Replacing a table value with the previous expression in oracle - sql

Ok so I am having the following scenario
I have a table called employees and have to replaced the last names for some of the people there under the following conditions:
1-The last name must be replaced only to those employees who work on Oxford.
2-Their new last name is going to be the last name of the person that has their employee number -1 ( for instance employee#173 should have now employee#172 last name instead)
This is how I started the query:
select last_name,num_emp
from employees
where num_emp in(
select e.num_emp
from employees
join departments using(num_dept)
join office using(id_office)
where city='Oxford')
And I did a second query to make sure which values were going to replace which
Select last_name,num_emp
from employees
where num_emp in(
select (e.num_emp-1)
from employees
join departments using(num_dept)
join office using(id_office)
where city='Oxford')
Now I thought I could do this and make the code work... but it didn't:
update employees
set last_name=(select last_name
from employees
where num_emp in(
select (e.num_emp-1)
from employees
join departments using(num_dept)
join office using(id_office)
where city='Oxford')
Got error saying unexpected end of SQL command...
So I thought on making a change because I believed having too many values on the set was not the point and here is how I did it for last time:
update employees
set last_name=(select last_name
from employees)
where num_emp =(
select (e.num_emp-1)
from employees
join departments using(num_dept)
join office using(id_office)
where city='Oxford')
Got an error that says is missing right parenthesis, which I know it does not express whaat the issue is. I know I am missing something and part of the sintaxis is wrong as well as I may need to créate another table and add those values so that they get saved there and I can compare them with the original ones, but at this point I am totally blocked and can't discover what is the mistake I am doing. Please help me I'd really apprecciate it!

You are getting confused with what to update and what to update with in your statements.
Here is what to update. I use IN clauses to make it plain. An EXISTS clause would also be appropriate.
update employees
set last_name = ...
where num_dept in
select num_dept
from departments
where id_office in
select id_office
from office
where city = 'Oxford'
And here is what to update with:
set last_name =
select last_name
from employees prev_employee
where prev_employee.num_emp = employee.num_emp - 1

You should use the analytical lag function, then you also fill in gaps if for example employee 172 doesn't exist and you have to put the name of employee 171 in 173.
Your select should be something like this
with new_emp as
(select last_name,lag(last_name, 1, 0) over (order by num_emp) as new_last_name, num_emp
from employees)
select *
from new_emp
where num_emp in(
select e.num_emp
from employees e
join departments using(num_dept)
join office using(id_office)
where city='Oxford');
This select will give you the original last name, new last name, employee number.
Then afterwards your update should be this:
update employees x
set last_name = (with new_emp as
(select last_name,lag(last_name, 1, 0) over (order by num_emp) as new_last_name, num_emp
from employees)
select new_last_name
from new_emp ne
where ne.num_emp = x.num_emp)
where x.num_emp in(
select e.num_emp
from employees e
join departments using(num_dept)
join office using(id_office)
where city='Oxford');


How to display last names and numbers of all managers together with the number of employees that are his/her subordinates

This is the schema
I try using inners but the results were trash
employees.last_name AS last_name,
COUNT(employees.job_id) AS EMPLOYEES_Subordinates,
COUNT(employees.manager_id) AS Manager_Numbers
employees left
JOIN departments ON departments.manager_id = employees.manager_id
EMPLOYEES_Subordinates desc;
( i really don't know how to show you the tables from hr)
If any 1 has the HR in Oracle Database and have time to help me , I gladly appreciate .
not quite sure but try something like this:

JOIN - 2 tasks - sql developer

I have 2 tasks:
Show first_name, last_name (from employees), job_title, employee_id (from jobs) start_date, end_date (from job_history)
My idea:
SELECT s.employee_id
, first_name
, last_name
, job_title
, employee_id
, start_date
, end_date
FROM employees
INNER JOIN jobs hp
on s.employee_id = hp.employee_id
INNER JOIN job_history
on =
I know it doesn't work. I'm receiving: "HP"."EMPLOYEE_ID": invalid identifier
What does it mean "on s.employee_id = hp.employee_id". Maybe I should write sthg else instead of this.
Show department_name (from departments), average and max salary for each department (those data are from employees) and how many employees are working in those departments (from employees). Choose only departments with more than 1 person. The result round to 2 decimal places.
I have the pieces, but i don't know to connect it
My idea:
SELECT department_name,average(salary),max(salary),count(employees_id)
FROM employees
INNER JOIN departments
on employees_id = departments_id
HAVING count(department) > 1
SELECT ROUND(average(salary),2) from employees
I modified your queries a bit by improving table aliasing. Hopefully, if the right columns are present in the tables as you say, it should work:
SELECT s.employee_id, s.first_name, s.last_name,
hp.job_title, hp.employee_id,
h.start_date, h.end_date
FROM employees s
INNER JOIN jobs hp
on s.employee_id = hp.employee_id
INNER JOIN job_history h
on =;
When we say on s.employee_id = hp.employee_id it means that if, for example, there is an employee_id = 1234 present in both the tables employees and jobs, then SQL will bring all the columns from both the tables in the same line that corresponds to employee_id = 1234. You can now pick different columns in the SELECT clause as if they are in the same/single table(which was not the case before joining). This is the main logic behind SQL joins.
As to your 2nd task, try the below query. I made some modifications in aggregation by introducing COUNT(DISTINCT s.employees_id). If the same employees_id is present twice for some reason, you still want to count that as one person.
SELECT d.department_name, avg(s.salary), max(s.salary), count(distinct s.employees_id)
FROM employees s
INNER JOIN departments d
on e.employees_id = d.departments_id
GROUP BY d.department_name
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT s.employees_id) > 1;
Let me know if there is still any issue. Hopefully, this works.

