":"./ssl.pem"} to my mup.json file and ran mup setup -- everything is succesful until:
[] x Verifying SSL Configurations (ssl.pem): FAILED
Trying to initialize SSL contexts with your certificatesError loading rsa private key
I'm not even sure how to troubleshoot this. I ran a quick find on the server and the ssl.pem is there, so mup successfully sent the file over, but it seems stud is not verifying the file or not finding it?
Turns out I was running into two different problems. First, you have the put the certificate files in a very specific order. Second, I was not including my key file. The command to create the .pem file needed was:
cat mydomain.crt COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt mydomain.nopass.key > ssl.pem
This blog post at DeveloperSide.NET helped me tremendously.

OpenShift with Comodo SSL

I am trying to upload the SSL certificates for my OpenShift gear's alias. I used the instructions here: http://cloudhostingsource.com/setup-ssl-certificate-openshift/
I am stuck however at the uploading part - I have already genereated the CSR, activated the certificate. Every time I try to upload the files it takes me back to the same page without so much as a notification.
Comodo SSL sent me 4 files:
How do I upload these? There are three fields to upload for Openshift... Which do I load into SSL Certificate? Certificate chain? I have my private key and I know the keypass.
Just wanted to post an update for this for users who run into this issue in the future... I'm not sure if it was because I had added a public SSH key via the RHC setup but nothing I did (no permutations of copy paste chaining, switching files around) would work via the file uploader.
In the end, before deciding to call Red Hat and QQ, I used the command line console to add the SSL files...
Here is the command I used:
rhc alias update-cert php www.myapp.com --certificate myApp.crt --private-key myApp.key --passphrase mypass
This link includes more info: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/OpenShift_Online/2.0/html/User_Guide/Using_Custom_SSL_Certificates1.html
TLDR: You don't need to combine any of the Comodo files, just use your file #4, your privatekey, and your passphrase (if you have one)
Thats right!
First combine public with bundle:
cat dom_com.crt dom_com.ca-bundle >> dom_com.ALL.bundle
and upload both:
rhc alias update-cert app dom_com \
--certificate dom_com.ALL.bundle \
--private-key dom_com.key
And then you will obtain an A at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/
You need to combine 1,2, and 3 into one chain certificate (in the correct order) and upload them in the chain certificate field, the key goes in the key field, and the myApp.crt goes in the certificate field.
I had a similar problem, and after some back and forth emails with the Certificate issuer, what helped me was to combine my site certificate with the Certificate chain into one file, and uploading it into the "SSL Certificate" field in OpenShift. I left the "SSL Certificate Chain" field blank, but of course I uploaded my public key in the "Certificate Private Key" field.

Multiple SSL Certificates in One Heroku Application

Is it possible to have many SSL certificates in the single Heroku Application ?
We have multiple domain names of different types and TLD's pointing to our application and need to secure each domain name. Preferably without redirecting to a different secure URL.
There is a way to have multiple SSL endpoints routing traffic to the same app.
An SSL endpoint works by terminating the SSL connection and injecting the unencrypted traffic back in to the normal Heroku routing layer.
You can take advantage of this by creating a new app with a new SSL endpoint to terminate the SSL connection and route the traffic to your existing app:
Add your domain name to your app:
$ heroku domains:add ssl.example.com
Create a new app:
$ heroku create endpoint-for-example-com
Add the SSL endpoint add-on ($20/mo):
$ heroku addons:create ssl:endpoint --app endpoint-for-example-com
Add your certificate to your new app:
$ heroku certs:add server.crt bundle.pem server.key --app endpoint-for-example-com --type endpoint
Resolving trust chain... done
Adding SSL Endpoint to endpoint-for-example-com... done
endpoint-for-example-com now served by kagawa-1482.herokussl.example.com
Use the ssl endpoint assigned to your new app (e.g. kagawa-1482.herokussl.example.com) as the CNAME host for the domain name you wish to secure. This is normally done in your domain's DNS configuration.
The new app does not need any dynos, but there will be a charge of $20 / month for the SSL endpoint add-on.
This solution is not documented by Heroku, so it's possible that they
would remove or change this behaviour in the future. Heroku have confirmed that this is safe for production use.
Be sure to create your endpoints in the same region as your primary app.
It might take a while for your DNS changes to take effect.
Recently heroku has added automatic LetsEncrypt TLS certificates for paid dynos, hobby and up. This will work across any number of domains and subdomains automatically. This method only works if you don't need wildcard subdomains.
Additionally you can manage the LE certification yourself across multiple domains and subdomains, with certbot
certbot certonly --standalone -d example.com -d www.example.com -d test.net
You can refer to this heroku doc for uploading custom certificates.
While not the exact same as OP's question, I was able to achieve this on Heroku with a single SAN (Subject Alternative Name) certificate for about $25/year.
I generated a CSR with multiple subject alternative names (subjectAltName) in OSX by:
Copying /System/Library/OpenSSL/openssl.cnf to the current directory, and amending the relevant sections ([req] and [v3_req]):
req_extensions = v3_req
Then I used this new .cnf when generating the CSR:
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -out server.csr -config openssl.cnf
I purchased the cert from SSLs.com. Their Comodo "PositiveSSL Multi-Domain" is $25.99/yr as of this writing and support from 3-100 domains (domains over 3 cost something like $12).
I concatenated the CA bundle and .crt that I was sent into a single .crt (in that order) and added it to Heroku. All 3 domains were added to the app and pointed to the same CNAME, and all resolve over https:// as expected.
Much cheaper than $240/yr for an additional endpoint, if this is a viable route for anyone interested.
Relevant links:
I'm dealing with this myself. Heroku suggests getting a SAN/UCC certificate, which lets you list multiple several domains. Just did it with GoDaddy and it's working fine so far.
We have multiple domain names belonging to multiple companies. A SAN/UCC certificate is only available for domain names owned by the same entity/company/individual. We created an iFrame in the background as a quick-fix but we have since moved our platform to our own infrastructure.

The command heroku ssl says my domains have no certificate installed

I just want to say that this is not normally something I do, but I have been tasked with it recently...
I have followed the heroku documentation for setting up SSL closely, but I am still encountering a problem.
I have added my cert to heroku using the following command:
heroku certs:add path_to_crt path_to_key
This part seems to work. I receive a message saying:
Adding SSL Endpoint to my_app ... done
I have also setup a CNAME for my hosting service to point to the endpoint associated with the cert command above. However, when I browse to the site I still receive a SSL error. It says my certificate isn't trusted and points to the *.heroku.com license, not the one I have just uploaded.
I have noticed that when I execute the following command:
heroku ssl
I receive the following:
my_domain_name has no certificate
My assumption is that there should be a certificate associated with this domain at this point.
Any ideas?
Edit: It appears that I did not wait long enough for the certificate stuff to trickle through the internets... however, my question regarding the "heroku ssl" command still puzzles me.
The Heroku ssl command is for legacy certificates:
$ heroku ssl -h
Usage: heroku ssl
list legacy certificates for an app
The command you need is heroku certs which will output the relevant certificate info for that project.