A video from GPUImageMovie has a red frame at the beginning - objective-c

Thank you for seeing this question.
I create a movie from GPUImageMovieComposition and GPUImageWriter, and sometimes (5% ~ 10 %) the movie has red frames at the beginning.
Please teach me why this phenomenon occur.
I use AVFileTypeMPEG4 as a sample filetype but AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie is also same.
_movieFile = [[GPUImageMovieComposition alloc] initWithComposition:composition andVideoComposition:videoComposition andAudioMix:nil];
_movieFile.playAtActualSpeed = YES;
_movieWriter = [[GPUImageMovieWriter alloc] initWithMovieURL:processedMovieURL
size:CGSizeMake(1280.0, 720.0)
_movieWriter.shouldPassthroughAudio = NO;
[_movieWriter setVideoInputReadyCallback:nil];
[_movieWriter setHasAudioTrack:YES audioSettings:audioSetting];
[_movieFile addTarget:_movieWriter];
_movieFile.audioEncodingTarget = _movieWriter;
[_movieFile enableSynchronizedEncodingUsingMovieWriter:_movieWriter];
[_movieWriter startRecording];
[_movieFile startProcessing];
Finally I could find the way to solve... but not perfect way...
I modified
- (void)processMovieFrame:(CVPixelBufferRef)movieFrame withSampleTime:(CMTime)currentSampleTime
at GPUImageMovie.m little bit.
When currentSampleTime is set, all red frame has currentSampleTime.value == 0
so I avoided setting currentSampleTime when currentSampleTime.value == 0
Here are some codes which I actually used.
for (id<GPUImageInput> currentTarget in targets)
NSInteger indexOfObject = [targets indexOfObject:currentTarget];
NSInteger targetTextureIndex = [[targetTextureIndices objectAtIndex:indexOfObject] integerValue];
if(currentSampleTime.value != 0){
[currentTarget newFrameReadyAtTime:currentSampleTime atIndex:targetTextureIndex];

In my case there was not red but just blank frames in the beginning of video recorded by GPUImageMovieWriter.
The problem was that the audio samples appears earlier then the video frames and assetWriter session has been started earlier then first video frames became available.
I've fix that by modifying processAudioBuffer function by replacing this code
if (CMTIME_IS_INVALID(startTime))
runSynchronouslyOnContextQueue(_movieWriterContext, ^{
if ((audioInputReadyCallback == NULL) && (assetWriter.status != AVAssetWriterStatusWriting))
[assetWriter startWriting];
[assetWriter startSessionAtSourceTime:currentSampleTime];
startTime = currentSampleTime;
on this
if (CMTIME_IS_INVALID(startTime))
NSLog(#"0: Had to drop an audio frame: %#", CFBridgingRelease(CMTimeCopyDescription(kCFAllocatorDefault, currentSampleTime)));
if (_shouldInvalidateAudioSampleWhenDone)
The fix is applicable to the latest versions of GPUImage from May 27 to Jul 01, 2014.

The only solution I found so far that saved me from this issue is reverting back to commit e98cc813b.
I figured it out by using git bisect and performing batch of processing tests on the same video.
This commit already had all required functionality for my project, and only few changes were required to make it more stable. You can take a look at the changes here: https://github.com/crazyjooe/GPUImage.
Besides, after lots of testing, I can say that processing itself became much more stable, especially in terms of cancelling.
I wonder how video processing became less reliable and stable after all changes introduced.


Obj-C Method calls super slow, lots more CPU usage?

