Easiest way to find a value in one of three columns? - sql

I am using twilio to provide audio conference functionality in my rails app. When I call my conference number, twilio passes on a couple of values - including 'From' which contains the caller's phone number in international format.
I have a profile for every user in my system and in my controller I am querying the profile to provide a personalised welcome message. Every profile contains between 0 and 3 numbers (primary, secondary and cellphone) and I need to check the caller's ID against those three fields in all profiles.
When I use the console on my dev machine, the following code finds the correct profile:
When I upload to heroku, I use following code instead:
name = Profile.find_by(params['From']) || 'there'
Which causes an error in my app:
2014-04-03T19:20:22.801284+00:00 app[web.1]: PG::DatatypeMismatch: ERROR: argument of WHERE must be type boolean, not type bigint
2014-04-03T19:20:22.801284+00:00 app[web.1]: LINE 1: SELECT "profiles".* FROM "profiles" WHERE (+4400000000) ...
Any suggestion how that could be solved?
Additional information:
I think my problem is that I don't know how to query either the whole profile or three columns at once. Right now the code:
name = Profile.find_by(params['From'])
is not correct (params['From'] contains a phone number) because I am not telling rails to query the columns primary phone number, secondary phone number and cellphone. Neither am I querying the whole profile which would also be an option.
So the question basically is:
How can I change this code:
so that it queries either all fields in all profiles or just the three columns with phone numbers which each profile contains?
Is there something like Profile.where(:primary_number).or.where(:secondary_number)or.where(:cellphone) => params['From']

I am not familiar with twilio and not sure if this helps but find and find_by_attribute_name accepts array of values as options:
name = Profile.find_by([params['From'], 'there'] )
suppose params['From'] was here , This should generate:
SELECT `profiles`.* FROM `profiles` WHERE `profiles`.`attribute` IN ('here', 'there')
If you are trying to build dynamic matcher at run time , which is called Meta-programming , you can try this code:
name = eval("Profile.find_by_#{params['From']) || 'there'}(#rest of query params here) ")
First of all, i think you are not using find_by correctly!! the correct syntax is:
Model.find_by(attribute_name: value)
Profile.find_by(phone_number: '0123456')
Which will call where and retrive one record, but passing a value will generate a condition that always passes, for example:
#will generate SQL like:
SELECT `models`.* FROM `models` WHERE ('wrong_condition') LIMIT 1
#which will return the first record in the model since there is no valid condition here
Why don't you try:
Profile.where('primary_number = ? OR secondary_number = ? OR cellphone = ?', params['From'], params['From'], params['From'])

You can write your query like:
Profile.where("primary_number = ? or secondary_number = ? or cellphone = ?", params['From'])
Just double check the syntax, but that should do it.


Error: Not found: Dataset my-project-name:domain_public was not found in location US

I need to make a query for a dataset provided by a public project. I created my own project and added their dataset to my project. There is a table named: domain_public. When I make query to this table I get this error:
Query Failed
Error: Not found: Dataset my-project-name:domain_public was not found in location US
Job ID: my-project-name:US.bquijob_xxxx
I am from non-US country. What is the issue and how to fix it please?
I change the processing location to asia-northeast1 (I am based in Singapore) but the same error:
Error: Not found: Dataset censys-my-projectname:domain_public was not found in location asia-northeast1
Here is a view of my project and the public project censys-io:
Please advise.
The query I used to type is based on censys tutorial is:
SELECT domain, alexa_rank
FROM domain_public.current
WHERE p443.https.tls.cipher_suite = 'some_cipher_suite_goes_here';
When I changed the FROM clause to:
FROM `censys-io.domain_public.current`
And the last line to:
WHERE p443.https.tls.cipher_suite.name = 'some_cipher_suite_goes_here';
It worked. Shall I understand that I should always include the projectname.dataset.table (if I'm using the correct terms) and point the typo the Censys? Or is this special case to this project for some reason?
BigQuery can't find your data
How to fix it
Make sure your FROM location contains 3 parts
A project (e.g. bigquery-public-data)
A database (e.g. hacker_news)
A table (e.g. stories)
Like so
*note the backticks
FROM `stories`
FROM `hacker_news.stories`
FROM `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.stories`
In Web UI - click Show Options button and than select your location for "Processing Location"!
Specify the location in which the query will execute. Queries that run in a specific location may only reference data in that location. For data in US/EU, you may choose Unspecified to run the query in the location where the data resides. For data in other locations, you must specify the query location explicitly.
As it stated above - Queries that run in a specific location may only reference data in that location
Assuming that censys-io.domain_public dataset has its data in US - you need to specify US for Processing Location
The problem turned out to be due to wrong table name in the FROM clause.
The right FROM clause should be:
FROM `censys-io.domain_public.current`
While I was typing:
FROM domain_public.current
So the project name is required in the FROM and `` are required because of - in the project name.
Make sure your FROM location contains 3 parts as #stevec mentioned
A project (e.g. bigquery-public-data)
A database (e.g. hacker_news)
A table (e.g. stories)
But in my case, I was using the LegacySql within the Google script editor, so in that case you need to state that to false, for example:
var projectId = 'xxxxxxx';
var request = {
query: 'select * from project.database.table',
useLegacySql: false
var queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.query(request, projectId);
check exact case [upper or lower] and spelling of table or view name.
copy it from table definition and your problem will be solved.
i was using FPL009_Year_Categorization instead of FPL009_Year_categorization
using c as C and getting the error "not found in location asia-south1"
I copied with exact case and problem is resolved.
On your Big Query console, go to the Data Explorer on the left pane, click the small three dots, then select query option from the list. This step confirms you choose the correct project and dataset. Then you can edit the query on the query pane on the right.
may be dataset name changed in create dataset option. it should be US or default location
enter image description here

Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord query select only column string field value with where clause?