How do I use a value from the superquery inside a subquery?

I need to create a query that shows the last name of an employee, the employee id, the last name of the manager of that employee and the id of that manager.
The last name, id, and the manager id of that employee is easy to do because it is already in one row, which means that the following is sufficient:
SELECT last_name, employee_id, manager_id FROM employees WHERE manager_id IS NOT NULL;
But to get the last_name of the manager, you have to search the same table by the manager id you got from the employee. The solution I found is:
SELECT last_name,
(SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE employee_id = manager_id),
FROM employees
WHERE manager_id IS NOT NULL;
However, it seems that 'manager_id' doesn't work in the subquery (although I expected that) and the output is NULL (for the manager id, all the other columns do have values).
So my question is, how can I use the manager_id in the subquery?
Side note: The manager_id can be different for each employee, so using a constant value doesn't work.
What you need is a correlated subquery. I strongly, strongly recommend that you use table aliases and qualified column names in all your queries. However, these are particularly important with correlated subqueries.
You should write this query as:
SELECT e.last_name, e.employee_id,
(SELECT m.last_name
FROM employees m
WHERE m.employee_id = e.manager_id
FROM employees e
WHERE e.manager_id IS NOT NULL;
The alias e is an abbreviation for the table reference to employees in the outer query. The alias m is an abbreviation for the table reference in the subquery.
Notice that all column references use the table alias. This makes the query unambiguous, can prevent unexpected errors, and makes the query much easier for you and others to understand.
You could use a self inner join ( a join with the same table)
, a.employee_id
, b.last_name
, a.manager_id
FROM employees a
INNER JOIN employees b ON b.employee_id = a.manager_id;
The inner join work only if a.manager_id is not null so you can avoid this where condition
When you want to refer to a table in the outer query, you need to either use the full table name like table.field or, as in your case, if the outer query table is same as the subquery table, you need to assign an alias to the outer query table and use it in the subquery like this:
last_name, employee_id,
(SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE employee_id = emp_outer.manager_id),
FROM employees emp_outer
WHERE manager_id IS NOT NULL;

Query Multiple Columns Within a Table

I have a table of employees that are formatted as follows:
I need to query every employee and retrieve the following information:
After running this query:
The results were close, but when the superssn was null (CEO/Boss) it caused the remaining rows to populate as null also and did not populate with the actual supervisors ssn. I'm trying to use an IF statement to fix the problem with having a SuperSSN that is null, but I'm receiving the error: ORA-00905: missing keyword.
Below is the query that I ran that generated the error.
Select A.FName,
from Employee A
Left Join Employee B
On A.SuperSSN = B.SSN

Deriving a column's data from a matching column in SQL

So I have a table that has, employee number, employee name, supervisor number.
I want to run a query that will retrieve employee name, employee number, supervisor name and supervisor number. Only one employee doesn't have a supervisor meaning it will have to display nulls. How would I do this? I'm using Oracle SQL Plus. My attempts haven't worked at all! Any help would be much appreciated.
SELECT ename Employee, empno Emp#, super Manager#
FROM emp;
That gets me three of the columns but to be honest I don't even know where to start to get the supervisors names.
It's for university, but I'm studying for a test it's not for an assignment so no cheating happening here :).
The following should work, and give you nulls if the employee has no supervisor:
SELECT empGrunt.ename Employee
, empGrunt.empno EmpNum
, empSuper.ename SupervisorName
, empSuper.empno SupervisorName
FROM emp empGrunt LEFT OUTER JOIN emp empSuper
ON empGrunt.super = empSuper.empno
Assuming that SupervisorNumber is a foreign key relationship back to the Employee table (where it's the EmployeeNumber of the supervisor's record), then you need to use an outer join.
What you need in this case is a left join:
s.EmployeeName as SupervisorName
from Employee e
left join Employee s on s.EmployeeNumber = e.SupervisorNumber