I'm doing pixel processing and when I call an empty Objective-C method, it uses 25% more CPU.
Furthermore another strange occurrence is if I have another Obj-C function call in that method that never gets called, it increases the CPU usage by an extra 10%.
Here's the code I'm calling:
- (void)addLeftCorner:(struct Position)p top:(BOOL)top {
if (top) {
[blackBorderLock lock];
[topLeftAllyMinionCorners addObject:[NSValue valueWithBytes:&p objCType:#encode(struct Position)]];
[blackBorderLock unlock];
} else {
[blackBorderLock lock];
[bottomLeftAllyMinionCorners addObject:[NSValue valueWithBytes:&p objCType:#encode(struct Position)]];
[blackBorderLock unlock];
- (void) processPixel:(uint8_t *)pixel x:(int)x y:(int)y{
//Assume multithreaded
if (pixel[0] == 0 && pixel[1] == 0 && pixel[2] == 0) {
//Check if top left border
if (x < imageData.imageWidth-1) {
if (y < imageData.imageHeight-1) { //Check for top left bar
//Check bottom right pixel
uint8_t *bottomRightPixel = pixel + (imageData.imageWidth + 1)*4;
if (bottomRightPixel[2] == 81 && bottomRightPixel[1] == 162 && bottomRightPixel[0] == 230) {
uint8_t *rightPixel = pixel + (1)*4;
if (rightPixel[0] == 0 && rightPixel[1] == 0 && rightPixel[2] == 0) {
uint8_t *bottomPixel = pixel + (imageData.imageWidth)*4;
if (bottomPixel[0] == 0 && bottomPixel[1] == 0 && bottomPixel[2] == 0) {
struct Position p;p.x=x;p.y=y;
[self addLeftCorner:p top:true];
if (y > 0) { //Check for bottom left bar
//Check top right pixel
uint8_t *topRightPixel = pixel + (-imageData.imageWidth + 1)*4;
if (topRightPixel[2] == 40 && topRightPixel[1] == 80 && topRightPixel[0] == 114) {
uint8_t *rightPixel = pixel + (1)*4;
if (rightPixel[0] == 0 && rightPixel[1] == 0 && rightPixel[2] == 0) {
uint8_t *topPixel = pixel - (imageData.imageWidth)*4;
if (topPixel[0] == 0 && topPixel[1] == 0 && topPixel[2] == 0) {
struct Position p;p.x=x;p.y=y;
[self addLeftCorner:p top:false];
In running this, the addLeftCorner never gets called yet if I comment it out, I get an extra 10% CPU usage. Also just calling the method processPixel takes 25% CPU usage alone.
Why is this? Is there a way to optimize it? I'd like to get that 35% CPU back.
TL;DR - You will want to investigate the use of NSObject -methodForSelector: as a means of avoiding Objective-C runtime overhead. Use this judiciously.
There's some terminology that comes from Smalltalk that is useful in keeping a mental model of what's really going on. We generally refer to invoking a method rather than calling a function in recognition that a dynamic language like Objective-C resolves function addresses at runtime, every time, in response to the kind of object that is the receiver of the message.
This dynamic dispatch is at the heart of the polymorphism of dynamic languages. And while the Objective-C runtime goes to almost superhuman lengths to make method invocation as efficient as possible, it will never ever be as efficient as a direct function call.
Most of the time, method invocation inefficiencies don't matter. The usually small loss of efficiency is swamped by human interaction with the application. But for computational kernels like image processing, the inefficiencies will become apparent.
By using NSObject -methodForSelector:, you can resolve the method into a function address once, and after that skip the runtime lookup. Study the documentation carefully. Make sure you understand what a SEL is and what an IMP is. Calling a method as a function requires two extra arguments, self and _cmd. Make sure you understand what they are and how they're used.
Most of all, make sure that profiling absolutely proves that bypassing the runtime like this is necessary. Based on your description of the problem, I'm not completely convinced you're seeing exactly what the issue is. But you're the one who knows your software best.
You'll be preventing the possibility of polymorphism of the objects you're using this method/function with, so it kind of sets this aspect of your design in concrete, without the usual flexibility of a dynamic language.

