MVC5 Actionlink: Pass data as query string -

Following is my Html.Actionlink
#Html.ActionLink("Change Team", "Edit", "UserPlayers", new { MatchId = ViewBag.MatchId, UserId = ViewBag.UserId })
When i run the application I get this
as a link.
I dont know from where is the "Length=11" coming.

You need to add a null as the last parameter:
#Html.ActionLink("Change Team", "Edit", "UserPlayers", new { MatchId = ViewBag.MatchId, UserId = ViewBag.UserId }, null)
Without this, you are using the wrong method overload for Html.ActionLink()


NHibernate Linq Expression dynamic projection

How can i dynamically change the selected columns in the generated sql query when using a linq expression?
Its a new session for each time the query is executed.
Even when I set the MapExp as null after first creation an then changing the bool value to false, it still generates the column in the sql query.
The code runs in a wpf application.
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<Entity, Model>> MapExp = x => new Model
Count= LoadFormulaField ? x.Count: null,
var result = session.Query<Entity>().Select(MapExp))
Your problem seems to be the ternary-conditional as part of the expression which is causing the "Count" column to always be queried.
One option to avoid this could be:
var query = session.Query<Entity>();
IQueryable<Model> result = null;
if (LoadFormulaField)
result = query.Select(x => new Model
Id = x.Id,
Count = x.Count,
result = query.Select(x => new Model
Id = x.Id,
Which would get a little less ugly if you separate in a couple of methods I think.

Get data from sql server to appear on Kendo Scheduler

I want to know how I can get the information that I have on a sql table into a Kendo scheduler. What I currently have in the server is the Start, End, StartTimeZone, EndTimeZone, Description, Title... etc. All the stuff you need for Kendo Scheduler, but I have many events that I need to make and put into a calendar format and the scheduler seems like the best way to do it. Right now my calendar view looks like this
.Date(new DateTime(2013, 6, 13))
.StartTime(new DateTime(2013, 6, 13, 7, 00, 00))
.Views(views =>
views.MonthView(MonthView => MonthView.Selected(true));
.DataSource(d => d
.Model(m =>
m.Id(f => f.LeaveRequestId);
m.Field(f => f.Title).DefaultValue("No title");
m.Field(f => f.EmployeeId).DefaultValue(1);
m.Field(f => f.Title).DefaultValue("No title");
m.RecurrenceId(f => f.LeaveRequestId);
.Read(read => read.Action("Read", "Home").Data("getAdditionalData"))
.Create("Create", "Home")
.Destroy("Destroy", "Home")
.Update("Update", "Home")
function getAdditionalData() {
var scheduler = $("#scheduler").data("kendoScheduler");
var timezone = scheduler.options.timezone;
var startDate = kendo.timezone.convert(scheduler.view().startDate(), timezone, "Etc/UTC");
var endDate = kendo.timezone.convert(scheduler.view().endDate(), timezone, "Etc/UTC");
//optionally add startTime / endTime of the view
var startTime =;
var endTime =;
endTime = endTime == 0 ? : endTime;
var result = {
Start: new Date(startDate.getTime() - (startDate.getTimezoneOffset() * + startTime),
End: new Date(endDate.getTime() - (endDate.getTimezoneOffset() * + endTime)
return result;
.invalid-slot {
background: red !important;
cursor: no-drop;
But I don't know what I need to do in the controllers and models, if anything.
I just completed the implementation of KendoUI Scheduler by integrating it with SQL data base. However, I made use of JavaScript API to do so in my MVC project.
To load the data i.e. "read" and perform insert, update and delete just return the model in JSON format from controller. The Scheduler will bind the data for you, if it gets the "know" format.
return Json(**censored**.Models.LeaveRequest, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Couple of important points:
1. KendoUI Scheduler depends a lot on unique id, so in case you have anything other than "id" - then "do" configure it in your scheduler.
In JS API it was done using following syntax, where EventID was the unique ID my SQL table.
schema: {
model: {
"id": "EventID",
"fields": {
"EventID": {
"type": "number"
Always return JSON data from your Insert, Update and Delete method from Controller. For instance:
public JsonResult UpdateCalendarEvent(string models)
return Json(censored.Models.LeaveRequest, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
In case of Insert, before returning the JSON object, do update the ID or EventID with latest row id, so Scheduler will sync up all data on client side and can perform update and delete operation appropriately.
Hope that helps!

