How to fire tap event on filefield? - sencha-touch

How can I simulate a tap event on a filefield in Sencha Touch 2?
The background: The filefield is hidden. There is a panel and if user taps on this panel, I want Sencha Touch fire tap event on filefield because I want the filechooser open.
Thank you.

I am still not sure why you need a panel to trigger that event. Is is to style it nicely. If so look at this article by Crysfel Villa. He did an amazing job styling the file upload control which prompts the user to browse for a file in desktop mode and take a picture or browse the photo directory when on a mobile device.


How to control audio/video original controls without creating custom controls

I would like to control (play, pause, download, toggle full-screen, progress bar) the original controls of html5 <video></video> without making the customize button. I don't want to make custom controls. Or, is it the best answer to create custom controls by own?
The reason is I want to toggle when another video is playing or paused. The video player is paused when it is in the invisible area.
I would like to control in javaScript when click original play/pause button like image

Interactive tap-and-hold modal like Instagram? in react native

Instagram has a really cool interaction where you can tap-and-hold, aka longPress, on an image and an interactive pop-up appears. Once it appears you can drag your finger to one of the action buttons and removing your finger applies the action and closes the pop-up.
Like this effect
How can I achieve this.

Issue with parallax/smooth-scolling and mouse wheel scrolling of Bootstrap modal popup windows

I am having issue with parallax/smooth-scolling and mouse wheel scrolling of Bootstrap modal popup windows.
The Bootstrap modal popup appears when user clicks "Learn More" button.
The modal popup window have the scrollbar. The issue is that user is not able to scroll using mouse wheel because that event is intercepted by parallax/smooth-scolling script.
I am not able to insert code here because the amount of code is too big.
The issue can be reproduced on this website.
Is it possible to solve this issue with adding custom javascript to the website?
I think the issue stems from adding parallax-3d to the body tag which is adding an onscroll event listener to your popups. I can see this from inspecting the events for the popup elements in developer tools.
I would suggest adding parallax-3d to main-container.
<div class="main-container parallax-3d">
Edit: Ok, so the parallax-3d library adds for all elements in the body, irrespective of placement.
I just removed the scroll events for the modals and it works.
Try this to remove scroll events.

Using Popup control in Window 8

Is there any property of pop up , wherein we can dim the window app.
As in metro app there is no Child Window control available , so using
popup in place of it but the problem in popup is when it is open the
user can still interact with other control on window app.
So is there an workaround to make the window app dim when pop is open.
I'm not sure to understand what your trying to do. You can put a Border as first child of the popup which exposes the Background property. So if you specify a not null Background (Transparent for instance) the popup will catch every interactions.
It sounds like you want the MessageDialog class. The popup is meant to be non-modal, letting the user close it by just clicking away from it. The MessageDialog is a regular modal popup that does not let the user interact with the rest of the app when it is displayed.
If you really insist on using the popup control, here is a simple workaround:
Make the popup use all the screen (using a grid or border), then set that background to Black with opacity 0.1 (or any other color you see fit, this is to give a "dim" effect), then inside this popup, place another container with the size and margins that you want to act as your "real" popup.
Because the popup takes the whole screen it will prevent the user from clicking anywhere in the screen.

How do I detect when modal title bar is done blinking with WndProc?

I have a MDI app that contains a modal window (normal window shown as modal). I have a custom title bar button that disappears if the user clicks outside the modal area.
Normally, clicking off a modal will cause the system to beep and then flash the title bar of the modal window.
I want to know how to detect when the flashing is complete (using WndProc if possible) so I can redraw the custom button.
Anyone know how this could be done? Thanks!
It's been a while, but I believe your window should be receiving a WM_NCPAINT message when the frame needs to repaint.
It turns out that I had the WndProc(m) line in the wrong spot.