How to change from one musicSequence to another without time delay

I'm playing a MIDI sequence via MusicPlayer which I loaded from a MIDI file and I want to change the sequence to another while playback.
When I try this:
MusicPlayerSetSequence(_player, sequence);
MusicSequenceSetAUGraph(sequence, _processingGraph);
it stops the playback. So I start it back again and set the time with
MusicPlayerSetTime(_player, currentTime);
so it plays again where the previous sequence stopped, but there is a little delay.
I've tried to add the time interval to currentTime, which I got by obtaining the time before stopping and after starting again. But there is still a delay.
I was wondering if there is an alternative to stopping -> changing sequence -> starting again.
You definitely need to manage the AUSamplers if you are adding and removing tracks or switching sequences. It probably is cleaner to dispose of the AUSampler and create a new one for each new track but it is also possible to 'recycle' AUSamplers but that means you will need to keep track of them.
Managing AUSamplers means that when you are no longer using an instance of one (for example if you delete or replace a MusicTrack), you need to disconnect it from the AUMixer instance, remove it from the AUGraph instance, and then update the AUGraph.
There are lots of ways to handle all this. For convenience in keeping track of AUSampler instances' bus number, sound font loaded and some other stuff, I use a subClass of NSObject named SamplerAudioUnitto contain all the needed properties and methods. Same for MusicTracks - I have a Track class - but this may not be needed in your project.
The gist though is that AUSamplers need to be managed for performance and memory. If an instance is no longer being used it should be removed and the AUMixer bus input freed up.
BTW - I check the docs and there is apparently no technical limit to the number of mixer busses - but the number does need to be specified.
// this is not cut and paste code - just an example of managing the AUSampler instance
- (OSStatus)deleteTrack:(Track*) trackObj
OSStatus result = noErr;
// turn off MP if playing
BOOL MPstate = [self isPlaying];
if (MPstate){
//-disconnect node from mixer + update list of mixer buses
SamplerAudioUnit * samplerObj = trackObj.sampler;
UInt32 busNumber = samplerObj.busNumber;
result = AUGraphDisconnectNodeInput(graph, mixerNode, busNumber);
if (result) {[self printErrorMessage: #"AUGraphDisconnectNodeInput" withStatus: result];}
[self clearMixerBusState: busNumber]; // routine that keeps track of available busses
result = MusicSequenceDisposeTrack(sequence, trackObj.track);
if (result) {[self printErrorMessage: #"MusicSequenceDisposeTrack" withStatus: result];}
// remove AUSampler node
result = AUGraphRemoveNode(graph, samplerObj.samplerNode);
if (result) {[self printErrorMessage: #"AUGraphRemoveNode" withStatus: result];}
result = AUGraphUpdate(graph, NULL);
if (result) {[self printErrorMessage: #"AUGraphUpdate" withStatus: result];}
samplerObj = nil;
trackObj = nil;
if (MPstate){
// CAShow(graph);
// CAShow(sequence);
return result;
MusicPlayerSetSequence(_player, sequence);
MusicSequenceSetAUGraph(sequence, _processingGraph);
will still cause the player to stop, it is still possible to hear a little break.
So instead of updating the musicSequence, i went ahead and changed the content of the tracks instead, which won't cause any breaks:
MusicTrack currentTrack;
MusicTrack currentTrack2;
MusicSequenceGetIndTrack(musicSequence, 0, &currentTrack);
MusicSequenceGetIndTrack(musicSequence, 1, &currentTrack2);
MusicTrackClear(currentTrack, 0, _trackLen);
MusicTrackClear(currentTrack2, 0, _trackLen);
MusicSequence tmpSequence;
switch (number) {
case 0:
tmpSequence = musicSequence1;
case 1:
tmpSequence = musicSequence2;
case 2:
tmpSequence = musicSequence3;
case 3:
tmpSequence = musicSequence4;
tmpSequence = musicSequence1;
MusicTrack tmpTrack;
MusicTrack tmpTrack2;
MusicSequenceGetIndTrack(tmpSequence, 0, &tmpTrack);
MusicSequenceGetIndTrack(tmpSequence, 1, &tmpTrack2);
MusicTimeStamp trackLen = 0;
UInt32 trackLenLenLen = sizeof(trackLen);
MusicTrackGetProperty(tmpTrack, kSequenceTrackProperty_TrackLength, &trackLen, &trackLenLenLen);
_trackLen = trackLen;
MusicTrackCopyInsert(tmpTrack, 0, _trackLen, currentTrack, 0);
MusicTrackCopyInsert(tmpTrack2, 0, _trackLen, currentTrack2, 0);
No disconnection of nodes, no updating the graph, no stopping the player.

How to run two loops at the same time?

I have been developing a very simple text game using Objective C and Xcode. It is almost done but I am having a problem, the scanf method stops the loop and asks for user input while I need the computer to be running the rest of the loop, the solution I came up with was running two while loops at the same time, one being the logic loop and another being a loop for user input.
I have been doing my research and it looks like using threads are the way to go, I just have not found a tutorial that will break it down for a n00b in Objective C (I am decent in java, I just have never worked with threads). If anybody could explain them or link me to a very broken down tutorial that would be great. Or if anybody has another idea I am open to anything else.
Necessary Code (The scanf I am having a problem with has asterisks on the line):
while(running != 0)
if(gameState == 1)
if(timeToGenerateNum == true)
while(randNumber < 10000000)
randNumber = arc4random() % 100000000;
NSLog(#"%i", randNumber);
timeToGenerateNum = false;
while(time <= 2500)
******************scanf("%i", &userNum);************************
if(userNum == randNumber)
score += time;
time = 0;
timeToGenerateNum = true;
NSLog(#"Game Over! Your score was %i!", score);
running = 0;
else if(gameState == 2)
NSLog(#"To play, simply type in the number that appears on the screen.");
NSLog(#"But be careful, you only have a short amount of time before GAME OVER!");
NSLog(#"The quicker you type in the number the more score you get!");
NSLog(#"Are you ready to start, if so type '1' and press enter!");
scanf("%i", &gameState);
You're going to have to learn a bit about BSD (Unix, Linux) input/output to pull this off: replace your call to scanf with a non-blocking function you write to acquire input from the user's keyboard.
This function should immediately return whatever the user typed, or immediately return with a zero character count if she didn't type anything.
Read up on the select(2) system call, and keep in mind that keyboard input (standard input) is the first file descriptor, file descriptor zero.