Select a default value in dropdownlistfor MVC 4

I'm trying to make a dropdownlistfor with a selected value but it doesn't work :/ And I search on the web but I don't find the solution :/
For the moment, I'm doing this :
In C# :
ViewBag.ID_VEH = new SelectList(db.VEHI, "ID_VEH", "COD_VEH", 4); // 4 is an example
In my cshtml :
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.ID_VEH, ViewBag.ID_VEH as SelectList)
The dropdownlist is well complete but the default value is not selected :/ do you have an idea please ?
What I like to do is add a list of the items to display in the dropdownlist to my model, so I don't have to pass that list via a viewbag.
Also i like to add a field to my model that contains the SelectedValue, that I fill in the controller
Then you can do
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.ID_VEH, new SelectList(Model.listVEH, "ID_VEH", "COD_VEH", Model.SelectedVEH_ID), "--Select VEH--")
just set the initial value of model.ID_VEH to 4:
In the controller:
model.ID_VEH = 4;
Just in case someone has similar problems finding the answer:
I want to have view with the dropdown boxes have focus on the items i give (hardcoded) in the controller:
SGLDataRegistration.Models.DataRegistrationModel mdl = rwd.GetData(DateTime.Now.Year, currentWeek, DateTime.Now, 139, 1);
<div id="tempCustomerselect">
#Html.LabelFor(m => m.CustomerName)
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.PitchID, new SelectList((new SGLDataRegistration.Models.CustomerModel().GetRoles()).OrderBy(x => x.CustomerName), "PitchID", "CustomerName"), new {id = "ddlCustomer", #class="jsddlCustomer"})
In this GetData, i setthe desired values hardcoded:
public SGLDataRegistration.Models.DataRegistrationModel GetData(int year, int weekNumber, DateTime datum, int pitchID, int parameter)
DataRegistrationParameters drp = GetParameter(parameter);
//vul een instantie van het dataregistrationmodel
SGLDataRegistration.Models.DataRegistrationModel drm = new Models.DataRegistrationModel();
drm.WeekNumber = weekNumber;
drm.BeginDay = datum;
drm.Parameter = parameter;
drm.Year = year;
drm.PitchID = pitchID;

Different parameter name in MVC

In MVC 4 kendo grid, I have passed like this in link column.
.Bound(m => m.TID )
.ClientTemplate("<a href='"
+ Url.Action("AddMerchant", "Merchant", new { MerchantId = 10 ,AddressId = 30})
+ "'>Edit</a>");
so i got like this
But I need
/Merchant/AddMerchant/10/30 .
but if I get I can't able to read parameter value in action named like MerchantId and AddressId
You can achieve it by map custom routes to the RouteConfig.cs file for your controller and its action method:
name: "Merchant",
url: "Merchant/AddMerchant/{MerchantId}/{AddressId}",
defaults: new { controller = "Merchant", action = "AddMerchant }

Mongoskin findAndModify ID object id

Using nodejs, mongoskin.. I'd like to return the updated doc so Im using findAndModify, however the query {_id: "someid"} doesn't work. I think I need to use {id: ObjectID{'someid'} as the query. How do I get the ObjectId type into JS?
try this:
ObjectID = require('mongoskin').ObjectID
{_id: new ObjectID("someid")}
Here is a solution
var mongo = require("mongoskin");
var conn = mongo.db(YOUR_DETAILS);
var BSON = mongo.BSONPure;
this enables you to convert your id int, string or whatever using:
conn.collection(YOUR_COLLECTION).find({_id:new BSON.ObjectID(YOUR_ID)})
Hope that helps!
You can do something like:
yourCollection = db.collections('yourCollection');
{ _id:"someId") }