I was wondering if there is a way to use a select statement with a where clause similar to this way that does not seem to work for me in Ruby version 2.0/Rails 4.0 trying to retrieve a single record string value of a city where the building name is a certain name:
building_city = Building.select(:city).where(building_name: building).uniq
I have also tried:
building_city = Building.select(:city).where(building_name: building).distinct
Currently I have my code working like this:
building_city = Building.where(building_name: building).first
This grabs an entire Building object, and then I can call the city by doing a:
This works fine with what I am trying to achieve, but I was wondering if there is a smarter way to do this. Specifically, I was wondering if there is a way to grab only the string value of a city where the building name equals a certain building and store it into a variable?
Any help/advice is greatly appreciated! :)
Are you perhaps looking for pluck? Something like:
cities = Building.where(building_name: building).uniq.pluck(:city)
That will perform this SQL:
select distinct city from buildings where building_name = '...'
and give you the cities as an array of strings. You'll still get an array but a quick first call will take care of that if you're certain that there will only be one entry.
building_city = Building.select(:city, :building_name).where(building_name: building).uniq — you need to include the building_name
city = Building.where(building_name: building).pick(:city)
Rails 6 introduced pick method with works like where(..).pluck(..).first. Docs

How to use Bioproject ID, for example, PRJNA12997, in biopython?

I have an Excel file in which are given more then 2000 organisms, where each one of them has a Bioproject ID associated (like PRJNA12997). The idea is to use these IDs to get the sequence for a later multiple alignment with other five sequences that I have in a text file.
Can anyone help me understand how I can do this using biopython? At least the part with the bioproject ID.
You can first get the info using Bio.Entrez:
from Bio import Entrez
Entrez.email = "Your.Name.Here#example.org"
# This call to efetch fails sometimes with a 400 error.
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="bioproject", id="PRJNA12997")
I've been trying, and Entrez.read(handle) doesn't seems to work. But if you do record_xml = handle.read() you'll get the XML entry for this record. In this XML you can get the ID for the organism, in this case 12997.
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="nuccore", term="12997[BioProject]")
search_results = Entrez.read(handle)
Now you can efecth from your search results. At this point you should use Biopython to parse whatever you will get in the efetch step, playing with the rettype http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25499/table/chapter4.T._valid_values_of__retmode_and/
for result in search_results["IdList"]:
entry = Entrez.efetch(db="nuccore", id=result, rettype="fasta")
this_seq_in_fasta = entry.read()

Zoho Creator making a custom function for a report

Trying to wrap my head around zoho creator, its not as simple as they make it out to be for building apps… I have an inventory database, and i have four fields that I call to fill a field called Inventory Number (Inv_Num1) –
First Name (First_Name)
Last Name (Last_Name)
Year (Year)
Number (Number)
I have a Custom Function script that I call through a Custom Action in the form report. What I am trying to do is upload a CSV file with 900 entries. Of course, not all of those have those values (first/last/number) so I need to bulk edit all of them. However when I do the bulk edit, the Inv_Num1 field is not updated with the new values. I use the custom action to populate the Inv_Num1 field with the values of the other 4 fields.
Heres is my script:
void onetime.UpdateInv()
for each Inventory_Record in Management
FN = Inventory_Record.First_Name.subString(0,1);
LN = Inventory_Record.Last_Name.subString(0,1);
YR = Inventory_Record.Year.subString(2,4);
NO = Inventory_Record.Number;
outputstr = FN + LN + YR + NO;
Inventory_Record.Inv_Num1 = outputstr;
I get this error back when I try to run this function
Error in executing UpdateInv workflow.
Error in executing For Each Record task.
Error in executing Set Variable task. Unable to update template variable FN.
Error evaluating STRING expression :
Even though there is a First Name for example, it still thinks there is none. This only happens on the fields I changed with Bulk Edit. If I do each one by hand, then the custom action works—but of course then the Inv_Num1 is already updated through my edit on success functions and makes the whole thing moot.
this may be one year late, you might have found the solution but just to highlight, the error u were facing was just due to the null value in first name.
you just have put a null check on each field and u r good to go.
you can generate the inv_number on the time of bulk uploading also by adding null check in the same code on and placing the code on Add> On Submt.( just the part inside the loop )
the Better option would be using a formula field, you just have to put this formula in that formula field and you'll get your inventory_number autogenerated , you can rename the formula_field to Inv Number or whaterver u want.
Since you are using substring directly in year Field, I am assuming the
year field as string.else you would have to user Year.tostring().substring(2,4) & instead of if(Year=="","",...) you have to put if(Year==null , null,...);
so here's the formula
if(First_Name=="","",First_Name.subString(0,1))+if(Last_Name =="","",Last_Name.subString(0,1)) + if(Year=="","",Year.subString(2,4)+Number
Let me know ur response if u implement this.
Without knowing the datatype its difficult to fix, but making the assumption that your Inventory_Record.number is a numeric data item you are adding a string to a number:
The "+" is used for string Concatenation - Joiner but it also adds two numbers together so think "a" + "b" = "ab" for strings but for numbers 1 + 2 = 3.
All good, but when you do "a" + 2 the system doesn't know whether to add or concatenate so gives an error.

Rails3 Find Distinct gives result not object

I'm trying to select the User Id as a variable in the console however I keep ending up with:
[#<User id: 4>]
The find statement I have tried is:
userid = User.select('id').where('username = ?', 'uwZgf')
I've also tried with find_by_sql with same result.
What do I need to get the value out instead of the hash?
What you've got there is an array of one User object.
Would do the trick (you'd probably want to check the value returned by first before trying to call id on it.
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