Realloc not expanding my array

I'm having trouble implementing realloc in a very basic way.
I'm trying to expand the region of memory at **ret, which is pointing to an array of structs
with ret = realloc(ret, newsize); and based on my debug strings I know newsize is correctly increasing over the course of the loop (going from the original size of 4 to 8 to 12 etc.), but when I do sizeof(ptr) it's still returning the original size of 4, and the things I'm trying to place into the newly allocated space can't be found (I think I've narrowed it down to realloc() which is why I'm formatting the question like this)
I can post the function in it's entirety if the problem isn't immediately evident to you, I'm just trying to not "cheat" with my homework too much (the code is kind of messy right now anyway, with heavy use of printf() for debug).
[EDIT] Alright, so based on your answers I'm failing at debugging my code, so I guess I'll post the whole function so you can tell me more about what I'm doing wrong.
(You can ignore the printf()'s since most of that is debug that isn't even working)
Booking **bookingSelectPaid(Booking **booking) {
Booking **ret = malloc(sizeof(Booking*));
printf("Initial address of ret = %p\n", ret);
size_t i = 0;
int numOfPaid = 0;
while (booking[i] != NULL)
if (booking[i]->paid == 1)
printf("Paying customer! sizeof(Booking*) = %d\n", (int)sizeof(Booking*));
size_t newsize = sizeof(Booking*) * (numOfPaid + 1);
printf("Newsize = %d\n", (int)newsize);
Booking **temp = realloc(NULL, (size_t)newsize);
if (temp != NULL)
printf("Expansion success! => %p sizeof(new pointer) = %d ret = %p\n", temp, (int)sizeof(temp), ret);
ret = realloc(ret, newsize);
ret[i] = booking[i];
ret[i+1] = NULL;
printf("Sizeof(ret) = %d numOfPaid = %d\n", (int)sizeof(ret), numOfPaid);
return ret; }
[EDIT2] --> http://pastebin.com/xjzUBmPg
[EDIT3] Just to be clear, the printf's, the temp pointer and things of that nature are debug, and not part of the intended functionality. The line that is puzzling me is either the one with realloc(ret, newsize); or ret[i] = booking[i]
Basically I know for sure that booking contains a table of structs that ends in NULL, and I'm trying to bring the ones that have a specific value set to 1 (paid) onto the new table, which is what my main() is trying to get from this function... So where am I going wrong?
I think the problem here is that your sizeof(ptr) only returns the size of the pointer, which will depend on your architecture (you say 4, so that would mean you're running a 32-bit system).
If you allocate memory dynamically, you have to keep track of its size yourself.
Because sizeof(ptr) returns the size of the pointer, not the allocated size
Yep, sizeof(ptr) is a constant. As the other answer says, depends on the architecture. On a 32 bit architecture it will be 4 and on a 64 bit architecture it will be 8. If you need more help with questions like that this homework help web site can be great for you.
Good luck.

Parse VCALENDAR (ics) with Objective-C

I'm looking for an easy way to parse VCALENDAR data with objective-c. Specifically all I am concerned with is the FREEBUSY data (See below):
I've tried parsing it by using componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n", but there is a \n in part of the FREEBUSY data, causing it to not parse correctly.
Is there something easy that I'm missing?
The \n in the middle of FREEBUSY data is a part of the iCalendar spec; according to RFC 2445, the newline followed by a space is the correct way to split long lines, so you'll probably see a lot of this in scanning FREEBUSY data.
As Nathan suggests, an NSScanner may be all you need if the data you're expecting will be reasonably consistent. There are a number of vagaries in iCalendar, though, so I often find myself using libical to parse ics info. An quick-and-dirty example of parsing this data using libical:
NSString *caldata = #"BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERS....etc";
icalcomponent *root = icalparser_parse_string([caldata cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
if (root) {
icalcomponent *c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(root, ICAL_VFREEBUSY_COMPONENT);
while (c) {
icalproperty *p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c, ICAL_FREEBUSY_PROPERTY);
while (p) {
icalvalue *v = icalproperty_get_value(p);
// This gives: 20090605T170000Z/20090605T200000Z
// (note that stringWithCString is deprecated)
NSLog(#"FREEBUSY Value: %#", [NSString stringWithCString:icalvalue_as_ical_string(v)]);
icalparameter *m = icalproperty_get_first_parameter(p, ICAL_FBTYPE_PARAMETER);
while (m) {
// This gives: FBTYPE=BUSY
NSLog(#"Parameter: %#", [NSString stringWithCString:icalparameter_as_ical_string(m)]);
m = icalproperty_get_next_parameter(p, ICAL_FBTYPE_PARAMETER);
p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c, ICAL_FREEBUSY_PROPERTY);
c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(root, ICAL_VFREEBUSY_COMPONENT);
Documentation for libical is in the project download itself (see UsingLibical.txt). There's also this lovely tutorial on shipping libical in your application bundle.
Take a look at NSScanner.